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Last active April 27, 2019 04:30
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Pairin Survey


Top Thinking Style


Imaginative-Inspirational thinkers enjoy bringing new ideas and tangible products into being. They are often attuned to atmospher, mood and aesthetics. Their thinking draws upon intuitive processes, emotion, expression and interaction with their external world. They like to picture both past and future scenarios, and to discern underlying elements of order in disorder, harmony in disharmony, and even sense in nonsense.

Stongest Driver


Enthusiast approach life with authenticity, spontaneity and passion. They tend to radiate that special something, living their lives fully engaged and meaningfully connected. Often compassionate and generous, these individuals tend to invigorate those around them and bring new vitality to situations. Others tend to gravitate toward their energy and presence. With imagination and humor, high scorers may seek pleasure and playfulness in their encounters.

Top EQ Competency

Can-Do Attitude

Can-Do people maintain (or regain) functionality and vitality despite trouble or setback. They effectively combine strength and adaptability. Natural confidence and a positive outlook allow them to view difficulty as opportunity and failure as growth. They assume that their personal best is yet to come and dont get stuck in disappointment. Instead, they envision the bright and assorted benefits that will result from the eventual attainment of their goals.

Highest Virtue Class

Lover of Trancendence

Lovers of transcendence appreciate the extraordinary amid the ordinary. They make time to listen, seek and discover new revelations about themselves and others. Open to beauty, meaning and purpose, they look for ways to connect with what is "above and beyond" their limitations. Their lives are enriched by a strong measure of gratitude, humor, playfulness, and acceptance of what they can't control. They can discover fresh and startling ideas, and are able to genuinely grapple with mystery and what is sacred in life. Others may see them as obscure, speculative or idealistic.


I don't think that there are too many surprises in these answers. I have been working for awhile and I have a good professional relationship with myself. I believe that Imaginative-Inspirational fits my mold most appropriately in comparison to the others. I believe that my imginitive side was honed in my work as a pre-shool teacher and my inspirational was shaped during my time in the Army. What I am taking from that last line is that I am able to differentiate between what is working and what is not. I can also celebrate and amplify things that I want to acknowledge, and maybe just accept the inadequcies that I am forced to live with.

I wouldn't have labeled myself an enthusiast, but reading the definition makes me think of myself. I do want to bring vitality to new project and I want to bring others up as well with my attitude. I do think that I can bring humor to lighten a tough situation and I really believe that if the group stays together and maintains a certain level of amicability, we will be able to accomplish any goal.

Similarly, I wouldn't have chosen Can-Do attitude for myself, but reading the definition puts it in better perspective. I consider myself more of a realist than an optimist, but I always think that I am capable of completing any goal within reason. I don't believe that I get stuck in disappointment, but I would not say that I am immune to disappointment either. I think that I will use that to do better the next time and use it as a learning experience.

I think the most spot-on is the final one. I love when I can find extraordinary in ordinary. Our lives are fairly mundane. The average person is exactly that. Average. But! Within each of us there is something that we do, or we did, or are capable of doing that is special. That thing may also be mundane, like folding 10 loads of laundry without stopping, or meal-prepping all your meals for the week, running your first 5k- but it is great! You are doing today what will make you better tomorrow. If just showing up was the hard part, lets celebrate that, but once your there, challenge yourself again tomorrow to do something that is a bit more than you thought you were capable of.

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Thank you for these responses Greg. I'm happy to hear your analysis of your strengths and your general approach to life. You are doing today what will make you better tomorrow. If just showing up was the hard part, lets celebrate that, but once your there, challenge yourself again tomorrow to do something that is a bit more than you thought you were capable of. This thought is particularly encouraging to hear as you're heading in. It's the perfect example of a growth mindset, and it is what is necessary to be successful in this program. I want to advocate for you to be yourself and bring that humor and energy to your cohort. It will be contagious and will help people relax who are not as extroverted. Generally, we see the cohorts that become closest have the most success. Keep building on these strengths and keep building your unique story that can compel employers to hire you. I'm excited for your journey to continue. Thanks for your participation in Mod-0.

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