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Created April 2, 2012 22:56
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Save gregorynicholas/2287803 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jQuery Tags Input Plugin 1.3.3 - modified 2011-12-17
* jQuery Tags Input Plugin 1.3.3
* REFACTORED!! need to republish this to original author
* - Gregory Nicholas, 2012-02-17
(function($) {
var delimiter = [];
var tags_callbacks = [];
$.fn.doAutosize = function(o) {
var $ghost_input = $(this); // ghost_input
if ($ghost_input.val() === '') {
var val = '';
var minWidth = $'minwidth');
var maxWidth = $'maxwidth');
var $autosizer = $'autosizer');
if (!$autosizer || !$autosizer.length) {
// Enter new content into $autosizer
var escaped = val.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/\s/g,' ')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
// Calculate new width + whether to change
var autosizerWidth = $autosizer.width();
var newWidth = (autosizerWidth+o.comfortZone) >= minWidth ? autosizerWidth + o.comfortZone : minWidth;
var currentWidth = $ghost_input.width();
var isValidWidthChange = (newWidth < currentWidth && newWidth >= minWidth) ||
(newWidth > minWidth && newWidth < maxWidth);
// Animate width
if (isValidWidthChange) {
$.fn.resetAutosize = function(options) {
var $ghost_input = $(this);
if (!$ghost_input || !$ghost_input.length) {
var minWidth = $'minwidth') || options.minInputWidth || $ghost_input.width();
if ($'input_holder') && $'input_holder').length) {
var maxWidth = $'input_holder').width() - options.inputPadding;
var maxWidth = $'maxwidth') || options.maxInputWidth;
var val = '';
var $autosizer = $'autosizer');
if (!$autosizer || $autosizer.length) {
$autosizer = $('<autosize/>');
position: 'absolute',
top: -9999,
left: -9999,
width: 'auto',
fontSize: $ghost_input.css('fontSize'),
fontFamily: $ghost_input.css('fontFamily'),
fontWeight: $ghost_input.css('fontWeight'),
letterSpacing: $ghost_input.css('letterSpacing'),
whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
$'autosizer', $autosizer)
$'minwidth', minWidth)
$'maxwidth', maxWidth)
$ghost_input.css('width', minWidth);
$.fn.addTag = function(value, options) {
options = $.extend({ focus:false, callback:true }, options);
var $input = $(this);
var id = $input.attr('id');
var $ghost_input = $'ghost_input');
value = $.trim(value);
if (value === '') {
// marks fake input as not_valid and returns false
// $ghost_input.addClass('not_valid');
return false;
var $input_holder = $'input_holder');
var $existing_tags = $input_holder.find('.tag [value="'+ value +'"]');
if ($existing_tags.length) {
// marks fake input as not_valid and returns false
return false;
var $new_tag = $('<span data-value="'+ value +'" class="tag">'+
'<span>'+ value +'</span>'+
'<input type="hidden" name="'+ $input.attr('data-field') +'" value="'+ value +'" />'+
'<span data-action="remove-tag"></span>'+
$new_tag.bind('click', function(e) {
// TODO: need a better selector here
if (options.callback && tags_callbacks[id] && tags_callbacks[id]['onAddTag']) {
var f = tags_callbacks[id]['onAddTag'];, value);
if (options.callback && tags_callbacks[id] && tags_callbacks[id]['onChange']) {
var total = tagslist.length;
var f = tags_callbacks[id]['onChange'];, $input, tagslist);
// set at placeholder status
// optionally retain focus on the fake input
if (options.focus) {
} else {
return false;
$.fn.removeTag = function(value) {
value = unescape(value);
var $input = $(this);
var id = $input.attr('id');
// remove any tag that has [data-value] attribute matches
// the value arg
var $input_holder = $'input_holder');
// remove visual tag elements
var $tags = $input_holder.find('.tag[data-value="'+ value +'"]');
if (tags_callbacks[id] && tags_callbacks[id]['onRemoveTag']) {
var f = tags_callbacks[id]['onRemoveTag'];, value);
return false;
// clear all existing tags and import new ones from a string (list,
// fuck the original author)
$.fn.importTags = function(tags_list) {
var $input = $(this);
var id = $input.attr('id');
// remove current tag elements
// TODO: change this re-querying to be a cached property
var $input_holder = $'input_holder');
// remove existing tags
var options = {
$input_holder: $input,
id: id,
tags_list: tags_list
$.fn.tagsInput = function(options) {
var settings = $.extend({
interactive: true,
defaultText: 'add a tag',
minChars: 0,
width: '300px',
height: '100px',
autocomplete: {
selectFirst: false
'hide': true,
'delimiter': ',',
'unique': true,
removeWithBackspace: true,
placeholderColor: '#666666',
autosize: true,
comfortZone: 20,
inputPadding: 6*2
}, options);
$(this).each(function() {
var $input = $(this);
if (settings.hide) {
var id = $input.attr('id');
var $ghost_input_container = $('<div id="'+ id +'_addTag" class="tagsinput-a"></div>');
var $ghost_input = $('<input id="'+ id +'_tag" value="" placeholder="'+ settings.defaultText +'" data-default="'+ settings.defaultText +'" />');
var $holder = $('<div id="'+ id +'_tagsinput" class="tagsinput"></div>');
$holder.append('<div class="tags_clear"></div>');
$'pid', id);
$'input_holder', $holder);
$'ghost_input', $ghost_input);
var data = $.extend({
pid: id,
$real_input: $input,
$holder: $holder,
$ghost_input: $ghost_input
}, settings);
delimiter[id] = data.delimiter;
if (settings.onAddTag || settings.onRemoveTag || settings.onChange) {
tags_callbacks[id] = [];
tags_callbacks[id]['onAddTag'] = settings.onAddTag;
tags_callbacks[id]['onRemoveTag'] = settings.onRemoveTag;
tags_callbacks[id]['onChange'] = settings.onChange;
width: settings.width,
height: settings.height
// early return for validation
if (data.$real_input.val() !== '') {
//$.fn.tagsInput.importTags(data.$real_input, data.$real_input.val());
// set ghost input with placeholder default
// set at placeholder status
//$(data.fake_input).css('color', settings.placeholderColor);
data.$holder.bind('click', function(event) {
data.$ghost_input.bind('focus', function(event) {
if (data.$ghost_input.val() === data.$ghost_input.attr('data-default')) {
data.$holder.parent().addClass('focused'); // TODO: change from parent()
// Autocomplete
if (settings.autocomplete_url !== undefined) {
autocomplete_options = {
source: settings.autocomplete_url
for (attrname in settings.autocomplete) {
autocomplete_options[attrname] = settings.autocomplete[attrname];
if (jQuery.Autocompleter !== undefined) {
data.$ghost_input.autocomplete(settings.autocomplete_url, settings.autocomplete);
data.$ghost_input.bind('result', data, function(event, data, formatted) {
if (data) {
data[0] + '', true, {
focus: true,
unique: (settings.unique)
} else if (jQuery.ui.autocomplete !== undefined) {
data.$ghost_input.bind('autocompleteselect', data, function(event, ui) {
ui.item.value, true, {
focus: true,
unique: (settings.unique)
return false;
} else {
// if a user tabs out of the field, create a new tag
// this is only available if autocomplete is not used.
data.$ghost_input.bind('blur', data, function(event) {
var new_value = data.$ghost_input.val();
// set at placeholder status
if (new_value === '' || new_value === data.defaultText) {
// data.$ghost_input.css('color',settings.placeholderColor);
return false;
// validate char length
if (data.minChars && new_value.length < data.minChars) {
return false;
if (data.maxChars && new_value.length > data.maxChars) {
return false;
new_value, true, {
// if user types a comma, create a new tag
data.$ghost_input.bind('keypress', data, function(event) {
if (event.which !== data.delimiter.charCodeAt(0) && event.which !== 13) {
if (data.autosize) {
return true;
// handler <enter> key
var new_value = data.$ghost_input.val();
// validate char length
if (data.minChars && new_value.length < data.minChars) {
return false;
if (data.maxChars && new_value.length > data.maxChars) {
return false;
new_value, true, {
focus: true,
unique: (settings.unique)
return false;
// Delete last tag on backspace
data.removeWithBackspace && data.$ghost_input.bind('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 8 && data.$ghost_input.val() === '') {
var $last_tag = data.$ghost_input.closest('.tagsinput').find('.tag:last').text();
var last_tag_value = $last_tag.replace(/[\s]+x$/, '');
// Removes the not_valid class when user changes the value
// of the fake input
if (data.unique) {
if (event.keyCode === 8 || String.fromCharCode(event.which).match(/\w+|[áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚñÑ,/]+/)) {
return false;
return this;
$.fn.tagsInput.importFromList = function(options) {
// options = {$input_holder, id, tags_list}
for (i=0, total=options.tags_list.length; i<total; i++) {
options.$input_holder.addTag(options.tags_list[i], {
focus: false,
callback: false
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if (tags_callbacks[id] && tags_callbacks[id]['onChange']) {
var f = tags_callbacks[id]['onChange'];
this, options.$input_holder, tags_list);
<input type="text" style="visibility:hidden;" value="" name="tags" id="data-field-tags" data-container="tagsinput" />
$taginput = $('.some-anchor').find('[data-container="tagsinput"]');
$taginput.importTags(['one', 'two', 'three']);
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