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Last active December 28, 2015 22:29
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  • Save gregneagle/7571880 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gregneagle/7571880 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# - for test error codes
# Notes:
# - Errors are only thrown when the connection:
# - Is interrupted before the headers can complete
# - SSL couldn't happen correctly
# - The connection never happens
# - A delegate.response always has a NSHTTPURLResponse key for HTTP/HTTPS
# For a file:// transfer, it's NSURLResponse
import os
import sys
import xattr
from Foundation import NSRunLoop, NSDate
from Foundation import NSObject, NSURL, NSURLConnection
from Foundation import NSMutableURLRequest
from Foundation import NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
from Foundation import NSURLResponseUnknownLength
from Foundation import NSLog
from Foundation import NSString, NSUTF8StringEncoding
from Foundation import NSURLCredential, NSURLCredentialPersistenceNone
from Foundation import NSData, \
NSPropertyListSerialization, \
NSPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, \
ssl_error_codes = {-9800: u'SSL protocol error',
-9801: u'Cipher Suite negotiation failure',
-9802: u'Fatal alert',
-9803: u'I/O would block (not fatal)',
-9804: u'Attempt to restore an unknown session',
-9805: u'Connection closed gracefully',
-9806: u'Connection closed via error',
-9807: u'Invalid certificate chain',
-9808: u'Bad certificate format',
-9809: u'Underlying cryptographic error',
-9810: u'Internal error',
-9811: u'Module attach failure',
-9812: u'Valid cert chain, untrusted root',
-9813: u'Cert chain not verified by root',
-9814: u'Chain had an expired cert',
-9815: u'Chain had a cert not yet valid',
-9816: u'Server closed session with no notification',
-9817: u'Insufficient buffer provided',
-9818: u'Bad SSLCipherSuite',
-9819: u'Unexpected message received',
-9820: u'Bad MAC',
-9821: u'Decryption failed',
-9822: u'Record overflow',
-9823: u'Decompression failure',
-9824: u'Handshake failure',
-9825: u'Misc. bad certificate',
-9826: u'Bad unsupported cert format',
-9827: u'Certificate revoked',
-9828: u'Certificate expired',
-9829: u'Unknown certificate',
-9830: u'Illegal parameter',
-9831: u'Unknown Cert Authority',
-9832: u'Access denied',
-9833: u'Decoding error',
-9834: u'Decryption error',
-9835: u'Export restriction',
-9836: u'Bad protocol version',
-9837: u'Insufficient security',
-9838: u'Internal error',
-9839: u'User canceled',
-9840: u'No renegotiation allowed',
-9841: u'Peer cert is valid, or was ignored if verification disabled',
-9842: u'Server has requested a client cert',
-9843: u'Peer host name mismatch',
-9844: u'Peer dropped connection before responding',
-9845: u'Decryption failure',
-9846: u'Bad MAC',
-9847: u'Record overflow',
-9848: u'Configuration error',
-9849: u'Unexpected (skipped) record in DTLS'}
class Gurl(NSObject):
GURL_XATTR = 'com.googlecode.munki.downloadData'
def initWithOptions_(self, options):
self = super(Gurl, self).init()
if not self:
self.follow_redirects = options.get('follow_redirects') or False
self.destination_path = options.get('file')
self.can_resume = options.get('can_resume') or False
self.url = options.get('url')
self.additional_headers = options.get('additional_headers') or {}
self.username = options.get('username')
self.password = options.get('password')
self.download_only_if_changed = options.get('download_only_if_changed') or False
self.connection_timeout = options.get('connection_timeout') or 10
self.resume = False
self.response = None
self.headers = None
self.status = None
self.error = None
self.SSLerror = None
self.done = False
self.redirection = []
self.destination = None
self.bytesReceived = 0
self.expectedLength = -1
self.percentComplete = 0
self.connection = None
return self
def start(self):
if not self.destination_path:
NSLog('No output file specified.')
self.done = True
url = NSURL.URLWithString_(self.url)
request = NSMutableURLRequest.requestWithURL_cachePolicy_timeoutInterval_(
url, NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData, self.connection_timeout)
if self.additional_headers:
for header, value in self.additional_headers.items():
request.setValue_forHTTPHeaderField_(value, header)
# does the file already exist?
if os.path.isfile(self.destination_path):
stored_data = self.get_stored_headers()
if (self.can_resume and 'expected-length' in stored_data
and ('last-modified' in stored_data or 'etag' in stored_data)):
# we have a partial file and we're allowed to resume
self.resume = True
local_filesize = os.path.getsize(self.destination_path)
byte_range = 'bytes=%s-' % local_filesize
request.setValue_forHTTPHeaderField_(byte_range, 'Range')
elif self.download_only_if_changed:
if 'last-modified' in stored_data:
request.setValue_forHTTPHeaderField_(stored_data['last-modified'], 'if-modified-since')
if 'etag' in stored_data:
request.setValue_forHTTPHeaderField_(stored_data['etag'], 'if-none-match')
self.connection = NSURLConnection.alloc().initWithRequest_delegate_(request, self)
def cancel(self):
if self.connection:
self.done = True
def isDone(self):
if self.done:
return self.done
# let the delegates do their thing
return self.done
def get_stored_headers(self):
'''Returns any stored headers for self.destination_path'''
# try to read stored headers
stored_plist_str = xattr.getxattr(self.destination_path, self.GURL_XATTR)
except (KeyError, IOError):
return {}
data = buffer(stored_plist_str)
dataObject, plistFormat, error = \
data, NSPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves, None, None)
if error:
return {}
return dataObject
def store_headers(self, headers):
'''Store dictionary data as an xattr for self.destination_path'''
plistData, error = \
headers, NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0, None)
if error:
string = ''
string = str(plistData)
xattr.setxattr(self.destination_path, self.GURL_XATTR, string)
def normalize_header_dict(self, a_dict):
'''Since HTTP header names are not case-sensitive, we normalize a
dictionary of HTTP headers by converting all the key names to lower case'''
new_dict = {}
for key, value in a_dict.items():
new_dict[key.lower()] = value
return new_dict
def connection_didFailWithError_(self, connection, error):
self.error = error
# If this was an SSL error, try to extract the SSL error code.
if 'NSUnderlyingError' in error.userInfo():
ssl_code = error.userInfo()['NSUnderlyingError'].userInfo().get('_kCFNetworkCFStreamSSLErrorOriginalValue', None)
if ssl_code:
self.SSLerror = (ssl_code, ssl_error_codes.get(ssl_code, 'Unknown SSL error'))
print error.userInfo()
self.done = True
if self.destination and self.destination_path:
# delete it? Might not want to...
def connectionDidFinishLoading_(self, connection):
self.done = True
if self.destination and self.destination_path:
# remove the expected-size from the stored headers
headers = self.get_stored_headers()
if 'expected-length' in headers:
del headers['expected-length']
def connection_didReceiveResponse_(self, connection, response):
self.response = response
self.bytesReceived = 0
self.percentComplete = -1
self.expectedLength = response.expectedContentLength()
download_data = {}
if response.className() == u'NSHTTPURLResponse':
# Headers and status code only available for HTTP/S transfers
self.status = response.statusCode()
self.headers = dict(response.allHeaderFields())
normalized_headers = self.normalize_header_dict(self.headers)
if 'last-modified' in normalized_headers:
download_data['last-modified'] = normalized_headers['last-modified']
if 'etag' in normalized_headers:
download_data['etag'] = normalized_headers['etag']
download_data['expected-length'] = self.expectedLength
if not self.destination and self.destination_path:
if self.resume:
stored_data = self.get_stored_headers()
if (not stored_data
or stored_data.get('etag') != download_data.get('etag')
or stored_data.get('last-modified') != download_data.get('last-modified')):
# file on server is different than the one we have a partial for
NSLog('Can\'t resume download; file on server has changed.')
self.done = True
NSLog('Removing %s' % self.destination_path)
# need to set some error
# try to resume
NSLog('Resuming download for %s' % self.destination_path)
# add existing file size to bytesReceived so far
local_filesize = os.path.getsize(self.destination_path)
self.bytesReceived = local_filesize
self.expectedLength += local_filesize
# open file for append
self.destination = open(self.destination_path, 'a')
# not resuming, just open the file for writing
self.destination = open(self.destination_path, 'w')
# store some headers with the file for use if we need to resume the download
# and for future checking if the file on the server has changed
def connection_willSendRequest_redirectResponse_(self, connection, request, response):
if response == None:
# This isn't a real redirect, this is without talking to a server.
# Pass it back as-is
return request
# But if we're here, it appears to be a real redirect attempt
# Annoyingly, we apparently can't get access to the headers from the site that told us to redirect.
# All we know is that we were told to redirect and where the new location is.
newURL = request.URL().absoluteString()
self.redirection.append([newURL, dict(response.allHeaderFields())])
if self.follow_redirects:
# Allow the redirect
NSLog('Allowing redirect to: %s' % newURL)
return request
# Deny the redirect
NSLog('Denying redirect to: %s' % newURL)
return None
def connection_canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace_(self, connection, protectionSpace):
# this is not called in 10.5.x.
if protectionSpace:
host =
realm = protectionSpace.realm()
authenticationMethod = protectionSpace.authenticationMethod()
NSLog('Protection space found. Host: %s Realm: %s AuthMethod: %s'
% (host, realm, authenticationMethod))
if self.username and self.password and authenticationMethod in [
# we know how to handle this
NSLog('Can handle this authentication request')
return True
# we don't know how to handle this; let the OS try
NSLog('Allowing OS to handle authentication request')
return False
def connection_didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge_(self, connection, challenge):
protectionSpace = challenge.protectionSpace()
host =
realm = protectionSpace.realm()
authenticationMethod = protectionSpace.authenticationMethod()
NSLog('Authentication challenge for Host: %s Realm: %s AuthMethod: %s'
% (host, realm, authenticationMethod))
if challenge.previousFailureCount() > 0:
# we have the wrong credentials. just fail
NSLog('Previous authentication attempt failed.')
if self.username and self.password and authenticationMethod in [
NSLog('Will attempt to authenticate.')
NSLog('Username: %s Password: %s' % (self.username, ('*' * len(self.password or ''))))
credential = NSURLCredential.credentialWithUser_password_persistence_(
self.username, self.password, NSURLCredentialPersistenceNone)
challenge.sender().useCredential_forAuthenticationChallenge_(credential, challenge)
# fall back to system-provided default behavior
NSLog('Continuing without credential.')
def connection_didReceiveData_(self, connection, data):
if self.destination_path:
print NSString.alloc().initWithData_encoding_(data, NSUTF8StringEncoding)
self.bytesReceived += len(data)
if self.expectedLength != NSURLResponseUnknownLength:
self.percentComplete = int(float(self.bytesReceived)/float(self.expectedLength)*100.0)
def run_connection(options):
print "\n***Testing %s (%s)...***" % (options['url'], options.get('note'))
connection = Gurl.alloc().initWithOptions_(options)
percent_complete = -1
bytes_received = 0
while not connection.isDone():
if connection.destination_path:
# only print progress info if we are writing to a file
if connection.percentComplete != -1:
if connection.percentComplete != percent_complete:
percent_complete = connection.percentComplete
print 'Percent complete: %s' % percent_complete
elif connection.bytesReceived != bytes_received:
bytes_received = connection.bytesReceived
print 'Bytes received: %s' % bytes_received
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
# safely kill the connection then fall through
except Exception: # too general, I know
# Let us out! ... Safely! Unexpectedly quit dialogs are annoying ...
# Re-raise the error
if connection.error != None:
print 'Error:', (connection.error.code(), connection.error.localizedDescription())
if connection.SSLerror:
print 'SSL error:', connection.SSLerror
if connection.response != None:
# print 'Response:', dir(connection.response)
print 'Status:', connection.status
print 'Headers:', connection.headers
if connection.redirection != []:
print 'Redirection:', connection.redirection
# Stuff we might need to specify:
# url
# file_destination
# resume_partial_download?
# username
# password
# additional_headers
# follow_redirects?
# progress info?
# client cert (to verify client to server)
# cacert(s) (to help client verify server)
# some URLs for testing
# - Untrusted CA
# - Expired cert
# - Wrong hostname for cert
# - Revoked cert
# - Status codes on-demand
# - HTTP to HTTPS redirect
# -- HTTP Basic Authentication; username test password test
# file:///Users/someone/Desktop/something - a file URL"""
#'Authorization': 'Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0' (corresponds to username:test, password:test)
def main():
test_list = [
'note': 'Untrusted CA',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'note': 'Expired cert',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'note': 'Wrong hostname for cert',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'note': 'Revoked cert',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'note': 'HTTP to HTTPS redirect',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'follow_redirects': True,
'note': '301 redirect',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'follow_redirects': True,
'note': '302 redirect',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'follow_redirects': True,
'note': '307 redirect',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'follow_redirects': True,
'note': 'HTTP Basic Authentication with username and password',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'username': 'test',
'password': 'test',
'note': 'HTTP Basic Authentication with header',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'additional_headers': {'Authorization': 'Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0'},
'note': 'HTTP Digest Authentication',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'username': 'user',
'password': 'passwd',
'note': 'Downloading a big file',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'can_resume': False,
'download_only_if_changed': False,
'note': 'Downloading a big file only if changed.',
'url': '',
'file': '/tmp/foo',
'can_resume': True,
'download_only_if_changed': True,
for options in test_list:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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