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Created July 6, 2011 19:27
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public class AccountSpecifications
public Specification when_constructing_an_account = new
When = () => new Account("Jane Smith", 17),
Expect =
account => account.AccountHolderName == "Jane Smith",
account => account.UniqueIdentifier == 17,
account => account.CurrentBalance == new Money(0m),
account => account.Transactions.Count() == 0
public Specification when_depositing_to_a_new_account = new ActionSpecification<Account>()
Before = () =>SystemTime.Set(new DateTime(2011,1,1)),
On = () => new Account("Joe User", 14),
When = account => account.Deposit(new Money(50)),
Expect =
account => account.CurrentBalance == new Money(50),
account => account.Transactions.Count() == 1,
account => account.Transactions.First().Amount ==
new Money(50),
account => account.Transactions.First().Type ==
account => account.Transactions.First().Timestamp
== new DateTime(2011,1,1),
Finally = SystemTime.Clear
public Specification when_withdrawing_to_overdraw_an_account = new FailingSpecification<Account, CannotOverdrawAccountException>()
On = () => new Account("Joe User", 14),
When = account => account.Withdraw(new Money(50)),
Expect =
exception => exception.Message == "The operation
would overdraw the account"
public Specification
when_witdrawing_from_account_with_sufficient_funds = new ActionSpecification<Account>()
Before = () => SystemTime.Set(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1)),
On = () => new Account("Joe User", 14, new Money(100)),
When = account => account.Withdraw(new Money(50)),
Expect =
account => account.CurrentBalance == new Money(50),
account => account.Transactions.Count() == 1,
account => account.Transactions.First().Amount ==
new Money(-50),
account => account.Transactions.First().Type ==
Finally = SystemTime.Clear
when constructing an account - Passed
Results with:
Account: 17 owned by Jane Smith with a balance $0
With no previous transactions.
The Account's Account Holder Name must be equal to "Jane Smith" Passed
The Account's Unique Identifier must be equal to 17 Passed
The Account's Current Balance must be equal to $0 Passed
The Account's Transactions Count() must be equal to 0 Passed
when depositing to a new account - Passed
Account: 14 owned by Joe User with a balance $0
With no previous transactions.
Results with:
Account: 14 owned by Joe User with a balance $50
Deposit for $50 at 1/1/2011 12:00:00 AM
The Account's Current Balance must be equal to $50 Passed
The Account's Transactions Count() must be equal to 1 Passed
The Account's Transactions First() Amount must be equal to $50 Passed
(int)(The Account's Transactions First() Type) must be equal to 1 Passed
The Account's Transactions First() Timestamp must be equal to 1/1/2011 1
2:00:00 A M Passed
when withdrawing to overdraw an account - Passed
Account: 14 owned by Joe User with a balance $0
With no previous transactions.
Results with:
The operation would overdraw the account
The Cannot Overdraw Account Exception's Message must be equal to "The o
peration would overdraw the account" Passed
when witdrawing from account with sufficient funds - Passed
Account: 14 owned by Joe User with a balance $100
With no previous transactions.
Results with:
Account: 14 owned by Joe User with a balance $50
Deposit for $-50 at 1/1/2011 12:00:00 AM
The Account's Current Balance must be equal to $50 Passed
The Account's Transactions Count() must be equal to 1 Passed
The Account's Transactions First() Amount must be equal to $-50 Passed
(int)(The Account's Transactions First() Type) must be equal to 1 Passed
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