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Created April 7, 2014 04:19
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Application path Rails version Brakeman version Started at Duration
/Users/gose/github/brakeman/test/apps/rails3 3.0.3 2.4.3github5 2014-04-06 23:19:33 -0500 0.698895 seconds
Checks performed
BasicAuth, ContentTag, CrossSiteScripting, DefaultRoutes, Deserialize, DetailedExceptions, DigestDoS, EscapeFunction, Evaluation, Execute, FileAccess, FilterSkipping, ForgerySetting, HeaderDoS, I18nXSS, JRubyXML, JSONParsing, LinkTo, LinkToHref, MailTo, MassAssignment, ModelAttrAccessible, ModelAttributes, ModelSerialize, NestedAttributes, NumberToCurrency, QuoteTableName, Redirect, RegexDoS, Render, RenderDoS, ResponseSplitting, SQL, SSLVerify, SafeBufferManipulation, SanitizeMethods, SelectTag, SelectVulnerability, Send, SendFile, SessionSettings, SimpleFormat, SingleQuotes, SkipBeforeFilter, StripTags, SymbolDoS, TranslateBug, UnsafeReflection, ValidationRegex, WithoutProtection, YAMLParsing


Scanned/Reported Total
Controllers 7
Models 8
Templates 34
Errors 0
Security Warnings 119 (91)
Warning Type Total
Attribute Restriction 2
Command Injection 13
Cross Site Scripting 43
Cross-Site Request Forgery 1
Dangerous Eval 1
Default Routes 1
Denial of Service 4
Dynamic Render Path 1
File Access 5
Format Validation 3
Mail Link 1
Mass Assignment 11
Redirect 3
Remote Code Execution 12
SQL Injection 16
Session Setting 2


Confidence Class Method Warning Type Message
High HomeController test_command Command Injection Possible command injection near line 34: `ls #{params[:file_name]}`
High HomeController test_more_ways_to_execute Command Injection Possible command injection near line 146: Open3.capture2("ls #{params[:dir]}")
High HomeController test_more_ways_to_execute Command Injection Possible command injection near line 147: Open3.capture2e("ls #{params[:dir]}")
High HomeController test_more_ways_to_execute Command Injection Possible command injection near line 148: Open3.capture3("ls #{params[:dir]}")
High HomeController test_more_ways_to_execute Command Injection Possible command injection near line 149: Open3.pipeline("sort", "uniq", :in => (params[:file]))
High HomeController test_more_ways_to_execute Command Injection Possible command injection near line 150: Open3.pipeline_r("sort #{params[:file]}", "uniq")
High HomeController test_more_ways_to_execute Command Injection Possible command injection near line 151: Open3.pipeline_rw(params[:cmd], "sort -g")
High HomeController test_more_ways_to_execute Command Injection Possible command injection near line 152: Open3.pipeline_start(*params[:cmds])
High HomeController test_more_ways_to_execute Command Injection Possible command injection near line 154: POSIX::Spawn.spawn(params[:cmd])
High HomeController test_command Command Injection Possible command injection near line 36: system(params[:user_input])
High HomeController test_more_ways_to_execute Command Injection Possible command injection near line 153: spawn("some_cool_command #{params[:opts]}")
High User sanitized_profile Cross Site Scripting Rails 3.0.3 has a vulnerability in sanitize: upgrade to 3.2.13 or patch near line 40: sanitize(self.profile.to_s)
High Cross Site Scripting Versions before 3.0.10 have a vulnerability in strip_tags (CVE-2011-2931)
High HomeController test_eval Dangerous Eval User input in eval near line 40: eval(params[:dangerous_input])
High Default Routes All public methods in controllers are available as actions in routes.rb near line 101
High Denial of Service json_pure gem version 1.6.4 has a symbol creation vulnerablity: upgrade to 1.6.8
High Denial of Service Rails 3.0.3 has a denial of service vulnerability (CVE-2014-0082). Upgrade to Rails version 3.2.17
High Denial of Service Vulnerability in digest authentication (CVE-2012-3424). Upgrade to Rails version 3.0.16
High HomeController test_file_access File Access Parameter value used in file name near line 24: + "/") + params[:file]))
High HomeController test_yaml_file_access File Access Parameter value used in file name near line 109: YAML.parse_file(("whatever/" + params[:file_name]))
High HomeController test_load_params File Access Parameter value used in file name near line 67: load(params[:file])
High OtherController test_send_file File Access Parameter value used in file name near line 21: send_file(params[:file])
High Account mass_assign_it Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 9:[:account_info])
High HomeController test_mass_assignment Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 54:[:user])
High HomeController test_model_build Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 73:[:awesome_user])
High HomeController test_more_mass_assignment_methods Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 114: User.first_or_create(params[:user])
High HomeController test_more_mass_assignment_methods Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 116: User.first_or_initialize!(params[:user])
High HomeController test_more_mass_assignment_methods Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 119: User.find(1).assign_attributes(params[:update])
High HomeController test_more_mass_assignment_methods Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 118: User.update(1, params[:update])
High HomeController test_redirect Redirect Possible unprotected redirect near line 45: redirect_to(params)
High HomeController test_only_path_wrong Redirect Possible unprotected redirect near line 77: redirect_to(params[:user], :only_path => (true))
High HomeController test_url_for_only_path Redirect Possible unprotected redirect near line 83: redirect_to(url_for(params))
High HomeController test_yaml_file_access Remote Code Execution YAML.load called with parameter value near line 106: YAML.load("some/path/#{params[:user][:file]}")
High HomeController test_yaml_load Remote Code Execution YAML.load called with parameter value near line 123: YAML.load(params[:input])
High HomeController test_more_yaml_methods Remote Code Execution YAML.load_documents called with parameter value near line 130: YAML.load_documents(params[:input])
High HomeController test_more_yaml_methods Remote Code Execution YAML.load_stream called with cookie value near line 131: YAML.load_stream(cookies[:thing])
High HomeController test_more_yaml_methods Remote Code Execution YAML.parse_documents called with parameter value near line 132: YAML.parse_documents("a: #{params[:a]}")
High Remote Code Execution Rails 3.0.3 has a serious JSON parsing vulnerability: upgrade to 3.0.20 or patch
High HomeController test_sql SQL Injection Possible SQL injection near line 30: User.first(:conditions => ("name = '#{params[:name]}'"))
High OtherController test_sql_deletes SQL Injection Possible SQL injection near line 57: User.delete_all("name = #{params[:name]}")
High OtherController test_sql_deletes SQL Injection Possible SQL injection near line 58: User.destroy_all("human = #{User.current.humanity}")
High User sql_in_if_branches SQL Injection Possible SQL injection near line 32: User.where((z or "name like '%#{params[:name]}%'"))
High SQL Injection Rails 3.0.3 contains a SQL injection vulnerability (CVE-2013-6417). Upgrade to 3.2.16
High SQL Injection Rails 3.0.3 contains a SQL injection vulnerability (CVE-2012-2660). Upgrade to 3.0.13
High SQL Injection Rails 3.0.3 contains a SQL injection vulnerability (CVE-2012-5664). Upgrade to 3.0.18
High SQL Injection Rails 3.0.3 contains a SQL injection vulnerability (CVE-2013-0155). Upgrade to 3.0.19
High SQL Injection Rails 3.0.3 contains a SQL injection vulnerability (CVE-2012-2661). Upgrade to 3.0.13
High SQL Injection Rails 3.0.3 contains a SQL injection vulnerability (CVE-2012-2695). Upgrade to 3.0.14
High Session Setting Session cookies should be set to HTTP only near line 3
High Session Setting Session cookie should be set to secure only near line 3
Medium OtherController test_command_injection_locals Command Injection Possible command injection near line 48: `#{some_command}`
Medium OtherController test_command_injection_locals Command Injection Possible command injection near line 49: system("ls #{some_files}")
Medium Cross Site Scripting Rails 3.0.3 has a vulnerabilty in SafeBuffer. Upgrade to 3.0.12 or apply patches.
Medium Cross Site Scripting Versions before 3.0.11 have a vulnerability in the translate helper with keys ending in _html.
Medium Cross Site Scripting Rails 3.0.3 has a vulnerability in number helpers (CVE-2014-0081). Upgrade to Rails version 3.2.17
Medium Cross Site Scripting Rails 3.0.3 does not escape single quotes (CVE-2012-3464). Upgrade to 3.0.17
Medium Denial of Service Rails 3.0.3 has a denial of service vulnerability (CVE-2013-6414). Upgrade to Rails version 3.2.16
Medium HomeController test_dynamic_render Dynamic Render Path Render path contains parameter value near line 63: render(file => "/some/path/#{params[:page]}", {})
Medium ProductsController create Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 43:[:product])
Medium ProductsController update Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 62: Product.find(params[:id]).update_attributes(params[:product])
Medium HomeController test_yaml_load Remote Code Execution YAML.load called with cookie value near line 125: YAML.load(x(cookies[:store]))
Medium HomeController test_yaml_load Remote Code Execution YAML.load called with model attribute near line 126: YAML.load(User.first.bad_stuff)
Medium HomeController test_more_yaml_methods Remote Code Execution YAML.parse_stream called with model attribute near line 133: YAML.parse_stream(User.find(1).upload)
Medium HomeController test_sql SQL Injection Possible SQL injection near line 29: User.all(:conditions => ("status = '#{happy}'"))
Medium HomeController test_sql SQL Injection Possible SQL injection near line 28: User.find_by_sql("select * from users where something = '#{(local some_var)}'")
Medium OtherController test_sql_to_s SQL Injection Possible SQL injection near line 68: Product.find(:all, :conditions => (("product_status_id = " + (local status).to_s)))
Medium OtherController test_sql_to_s SQL Injection Possible SQL injection near line 64: Product.where(:id => (product_id)).update_all(["#{"#{product_action_type_key.to_s}_count"} = #{"#{product_action_type_key.to_s}_count"} + ?", delta])
Medium Underline_Model inject! SQL Injection Possible SQL injection near line 3: User.where("a < #{(local b)}")
Medium SQL Injection Versions before 3.0.10 have a vulnerability in quote_table_name: CVE-2011-2930
Weak HomeController test_mass_assignment_with_hash Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 58: => (params[:user][:name]))
Weak HomeController test_more_mass_assignment_methods Mass Assignment Unprotected mass assignment near line 115: User.first_or_create!(:name => (params[:user][:name]))

Controller Warnings:

Confidence Controller Warning Type Message
High ApplicationController Cross-Site Request Forgery 'protect_from_forgery' should be called in ApplicationController

Model Warnings:

Confidence Model Warning Type Message
High Account, User Attribute Restriction Mass assignment is not restricted using attr_accessible
High Product Attribute Restriction attr_protected is bypassable in 3.0.3, use attr_accessible or upgrade to 3.2.11
High Account Format Validation Insufficient validation for 'name' using /^[a-zA-Z]+$/. Use \A and \z as anchors near line 2
High Account Format Validation Insufficient validation for 'blah' using /\A[a-zA-Z]+$/. Use \A and \z as anchors near line 3
High Account Format Validation Insufficient validation for 'something' using /[a-zA-Z]\z/. Use \A and \z as anchors near line 4
High User Remote Code Execution Serialized attributes are vulnerable in Rails 3.0.3, upgrade to 3.2.11 or patch.
Medium Product Remote Code Execution Serialized attributes are vulnerable in Rails 3.0.3, upgrade to 3.2.11 or patch.
Medium Purchase Remote Code Execution Serialized attributes are vulnerable in Rails 3.0.3, upgrade to 3.2.11 or patch.

View Warnings:

Confidence Template Warning Type Message
High home/test_content_tag (HomeController#test_content_tag) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value in content_tag near line 8: content_tag(:span, raw(params[:blah]))
High home/test_content_tag (HomeController#test_content_tag) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped cookie value in content_tag near line 14: content_tag(:div, "Blah!", cookies[:weird] => "bad idea")
High home/test_content_tag (HomeController#test_content_tag) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute in content_tag near line 20: content_tag(:div, "Blah!", { User.find(current_user).something => "bad idea" }, true)
High home/test_content_tag (HomeController#test_content_tag) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute in content_tag near line 26: content_tag(:div, "Blah!", { :id => (User.find(current_user).name) }, false)
High home/test_content_tag (HomeController#test_content_tag) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value in content_tag near line 32: content_tag(params[:whyyy], "Don't do this")
High home/test_content_tag (HomeController#test_content_tag) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute in content_tag near line 35: content_tag(User.find(current_user).preferred_markup, "Seriously")
High before/use_filter12345 (BeforeController#use_filter12345) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 3: User.find(params[:user_id])
High before/use_filter12345 (BeforeController#use_filter12345) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 5: User.find(params[:user_id]).name
High before/use_filter12345 (BeforeController#use_filter12345) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 8: User.find(params[:user_id])
High before/use_filters12 (BeforeController#use_filters12) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 1: User.find(params[:user_id]).name
High before/use_filters12 (BeforeController#use_filters12) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 4: User.find(params[:user_id])
High home/test_model (HomeController#test_model) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 3:
High home/test_model (HomeController#test_model) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 6: auto_link(User.profile)
High home/test_sql (HomeController#test_sql) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 3: User.first(:conditions => ("name = '#{params[:name]}'"))
High other/_user (OtherController#test_collection) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 1:
High other/test_iteration (OtherController#test_iteration) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 3:
High other/test_iteration (OtherController#test_iteration) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 4:
High products/_form (Template:products/new) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped model attribute near line 15:[:product]).something
High before/use_filter12345 (BeforeController#use_filter12345) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 1: params[:search]
High child/action_in_child (ChildController#action_in_child) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 1: params[:horrible_thing]
High home/index (HomeController#index) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 3: params[:user_input]
High home/index (HomeController#test_render) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 5: params[:unsafe_input]
High home/test_cookie (HomeController#test_cookie) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped cookie value near line 3: cookies[:name]
High home/test_cookie (HomeController#test_cookie) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped cookie value near line 6: cookies[:x][:y]
High home/test_filter (HomeController#test_filter) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 3: params[:evil_input]
High home/test_params (HomeController#test_params) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 4: params[:name]
High home/test_params (HomeController#test_params) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 10: params[:x][:y]
High home/test_params (HomeController#test_params) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 20: request.parameters
High other/test_locals (OtherController#test_locals) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 4: params[:user_input]
High whatever/wherever/nested/so_nested (Whatever::Wherever::NestedController#so_nested) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 1: params[:x]
High home/test_params (HomeController#test_params) Cross Site Scripting Unsafe parameter value in link_to href near line 14: link_to("more text", params[:dangerous])
High other/test_select_tag Cross Site Scripting Upgrade to Rails 3.0.17, 3.0.3 select_tag is vulnerable (CVE-2012-3463) near line 3: select_tag("name", options, :prompt => ("Select #{params[:name]}"))
High home/test_file_access (HomeController#test_file_access) File Access Parameter value used in file name near line 3:[:name])
High other/test_mail_to (OtherController#test_mail_to) Mail Link Vulnerability in mail_to using javascript encoding (CVE-2011-0446). Upgrade to Rails version 3.0.4 near line 1: mail_to(User.find(current_user).email, User.find(current_user).name, :encode => :javascript)
Medium home/test_params (HomeController#test_params) Cross Site Scripting Unsafe parameter value in link_to href near line 12: link_to("some text", ensure_valid_proto!(params[:not_so_bad], :js))
Medium home/test_params (HomeController#test_params) Cross Site Scripting Unsafe parameter value in link_to href near line 16: link_to("donkey", not_safe(params[:bad_robot]))
Medium home/test_params (HomeController#test_params) Cross Site Scripting Unsafe parameter value in link_to href near line 18: link_to("Helvetica hoodie bushwick", h(params[:js_xss]))
Weak home/test_cookie (HomeController#test_cookie) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped cookie value near line 4: indirect(cookies[:chipsahoy])
Weak home/test_params (HomeController#test_params) Cross Site Scripting Unescaped parameter value near line 6: indirect_method(params[:input])
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