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Created July 8, 2010 00:20
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Network.ConnectionPool
( withConnection
, newConnectionPool
, closeConnectionPool
, ConnectionPool
) where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Strict
import Control.Exception
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
data NFData conn => ConnectionPool conn =
{ poolCreateConn :: IO conn
, poolDestroyConn :: conn -> IO ()
, poolConnections :: MVar [conn]
, poolMax :: Int }
-- | given a creation function and a teardown function, make a new connection
-- | pool
newConnectionPool :: NFData conn =>
IO conn
-> (conn -> IO ())
-> Int
-> IO (ConnectionPool conn)
newConnectionPool create destroy maxconns = do
mvar <- newMVar []
return $ ConnectionPool create destroy mvar maxconns
-- | Execute an action with a connection from the pool.
withConnection :: NFData conn =>
ConnectionPool conn
-> (conn -> IO a)
-> IO a
withConnection !pool !action =
bracketOnError (getConnection pool)
(poolDestroyConn pool)
(\c -> do
r <- action c
releaseConnection pool c
return r)
-- | Close all open connection in a connection pool
closeConnectionPool :: NFData conn =>
ConnectionPool conn -> IO ()
closeConnectionPool !pool =
modifyMVar_ (poolConnections pool) $ \cs -> do
mapM_ (poolDestroyConn pool) cs
return []
getConnection :: NFData conn =>
ConnectionPool conn -> IO conn
getConnection !pool =
modifyMVar (poolConnections pool) $ \cs ->
if null cs then do
newconn <- (poolCreateConn pool)
return ([], newconn)
return (tail cs, head cs)
releaseConnection :: NFData conn =>
ConnectionPool conn -> conn -> IO ()
releaseConnection pool c =
modifyMVar_ (poolConnections pool) $ \cs ->
if length cs >= poolMax pool - 1 then do
poolDestroyConn pool c
return cs
return (cs ++ [c])
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