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Created March 3, 2011 10:28
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Copyright: 2010 John Millikin
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer:
-- Portability: portable
module Main (main) where
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import Data.Enumerator as E
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Enumerator.Binary as EB
import qualified Data.Enumerator.Text as ET
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- support imports
import Control.Exception as E
import Data.List
import Control.Monad (unless, forM_)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import System.IO
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
-- support wc modes -c (bytes), -m (characters), and -l (lines)
-- iterBytes simply counts how many bytes are in each chunk, accumulates this
-- count, and returns it when EOF is received
iterBytes :: Monad m => Iteratee B.ByteString m Int
iterBytes = continue (step 0) where
step acc EOF = yield acc EOF
step acc (Chunks xs) = continue $ step $! Data.List.foldl' foldStep acc xs
foldStep acc bytes = acc + (B.length bytes)
-- iterLines is similar, except it only counts newlines ('\n')
-- Because it's basically the same as 'iterBytes', we use it to demonstrate
-- the 'liftFoldL\'' helper function.
iterLines :: Monad m => Iteratee B.ByteString m Int
iterLines = E.continue (k 0)
k !acc EOF = return acc
k !acc (Chunks xs) = let !nls = L.foldl' f 0 xs + acc in
E.continue (k nls)
f !acc !bs = let !x = acc + B8.count '\n' bs in x
-- iterChars is a bit more complicated. It has to decode the input (for now,
-- assuming UTF-8) before performing any counting. Leftover bytes, not part
-- of a valid UTF-8 character, are yielded as surplus
-- Note the use of joinI. 'ET.decode' is an enumeratee, which means it returns
-- an iteratee yielding an inner step. 'joinI' "collapses" an enumeratee's
-- return value, much as 'join' does to monadic values.
iterChars :: Monad m => Iteratee B.ByteString m Int
iterChars = joinI (ET.decode ET.utf8 $$ count) where
count = E.foldl' (\acc t -> acc + (T.length t)) 0
enumFile2 :: FilePath -> Enumerator B.ByteString IO b
enumFile2 path = enum
tryStep get io = do
tried <- liftIO (Exc.try get)
case tried of
Right t -> io t
Left err -> throwError (err :: Exc.SomeException)
withHandle = tryStep (openBinaryFile path ReadMode)
enum step = withHandle $ \h -> do
Iteratee $ Exc.finally
(runIteratee (EB.enumHandle (2^16) h step))
(hClose h)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(mode, files) <- getMode
-- Exactly matching wc's output is too annoying, so this example
-- will just print one line per file, and support counting at most
-- one statistic per run
let iter = case mode of
OptionBytes -> iterBytes
OptionLines -> iterLines
OptionChars -> iterChars
forM_ files $ \filename -> do
putStr $ filename ++ ": "
-- see cat.hs for commented implementation of 'Data.Enumerator.IO.enumFile'
eitherStat <- run (enumFile2 filename $$ iter)
putStrLn $ case eitherStat of
Left err -> "ERROR: " ++ show err
Right stat -> show stat
-- uninteresting option parsing follows
data Option
= OptionBytes
| OptionChars
| OptionLines
optionInfo :: [OptDescr Option]
optionInfo =
[ Option ['c'] ["bytes"] (NoArg OptionBytes) "count bytes"
, Option ['m'] ["chars"] (NoArg OptionChars) "count characters"
, Option ['l'] ["lines"] (NoArg OptionLines) "count lines"
usage :: String -> String
usage name = "Usage: " ++ name ++ " <MODE> [FILES]"
getMode :: IO (Option, [FilePath])
getMode = do
args <- getArgs
let (options, files, errors) = getOpt Permute optionInfo args
unless (null errors && not (null options) && not (null files)) $ do
name <- getProgName
hPutStrLn stderr $ concat errors
hPutStrLn stderr $ usageInfo (usage name) optionInfo
return (Prelude.head options, files)
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