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Last active September 8, 2023 11:21
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Simulate sequence reads from AlphaSimR population
#' @rdname simulateSeqReads
#' @title Simulation of sequencing reads (alleles) for bi-allelic loci
#' @description Simulation of sequencing reads (alleles) for bi-allelic loci
#' @param geno matrix, genotypes coded as 0, 1, and 2 with individuals in rows
#' and loci in columns (see \code{\link{pullSegSiteGeno}}, \code{\link{pullSnpGeno}},
#' and similar functions)
#' @param depth numeric, sequencing depth, average number of times a locus is
#' sequenced
#' @param error numeric, sequencing/alignment/calling error rate [0,1]
#' @param model character, PoissonGamma or Poisson
#' @param gamma numeric, shape parameter for gamma distribution in the
#' PoissonGamma model
#' @param pool logical, should the sequence reads from individuals be pooled;
#' note that sequencing \code{depth} is still per individuals and we return
#' only one "individual"
#' @amplify numeric, additional depth for specific loci provided as a vector
#' of length equal to the number of loci (see example)
#' @return matrix with two rows per individual, the first (second) row contains
#' the number of sequence reads for the reference (alternative) allele
#' @details Ideally we would simulate sequence reads and whole alignment and
#' calling process, but this would take a lot of time. Instead we simulate
#' alele reads directly.
#' This simulation involves four processes that stack upon each other:
#' 1) Locus-specific sequencability
#' This mimcs the fact that some loci in the DNA generate more sequence reads
#' or are such reads more aligbnable to reference genome or other locus specific
#' stuff. We simulate this sequencability once for the genome and keep it
#' fixed across individuals. We use gamma distribution for this with shape = 4
#' and rate = 1 / 4 following some publication I found back in the day from
#' the Abecasis lab (TODO CITE).
#' 2) Number of locus reads for individual
#' Since sequencing is a random process (we randomly amplify DNA fragments and
#' sequence the at random) we get different number of sequence reads per locus
#' per individual. We use Poisson distribution for this with mean equal to
#' sequencing depth, multiplied by sequencability so we get locus-specific
#' sequencing depth.
#' 3) Allele reads for individual
#' Depending on the actual genotype of individual we sequence reference or
#' alternative alleles. We conveniently sample this from binomial distribution
#' with probability for the alternative allele equaling genotype dosage / 2.
#' 4) Error
#' A sequence read can be wrong. We sample how many reads are wrong and then
#' flip allele read. We flip in both directions at random.
#' @examples
#' founderPop <- quickHaplo(nInd = 3, nChr = 2, segSites = 10)
#' SP <- SimParam$new(founderPop)
#' pop <- newPop(founderPop)
#' # True genotype
#' (geno <- pullSegSiteGeno(pop))
#' # High coverage sequencing (without error)
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 100, error = 0)
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 100, error = 0) # repeat to show the noisy outcome
#' # High coverage sequencing (with high error)
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 100, error = 0.1)
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 100, error = 0.1) # repeat to show the noisy outcome
#' # Low coverage sequencing
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 1)
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 1) # repeat to show the noisy outcome
#' # Pool sequencing
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 30, pool = TRUE)
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 30, pool = TRUE) # repeat to show the noisy outcome
#' # Low coverage sequencing with amplified loci (one locus per chromosome)
#' nLoci <- pop@nLoci[1]
#' nChr <- pop@nChr
#' amplicon <- rep(0, times = nLoci * nChr)
#' tmp <- sample(1:nLoci, size = nChr, replace = TRUE)
#' sites <- tmp + (0:(nChr - 1)) * nLoci
#' amplicon[sites] <- 30
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 1, amplify = amplicon)
#' simulateSeqReads(geno, depth = 1, amplify = amplicon) # repeat to show the noisy outcome
#' # Targeted high coverage sequencing (just few sites)
#' (targetGeno <- geno[, c(1, 5, 10, 11, 15, 20)]) # select targeted regions/loci
#' simulateSeqReads(targetGeno, depth = 100, error = 0)
#' @export
simulateSeqReads <- function(geno, depth, error = 0.01,
model = "PoissonGamma", gamma = 4,
pool = FALSE, amplify = 0) {
nLoci <- ncol(geno)
nInd <- nrow(geno)
if (any(geno > 2)) {
stop("Works only with diploid genotypes! Pathches are welcome!")
ret <- matrix(data = 0L, nrow = nInd * 2, ncol = nLoci)
colnames(ret) <- colnames(geno)
rownames(ret) <- c(t(outer(X = rownames(geno), Y = c(0, 1), FUN = paste, sep = "_")))
if (pool) {
retPool <- ret[1:2, ]
rownames(retPool) <- c("pool_0", "pool_1")
hap1 <- 1
hap2 <- hap1 + 1
depth <- depth + amplify
if (model == "PoissonGamma") {
depth <- depth * rgamma(n = nLoci, shape = gamma, scale = 1 / gamma)
for (ind in 1:nInd) {
# ind <- 1
nReads <- rpois(n = nLoci, lambda = depth)
altAllele <- rbinom(n = nLoci, size = nReads, prob = geno[ind, ] / 2)
refAllele <- nReads - altAllele
if (error > 0) {
eAlt <- rbinom(n = nLoci, size = altAllele, prob = error)
eRef <- rbinom(n = nLoci, size = refAllele, prob = error)
refAllele <- refAllele - eRef + eAlt
refAllele[refAllele < 0] <- 0
altAllele <- altAllele - eAlt + eRef
altAllele[altAllele < 0] <- 0
ret[hap1, ] <- refAllele
ret[hap2, ] <- altAllele
if (pool) {
retPool[1, ] <- retPool[1, ] + ret[hap1, ]
retPool[2, ] <- retPool[2, ] + ret[hap2, ]
hap1 <- hap1 + 2
hap2 <- hap1 + 1
if (pool){
ret <- retPool
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