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Last active April 17, 2017 02:04
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  • Save gregrahn/92961a65d43d3b1afd57d3fe56af040e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gregrahn/92961a65d43d3b1afd57d3fe56af040e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
When switching from the legacy Oracle top-n syntax using rownum to the ANSI/ISO SQL:2008 fetch first syntax, the WinMagic SQL transformation is lost.
-- Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
-- Using 1GB TPC-DS
-- Table DDL:
-- WinMagic paper: "WinMagic: subquery elimination using window aggregation"
alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD';
-- start query 1 in stream 0 using template query92.tpl
select * from (
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
order by sum(ws_ext_discount_amt)
) where rownum <= 100;
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 2128858018
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 13 | 1482 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 1 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | | | |
| 2 | VIEW | | 1 | 13 | 1482 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 3 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 13 | | |
| 4 | VIEW | VW_WIF_1 | 36 | 468 | 1482 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 5 | WINDOW SORT | | 36 | 1404 | 1482 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 6 | HASH JOIN | | 36 | 1404 | 1481 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 7 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DATE_DIM | 92 | 1288 | 370 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 8 | NESTED LOOPS | | 716 | 17900 | 1111 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 9 | NESTED LOOPS | | 720 | 17900 | 1111 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 10 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ITEM | 18 | 162 | 354 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 11 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | SYS_C0011824 | 40 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 12 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| WEB_SALES | 40 | 640 | 42 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter(ROWNUM<=100)
3 - filter(ROWNUM<=100)
6 - access("D_DATE_SK"="WS_SOLD_DATE_SK")
7 - filter("D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS
date) AND "D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS
date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0))
10 - filter("I_MANUFACT_ID"=269)
11 - access("I_ITEM_SK"="WS_ITEM_SK")
-- from optimizer trace file
Final query after transformations:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)
AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)) "VW_WIF_1") "from$_subquery$_001"
-- now use "fetch first 100 rows only" vs the rownumn for top-n
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
order by sum(ws_ext_discount_amt)
fetch first 100 rows only;
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 2975114635
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 100 | 3900 | | 5987 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 1 | VIEW | | 100 | 3900 | | 5987 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 2 | WINDOW NOSORT STOPKEY | | 1 | 65 | | 5987 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 3 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 65 | | | |
| 4 | NESTED LOOPS | | 2 | 130 | | 5986 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 5 | NESTED LOOPS | | 36 | 130 | | 5986 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 6 | NESTED LOOPS | | 36 | 1836 | | 5950 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 7 | HASH JOIN | | 18 | 630 | | 5194 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 8 | JOIN FILTER CREATE | :BF0000 | 18 | 162 | | 354 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 9 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ITEM | 18 | 162 | | 354 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 10 | VIEW | VW_SQ_1 | 18166 | 461K| | 4840 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 11 | HASH GROUP BY | | 18166 | 496K| 1432K| 4840 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 12 | JOIN FILTER USE | :BF0000 | 36295 | 992K| | 4646 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 13 | HASH JOIN | | 36295 | 992K| | 4646 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 14 | VIEW | VW_GBF_7 | 92 | 1104 | | 370 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 15 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DATE_DIM | 92 | 1288 | | 370 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 16 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | WEB_SALES | 719K| 10M| | 4273 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 17 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| WEB_SALES | 2 | 32 | | 42 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 18 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | SYS_C0011824 | 40 | | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 19 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | SYS_C0011768 | 1 | | | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 20 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | DATE_DIM | 1 | 14 | | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter("from$_subquery$_006"."rowlimit_$$_rownumber"<=100)
7 - access("ITEM_1"="I_ITEM_SK")
9 - filter("I_MANUFACT_ID"=269)
13 - access("ITEM_1"="WS_SOLD_DATE_SK")
15 - filter("D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
AND "D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS
date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0))
18 - access("I_ITEM_SK"="WS_ITEM_SK")
19 - access("D_DATE_SK"="WS_SOLD_DATE_SK")
20 - filter("D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
AND "D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS
date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0))
-- from optimizer trace file
Final query after transformations:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
SUM("WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT") "rowlimit_$_0",
WHERE "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)
AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)) "VW_SQ_1",
AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)
AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_1"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)") "from$_subquery$_006"
WHERE "from$_subquery$_006"."rowlimit_$$_rownumber"<=100
ORDER BY "from$_subquery$_006"."rowlimit_$_0"
-- by removing the sum() from the query, the WinMagic transformation happens with the ANSI fetch first syntax
(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
order by excess_discount_amount
fetch first 100 rows only;
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3432715210
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 100 | 3900 | 1483 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 1 | VIEW | | 100 | 3900 | 1483 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 2 | WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK | | 36 | 900 | 1483 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 3 | VIEW | VW_WIF_1 | 36 | 900 | 1482 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 4 | WINDOW SORT | | 36 | 1836 | 1482 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 5 | HASH JOIN | | 36 | 1836 | 1481 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 6 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DATE_DIM | 92 | 1288 | 370 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 7 | NESTED LOOPS | | 716 | 26492 | 1111 (1)| 00:00:01 |
| 8 | NESTED LOOPS | | 720 | 26492 | 1111 (1)| 00:00:01 |
|* 9 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | ITEM | 18 | 162 | 354 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|* 10 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | SYS_C0014629 | 40 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 11 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| WEB_SALES | 40 | 1120 | 42 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
1 - filter("from$_subquery$_006"."rowlimit_$$_rownumber"<=100)
2 - filter(ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY "ITEM_1")<=100)
3 - filter("VW_COL_2" IS NOT NULL)
5 - access("D_DATE_SK"="WS_SOLD_DATE_SK")
6 - filter("D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS
date) AND "D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS
9 - filter("I_MANUFACT_ID"=269)
10 - access("I_ITEM_SK"="WS_ITEM_SK")
-- Final query after transformations:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
"VW_WIF_1"."ITEM_1" "rowlimit_$_0",
ORDER BY "VW_WIF_1"."ITEM_1") "rowlimit_$$_rownumber"
AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+90
AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+90) "VW_WIF_1"
WHERE "VW_WIF_1"."VW_COL_2" IS NOT NULL) "from$_subquery$_006"
WHERE "from$_subquery$_006"."rowlimit_$$_rownumber"<=100
ORDER BY "from$_subquery$_006"."rowlimit_$_0"
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl12c/orcl12c/trace/orcl12c_ora_65140_Q92.trc
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/
System name: Linux
Node name: vbgeneric
Release: 3.8.13-118.4.2.el7uek.x86_64
Version: #2 SMP Tue Mar 22 20:46:48 PDT 2016
Machine: x86_64
Instance name: orcl12c
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 58
Unix process pid: 65140, image: oracle@vbgeneric
*** 2017-04-16 13:07:42.461
*** SESSION ID:(90.36116) 2017-04-16 13:07:42.461
*** CLIENT ID:() 2017-04-16 13:07:42.461
*** SERVICE NAME:(orcl) 2017-04-16 13:07:42.461
*** MODULE NAME:(sqlplus@vbgeneric (TNS V1-V3)) 2017-04-16 13:07:42.461
*** CLIENT DRIVER:(SQL*PLUS) 2017-04-16 13:07:42.461
*** ACTION NAME:() 2017-04-16 13:07:42.461
*** CONTAINER ID:(3) 2017-04-16 13:07:42.461
Registered qb: SEL$1 0x42f79c98 (PARSER)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=3 flg=0
fro(0): flg=4 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=4 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=4 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
Registered qb: SEL$2 0x3df6fc40 (PARSER)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$2 nbfros=2 flg=0
fro(0): flg=4 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(1): flg=4 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
Registered qb: SEL$3 0x3df6d990 (PARSER)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$3 nbfros=1 flg=0
fro(0): flg=5 objn=0 hint_alias="from$_subquery$_006"@"SEL$3"
SPM: statement not found in SMB
SPM: capture of plan baseline is OFF
Automatic degree of parallelism (AUTODOP)
Automatic degree of parallelism is disabled: Parameter.
kkopqSetForceParallelProperties: Hint:no
Query: compute:yes forced:no forceDop:0
kkopqSetDopReason: Reason why we chose this DOP is: table property.
table property forces parallelism
Global Manual DOP: 1 - Rounded?: no
PM: Considering predicate move-around in query block SEL$3 (#0)
Predicate Move-Around (PM)
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=655a3xta6pd5x) -----
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
order by sum(ws_ext_discount_amt)
fetch first 100 rows only
The following abbreviations are used by optimizer trace.
CBQT - cost-based query transformation
JPPD - join predicate push-down
OJPPD - old-style (non-cost-based) JPPD
FPD - filter push-down
PM - predicate move-around
CVM - complex view merging
SPJ - select-project-join
SJC - set join conversion
SU - subquery unnesting
OBYE - order by elimination
OST - old style star transformation
ST - new (cbqt) star transformation
CNT - count(col) to count(*) transformation
JE - Join Elimination
JF - join factorization
CBY - connect by
SLP - select list pruning
DP - distinct placement
VT - vector transformation
qb - query block
LB - leaf blocks
DK - distinct keys
LB/K - average number of leaf blocks per key
DB/K - average number of data blocks per key
CLUF - clustering factor
NDV - number of distinct values
Resp - response cost
Card - cardinality
Resc - resource cost
NL - nested loops (join)
SM - sort merge (join)
HA - hash (join)
IOTFRSPEED - I/O transfer speed
IOSEEKTIM - I/O seek time
SREADTIM - average single block read time
MREADTIM - average multiblock read time
MBRC - average multiblock read count
MAXTHR - maximum I/O system throughput
SLAVETHR - average slave I/O throughput
dmeth - distribution method
1: no partitioning required
2: value partitioned
4: right is random (round-robin)
128: left is random (round-robin)
8: broadcast right and partition left
16: broadcast left and partition right
32: partition left using partitioning of right
64: partition right using partitioning of left
256: run the join in serial
0: invalid distribution method
sel - selectivity
ptn - partition
AP - adaptive plans
Compilation Environment Dump
Bug Fix Control Environment
Compilation Environment Dump
optimizer_mode_hinted = false
optimizer_features_hinted = 0.0.0
parallel_execution_enabled = true
parallel_query_forced_dop = 0
parallel_dml_forced_dop = 0
parallel_ddl_forced_degree = 0
parallel_ddl_forced_instances = 0
_query_rewrite_fudge = 90
optimizer_features_enable =
_optimizer_search_limit = 5
cpu_count = 1
active_instance_count = 1
parallel_threads_per_cpu = 2
hash_area_size = 131072
bitmap_merge_area_size = 1048576
sort_area_size = 65536
sort_area_retained_size = 0
_sort_elimination_cost_ratio = 0
_optimizer_block_size = 8192
_sort_multiblock_read_count = 2
_hash_multiblock_io_count = 0
_db_file_optimizer_read_count = 8
_optimizer_max_permutations = 2000
pga_aggregate_target = 286720 KB
_pga_max_size = 204800 KB
_query_rewrite_maxdisjunct = 257
_smm_auto_min_io_size = 56 KB
_smm_auto_max_io_size = 248 KB
_smm_min_size = 286 KB
_smm_max_size_static = 57344 KB
_smm_px_max_size_static = 143360 KB
_cpu_to_io = 0
_optimizer_undo_cost_change =
parallel_query_mode = enabled
parallel_dml_mode = disabled
parallel_ddl_mode = enabled
optimizer_mode = all_rows
sqlstat_enabled = false
_optimizer_percent_parallel = 101
_always_anti_join = choose
_always_semi_join = choose
_optimizer_mode_force = true
_partition_view_enabled = true
_always_star_transformation = false
_query_rewrite_or_error = false
_hash_join_enabled = true
cursor_sharing = exact
_b_tree_bitmap_plans = true
star_transformation_enabled = false
_optimizer_cost_model = choose
_new_sort_cost_estimate = true
_complex_view_merging = true
_unnest_subquery = true
_eliminate_common_subexpr = true
_pred_move_around = true
_convert_set_to_join = false
_push_join_predicate = true
_push_join_union_view = true
_fast_full_scan_enabled = true
_optim_enhance_nnull_detection = true
_parallel_broadcast_enabled = true
_px_broadcast_fudge_factor = 100
_ordered_nested_loop = true
_no_or_expansion = false
optimizer_index_cost_adj = 100
optimizer_index_caching = 0
_system_index_caching = 0
_disable_datalayer_sampling = false
query_rewrite_enabled = true
query_rewrite_integrity = enforced
_query_cost_rewrite = true
_query_rewrite_2 = true
_query_rewrite_1 = true
_query_rewrite_expression = true
_query_rewrite_jgmigrate = true
_query_rewrite_fpc = true
_query_rewrite_drj = false
_full_pwise_join_enabled = true
_partial_pwise_join_enabled = true
_left_nested_loops_random = true
_improved_row_length_enabled = true
_index_join_enabled = true
_enable_type_dep_selectivity = true
_improved_outerjoin_card = true
_optimizer_adjust_for_nulls = true
_optimizer_degree = 0
_use_column_stats_for_function = true
_subquery_pruning_enabled = true
_subquery_pruning_mv_enabled = false
_or_expand_nvl_predicate = true
_like_with_bind_as_equality = false
_table_scan_cost_plus_one = true
_cost_equality_semi_join = true
_default_non_equality_sel_check = true
_new_initial_join_orders = true
_oneside_colstat_for_equijoins = true
_optim_peek_user_binds = true
_minimal_stats_aggregation = true
_force_temptables_for_gsets = false
workarea_size_policy = auto
_smm_auto_cost_enabled = true
_gs_anti_semi_join_allowed = true
_optim_new_default_join_sel = true
optimizer_dynamic_sampling = 2
_pre_rewrite_push_pred = true
_optimizer_new_join_card_computation = true
_union_rewrite_for_gs = yes_gset_mvs
_generalized_pruning_enabled = true
_optim_adjust_for_part_skews = true
_force_datefold_trunc = false
statistics_level = typical
_optimizer_system_stats_usage = true
skip_unusable_indexes = true
_remove_aggr_subquery = true
_optimizer_push_down_distinct = 0
_dml_monitoring_enabled = true
_optimizer_undo_changes = false
_predicate_elimination_enabled = true
_nested_loop_fudge = 100
_project_view_columns = true
_local_communication_costing_enabled = true
_local_communication_ratio = 50
_query_rewrite_vop_cleanup = true
_slave_mapping_enabled = true
_optimizer_cost_based_transformation = linear
_optimizer_mjc_enabled = true
_right_outer_hash_enable = true
_spr_push_pred_refspr = true
_optimizer_cache_stats = false
_optimizer_cbqt_factor = 50
_optimizer_squ_bottomup = true
_fic_area_size = 131072
_optimizer_skip_scan_enabled = true
_optimizer_cost_filter_pred = false
_optimizer_sortmerge_join_enabled = true
_optimizer_join_sel_sanity_check = true
_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled = true
_bt_mmv_query_rewrite_enabled = true
_add_stale_mv_to_dependency_list = true
_distinct_view_unnesting = false
_optimizer_dim_subq_join_sel = true
_optimizer_disable_strans_sanity_checks = 0
_optimizer_compute_index_stats = true
_push_join_union_view2 = true
_optimizer_ignore_hints = false
_optimizer_random_plan = 0
_query_rewrite_setopgrw_enable = true
_optimizer_correct_sq_selectivity = true
_disable_function_based_index = false
_optimizer_join_order_control = 3
_optimizer_cartesian_enabled = true
_optimizer_starplan_enabled = true
_extended_pruning_enabled = true
_optimizer_push_pred_cost_based = true
_optimizer_null_aware_antijoin = true
_optimizer_extend_jppd_view_types = true
_sql_model_unfold_forloops = run_time
_enable_dml_lock_escalation = false
_bloom_filter_enabled = true
_update_bji_ipdml_enabled = 0
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing = udo
_dm_max_shared_pool_pct = 1
_optimizer_cost_hjsmj_multimatch = true
_optimizer_transitivity_retain = true
_px_pwg_enabled = true
optimizer_secure_view_merging = true
_optimizer_join_elimination_enabled = true
flashback_table_rpi = non_fbt
_optimizer_cbqt_no_size_restriction = true
_optimizer_enhanced_filter_push = true
_optimizer_filter_pred_pullup = true
_rowsrc_trace_level = 0
_simple_view_merging = true
_optimizer_rownum_pred_based_fkr = true
_optimizer_better_inlist_costing = all
_optimizer_self_induced_cache_cost = false
_optimizer_min_cache_blocks = 10
_optimizer_or_expansion = depth
_optimizer_order_by_elimination_enabled = true
_optimizer_outer_to_anti_enabled = true
_selfjoin_mv_duplicates = true
_dimension_skip_null = true
_force_rewrite_enable = false
_optimizer_star_tran_in_with_clause = true
_optimizer_complex_pred_selectivity = true
_optimizer_connect_by_cost_based = true
_gby_hash_aggregation_enabled = true
_globalindex_pnum_filter_enabled = true
_px_minus_intersect = true
_fix_control_key = 0
_force_slave_mapping_intra_part_loads = false
_force_tmp_segment_loads = false
_query_mmvrewrite_maxpreds = 10
_query_mmvrewrite_maxintervals = 5
_query_mmvrewrite_maxinlists = 5
_query_mmvrewrite_maxdmaps = 10
_query_mmvrewrite_maxcmaps = 20
_query_mmvrewrite_maxregperm = 512
_query_mmvrewrite_maxqryinlistvals = 500
_disable_parallel_conventional_load = false
_trace_virtual_columns = false
_replace_virtual_columns = true
_virtual_column_overload_allowed = true
_kdt_buffering = true
_first_k_rows_dynamic_proration = true
_optimizer_sortmerge_join_inequality = true
_optimizer_aw_stats_enabled = true
_bloom_pruning_enabled = true
result_cache_mode = MANUAL
_px_ual_serial_input = true
_optimizer_skip_scan_guess = false
_enable_row_shipping = true
_row_shipping_threshold = 80
_row_shipping_explain = false
transaction_isolation_level = read_commited
_optimizer_distinct_elimination = true
_optimizer_multi_level_push_pred = true
_optimizer_group_by_placement = true
_optimizer_rownum_bind_default = 10
_enable_query_rewrite_on_remote_objs = true
_optimizer_extended_cursor_sharing_rel = simple
_optimizer_adaptive_cursor_sharing = true
_direct_path_insert_features = 0
_optimizer_improve_selectivity = true
optimizer_use_pending_statistics = false
_optimizer_enable_density_improvements = true
_optimizer_aw_join_push_enabled = true
_optimizer_connect_by_combine_sw = true
_enable_pmo_ctas = 0
_optimizer_native_full_outer_join = force
_bloom_predicate_enabled = true
_optimizer_enable_extended_stats = true
_is_lock_table_for_ddl_wait_lock = 0
_pivot_implementation_method = choose
optimizer_capture_sql_plan_baselines = false
optimizer_use_sql_plan_baselines = true
_optimizer_star_trans_min_cost = 0
_optimizer_star_trans_min_ratio = 0
_with_subquery = OPTIMIZER
_optimizer_fkr_index_cost_bias = 10
_optimizer_use_subheap = true
parallel_degree_policy = manual
parallel_degree = 0
parallel_min_time_threshold = 10
_parallel_time_unit = 10
_optimizer_or_expansion_subheap = true
_optimizer_free_transformation_heap = true
_optimizer_reuse_cost_annotations = true
_result_cache_auto_size_threshold = 100
_result_cache_auto_time_threshold = 1000
_optimizer_nested_rollup_for_gset = 100
_nlj_batching_enabled = 1
parallel_query_default_dop = 0
is_recur_flags = 0
optimizer_use_invisible_indexes = false
flashback_data_archive_internal_cursor = 0
_optimizer_extended_stats_usage_control = 192
_parallel_syspls_obey_force = true
cell_offload_processing = true
_rdbms_internal_fplib_enabled = false
db_file_multiblock_read_count = 69
_bloom_folding_enabled = true
_mv_generalized_oj_refresh_opt = true
cell_offload_compaction = ADAPTIVE
cell_offload_plan_display = AUTO
_bloom_predicate_offload = true
_bloom_filter_size = 0
_bloom_pushing_max = 512
parallel_degree_limit = 65535
parallel_force_local = false
parallel_max_degree = 2
total_cpu_count = 1
_optimizer_coalesce_subqueries = true
_optimizer_fast_pred_transitivity = true
_optimizer_fast_access_pred_analysis = true
_optimizer_unnest_disjunctive_subq = true
_optimizer_unnest_corr_set_subq = true
_optimizer_distinct_agg_transform = true
_aggregation_optimization_settings = 0
_optimizer_connect_by_elim_dups = true
_optimizer_eliminate_filtering_join = true
_connect_by_use_union_all = true
dst_upgrade_insert_conv = true
advanced_queuing_internal_cursor = 0
_optimizer_unnest_all_subqueries = true
parallel_autodop = 0
parallel_ddldml = 0
_parallel_cluster_cache_policy = adaptive
_parallel_scalability = 50
iot_internal_cursor = 0
_optimizer_instance_count = 0
_optimizer_connect_by_cb_whr_only = false
_suppress_scn_chk_for_cqn = nosuppress_1466
_optimizer_join_factorization = true
_optimizer_use_cbqt_star_transformation = true
_optimizer_table_expansion = true
_and_pruning_enabled = true
_deferred_constant_folding_mode = DEFAULT
_optimizer_distinct_placement = true
partition_pruning_internal_cursor = 0
parallel_hinted = none
_sql_compatibility = 0
_optimizer_use_feedback = true
_optimizer_try_st_before_jppd = true
_dml_frequency_tracking = false
_optimizer_interleave_jppd = true
kkb_drop_empty_segments = 0
_px_partition_scan_enabled = true
_px_partition_scan_threshold = 64
_optimizer_false_filter_pred_pullup = true
_bloom_minmax_enabled = true
only_move_row = 0
_optimizer_enable_table_lookup_by_nl = true
parallel_execution_message_size = 16384
_px_loc_msg_cost = 1000
_px_net_msg_cost = 10000
_optimizer_generate_transitive_pred = true
_optimizer_cube_join_enabled = true
_optimizer_filter_pushdown = true
deferred_segment_creation = true
_optimizer_outer_join_to_inner = true
_allow_level_without_connect_by = false
_max_rwgs_groupings = 8192
_optimizer_hybrid_fpwj_enabled = true
_px_replication_enabled = true
ilm_filter = 0
_optimizer_partial_join_eval = true
_px_concurrent = true
_px_object_sampling_enabled = true
_px_back_to_parallel = OFF
_optimizer_unnest_scalar_sq = true
_optimizer_full_outer_join_to_outer = true
_px_filter_parallelized = true
_px_filter_skew_handling = true
_zonemap_use_enabled = true
_zonemap_control = 0
_optimizer_multi_table_outerjoin = true
_px_groupby_pushdown = force
_partition_advisor_srs_active = true
_optimizer_ansi_join_lateral_enhance = true
_px_parallelize_expression = true
_fast_index_maintenance = true
_optimizer_ansi_rearchitecture = true
_optimizer_gather_stats_on_load = true
ilm_access_tracking = 0
ilm_dml_timestamp = 0
_px_adaptive_dist_method = choose
_px_adaptive_dist_method_threshold = 0
_optimizer_batch_table_access_by_rowid = true
optimizer_adaptive_reporting_only = false
_optimizer_ads_max_table_count = 0
_optimizer_ads_time_limit = 0
_optimizer_ads_use_result_cache = true
_px_wif_dfo_declumping = choose
_px_wif_extend_distribution_keys = true
_px_join_skew_handling = true
_px_join_skew_ratio = 10
_px_join_skew_minfreq = 30
CLI_internal_cursor = 0
_parallel_fault_tolerance_enabled = false
_parallel_fault_tolerance_threshold = 3
_px_partial_rollup_pushdown = adaptive
_px_single_server_enabled = true
_optimizer_dsdir_usage_control = 126
_px_cpu_autodop_enabled = true
parallel_degree_level = 100
_px_cpu_process_bandwidth = 200
_sql_hvshare_threshold = 0
_px_tq_rowhvs = true
_optimizer_use_gtt_session_stats = true
_optimizer_adaptive_plans = true
_optimizer_proc_rate_level = basic
_px_hybrid_TSM_HWMB_load = true
_optimizer_use_histograms = true
PMO_altidx_rebuild = 0
_cell_offload_expressions = true
_cell_materialize_virtual_columns = true
_cell_materialize_all_expressions = false
_rowsets_enabled = true
_rowsets_target_maxsize = 524288
_rowsets_max_rows = 200
_use_hidden_partitions = false
_px_monitor_load = false
_px_load_monitor_threshold = 10000
_px_numa_support_enabled = false
total_processor_group_count = 1
_adaptive_window_consolidator_enabled = true
_optimizer_strans_adaptive_pruning = true
_bloom_rm_filter = false
_optimizer_null_accepting_semijoin = true
_long_varchar_allow_IOT = 0
_parallel_ctas_enabled = true
_cell_offload_complex_processing = true
_optimizer_performance_feedback = off
_optimizer_proc_rate_source = DEFAULT
_hashops_prefetch_size = 4
_cell_offload_sys_context = true
_multi_commit_global_index_maint = 0
_stat_aggs_one_pass_algorithm = false
_dbg_scan = 0
_oltp_comp_dbg_scan = 0
_arch_comp_dbg_scan = 0
_optimizer_gather_feedback = true
_upddel_dba_hash_mask_bits = 0
_px_pwmr_enabled = true
_px_cdb_view_enabled = true
_bloom_sm_enabled = true
optimizer_adaptive_features = true
_optimizer_cluster_by_rowid = true
_optimizer_cluster_by_rowid_control = 129
_partition_cdb_view_enabled = true
_common_data_view_enabled = true
_pred_push_cdb_view_enabled = true
_rowsets_cdb_view_enabled = true
_distinct_agg_optimization_gsets = choose
_array_cdb_view_enabled = true
_optimizer_adaptive_plan_control = 0
_optimizer_adaptive_random_seed = 0
_inmemory_dbg_scan = 0
_gby_vector_aggregation_enabled = true
_optimizer_vector_transformation = true
_optimizer_vector_fact_dim_ratio = 10
_key_vector_max_size = 0
_key_vector_predicate_enabled = true
_key_vector_predicate_threshold = 0
_key_vector_caching = false
_vector_operations_control = 0
_optimizer_vector_min_fact_rows = 10000000
parallel_dblink = 0
_px_scalable_invdist = true
_key_vector_offload = predicate
_optimizer_aggr_groupby_elim = true
_optimizer_reduce_groupby_key = true
_vector_serialize_temp_threshold = 1000
_always_vector_transformation = false
_optimizer_cluster_by_rowid_batched = true
_object_link_fixed_enabled = true
optimizer_inmemory_aware = true
_optimizer_inmemory_table_expansion = true
_optimizer_inmemory_gen_pushable_preds = true
_optimizer_inmemory_autodop = true
_optimizer_inmemory_access_path = true
_optimizer_inmemory_bloom_filter = true
_parallel_inmemory_min_time_threshold = 1
_parallel_inmemory_time_unit = 1
_rc_sys_obj_enabled = true
_optimizer_nlj_hj_adaptive_join = true
_indexable_con_id = true
_bloom_serial_filter = on
inmemory_force = default
inmemory_query = enable
_inmemory_query_scan = true
_inmemory_query_fetch_by_rowid = false
_inmemory_pruning = on
_px_autodop_pq_overhead = true
_px_external_table_default_stats = true
_optimizer_key_vector_aggr_factor = 75
_optimizer_vector_cost_adj = 100
_cdb_cross_container = 65535
_cdb_view_parallel_degree = 65535
_optimizer_hll_entry = 4096
_px_cdb_view_join_enabled = true
inmemory_size = 0
_external_table_smart_scan = hadoop_only
_optimizer_inmemory_minmax_pruning = true
_approx_cnt_distinct_gby_pushdown = choose
_approx_cnt_distinct_optimization = 0
_optimizer_ads_use_partial_results = false
_query_execution_time_limit = 0
_optimizer_inmemory_cluster_aware_dop = true
Bug Fix Control Environment
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fix 9342979 = enabled
fix 9465425 = enabled
fix 9092442 = enabled
fix 4926618 = enabled
fix 8792846 = enabled
fix 9474259 = enabled
fix 9495669 = disabled
fix 6472966 = enabled
fix 6408301 = enabled
fix 9380298 = disabled
fix 8500130 = enabled
fix 9584723 = enabled
fix 9270951 = enabled
fix 9508254 = enabled
fix 9593680 = enabled
fix 9196440 = disabled
fix 9309281 = enabled
fix 8693158 = enabled
fix 9381638 = enabled
fix 9383967 = enabled
fix 7711900 = enabled
fix 9218587 = enabled
fix 9728438 = enabled
fix 9038395 = enabled
fix 9577300 = enabled
fix 9171113 = enabled
fix 8973745 = enabled
fix 9732434 = enabled
fix 8937971 = disabled
fix 9102474 = enabled
fix 9243499 = enabled
fix 9791810 = enabled
fix 9785632 = enabled
fix 9898249 = enabled
fix 9153459 = enabled
fix 9680430 = enabled
fix 9841679 = enabled
fix 9912503 = enabled
fix 9850461 = enabled
fix 9762592 = 3
fix 9716877 = enabled
fix 9814067 = enabled
fix 9776736 = enabled
fix 8349119 = enabled
fix 9958518 = enabled
fix 10041074 = enabled
fix 10004943 = enabled
fix 9980661 = enabled
fix 9554026 = enabled
fix 9593547 = enabled
fix 9833381 = enabled
fix 10043801 = enabled
fix 9940732 = enabled
fix 9702850 = enabled
fix 9659125 = 0
fix 9668086 = enabled
fix 9476520 = enabled
fix 10158107 = enabled
fix 10148457 = enabled
fix 10106423 = enabled
fix 9721439 = disabled
fix 10162430 = enabled
fix 10134677 = enabled
fix 10182051 = 3
fix 10175079 = enabled
fix 10026972 = enabled
fix 10192889 = enabled
fix 3566843 = enabled
fix 9550277 = disabled
fix 10236566 = enabled
fix 10227392 = enabled
fix 8961143 = enabled
fix 9721228 = enabled
fix 10080014 = enabled
fix 10101489 = enabled
fix 9929609 = enabled
fix 10015652 = enabled
fix 9918661 = enabled
fix 10333395 = enabled
fix 10336499 = disabled
fix 10182672 = enabled
fix 9578670 = enabled
fix 10232225 = enabled
fix 10330090 = enabled
fix 10232623 = enabled
fix 9630092 = disabled
fix 10271790 = enabled
fix 9227576 = enabled
fix 10197666 = enabled
fix 10376744 = enabled
fix 8274946 = enabled
fix 10046368 = enabled
fix 9569678 = enabled
fix 9002661 = enabled
fix 10038373 = enabled
fix 9477688 = enabled
fix 10013899 = enabled
fix 9832338 = enabled
fix 10623119 = enabled
fix 9898066 = enabled
fix 11699884 = enabled
fix 10640430 = enabled
fix 10428450 = enabled
fix 10117760 = enabled
fix 11720178 = enabled
fix 9881812 = enabled
fix 10428278 = enabled
fix 11741436 = enabled
fix 11668189 = enabled
fix 10359631 = enabled
fix 9829887 = enabled
fix 8275054 = enabled
fix 11814428 = enabled
fix 11676888 = disabled
fix 10348427 = enabled
fix 11843512 = enabled
fix 11657468 = enabled
fix 11877160 = enabled
fix 11738631 = enabled
fix 11744086 = enabled
fix 11830663 = enabled
fix 11853331 = enabled
fix 9748015 = enabled
fix 11834739 = enabled
fix 6055658 = enabled
fix 11740670 = enabled
fix 11940126 = enabled
fix 12315002 = enabled
fix 8275023 = enabled
fix 12352373 = enabled
fix 12390139 = enabled
fix 11935589 = enabled
fix 10226906 = enabled
fix 12327548 = enabled
fix 12388221 = enabled
fix 11892888 = enabled
fix 11814265 = enabled
fix 10230017 = enabled
fix 12341619 = enabled
fix 11744016 = enabled
fix 10216738 = enabled
fix 10298302 = enabled
fix 12563419 = enabled
fix 12399886 = enabled
fix 12584007 = enabled
fix 11881047 = enabled
fix 12534597 = enabled
fix 8683604 = enabled
fix 12410972 = enabled
fix 7147087 = enabled
fix 11846314 = enabled
fix 12535474 = enabled
fix 12561635 = enabled
fix 12432426 = enabled
fix 9913117 = enabled
fix 12432089 = enabled
fix 12587690 = enabled
fix 11858963 = enabled
fix 12569245 = enabled
fix 12569300 = enabled
fix 7308975 = disabled
fix 12569316 = enabled
fix 12569321 = enabled
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fix 9002958 = enabled
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fix 12728203 = enabled
fix 12828479 = enabled
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fix 12605402 = enabled
fix 12914055 = enabled
fix 12861609 = enabled
fix 12915337 = enabled
fix 12942119 = enabled
fix 12622441 = enabled
fix 11072246 = enabled
fix 12739252 = enabled
fix 12953765 = enabled
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fix 12978495 = enabled
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fix 12944193 = enabled
fix 13020272 = enabled
fix 12673320 = enabled
fix 12975771 = enabled
fix 12882092 = enabled
fix 12379334 = enabled
fix 12723414 = enabled
fix 9488694 = disabled
fix 13255388 = 10
fix 11727871 = enabled
fix 13110511 = enabled
fix 13075297 = enabled
fix 13345888 = enabled
fix 11657903 = disabled
fix 13396096 = enabled
fix 12591379 = enabled
fix 13398214 = enabled
fix 13382280 = enabled
fix 12869367 = enabled
fix 12999577 = enabled
fix 12433153 = enabled
fix 9094254 = enabled
fix 13104618 = enabled
fix 13524237 = enabled
fix 11813257 = enabled
fix 13489017 = enabled
fix 12954320 = enabled
fix 13555551 = enabled
fix 13499154 = enabled
fix 13036910 = enabled
fix 13545925 = enabled
fix 13545956 = enabled
fix 13545989 = enabled
fix 12839247 = enabled
fix 9858777 = enabled
fix 13568366 = enabled
fix 13393357 = enabled
fix 13040171 = enabled
fix 13406619 = enabled
fix 13594757 = enabled
fix 13543207 = enabled
fix 13594712 = enabled
fix 12648629 = enabled
fix 13549808 = enabled
fix 13634700 = enabled
fix 8792821 = enabled
fix 13454409 = enabled
fix 13146487 = enabled
fix 13592248 = enabled
fix 11689541 = enabled
fix 13527374 = enabled
fix 13430622 = enabled
fix 13704562 = enabled
fix 9547706 = enabled
fix 13497184 = enabled
fix 13704977 = enabled
fix 13734456 = enabled
fix 13070532 = enabled
fix 6520878 = enabled
fix 2273284 = enabled
fix 13786127 = enabled
fix 13065064 = enabled
fix 13972896 = enabled
fix 11843466 = enabled
fix 13777823 = enabled
fix 13616573 = enabled
fix 13831671 = enabled
fix 13652216 = enabled
fix 13912192 = enabled
fix 13909909 = enabled
fix 13849486 = enabled
fix 13321547 = enabled
fix 13886606 = disabled
fix 14013502 = enabled
fix 13850256 = enabled
fix 13929275 = enabled
fix 11732303 = enabled
fix 13906168 = enabled
fix 14055128 = enabled
fix 12856200 = enabled
fix 14008590 = enabled
fix 13627489 = disabled
fix 13961105 = enabled
fix 13583722 = enabled
fix 13076238 = enabled
fix 13936229 = enabled
fix 9852856 = enabled
fix 3904125 = enabled
fix 5910187 = enabled
fix 10068316 = enabled
fix 14029891 = enabled
fix 4215125 = enabled
fix 13711083 = enabled
fix 13973691 = enabled
fix 13486825 = enabled
fix 13682550 = enabled
fix 13826669 = enabled
fix 14033181 = enabled
fix 13836796 = enabled
fix 12555499 = enabled
fix 13568506 = enabled
fix 9891396 = enabled
fix 13699643 = enabled
fix 13835788 = enabled
fix 7271518 = enabled
fix 14127824 = enabled
fix 12557401 = enabled
fix 13350470 = enabled
fix 14095362 = enabled
fix 13000118 = enabled
fix 14254795 = enabled
fix 14012261 = enabled
fix 14241953 = enabled
fix 14221012 = enabled
fix 13329748 = enabled
fix 13843964 = enabled
fix 14254052 = enabled
fix 13814866 = enabled
fix 14255600 = disabled
fix 13735304 = enabled
fix 14142884 = disabled
fix 12909121 = enabled
fix 14464068 = enabled
fix 14295250 = 45000
fix 6873091 = enabled
fix 13448445 = enabled
fix 14155722 = enabled
fix 14098180 = enabled
fix 11905801 = enabled
fix 14467202 = enabled
fix 14541122 = enabled
fix 13905599 = disabled
fix 14320077 = enabled
fix 14243782 = enabled
fix 9114915 = enabled
fix 14516175 = enabled
fix 12812697 = enabled
fix 13109345 = enabled
fix 14456124 = enabled
fix 14605040 = enabled
fix 14595273 = disabled
fix 14176247 = enabled
fix 11894476 = enabled
fix 14256885 = enabled
fix 14545269 = enabled
fix 14668404 = disabled
fix 14144611 = enabled
fix 14346182 = enabled
fix 13083139 = enabled
fix 14726188 = enabled
fix 14707009 = enabled
fix 14703133 = enabled
fix 14618560 = enabled
fix 14170552 = enabled
fix 13263174 = enabled
fix 14669785 = enabled
fix 14633570 = enabled
fix 14755138 = enabled
fix 14682092 = enabled
fix 14712222 = enabled
fix 14570575 = enabled
fix 14707748 = disabled
fix 14684079 = enabled
fix 13245379 = enabled
fix 13853916 = enabled
fix 13699007 = enabled
fix 14843189 = enabled
fix 14147762 = enabled
fix 14795969 = enabled
fix 14746036 = 1
fix 14750501 = enabled
fix 13891981 = enabled
fix 15996520 = enabled
fix 16026776 = enabled
fix 13573073 = enabled
fix 13263455 = enabled
fix 16053273 = enabled
fix 16029607 = enabled
fix 14242833 = enabled
fix 13362020 = enabled
fix 13799389 = enabled
fix 12693573 = enabled
fix 15998585 = enabled
fix 16166364 = enabled
fix 14723910 = enabled
fix 15873008 = enabled
fix 14133928 = enabled
fix 16085999 = enabled
fix 14176203 = enabled
fix 16226575 = enabled
fix 16015637 = enabled
fix 15968693 = disabled
fix 16220895 = enabled
fix 16178821 = enabled
fix 11865196 = enabled
fix 16237969 = enabled
fix 16058481 = enabled
fix 13361493 = enabled
fix 16264537 = enabled
fix 14401107 = enabled
fix 13943459 = enabled
fix 13994546 = enabled
fix 7174435 = enabled
fix 14750443 = enabled
fix 14469756 = enabled
fix 14552075 = enabled
fix 16324844 = enabled
fix 13583529 = enabled
fix 14565911 = enabled
fix 13526551 = enabled
fix 16368002 = enabled
fix 16077770 = enabled
fix 16419357 = enabled
fix 15889476 = disabled
fix 16273483 = enabled
fix 16496848 = disabled
fix 14107333 = enabled
fix 11814337 = enabled
fix 15882436 = enabled
fix 14764840 = enabled
fix 16226660 = enabled
fix 16555865 = enabled
fix 16625151 = enabled
fix 16092378 = enabled
fix 16487030 = enabled
fix 9552303 = enabled
fix 16609749 = enabled
fix 16751246 = enabled
fix 13253977 = enabled
fix 14058291 = disabled
fix 16749025 = enabled
fix 16750067 = enabled
fix 16726844 = enabled
fix 15899648 = enabled
fix 16690013 = enabled
fix 15996156 = enabled
fix 16544878 = enabled
fix 9413591 = disabled
fix 16792882 = 0
fix 16725982 = enabled
fix 14648222 = enabled
fix 16799181 = enabled
fix 16516883 = enabled
fix 16507317 = enabled
fix 16837274 = enabled
fix 14085520 = enabled
fix 16713081 = enabled
fix 14703295 = enabled
fix 16908409 = enabled
fix 16212250 = enabled
fix 13692395 = disabled
fix 17087729 = enabled
fix 17088819 = enabled
fix 13848786 = enabled
fix 13522189 = enabled
fix 16400122 = enabled
fix 16796185 = enabled
fix 15950252 = enabled
fix 17070464 = enabled
fix 16976121 = enabled
fix 14580303 = enabled
fix 16554552 = enabled
fix 16582322 = enabled
fix 16712213 = enabled
fix 17382690 = enabled
fix 14846352 = enabled
fix 16516751 = enabled
fix 3174223 = enabled
fix 8611462 = enabled
fix 14851437 = 3
fix 17348895 = enabled
fix 16515789 = disabled
fix 5451645 = disabled
fix 14062749 = enabled
fix 16346018 = enabled
fix 12977599 = enabled
fix 14191778 = enabled
fix 15939321 = enabled
fix 16874299 = enabled
fix 16470836 = enabled
fix 16805362 = disabled
fix 17442009 = disabled
fix 16825679 = enabled
fix 17543180 = enabled
fix 17301564 = enabled
fix 12373708 = enabled
fix 17397506 = enabled
fix 14558315 = enabled
fix 16615686 = enabled
fix 16622801 = enabled
fix 10038517 = enabled
fix 16954950 = enabled
fix 17728161 = enabled
fix 17760375 = enabled
fix 14311185 = enabled
fix 13077335 = disabled
fix 13458979 = disabled
fix 17485514 = enabled
fix 17599514 = enabled
fix 17640863 = enabled
fix 17716301 = enabled
fix 17368047 = disabled
fix 17597748 = enabled
fix 17303359 = enabled
fix 17376322 = disabled
fix 16391176 = disabled
fix 16673868 = enabled
fix 17800514 = enabled
fix 14826303 = enabled
fix 17663076 = enabled
fix 17760755 = enabled
fix 17793460 = enabled
fix 17997159 = enabled
fix 17938754 = enabled
fix 14733442 = enabled
fix 17727676 = enabled
fix 17781659 = enabled
fix 17526569 = enabled
fix 17950612 = enabled
fix 17760686 = enabled
fix 17696414 = enabled
fix 17799716 = enabled
fix 18116777 = enabled
fix 18159664 = disabled
fix 16052625 = enabled
fix 18091750 = enabled
fix 17572606 = enabled
fix 17971955 = enabled
fix 17946915 = enabled
fix 18196576 = enabled
fix 10145667 = enabled
fix 17736165 = enabled
fix 16434021 = enabled
fix 18035463 = enabled
fix 18011820 = enabled
fix 17567154 = enabled
fix 16405740 = enabled
fix 14612201 = enabled
fix 17896018 = disabled
fix 18365267 = enabled
fix 13097308 = enabled
fix 17863980 = enabled
fix 17991403 = enabled
fix 18398980 = enabled
fix 18304693 = enabled
fix 18405517 = 0
fix 18508675 = enabled
fix 18456944 = enabled
fix 17908541 = enabled
fix 18467455 = enabled
fix 16033838 = enabled
fix 18388128 = enabled
fix 16809786 = enabled
fix 18425876 = enabled
fix 18461984 = enabled
fix 17473046 = disabled
fix 17023040 = enabled
fix 18770199 = disabled
fix 18751128 = enabled
fix 14776289 = enabled
fix 4185270 = disabled
fix 18754357 = disabled
fix 18959892 = enabled
fix 18960760 = disabled
fix 19377983 = enabled
fix 19546825 = enabled
fix 19563433 = enabled
fix 19848804 = enabled
fix 20046257 = enabled
fix 16923858 = 6
fix 20010996 = enabled
fix 19899833 = enabled
fix 20754928 = enabled
fix 20808265 = enabled
fix 20808192 = enabled
fix 20340595 = enabled
Column Usage Monitoring is ON: tracking level = 1
Considering Query Transformations on query block SEL$3 (#0)
Query transformations (QT)
JF: Checking validity of join factorization for query block SEL$2 (#0)
JF: Bypassed: not a UNION or UNION-ALL query block.
ST: not valid since star transformation parameter is FALSE
TE: Checking validity of table expansion for query block SEL$2 (#0)
TE: Bypassed: No partitioned table in query block.
VT: Initial VT validity check for query block SEL$2 (#0)
VT: Bypassed: inmemory is disabled.
Check Basic Validity for Non-Union View for query block SEL$1 (#0)
JPPD: JPPD bypassed: View has aggregate but no group by.
JF: Checking validity of join factorization for query block SEL$3 (#0)
JF: Bypassed: has order-by clause.
ST: not valid since star transformation parameter is FALSE
TE: Checking validity of table expansion for query block SEL$3 (#0)
TE: Bypassed: No partitioned table in query block.
VT: Initial VT validity check for query block SEL$3 (#0)
VT: Bypassed: inmemory is disabled.
CBQT: Validity checks passed for 655a3xta6pd5x.
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$3 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$2 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$2 (#0).
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$1 (#0).
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$3 (#0).
OBYE: Considering Order-by Elimination from view SEL$3 (#0)
Order-by elimination (OBYE)
OBYE: Considering Order-by Elimination from view SEL$1 (#0)
Order-by elimination (OBYE)
OBYE: Considering Order-by Elimination from view SEL$2 (#0)
Order-by elimination (OBYE)
OBYE: OBYE bypassed: no order by to eliminate.
OBYE: OBYE bypassed: no order by to eliminate.
OBYE: OBYE performed.
JE: Considering Join Elimination on query block SEL$2 (#0)
Join Elimination (JE)
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
JE: cfro: WEB_SALES objn:99582 col#:1 dfro:DATE_DIM dcol#:1
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Query block SEL$2 (#0) unchanged
JE: Considering Join Elimination on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Join Elimination (JE)
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
JE: cfro: WEB_SALES objn:99582 col#:1 dfro:DATE_DIM dcol#:1
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Query block SEL$1 (#0) unchanged
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$3 (#0)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$3 (#0)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$1 (#0)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$1 (#0)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$2 (#0)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$2 (#0)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$2 (#0)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
JE: Considering Join Elimination on query block SEL$2 (#0)
Join Elimination (JE)
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
JE: cfro: WEB_SALES objn:99582 col#:1 dfro:DATE_DIM dcol#:1
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Query block SEL$2 (#0) unchanged
JE: Considering Join Elimination on query block SEL$1 (#0)
Join Elimination (JE)
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
JE: cfro: WEB_SALES objn:99582 col#:1 dfro:DATE_DIM dcol#:1
SQL:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Query block SEL$1 (#0) unchanged
query block SEL$3 (#0) unchanged
Considering Query Transformations on query block SEL$3 (#0)
Query transformations (QT)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$3 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$2 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$2 (#0).
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$1 (#0).
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$3 (#0).
query block SEL$3 (#0) unchanged
apadrv-start sqlid=7103658678144382141
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$3 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$2 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$2 (#0).
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$1 (#0).
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$3 (#0).
call(in-use=9120, alloc=16344), compile(in-use=95256, alloc=96336), execution(in-use=7520, alloc=8088)
Peeked values of the binds in SQL statement
SPD: BEGIN context at statement level
Stmt: ******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Objects referenced in the statement
DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] 99582, type = 1
ITEM[ITEM] 99553, type = 1
WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] 99616, type = 1
DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] 99582, type = 1
WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] 99616, type = 1
Objects in the hash table
Hash table Object 99616, type = 1, ownerid = 17135214377516361889:
Dynamic Sampling Directives at location 1:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Hash table Object 99553, type = 1, ownerid = 727237806883726767:
No Dynamic Sampling Directives for the object
Hash table Object 99582, type = 1, ownerid = 17854648736151899429:
No Dynamic Sampling Directives for the object
Return code in qosdInitDirCtx: ENBLD
SPD: END context at statement level
CBQT: Considering cost-based transformation on query block SEL$3 (#0)
FPD: Considering simple filter push (pre rewrite) in query block SEL$3 (#0)
FPD: Current where clause predicates "from$_subquery$_006"."rowlimit_$$_rownumber"<=100
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$3 (#0)
finally: "from$_subquery$_006"."rowlimit_$$_rownumber"<=100
FPD: Considering simple filter push (pre rewrite) in query block SEL$2 (#0)
FPD: Current where clause predicates "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST('1998-03-18' AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST('1998-03-18' AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK"
FPD: Considering simple filter push (pre rewrite) in query block SEL$1 (#0)
OBYE: Considering Order-by Elimination from view SEL$3 (#0)
Order-by elimination (OBYE)
OBYE: Considering Order-by Elimination from view SEL$1 (#0)
Order-by elimination (OBYE)
OBYE: Considering Order-by Elimination from view SEL$2 (#0)
Order-by elimination (OBYE)
OBYE: OBYE bypassed: no order by to eliminate.
OBYE: OBYE bypassed: no order by to eliminate.
OBYE: OBYE performed.
Considering Query Transformations on query block SEL$3 (#0)
Query transformations (QT)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$3 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$1 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: Considering common sub-expression elimination in query block SEL$2 (#0)
Common Subexpression elimination (CSE)
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$2 (#0).
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$1 (#0).
CSE: CSE not performed on query block SEL$3 (#0).
Query after View Removal
******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Query after View Removal
******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
kkqctdrvTD-start on query block SEL$3 (#0)
kkqctdrvTD-start: :
call(in-use=28112, alloc=32816), compile(in-use=147464, alloc=147944), execution(in-use=7520, alloc=8088)
Registered qb: SEL$3 0x3dfbafc0 (COPY SEL$3)
signature(): NULL
Registered qb: SEL$1 0x3dfbb478 (COPY SEL$1)
signature(): NULL
Registered qb: SEL$2 0x3de46ca0 (COPY SEL$2)
signature(): NULL
Cost-Based Subquery Unnesting
SU: Unnesting query blocks in query block SEL$3 (#1) that are valid to unnest.
Subquery Unnesting on query block SEL$1 (#2)SU: Performing unnesting that does not require costing.
SU: Considering subquery unnest on query block SEL$1 (#2).
SU: Checking validity of unnesting subquery SEL$2 (#3)
SU: Passed validity checks, but requires costing.
SU: Using search type: exhaustive
SU: Starting iteration 1, state space = (3) : (1)
SU: Unnesting subquery query block SEL$2 (#3)Subquery removal for query block SEL$2 (#3)
RSW: Not valid for subquery removal SEL$2 (#3)
Subquery unchanged.
Registered qb: SEL$683B0107 0x3de40868 (SUBQ INTO VIEW FOR COMPLEX UNNEST SEL$2)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$683B0107 nbfros=2 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
Registered qb: SEL$7511BFD2 0x3de44ee8 (VIEW ADDED SEL$1)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$7511BFD2 nbfros=4 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=5 objn=0 hint_alias="VW_SQ_1"@"SEL$7511BFD2"
Registered qb: SEL$C772B8D1 0x3de44ee8 (SUBQUERY UNNEST SEL$7511BFD2; SEL$2)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$C772B8D1 nbfros=4 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=1 objn=0 hint_alias="VW_SQ_1"@"SEL$7511BFD2"
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_1"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND "VW_SQ_1"."ITEM_0"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
finally: "ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_1"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND "VW_SQ_1"."ITEM_0"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: transitive predicates are generated in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_1"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND "VW_SQ_1"."ITEM_0"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: Following are pushed to where clause of query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
"DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
finally: "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
SU: Costing transformed query.
CBQT: Looking for cost annotations for query block SEL$683B0107, key = SEL$683B0107_00022002_4
CBQT: Could not find stored cost annotations.
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
call(in-use=30864, alloc=49184), compile(in-use=233144, alloc=236128), execution(in-use=7808, alloc=8088)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63de5cd78)
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$683B0107 nbfros=2 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = GROUP_BY
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 18166
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393264.413637 Resp: 393264.413637 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 52737820054
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 52737820054
Best NL cost: 393264.413637
resc: 393264.413637 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
resp: 393264.413637 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 18166
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1499.000000 resc_cpu: 100118383
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1501.523782 Resp: 1501.523782 Degree: 1
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1501.523782 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1501.523782
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9596.471970 Resp: 9596.471970 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 1.000000
GROUP BY cardinality: 18166.000000, TABLE cardinality: 36296.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 200.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 67986882
Total Temp space used: 1467000
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4845.191932 Degree: 1 Resp: 4845.191932 Card: 36295.927693 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: 1288.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 4845.191932 card: 36295.927693 bytes: 1088880.000000
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 719384.000000 Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895836
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895836 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895836
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263716882.840027 Resp: 263716882.840027 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263223868.000000 Cost_cpu: 19557891690861
Resp_io: 263223868.000000 Resp_cpu: 19557891690861
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
Best NL cost: 723837.694240
resc: 723837.694240 resc_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
resp: 723837.694240 resp_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (719384.000000) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 18166
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 955.990120 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2459 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5597.730610 Resp: 5597.730610 [multiMatchCost=0.091263]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121 swapped
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 1.000000
GROUP BY cardinality: 18166.000000, TABLE cardinality: 36296.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 200.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 67986882
Total Temp space used: 1467000
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
****** Recost for ORDER BY (using index) ************
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 720297.000000 resc_cpu: 5697865228
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 720440.631643 Resp: 720440.631643 Degree: 1
Best:: AccessPath: IndexRange
Index: SYS_C0014629
Cost: 720440.631643 Degree: 1 Resp: 720440.631643 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:2, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Consider using bloom filter between DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join (lcdn:92 rcdn:719384 jcdn:36296 limit:33092432)
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] and rfro:WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] swap:no
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv: predCnt:#1 col1:(bndv:73049 ndv:73049) and col2:(bndv:1823 ndv:1823) creatorNDV:73049.0 userNDV:1823.0
kkopqComputeBloomNdv: predCnt:1 creatorNdv:73049.0 userNdv:1823.0 singleTblPred:yes
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:92 reduction:0.000128 (limit:0.500000) accepted
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial) and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial); jm = 1; right side access path = TableScan
---- serial Hash-Join -> NONE
(newjo-save) [0 1 ]
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 1.000000
GROUP BY cardinality: 18166.000000, TABLE cardinality: 36296.000000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 200.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 67986882
Total Temp space used: 1467000
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Final cost for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 1
Cost: 4845.191932 Degree: 1 Card: 36296.000000 Bytes: 1088880.000000
Resc: 4845.191932 Resc_io: 4826.000000 Resc_cpu: 761343682
Resp: 4845.191932 Resp_io: 4826.000000 Resc_cpu: 761343682
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63de5cd78, in-use=60032, alloc=65704)
call(in-use=70240, alloc=147808), compile(in-use=255480, alloc=259336), execution(in-use=7808, alloc=8088)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
call(in-use=70240, alloc=147808), compile(in-use=255576, alloc=259336), execution(in-use=7808, alloc=8088)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63de5cd78)
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$C772B8D1 nbfros=4 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=1 objn=0 hint_alias="VW_SQ_1"@"SEL$7511BFD2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
#Rows: 17964 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1302 AvgRowLen: 501.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): I_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 17964 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000056 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014568 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 33 #DK: 17964 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1302.00 NRW: 17964.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 >> Single Tab Card adjusted from 719384.000000 to 719384.000000 due to opt_estimate hint
Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for ITEM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for ITEM[ITEM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
AvgLen: 4 NDV: 993 Nulls: 18 Density: 0.001007 Min: 1.000000 Max: 1000.000000
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Card: Original: 17964.000000 Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508 Non Adjusted: 18.072508
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 354.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 354.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 354.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 354.000000 Cost_cpu: 17535555
Resp_io: 354.000000 Resp_cpu: 17535555
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Resp: 354.442036 Card: 18.072508 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6942.000000 Cost_cpu: 1537718541
Resp_io: 6942.000000 Resp_cpu: 1537718541
Best NL cost: 6980.762770
resc: 6980.762770 resc_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
resp: 6980.762770 resp_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Resp: 6980.762770 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 8064534.946228 Resp: 8064534.946228 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 8032580.000000 Cost_cpu: 1267652262325
Resp_io: 8032580.000000 Resp_cpu: 1267652262325
Best NL cost: 8064534.946228
resc: 8064534.946228 resc_io: 8032580.000000 resc_cpu: 1267652262325
resp: 8064534.946228 resp_io: 8032580.000000 resc_cpu: 1267652262325
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Column (#2): ITEM_0(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 8 Row size: 36 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 11963.320836 Resp: 11963.320836 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 11963.320836
resc: 11963.320836 resc_io: 11903.000000 resc_cpu: 2392926700
resp: 11963.320836 resp_io: 11903.000000 resp_cpu: 2392926700
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.067206 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 8 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11826.021908 Resp: 11826.021908 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11826.021908
resc: 11826.021908 resc_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301728273
resp: 11826.021908 resp_io: 11768.000000 resp_cpu: 2301728273
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11826.021908 Degree: 1 Resp: 11826.021908 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 11826.021908 Resp: 11826.021908 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971181.114477 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002754 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321170.714477
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7113790.218737 Resp: 7113790.218737 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7089740.000000 Cost_cpu: 954071835171
Resp_io: 7089740.000000 Resp_cpu: 954071835171
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333532
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 81686.003840 Resp: 81686.003840 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81614.000000 Cost_cpu: 2856391315
Resp_io: 81614.000000 Resp_cpu: 2856391315
Best NL cost: 81686.003840
resc: 81686.003840 resc_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856391315
resp: 81686.003840 resp_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856391315
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (1.5094e-09)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 1662.709297, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 1.5094e-09
>> Join Card adjusted from 1.805456 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.431013 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=160.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 11826.021908 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.021908
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 14 Row size: 64 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 19921.990305 Resp: 19921.990305 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 19921.990305
resc: 19921.990305 resc_io: 19831.000000 resc_cpu: 3609584111
resp: 19921.990305 resp_io: 19831.000000 resp_cpu: 3609584111
Outer table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 11826.021908 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.021908
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 13 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16099.377039 Resp: 16099.377039 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16099.377039
resc: 16099.377039 resc_io: 16026.000000 resc_cpu: 2910866113
resp: 16099.377039 resp_io: 16026.000000 resp_cpu: 2910866113
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 16100.377067 Degree: 1 Resp: 16100.377067 Card: 8.000000 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 38249.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 11826.021908 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 81487.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 16100.377067 card: 8.000000 bytes: 520.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7108944.959553 Resp: 7108944.959553 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7084914.000000 Cost_cpu: 953307823633
Resp_io: 7084914.000000 Resp_cpu: 953307823633
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 76840.744657 Resp: 76840.744657 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76788.000000 Cost_cpu: 2092379777
Resp_io: 76788.000000 Resp_cpu: 2092379777
Best NL cost: 76840.744657
resc: 76840.744657 resc_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
resp: 76840.744657 resp_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 8 Row size: 36 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 15076.731167 Resp: 15076.731167 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 15076.731167
resc: 15076.731167 resc_io: 15005.000000 resc_cpu: 2845574379
resp: 15076.731167 resp_io: 15005.000000 resp_cpu: 2845574379
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 8 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11254.117901
resc: 11254.117901 resc_io: 11200.000000 resc_cpu: 2146856380
resp: 11254.117901 resp_io: 11200.000000 resp_cpu: 2146856380
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Resp: 11254.117901 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 185681.027465 Resp: 185681.027465 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 184936.000000 Cost_cpu: 29555228946
Resp_io: 184936.000000 Resp_cpu: 29555228946
Best NL cost: 185681.027465
resc: 185681.027465 resc_io: 184936.000000 resc_cpu: 29555228946
resp: 185681.027465 resp_io: 184936.000000 resc_cpu: 29555228946
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
>> Join Card adjusted from 1.805456 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.431013 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=160.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 16236.655970 Resp: 16236.655970 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 16236.655970
resc: 16236.655970 resc_io: 16161.000000 resc_cpu: 3001271252
resp: 16236.655970 resp_io: 16161.000000 resp_cpu: 3001271252
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16099.370887 Resp: 16099.370887 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16099.370887
resc: 16099.370887 resc_io: 16026.000000 resc_cpu: 2910622063
resp: 16099.370887 resp_io: 16026.000000 resp_cpu: 2910622063
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 16100.370915 Degree: 1 Resp: 16100.370915 Card: 8.000000 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 38249.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 11254.117901 card: 36.109128 bytes: 1404.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 16100.370915 card: 8.000000 bytes: 520.000000
Now joining: VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 87567.896818 Resp: 87567.896818 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 87222.000000 Cost_cpu: 13721721838
Resp_io: 87222.000000 Resp_cpu: 13721721838
Best NL cost: 87567.896818
resc: 87567.896818 resc_io: 87222.000000 resc_cpu: 13721721838
resp: 87567.896818 resp_io: 87222.000000 resc_cpu: 13721721838
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 18.072508 = outer (18.072508) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 5336.979978 Resp: 5336.979978 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5336.979978
resc: 5336.979978 resc_io: 5315.000000 resc_cpu: 871945423
resp: 5336.979978 resp_io: 5315.000000 resp_cpu: 871945423
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 6318.076564 Resp: 6318.076564 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.060986 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5199.694954
resc: 5199.694954 resc_io: 5180.000000 resc_cpu: 781298537
resp: 5199.694954 resp_io: 5180.000000 resp_cpu: 781298537
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Resp: 5199.694954 Card: 18.072508 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 11826.015688 Resp: 11826.015688 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 11768.000000 Cost_cpu: 2301481523
Resp_io: 11768.000000 Resp_cpu: 2301481523
Best NL cost: 11826.015688
resc: 11826.015688 resc_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
resp: 11826.015688 resp_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 11826.015688 Degree: 1 Resp: 11826.015688 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 11826.015688 Resp: 11826.015688 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971181.114477 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002754 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321170.714477
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7113790.212517 Resp: 7113790.212517 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7089740.000000 Cost_cpu: 954071588421
Resp_io: 7089740.000000 Resp_cpu: 954071588421
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333532
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 81685.997620 Resp: 81685.997620 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81614.000000 Cost_cpu: 2856144565
Resp_io: 81614.000000 Resp_cpu: 2856144565
Best NL cost: 81685.997620
resc: 81685.997620 resc_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856144565
resp: 81685.997620 resp_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856144565
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (1.5094e-09)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 1662.709297, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 1.5094e-09
>> Join Card adjusted from 1.805456 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.431013 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=160.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11826.015688 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.015688
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 14 Row size: 64 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 19921.984085 Resp: 19921.984085 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 19921.984085
resc: 19921.984085 resc_io: 19831.000000 resc_cpu: 3609337361
resp: 19921.984085 resp_io: 19831.000000 resp_cpu: 3609337361
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11826.015688 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.015688
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 13 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16099.370819 Resp: 16099.370819 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16099.370819
resc: 16099.370819 resc_io: 16026.000000 resc_cpu: 2910619363
resp: 16099.370819 resp_io: 16026.000000 resp_cpu: 2910619363
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 16100.370847 Degree: 1 Resp: 16100.370847 Card: 8.000000 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 5199.694954 card: 18.072508 bytes: 630.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 11826.015688 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 81487.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 16100.370847 card: 8.000000 bytes: 520.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 82071.381991 Resp: 82071.381991 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81792.000000 Cost_cpu: 11083079591
Resp_io: 81792.000000 Resp_cpu: 11083079591
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5936.000000 Cost_cpu: 787302086
Resp_io: 5936.000000 Resp_cpu: 787302086
Best NL cost: 5955.846291
resc: 5955.846291 resc_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
resp: 5955.846291 resp_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 18.072508, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
>> Join Card adjusted from 35.784082 to 178.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=3
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.974279 cardHjSmj=178.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=3560.000000 cardNlj=178.000000 cardNSQ=178.000000 cardNSQ_na=35.784082
Join Card - Rounded: 178 Computed: 178.000000
Outer table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 49 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 13295.643227 Resp: 13295.643227 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 13295.643227
resc: 13295.643227 resc_io: 13243.000000 resc_cpu: 2088356083
resp: 13295.643227 resp_io: 13243.000000 resp_cpu: 2088356083
Outer table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9473.043865 Resp: 9473.043865 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9473.043865
resc: 9473.043865 resc_io: 9438.000000 resc_cpu: 1390189627
resp: 9473.043865 resp_io: 9438.000000 resp_cpu: 1390189627
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Resp: 5955.846291 Card: 178.000000 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 178.000000 Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.904494
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.904494 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.904494
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 71208.831538 Resp: 71208.831538 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 71067.000000 Cost_cpu: 5626455099
Resp_io: 71067.000000 Resp_cpu: 5626455099
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 6133.891367 Resp: 6133.891367 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6114.000000 Cost_cpu: 789090251
Resp_io: 6114.000000 Resp_cpu: 789090251
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 6133.891367 Resp: 6133.891367 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6114.000000 Cost_cpu: 789090251
Resp_io: 6114.000000 Resp_cpu: 789090251
Best NL cost: 6133.891367
resc: 6133.891367 resc_io: 6114.000000 resc_cpu: 789090251
resp: 6133.891367 resp_io: 6114.000000 resc_cpu: 789090251
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 8.980844 = outer (178.000000) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
>> Join Card adjusted from 8.980844 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=0.890785 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=8.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 178.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 178
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39729939
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 6327.977414 Resp: 6327.977414 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6327.977414
resc: 6327.977414 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 951183662
resp: 6327.977414 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 951183662
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 178.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.016030 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.991251 Resp: 6325.991251 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card: 178.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015921 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.991142 Resp: 6325.991142 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.991142 swapped
resc: 6325.991142 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872388297
resp: 6325.991142 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872388297
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 6134.891394 Degree: 1 Resp: 6134.891394 Card: 8.000000 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 5199.694954 card: 18.072508 bytes: 630.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 5955.846291 card: 178.000000 bytes: 9078.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6134.891394 card: 8.000000 bytes: 520.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 77226.128174 Resp: 77226.128174 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76966.000000 Cost_cpu: 10319280968
Resp_io: 76966.000000 Resp_cpu: 10319280968
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1110.000000 Cost_cpu: 23503464
Resp_io: 1110.000000 Resp_cpu: 23503464
Best NL cost: 1110.592475
resc: 1110.592475 resc_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
resp: 1110.592475 resp_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8450.390309 Resp: 8450.390309 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8450.390309
resc: 8450.390309 resc_io: 8417.000000 resc_cpu: 1324593101
resp: 8450.390309 resp_io: 8417.000000 resp_cpu: 1324593101
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9431.486895 Resp: 9431.486895 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Resp: 1110.592475 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263584.274704 Resp: 263584.274704 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263093.000000 Cost_cpu: 19488860525
Resp_io: 263093.000000 Resp_cpu: 19488860525
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
Best NL cost: 1826.773792
resc: 1826.773792 resc_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
resp: 1826.773792 resp_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 1482.729798 Resp: 1482.729798 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 1482.729798
resc: 1482.729798 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 187631025
resp: 1482.729798 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 187631025
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.739468 Resp: 1480.739468 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 4 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 1480.738682 swapped
resc: 1480.738682 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 108643474
resp: 1480.738682 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 108643474
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Resp: 1480.738682 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 175907.648246 Resp: 175907.648246 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 175214.000000 Cost_cpu: 27517016039
Resp_io: 175214.000000 Resp_cpu: 27517016039
Best NL cost: 175907.648246
resc: 175907.648246 resc_io: 175214.000000 resc_cpu: 27517016039
resp: 175907.648246 resp_io: 175214.000000 resc_cpu: 27517016039
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
>> Join Card adjusted from 1.805456 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.431013 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=160.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 6463.276750 Resp: 6463.276750 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6463.276750
resc: 6463.276750 resc_io: 6439.000000 resc_cpu: 963058345
resp: 6463.276750 resp_io: 6439.000000 resp_cpu: 963058345
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.991668 Resp: 6325.991668 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.991668
resc: 6325.991668 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872409156
resp: 6325.991668 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872409156
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 3470268.016020 Resp: 3470268.016020 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 3456526.000000 Cost_cpu: 545145580041
Resp_io: 3456526.000000 Resp_cpu: 545145580041
Best NL cost: 3470268.016020
resc: 3470268.016020 resc_io: 3456526.000000 resc_cpu: 545145580041
resp: 3470268.016020 resp_io: 3456526.000000 resc_cpu: 545145580041
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (715.681646) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 715.681646, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
>> Join Card adjusted from 35.784082 to 178.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=3
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.974279 cardHjSmj=178.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=3560.000000 cardNlj=178.000000 cardNSQ=178.000000 cardNSQ_na=35.784082
Join Card - Rounded: 178 Computed: 178.000000
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 6093.138044 Resp: 6093.138044 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6093.138044
resc: 6093.138044 resc_io: 6071.000000 resc_cpu: 878215889
resp: 6093.138044 resp_io: 6071.000000 resp_cpu: 878215889
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.063625 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5955.848032 Resp: 5955.848032 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5955.848032
resc: 5955.848032 resc_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787371146
resp: 5955.848032 resp_io: 5936.000000 resp_cpu: 787371146
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 5955.848032 Degree: 1 Resp: 5955.848032 Card: 178.000000 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 178.000000 Cost: 5955.848032 Resp: 5955.848032 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.904494
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.904494 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.904494
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 71208.833279 Resp: 71208.833279 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 71067.000000 Cost_cpu: 5626524158
Resp_io: 71067.000000 Resp_cpu: 5626524158
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 6133.893108 Resp: 6133.893108 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6114.000000 Cost_cpu: 789159311
Resp_io: 6114.000000 Resp_cpu: 789159311
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 6133.893108 Resp: 6133.893108 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6114.000000 Cost_cpu: 789159311
Resp_io: 6114.000000 Resp_cpu: 789159311
Best NL cost: 6133.893108
resc: 6133.893108 resc_io: 6114.000000 resc_cpu: 789159311
resp: 6133.893108 resp_io: 6114.000000 resc_cpu: 789159311
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 8.980844 = outer (178.000000) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
>> Join Card adjusted from 8.980844 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=0.890785 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=8.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 5955.848032 card 178.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.848032
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 178
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39729939
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 6327.979155 Resp: 6327.979155 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6327.979155
resc: 6327.979155 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 951252721
resp: 6327.979155 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 951252721
Outer table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 5955.848032 card 178.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.848032
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.016030 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.992991 Resp: 6325.992991 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 5955.848032 card: 178.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.848032
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015921 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.992883 Resp: 6325.992883 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.992883 swapped
resc: 6325.992883 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872457356
resp: 6325.992883 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872457356
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.641304
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.641304 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.641304
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 32853.796226 Resp: 32853.796226 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 32811.000000 Cost_cpu: 1697725659
Resp_io: 32811.000000 Resp_cpu: 1697725659
Best NL cost: 32853.796226
resc: 32853.796226 resc_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
resp: 32853.796226 resp_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (92.002136) * inner (18.072508) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393264.413637 Resp: 393264.413637 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 52737820054
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 52737820054
Best NL cost: 393264.413637
resc: 393264.413637 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
resp: 393264.413637 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1499.000000 resc_cpu: 42850026
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1500.080162 Resp: 1500.080162 Degree: 1
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1500.080162 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1500.080162
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9595.028351 Resp: 9595.028351 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Resp: 4643.478121 Card: 36295.927693 Bytes:
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36295.927693 Cost: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625028
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625028 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625028
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 12819565.655655 Resp: 12819565.655655 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 12803504.000000 Cost_cpu: 637165651344
Resp_io: 12803504.000000 Resp_cpu: 637165651344
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
Best NL cost: 40544.476327
resc: 40544.476327 resc_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
resp: 40544.476327 resp_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (36295.927693) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 296.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 69168930
Total Temp space used: 2925000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 5296.663850 Resp: 5296.663850 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5296.663850
resc: 5296.663850 resc_io: 5276.000000 resc_cpu: 819734653
resp: 5296.663850 resp_io: 5276.000000 resp_cpu: 819734653
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 73.171900 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 187 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5071.092102 Resp: 5071.092102 [multiMatchCost=0.000045]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4643.478121 card: 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.106688 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 187 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4998.026844 swapped
resc: 4998.026844 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 715124655
resp: 4998.026844 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 715124655
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Resp: 4998.026844 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 179424.936408 Resp: 179424.936408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 178716.000000 Cost_cpu: 28123497220
Resp_io: 178716.000000 Resp_cpu: 28123497220
Best NL cost: 179424.936408
resc: 179424.936408 resc_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
resp: 179424.936408 resp_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
>> Join Card adjusted from 1.805456 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.431013 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=160.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9980.564913 Resp: 9980.564913 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9980.564913
resc: 9980.564913 resc_io: 9941.000000 resc_cpu: 1569539526
resp: 9980.564913 resp_io: 9941.000000 resp_cpu: 1569539526
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9843.279830 Resp: 9843.279830 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9843.279830
resc: 9843.279830 resc_io: 9806.000000 resc_cpu: 1478890337
resp: 9843.279830 resp_io: 9806.000000 resp_cpu: 1478890337
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18166.000000 Cost: 4845.191932 Resp: 4845.191932 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625124
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625124 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625124
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6418663.237367 Resp: 6418663.237367 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6410614.000000 Cost_cpu: 319313131832
Resp_io: 6410614.000000 Resp_cpu: 319313131832
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join (ordered): Cost: 22813.495145 Resp: 22813.495145 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 22790.000000 Cost_cpu: 932052071
Resp_io: 22790.000000 Resp_cpu: 932052071
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join (ordered): Cost: 22813.495145 Resp: 22813.495145 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 22790.000000 Cost_cpu: 932052071
Resp_io: 22790.000000 Resp_cpu: 932052071
Best NL cost: 22813.495145
resc: 22813.495145 resc_io: 22790.000000 resc_cpu: 932052071
resp: 22813.495145 resp_io: 22790.000000 resc_cpu: 932052071
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 18.072508 = outer (18166.000000) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508
Outer table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 5200.634053 Resp: 5200.634053 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5200.634053
resc: 5200.634053 resc_io: 5180.000000 resc_cpu: 818552605
resp: 5200.634053 resp_io: 5180.000000 resp_cpu: 818552605
Outer table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.083859 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 85 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5199.717828 Resp: 5199.717828 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.060986 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5199.694954 swapped
resc: 5199.694954 resc_io: 5180.000000 resc_cpu: 781298537
resp: 5199.694954 resp_io: 5180.000000 resp_cpu: 781298537
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Resp: 5199.694954 Card: 18.072508 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 11826.015688 Resp: 11826.015688 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 11768.000000 Cost_cpu: 2301481523
Resp_io: 11768.000000 Resp_cpu: 2301481523
Best NL cost: 11826.015688
resc: 11826.015688 resc_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
resp: 11826.015688 resp_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 82071.381991 Resp: 82071.381991 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81792.000000 Cost_cpu: 11083079591
Resp_io: 81792.000000 Resp_cpu: 11083079591
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5936.000000 Cost_cpu: 787302086
Resp_io: 5936.000000 Resp_cpu: 787302086
Best NL cost: 5955.846291
resc: 5955.846291 resc_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
resp: 5955.846291 resp_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 18.072508, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
>> Join Card adjusted from 35.784082 to 178.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=3
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.974279 cardHjSmj=178.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=3560.000000 cardNlj=178.000000 cardNSQ=178.000000 cardNSQ_na=35.784082
Join Card - Rounded: 178 Computed: 178.000000
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 49 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 13295.643227 Resp: 13295.643227 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 13295.643227
resc: 13295.643227 resc_io: 13243.000000 resc_cpu: 2088356083
resp: 13295.643227 resp_io: 13243.000000 resp_cpu: 2088356083
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9473.043865 Resp: 9473.043865 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9473.043865
resc: 9473.043865 resc_io: 9438.000000 resc_cpu: 1390189627
resp: 9473.043865 resp_io: 9438.000000 resp_cpu: 1390189627
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Resp: 5955.846291 Card: 178.000000 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 178.000000 Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.904494
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.904494 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.904494
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 71208.831538 Resp: 71208.831538 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 71067.000000 Cost_cpu: 5626455099
Resp_io: 71067.000000 Resp_cpu: 5626455099
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 6133.891367 Resp: 6133.891367 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6114.000000 Cost_cpu: 789090251
Resp_io: 6114.000000 Resp_cpu: 789090251
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 6133.891367 Resp: 6133.891367 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6114.000000 Cost_cpu: 789090251
Resp_io: 6114.000000 Resp_cpu: 789090251
Best NL cost: 6133.891367
resc: 6133.891367 resc_io: 6114.000000 resc_cpu: 789090251
resp: 6133.891367 resp_io: 6114.000000 resc_cpu: 789090251
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 8.980844 = outer (178.000000) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
>> Join Card adjusted from 8.980844 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=0.890785 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=8.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 178.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 178
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39729939
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 6327.977414 Resp: 6327.977414 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6327.977414
resc: 6327.977414 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 951183662
resp: 6327.977414 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 951183662
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 178.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.016030 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.991251 Resp: 6325.991251 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card: 178.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015921 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.991142 Resp: 6325.991142 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.991142 swapped
resc: 6325.991142 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872388297
resp: 6325.991142 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872388297
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 719384.000000 Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625001
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625001 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625001
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 253995049.916678 Resp: 253995049.916678 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 253677042.000000 Cost_cpu: 12615369531018
Resp_io: 253677042.000000 Resp_cpu: 12615369531018
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 715826.614340 Resp: 715826.614340 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 715642.684355 Cost_cpu: 7296499891
Resp_io: 715642.684355 Resp_cpu: 7296499891
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 715826.614340 Resp: 715826.614340 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 715642.684355 Cost_cpu: 7296499891
Resp_io: 715642.684355 Resp_cpu: 7296499891
Best NL cost: 715826.614340
resc: 715826.614340 resc_io: 715642.684355 resc_cpu: 7296499891
resp: 715826.614340 resp_io: 715642.684355 resc_cpu: 7296499891
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (719384.000000) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 8450.390309 Resp: 8450.390309 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8450.390309
resc: 8450.390309 resc_io: 8417.000000 resc_cpu: 1324593101
resp: 8450.390309 resp_io: 8417.000000 resp_cpu: 1324593101
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 955.989747 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2459 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5581.953840 Resp: 5581.953840 [multiMatchCost=0.001760]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947 swapped
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4627.790947 Degree: 1 Resp: 4627.790947 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 267101.473176 Resp: 267101.473176 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 266595.000000 Cost_cpu: 20091783706
Resp_io: 266595.000000 Resp_cpu: 20091783706
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5343.972264 Resp: 5343.972264 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5328.000000 Cost_cpu: 633619487
Resp_io: 5328.000000 Resp_cpu: 633619487
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5343.972264 Resp: 5343.972264 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5328.000000 Cost_cpu: 633619487
Resp_io: 5328.000000 Resp_cpu: 633619487
Best NL cost: 5343.972264
resc: 5343.972264 resc_io: 5328.000000 resc_cpu: 633619487
resp: 5343.972264 resp_io: 5328.000000 resc_cpu: 633619487
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 4999.928270 Resp: 4999.928270 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 4999.928270
resc: 4999.928270 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 790554206
resp: 4999.928270 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 790554206
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4997.937941 Resp: 4997.937941 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 4 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4997.937154 Resp: 4997.937154 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4997.937154 swapped
resc: 4997.937154 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 711566655
resp: 4997.937154 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 711566655
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4997.937154 Degree: 1 Resp: 4997.937154 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 4997.937154 Resp: 4997.937154 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 179424.846718 Resp: 179424.846718 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 178716.000000 Cost_cpu: 28119939220
Resp_io: 178716.000000 Resp_cpu: 28119939220
Best NL cost: 179424.846718
resc: 179424.846718 resc_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28119939220
resp: 179424.846718 resp_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28119939220
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
>> Join Card adjusted from 1.805456 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.431013 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=160.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4997.937154 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4997.937154
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9980.475223 Resp: 9980.475223 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9980.475223
resc: 9980.475223 resc_io: 9941.000000 resc_cpu: 1565981526
resp: 9980.475223 resp_io: 9941.000000 resp_cpu: 1565981526
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4997.937154 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4997.937154
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9843.190140 Resp: 9843.190140 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9843.190140
resc: 9843.190140 resc_io: 9806.000000 resc_cpu: 1475332337
resp: 9843.190140 resp_io: 9806.000000 resp_cpu: 1475332337
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 3473785.214492 Resp: 3473785.214492 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 3460028.000000 Cost_cpu: 545748503222
Resp_io: 3460028.000000 Resp_cpu: 545748503222
Best NL cost: 3473785.214492
resc: 3473785.214492 resc_io: 3460028.000000 resc_cpu: 545748503222
resp: 3473785.214492 resp_io: 3460028.000000 resc_cpu: 545748503222
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (715.681646) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 715.681646, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
>> Join Card adjusted from 35.784082 to 178.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=3
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.974279 cardHjSmj=178.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=3560.000000 cardNlj=178.000000 cardNSQ=178.000000 cardNSQ_na=35.784082
Join Card - Rounded: 178 Computed: 178.000000
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9610.336516 Resp: 9610.336516 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9610.336516
resc: 9610.336516 resc_io: 9573.000000 resc_cpu: 1481139070
resp: 9610.336516 resp_io: 9573.000000 resp_cpu: 1481139070
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.063625 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9473.046504 Resp: 9473.046504 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9473.046504
resc: 9473.046504 resc_io: 9438.000000 resc_cpu: 1390294327
resp: 9473.046504 resp_io: 9438.000000 resp_cpu: 1390294327
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 719384.000000 Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895836
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895836 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895836
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263716882.840027 Resp: 263716882.840027 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263223868.000000 Cost_cpu: 19557891690861
Resp_io: 263223868.000000 Resp_cpu: 19557891690861
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
Best NL cost: 723837.694240
resc: 723837.694240 resc_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
resp: 723837.694240 resp_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (719384.000000) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 955.990120 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2459 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5597.730610 Resp: 5597.730610 [multiMatchCost=0.091263]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121 swapped
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Resp: 4643.478121 Card: 36295.927693 Bytes:
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36295.927693 Cost: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625028
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625028 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625028
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 12819565.655655 Resp: 12819565.655655 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 12803504.000000 Cost_cpu: 637165651344
Resp_io: 12803504.000000 Resp_cpu: 637165651344
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
Best NL cost: 40544.476327
resc: 40544.476327 resc_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
resp: 40544.476327 resp_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (36295.927693) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 296.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 69168930
Total Temp space used: 2925000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 5296.663850 Resp: 5296.663850 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5296.663850
resc: 5296.663850 resc_io: 5276.000000 resc_cpu: 819734653
resp: 5296.663850 resp_io: 5276.000000 resp_cpu: 819734653
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 73.171900 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 187 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5071.092102 Resp: 5071.092102 [multiMatchCost=0.000045]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4643.478121 card: 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.106688 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 187 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4998.026844 swapped
resc: 4998.026844 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 715124655
resp: 4998.026844 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 715124655
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Resp: 4998.026844 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_1
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 179424.936408 Resp: 179424.936408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 178716.000000 Cost_cpu: 28123497220
Resp_io: 178716.000000 Resp_cpu: 28123497220
Best NL cost: 179424.936408
resc: 179424.936408 resc_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
resp: 179424.936408 resp_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
>> Join Card adjusted from 1.805456 to 8.000000 due to opt_estimate hint, prelen=4
Adjusted Join Cards: adjRatio=4.431013 cardHjSmj=8.000000 cardHjSmjNPF=160.000000 cardNlj=8.000000 cardNSQ=8.000000 cardNSQ_na=1.805456
Join Card - Rounded: 8 Computed: 8.000000
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9980.564913 Resp: 9980.564913 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9980.564913
resc: 9980.564913 resc_io: 9941.000000 resc_cpu: 1569539526
resp: 9980.564913 resp_io: 9941.000000 resp_cpu: 1569539526
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_1 Alias: VW_SQ_1
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9843.279830 Resp: 9843.279830 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9843.279830
resc: 9843.279830 resc_io: 9806.000000 resc_cpu: 1478890337
resp: 9843.279830 resp_io: 9806.000000 resp_cpu: 1478890337
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:13, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 13
Consider using bloom filter between ITEM[ITEM] and VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join (lcdn:18 rcdn:18166 jcdn:18 limit:164153)
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:ITEM[ITEM] and rfro:VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1] swap:no
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv: predCnt:#1 col1:(bndv:18166 ndv:18166) and col2:(bndv:17964 ndv:19) creatorNDV:17964.0 userNDV:18166.0
kkopqComputeBloomNdv: predCnt:1 creatorNdv:17964.0 userNdv:18166.0 singleTblPred:yes
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:18 reduction:0.000995 (limit:0.500000) accepted
Consider using bloom filter between VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1] and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Consider using bloom filter between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between ITEM[ITEM](serial) and VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1](serial); jm = 1; right side access path = TableScan
---- serial Hash-Join -> NONE
--- Distribution method for
join between VW_SQ_1[VW_SQ_1](serial) and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexRange
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial - SMJ/HJ: both input serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
--- Distribution method for
join between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial) and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexUnique
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial - SMJ/HJ: both input serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
(newjo-save) [1 3 2 0 ]
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Final cost for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 4
Cost: 6134.891394 Degree: 1 Card: 8.000000 Bytes: 520.000000
Resc: 6134.891394 Resc_io: 6114.000000 Resc_cpu: 828761318
Resp: 6134.891394 Resp_io: 6114.000000 Resc_cpu: 828761318
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63de5cd78, in-use=89000, alloc=98568)
call(in-use=111000, alloc=229856), compile(in-use=285040, alloc=287224), execution(in-use=7808, alloc=8088)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
CBQT: Saved costed qb# 3 (SEL$683B0107), key = SEL$683B0107_00022002_4
SU: Considering interleaved complex view merging
SU: Unnesting subquery query block SEL$2 (#3)Subquery removal for query block SEL$2 (#3)
RSW: Not valid for subquery removal SEL$2 (#3)
Subquery unchanged.
CVM: Considering view merge (candidate phase) in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
CVM: Considering view merge (candidate phase) in query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
CVM: CBQT Marking query block SEL$683B0107 (#3) as valid for CVM.
CVM: Merging complex view SEL$683B0107 (#3) into SEL$C772B8D1 (#2).
qbcp:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
vqbcp:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Registered qb: SEL$C772B8D1 0x3de969b8 (COPY SEL$C772B8D1)
signature(): NULL
Registered qb: SEL$66469506 0x3de5f410 (SPLIT/MERGE QUERY BLOCKS SEL$C772B8D1)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$66469506 nbfros=1 flg=0
fro(0): flg=5 objn=0 hint_alias="VM_NWVW_3"@"SEL$66469506"
Registered qb: SEL$88A77D12 0x3de969b8 (PROJECTION VIEW FOR CVM SEL$683B0107)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$88A77D12 nbfros=4 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=1 objn=0 hint_alias="VW_SQ_2"@"SEL$7511BFD2"
CVM: result SEL$88A77D12 (#4)
******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
Registered qb: SEL$B186933D 0x3de969b8 (VIEW MERGE SEL$88A77D12; SEL$683B0107)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$B186933D nbfros=5 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(4): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$66469506 (#2)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK"
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
finally: "ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: transitive predicates are generated in query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
SU: Costing transformed query.
CBQT: Looking for cost annotations for query block SEL$B186933D, key = SEL$B186933D_00002000_1
CBQT: Could not find stored cost annotations.
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
call(in-use=120144, alloc=147496), compile(in-use=348352, alloc=351232), execution(in-use=8072, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63de87e48)
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$B186933D nbfros=5 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(4): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
#Rows: 17964 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1302 AvgRowLen: 501.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): I_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 17964 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000056 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014568 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 33 #DK: 17964 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1302.00 NRW: 17964.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Column (#23):
NewDensity:0.000003, OldDensity:0.000003 BktCnt:5551.000000, PopBktCnt:54.000000, PopValCnt:1, NDV:284768
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 284768 Nulls: 179 Density: 0.000003 Min: 0.000000 Max: 29317.000000
Histogram: Hybrid #Bkts: 254 UncompBkts: 5551 EndPtVals: 254 ActualVal: yes
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$B186933D (#4)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = GROUP_BY
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = HAVING
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 >> Single Tab Card adjusted from 719384.000000 to 719384.000000 due to opt_estimate hint
Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for ITEM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for ITEM[ITEM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
AvgLen: 4 NDV: 993 Nulls: 18 Density: 0.001007 Min: 1.000000 Max: 1000.000000
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Card: Original: 17964.000000 Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508 Non Adjusted: 18.072508
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 354.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 354.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 354.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 354.000000 Cost_cpu: 17535555
Resp_io: 354.000000 Resp_cpu: 17535555
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Resp: 354.442036 Card: 18.072508 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 18166
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$B186933D (#4)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6942.000000 Cost_cpu: 1537718541
Resp_io: 6942.000000 Resp_cpu: 1537718541
Best NL cost: 6980.762770
resc: 6980.762770 resc_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
resp: 6980.762770 resp_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Resp: 6980.762770 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897174
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897174 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897174
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 619008.172837 Resp: 619008.172837 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 615429.000000 Cost_cpu: 141985735519
Resp_io: 615429.000000 Resp_cpu: 141985735519
Best NL cost: 619008.172837
resc: 619008.172837 resc_io: 615429.000000 resc_cpu: 141985735519
resp: 619008.172837 resp_io: 615429.000000 resc_cpu: 141985735519
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 152972.806866 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 152973 Computed: 152972.806866
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 619008.172837 Degree: 1 Resp: 619008.172837 Card: 152972.806866 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 152972.806866 Cost: 619008.172837 Resp: 619008.172837 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.145843
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.145843 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.145843
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 653901356.454534 Resp: 653901356.454534 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 651690827.000000 Cost_cpu: 87691672017119
Resp_io: 651690827.000000 Resp_cpu: 87691672017119
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 7045160.313013 Resp: 7045160.313013 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7040295.000000 Cost_cpu: 193006898015
Resp_io: 7040295.000000 Resp_cpu: 193006898015
Best NL cost: 7045160.313013
resc: 7045160.313013 resc_io: 7040295.000000 resc_cpu: 193006898015
resp: 7045160.313013 resp_io: 7040295.000000 resc_cpu: 193006898015
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (152972.806866) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 619008.172837 card 152972.806866 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 619008.172837
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1461 Row size: 78 Total Rows: 152973
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 792
Total IO sort cost: 2253.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 194351197
Total Temp space used: 22193000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 629361.020225 Resp: 629361.020225 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 629361.020225
resc: 629361.020225 resc_io: 625745.000000 resc_cpu: 143447470894
resp: 629361.020225 resp_io: 625745.000000 resp_cpu: 143447470894
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 619008.172837 card 152972.806866 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 619008.172837
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1485.615742 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1364 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 624765.308876 Resp: 624765.308876 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 624765.308876
resc: 624765.308876 resc_io: 621168.000000 resc_cpu: 142705191931
resp: 624765.308876 resp_io: 621168.000000 resp_cpu: 142705191931
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 624765.308876 Degree: 1 Resp: 624765.308876 Card: 3322.116945 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 3322.116945 Cost: 624765.308876 Resp: 624765.308876 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146297
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146297 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146297
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14811609.994211 Resp: 14811609.994211 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14760086.000000 Cost_cpu: 2043956117437
Resp_io: 14760086.000000 Resp_cpu: 2043956117437
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 764317.239018 Resp: 764317.239018 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 760692.000000 Cost_cpu: 143813180281
Resp_io: 760692.000000 Resp_cpu: 143813180281
Best NL cost: 764317.239018
resc: 764317.239018 resc_io: 760692.000000 resc_cpu: 143813180281
resp: 764317.239018 resp_io: 760692.000000 resc_cpu: 143813180281
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (3322.116945) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 624765.308876 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 624765.308876
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 39 Row size: 95 Total Rows: 3322
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 22
Total IO sort cost: 61.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 42381230
Total Temp space used: 615000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 634688.036193 Resp: 634688.036193 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 634688.036193
resc: 634688.036193 resc_io: 631057.000000 resc_cpu: 144043154109
resp: 634688.036193 resp_io: 631057.000000 resp_cpu: 144043154109
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 624765.308876 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 624765.308876
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.841107 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 37 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 629038.670280 Resp: 629038.670280 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 629038.670280
resc: 629038.670280 resc_io: 625426.000000 resc_cpu: 143314578621
resp: 629038.670280 resp_io: 625426.000000 resp_cpu: 143314578621
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 629039.670785 Degree: 1 Resp: 629039.670785 Card: 72.146555 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 378.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 58205.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 619008.172837 card: 152972.806866 bytes: 9331353.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 624765.308876 card: 3322.116945 bytes: 255794.000000
Table#: 4 cost: 629039.670785 card: 72.146555 bytes: 7560.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 152972.806866 Cost: 619008.172837 Resp: 619008.172837 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.145843
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.145843 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.145843
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 653901356.454534 Resp: 653901356.454534 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 651690827.000000 Cost_cpu: 87691672017119
Resp_io: 651690827.000000 Resp_cpu: 87691672017119
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 7045160.313013 Resp: 7045160.313013 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7040295.000000 Cost_cpu: 193006898015
Resp_io: 7040295.000000 Resp_cpu: 193006898015
Best NL cost: 7045160.313013
resc: 7045160.313013 resc_io: 7040295.000000 resc_cpu: 193006898015
resp: 7045160.313013 resp_io: 7040295.000000 resc_cpu: 193006898015
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (152972.806866) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 619008.172837 card 152972.806866 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 619008.172837
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1461 Row size: 78 Total Rows: 152973
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 792
Total IO sort cost: 2253.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 194351197
Total Temp space used: 22193000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 631126.731009 Resp: 631126.731009 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 631126.731009
resc: 631126.731009 resc_io: 627510.000000 resc_cpu: 143475667664
resp: 631126.731009 resp_io: 627510.000000 resp_cpu: 143475667664
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 619008.172837 card 152972.806866 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 619008.172837
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1893.724741 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1364 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 625173.417875 Resp: 625173.417875 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 625173.417875
resc: 625173.417875 resc_io: 621576.000000 resc_cpu: 142709515915
resp: 625173.417875 resp_io: 621576.000000 resp_cpu: 142709515915
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 625173.417875 Degree: 1 Resp: 625173.417875 Card: 3322.116945 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 3322.116945 Cost: 625173.417875 Resp: 625173.417875 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146297
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146297 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146297
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14812018.103210 Resp: 14812018.103210 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14760494.000000 Cost_cpu: 2043960441421
Resp_io: 14760494.000000 Resp_cpu: 2043960441421
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 764725.348017 Resp: 764725.348017 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 761100.000000 Cost_cpu: 143817504265
Resp_io: 761100.000000 Resp_cpu: 143817504265
Best NL cost: 764725.348017
resc: 764725.348017 resc_io: 761100.000000 resc_cpu: 143817504265
resp: 764725.348017 resp_io: 761100.000000 resc_cpu: 143817504265
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (3322.116945) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 625173.417875 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 625173.417875
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 44 Row size: 108 Total Rows: 3322
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 26
Total IO sort cost: 70.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 42504360
Total Temp space used: 713000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 633339.437512 Resp: 633339.437512 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 633339.437512
resc: 633339.437512 resc_io: 629709.000000 resc_cpu: 144019404453
resp: 633339.437512 resp_io: 629709.000000 resp_cpu: 144019404453
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 625173.417875 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 625173.417875
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.841107 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 41 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 629446.779279 Resp: 629446.779279 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 629446.779279
resc: 629446.779279 resc_io: 625834.000000 resc_cpu: 143318902605
resp: 629446.779279 resp_io: 625834.000000 resp_cpu: 143318902605
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7108944.959553 Resp: 7108944.959553 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7084914.000000 Cost_cpu: 953307823633
Resp_io: 7084914.000000 Resp_cpu: 953307823633
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 76840.744657 Resp: 76840.744657 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76788.000000 Cost_cpu: 2092379777
Resp_io: 76788.000000 Resp_cpu: 2092379777
Best NL cost: 76840.744657
resc: 76840.744657 resc_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
resp: 76840.744657 resp_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 10 Row size: 49 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 15076.731167 Resp: 15076.731167 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 15076.731167
resc: 15076.731167 resc_io: 15005.000000 resc_cpu: 2845574379
resp: 15076.731167 resp_io: 15005.000000 resp_cpu: 2845574379
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 10 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11254.117901
resc: 11254.117901 resc_io: 11200.000000 resc_cpu: 2146856380
resp: 11254.117901 resp_io: 11200.000000 resp_cpu: 2146856380
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Resp: 11254.117901 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 24504.759370 Resp: 24504.759370 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 24374.000000 Cost_cpu: 5187222352
Resp_io: 24374.000000 Resp_cpu: 5187222352
Best NL cost: 24504.759370
resc: 24504.759370 resc_io: 24374.000000 resc_cpu: 5187222352
resp: 24504.759370 resp_io: 24374.000000 resc_cpu: 5187222352
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (36.109128) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 24504.759370 Degree: 1 Resp: 24504.759370 Card: 3322.116945 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 3322.116945 Cost: 24504.759370 Resp: 24504.759370 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146297
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146297 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146297
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14211349.444705 Resp: 14211349.444705 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14163292.000000 Cost_cpu: 1906438147859
Resp_io: 14163292.000000 Resp_cpu: 1906438147859
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 164056.689512 Resp: 164056.689512 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 163898.000000 Cost_cpu: 6295210702
Resp_io: 163898.000000 Resp_cpu: 6295210702
Best NL cost: 164056.689512
resc: 164056.689512 resc_io: 163898.000000 resc_cpu: 6295210702
resp: 164056.689512 resp_io: 163898.000000 resc_cpu: 6295210702
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (3322.116945) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 24504.759370 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 24504.759370
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 39 Row size: 95 Total Rows: 3322
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 22
Total IO sort cost: 61.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 42381230
Total Temp space used: 615000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 34427.486687 Resp: 34427.486687 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 34427.486687
resc: 34427.486687 resc_io: 34263.000000 resc_cpu: 6525184531
resp: 34427.486687 resp_io: 34263.000000 resp_cpu: 6525184531
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 24504.759370 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 24504.759370
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.841107 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 37 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 28778.120774 Resp: 28778.120774 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 28778.120774
resc: 28778.120774 resc_io: 28632.000000 resc_cpu: 5796609042
resp: 28778.120774 resp_io: 28632.000000 resp_cpu: 5796609042
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 28779.121279 Degree: 1 Resp: 28779.121279 Card: 72.146555 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 378.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 58205.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 11254.117901 card: 36.109128 bytes: 1836.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 24504.759370 card: 3322.116945 bytes: 255794.000000
Table#: 4 cost: 28779.121279 card: 72.146555 bytes: 7560.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.194444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.194444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.194444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 164996.490178 Resp: 164996.490178 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 164423.000000 Cost_cpu: 22750347206
Resp_io: 164423.000000 Resp_cpu: 22750347206
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 12766.418779 Resp: 12766.418779 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 12712.000000 Cost_cpu: 2158792198
Resp_io: 12712.000000 Resp_cpu: 2158792198
Best NL cost: 12766.418779
resc: 12766.418779 resc_io: 12712.000000 resc_cpu: 2158792198
resp: 12766.418779 resp_io: 12712.000000 resc_cpu: 2158792198
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (36.109128) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 21115.777085 Resp: 21115.777085 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 21115.777085
resc: 21115.777085 resc_io: 21028.000000 resc_cpu: 3482115700
resp: 21115.777085 resp_io: 21028.000000 resp_cpu: 3482115700
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828682 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 15527.466881 Resp: 15527.466881 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 15527.466881
resc: 15527.466881 resc_io: 15458.000000 resc_cpu: 2755750170
resp: 15527.466881 resp_io: 15458.000000 resp_cpu: 2755750170
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 12766.418779 Degree: 1 Resp: 12766.418779 Card: 1429.942159 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1429.942159 Cost: 12766.418779 Resp: 12766.418779 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897203
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897203 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897203
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 536979.412617 Resp: 536979.412617 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 535945.000000 Cost_cpu: 41035133814
Resp_io: 535945.000000 Resp_cpu: 41035133814
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 14196.780907 Resp: 14196.780907 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14142.000000 Cost_cpu: 2173157791
Resp_io: 14142.000000 Resp_cpu: 2173157791
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 14196.780907 Resp: 14196.780907 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14142.000000 Cost_cpu: 2173157791
Resp_io: 14142.000000 Resp_cpu: 2173157791
Best NL cost: 14196.780907
resc: 14196.780907 resc_io: 14142.000000 resc_cpu: 2173157791
resp: 14196.780907 resp_io: 14142.000000 resc_cpu: 2173157791
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (1429.942159) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 12766.418779 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 12766.418779
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 17 Row size: 97 Total Rows: 1430
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40345307
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 13138.565414 Resp: 13138.565414 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 13138.565414
resc: 13138.565414 resc_io: 13080.000000 resc_cpu: 2323289142
resp: 13138.565414 resp_io: 13080.000000 resp_cpu: 2323289142
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 12766.418779 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 12766.418779
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.020764 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 16 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 13136.568473 Resp: 13136.568473 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 12766.418779 card: 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 12766.418779
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.019077 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 16 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 13136.566786 Resp: 13136.566786 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 13136.566786 swapped
resc: 13136.566786 resc_io: 13080.000000 resc_cpu: 2244003608
resp: 13136.566786 resp_io: 13080.000000 resp_cpu: 2244003608
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 13137.567291 Degree: 1 Resp: 13137.567291 Card: 72.146555 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 378.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 58205.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 11254.117901 card: 36.109128 bytes: 1836.000000
Table#: 4 cost: 12766.418779 card: 1429.942159 bytes: 112970.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 13137.567291 card: 72.146555 bytes: 7560.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7108944.876548 Resp: 7108944.876548 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7084914.000000 Cost_cpu: 953304530846
Resp_io: 7084914.000000 Resp_cpu: 953304530846
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 76840.661652 Resp: 76840.661652 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76788.000000 Cost_cpu: 2089086989
Resp_io: 76788.000000 Resp_cpu: 2089086989
Best NL cost: 76840.661652
resc: 76840.661652 resc_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2089086989
resp: 76840.661652 resp_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2089086989
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 65844.240073 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 65844 Computed: 65844.240073
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 10 Row size: 49 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 16842.441951 Resp: 16842.441951 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 16842.441951
resc: 16842.441951 resc_io: 16770.000000 resc_cpu: 2873771149
resp: 16842.441951 resp_io: 16770.000000 resp_cpu: 2873771149
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 10 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11254.117901
resc: 11254.117901 resc_io: 11200.000000 resc_cpu: 2146856380
resp: 11254.117901 resp_io: 11200.000000 resp_cpu: 2146856380
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Resp: 11254.117901 Card: 65844.240073 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 65844.240073 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895860
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895860 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895860
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 24148424.694317 Resp: 24148424.694317 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 24103247.000000 Cost_cpu: 1792198490924
Resp_io: 24103247.000000 Resp_cpu: 1792198490924
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 77114.791974 Resp: 77114.791974 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 77044.000000 Cost_cpu: 2808316607
Resp_io: 77044.000000 Resp_cpu: 2808316607
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 77114.791974 Resp: 77114.791974 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 77044.000000 Cost_cpu: 2808316607
Resp_io: 77044.000000 Resp_cpu: 2808316607
Best NL cost: 77114.791974
resc: 77114.791974 resc_io: 77044.000000 resc_cpu: 2808316607
resp: 77114.791974 resp_io: 77044.000000 resc_cpu: 2808316607
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (65844.240073) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 645 Row size: 80 Total Rows: 65844
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 350
Total IO sort cost: 995.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 103038989
Total Temp space used: 10101000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 12622.844917 Resp: 12622.844917 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 12622.844917
resc: 12622.844917 resc_io: 12563.000000 resc_cpu: 2374047006
resp: 12622.844917 resp_io: 12563.000000 resp_cpu: 2374047006
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 234.327020 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 603 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11858.581993 Resp: 11858.581993 [multiMatchCost=0.008142]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card: 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.181452 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 603 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11624.428283 Resp: 11624.428283 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11624.428283 swapped
resc: 11624.428283 resc_io: 11568.000000 resc_cpu: 2238509191
resp: 11624.428283 resp_io: 11568.000000 resp_cpu: 2238509191
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11624.428283 Degree: 1 Resp: 11624.428283 Card: 3322.116945 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 3322.116945 Cost: 11624.428283 Resp: 11624.428283 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146297
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146297 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146297
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14198469.113618 Resp: 14198469.113618 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14150486.000000 Cost_cpu: 1903489434697
Resp_io: 14150486.000000 Resp_cpu: 1903489434697
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 151176.358426 Resp: 151176.358426 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 151092.000000 Cost_cpu: 3346497540
Resp_io: 151092.000000 Resp_cpu: 3346497540
Best NL cost: 151176.358426
resc: 151176.358426 resc_io: 151092.000000 resc_cpu: 3346497540
resp: 151176.358426 resp_io: 151092.000000 resc_cpu: 3346497540
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (3322.116945) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11624.428283 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11624.428283
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 44 Row size: 108 Total Rows: 3322
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 26
Total IO sort cost: 70.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 42504360
Total Temp space used: 697000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 19790.447920 Resp: 19790.447920 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 19790.447920
resc: 19790.447920 resc_io: 19701.000000 resc_cpu: 3548397729
resp: 19790.447920 resp_io: 19701.000000 resp_cpu: 3548397729
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11624.428283 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11624.428283
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.841107 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 41 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 15897.789687 Resp: 15897.789687 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 15897.789687
resc: 15897.789687 resc_io: 15826.000000 resc_cpu: 2847895880
resp: 15897.789687 resp_io: 15826.000000 resp_cpu: 2847895880
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 65844.240073 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.145860
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.145860 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.145860
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 281202857.298280 Resp: 281202857.298280 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 280252868.000000 Cost_cpu: 37686061949408
Resp_io: 280252868.000000 Resp_cpu: 37686061949408
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 2777255.709802 Resp: 2777255.709802 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 2776648.000000 Cost_cpu: 24107839190
Resp_io: 2776648.000000 Resp_cpu: 24107839190
Best NL cost: 2777255.709802
resc: 2777255.709802 resc_io: 2776648.000000 resc_cpu: 24107839190
resp: 2777255.709802 resp_io: 2776648.000000 resc_cpu: 24107839190
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (65844.240073) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 645 Row size: 80 Total Rows: 65844
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 350
Total IO sort cost: 995.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 103038989
Total Temp space used: 10101000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 20346.663494 Resp: 20346.663494 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 20346.663494
resc: 20346.663494 resc_io: 20258.000000 resc_cpu: 3517279548
resp: 20346.663494 resp_io: 20258.000000 resp_cpu: 3517279548
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1190.207592 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 603 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16715.845790 Resp: 16715.845790 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16715.845790
resc: 16715.845790 resc_io: 16644.000000 resc_cpu: 2850121477
resp: 16715.845790 resp_io: 16644.000000 resp_cpu: 2850121477
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6942.000000 Cost_cpu: 1537718541
Resp_io: 6942.000000 Resp_cpu: 1537718541
Best NL cost: 6980.762770
resc: 6980.762770 resc_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
resp: 6980.762770 resp_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Resp: 6980.762770 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897174
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897174 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897174
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 619008.172837 Resp: 619008.172837 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 615429.000000 Cost_cpu: 141985735519
Resp_io: 615429.000000 Resp_cpu: 141985735519
Best NL cost: 619008.172837
resc: 619008.172837 resc_io: 615429.000000 resc_cpu: 141985735519
resp: 619008.172837 resp_io: 615429.000000 resc_cpu: 141985735519
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 152972.806866 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 152973 Computed: 152972.806866
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7108944.876548 Resp: 7108944.876548 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7084914.000000 Cost_cpu: 953304530846
Resp_io: 7084914.000000 Resp_cpu: 953304530846
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 76840.661652 Resp: 76840.661652 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76788.000000 Cost_cpu: 2089086989
Resp_io: 76788.000000 Resp_cpu: 2089086989
Best NL cost: 76840.661652
resc: 76840.661652 resc_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2089086989
resp: 76840.661652 resp_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2089086989
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 65844.240073 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 65844 Computed: 65844.240073
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 13 Row size: 62 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 15076.731167 Resp: 15076.731167 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 15076.731167
resc: 15076.731167 resc_io: 15005.000000 resc_cpu: 2845574379
resp: 15076.731167 resp_io: 15005.000000 resp_cpu: 2845574379
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 12 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11254.117901
resc: 11254.117901 resc_io: 11200.000000 resc_cpu: 2146856380
resp: 11254.117901 resp_io: 11200.000000 resp_cpu: 2146856380
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Resp: 11254.117901 Card: 65844.240073 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 65844.240073 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895860
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895860 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895860
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 24148424.694317 Resp: 24148424.694317 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 24103247.000000 Cost_cpu: 1792198490924
Resp_io: 24103247.000000 Resp_cpu: 1792198490924
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 77114.791974 Resp: 77114.791974 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 77044.000000 Cost_cpu: 2808316607
Resp_io: 77044.000000 Resp_cpu: 2808316607
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 77114.791974 Resp: 77114.791974 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 77044.000000 Cost_cpu: 2808316607
Resp_io: 77044.000000 Resp_cpu: 2808316607
Best NL cost: 77114.791974
resc: 77114.791974 resc_io: 77044.000000 resc_cpu: 2808316607
resp: 77114.791974 resp_io: 77044.000000 resc_cpu: 2808316607
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (65844.240073) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 645 Row size: 80 Total Rows: 65844
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 350
Total IO sort cost: 995.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 103038989
Total Temp space used: 10101000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 12622.844917 Resp: 12622.844917 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 12622.844917
resc: 12622.844917 resc_io: 12563.000000 resc_cpu: 2374047006
resp: 12622.844917 resp_io: 12563.000000 resp_cpu: 2374047006
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 234.327020 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 603 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11858.581993 Resp: 11858.581993 [multiMatchCost=0.008142]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card: 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.181452 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 603 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11624.428283 Resp: 11624.428283 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11624.428283 swapped
resc: 11624.428283 resc_io: 11568.000000 resc_cpu: 2238509191
resp: 11624.428283 resp_io: 11568.000000 resp_cpu: 2238509191
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11624.428283 Degree: 1 Resp: 11624.428283 Card: 3322.116945 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 3322.116945 Cost: 11624.428283 Resp: 11624.428283 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146297
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146297 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146297
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14198469.113618 Resp: 14198469.113618 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14150486.000000 Cost_cpu: 1903489434697
Resp_io: 14150486.000000 Resp_cpu: 1903489434697
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 151176.358426 Resp: 151176.358426 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 151092.000000 Cost_cpu: 3346497540
Resp_io: 151092.000000 Resp_cpu: 3346497540
Best NL cost: 151176.358426
resc: 151176.358426 resc_io: 151092.000000 resc_cpu: 3346497540
resp: 151176.358426 resp_io: 151092.000000 resc_cpu: 3346497540
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (3322.116945) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11624.428283 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11624.428283
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 39 Row size: 95 Total Rows: 3322
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 22
Total IO sort cost: 61.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 42381230
Total Temp space used: 615000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 21547.155600 Resp: 21547.155600 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 21547.155600
resc: 21547.155600 resc_io: 21457.000000 resc_cpu: 3576471369
resp: 21547.155600 resp_io: 21457.000000 resp_cpu: 3576471369
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11624.428283 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11624.428283
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.841107 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 37 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 15897.789687 Resp: 15897.789687 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 15897.789687
resc: 15897.789687 resc_io: 15826.000000 resc_cpu: 2847895880
resp: 15897.789687 resp_io: 15826.000000 resp_cpu: 2847895880
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 65844.240073 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.145860
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.145860 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.145860
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 281202857.298280 Resp: 281202857.298280 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 280252868.000000 Cost_cpu: 37686061949408
Resp_io: 280252868.000000 Resp_cpu: 37686061949408
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 2777255.709802 Resp: 2777255.709802 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 2776648.000000 Cost_cpu: 24107839190
Resp_io: 2776648.000000 Resp_cpu: 24107839190
Best NL cost: 2777255.709802
resc: 2777255.709802 resc_io: 2776648.000000 resc_cpu: 24107839190
resp: 2777255.709802 resp_io: 2776648.000000 resc_cpu: 24107839190
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (65844.240073) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 645 Row size: 80 Total Rows: 65844
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 350
Total IO sort cost: 995.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 103038989
Total Temp space used: 10101000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 22112.374278 Resp: 22112.374278 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 22112.374278
resc: 22112.374278 resc_io: 22023.000000 resc_cpu: 3545476318
resp: 22112.374278 resp_io: 22023.000000 resp_cpu: 3545476318
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 65844.240073 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1598.316591 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 603 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 17123.954789 Resp: 17123.954789 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 17123.954789
resc: 17123.954789 resc_io: 17052.000000 resc_cpu: 2854445461
resp: 17123.954789 resp_io: 17052.000000 resp_cpu: 2854445461
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7108944.959553 Resp: 7108944.959553 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7084914.000000 Cost_cpu: 953307823633
Resp_io: 7084914.000000 Resp_cpu: 953307823633
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 76840.744657 Resp: 76840.744657 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76788.000000 Cost_cpu: 2092379777
Resp_io: 76788.000000 Resp_cpu: 2092379777
Best NL cost: 76840.744657
resc: 76840.744657 resc_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
resp: 76840.744657 resp_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 13 Row size: 62 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 16842.441951 Resp: 16842.441951 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 16842.441951
resc: 16842.441951 resc_io: 16770.000000 resc_cpu: 2873771149
resp: 16842.441951 resp_io: 16770.000000 resp_cpu: 2873771149
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 12 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11254.117901
resc: 11254.117901 resc_io: 11200.000000 resc_cpu: 2146856380
resp: 11254.117901 resp_io: 11200.000000 resp_cpu: 2146856380
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Resp: 11254.117901 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 24504.759370 Resp: 24504.759370 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 24374.000000 Cost_cpu: 5187222352
Resp_io: 24374.000000 Resp_cpu: 5187222352
Best NL cost: 24504.759370
resc: 24504.759370 resc_io: 24374.000000 resc_cpu: 5187222352
resp: 24504.759370 resp_io: 24374.000000 resc_cpu: 5187222352
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (36.109128) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.194444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.194444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.194444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 164996.490178 Resp: 164996.490178 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 164423.000000 Cost_cpu: 22750347206
Resp_io: 164423.000000 Resp_cpu: 22750347206
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 12766.418779 Resp: 12766.418779 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 12712.000000 Cost_cpu: 2158792198
Resp_io: 12712.000000 Resp_cpu: 2158792198
Best NL cost: 12766.418779
resc: 12766.418779 resc_io: 12712.000000 resc_cpu: 2158792198
resp: 12766.418779 resp_io: 12712.000000 resc_cpu: 2158792198
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (36.109128) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 93 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 19350.066301 Resp: 19350.066301 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 19350.066301
resc: 19350.066301 resc_io: 19263.000000 resc_cpu: 3453918930
resp: 19350.066301 resp_io: 19263.000000 resp_cpu: 3453918930
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828682 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 15527.466881 Resp: 15527.466881 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 15527.466881
resc: 15527.466881 resc_io: 15458.000000 resc_cpu: 2755750170
resp: 15527.466881 resp_io: 15458.000000 resp_cpu: 2755750170
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 12766.418779 Degree: 1 Resp: 12766.418779 Card: 1429.942159 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1429.942159 Cost: 12766.418779 Resp: 12766.418779 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897203
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897203 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897203
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 536979.412617 Resp: 536979.412617 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 535945.000000 Cost_cpu: 41035133814
Resp_io: 535945.000000 Resp_cpu: 41035133814
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 14196.780907 Resp: 14196.780907 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14142.000000 Cost_cpu: 2173157791
Resp_io: 14142.000000 Resp_cpu: 2173157791
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 14196.780907 Resp: 14196.780907 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14142.000000 Cost_cpu: 2173157791
Resp_io: 14142.000000 Resp_cpu: 2173157791
Best NL cost: 14196.780907
resc: 14196.780907 resc_io: 14142.000000 resc_cpu: 2173157791
resp: 14196.780907 resp_io: 14142.000000 resc_cpu: 2173157791
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (1429.942159) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 12766.418779 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 12766.418779
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 20 Row size: 111 Total Rows: 1430
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40345307
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 13138.565414 Resp: 13138.565414 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 13138.565414
resc: 13138.565414 resc_io: 13080.000000 resc_cpu: 2323289142
resp: 13138.565414 resp_io: 13080.000000 resp_cpu: 2323289142
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 12766.418779 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 12766.418779
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.020764 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 18 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 13136.568473 Resp: 13136.568473 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 12766.418779 card: 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 12766.418779
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.019077 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 18 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 13136.566786 Resp: 13136.566786 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 13136.566786 swapped
resc: 13136.566786 resc_io: 13080.000000 resc_cpu: 2244003608
resp: 13136.566786 resp_io: 13080.000000 resp_cpu: 2244003608
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 77226.128174 Resp: 77226.128174 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76966.000000 Cost_cpu: 10319280968
Resp_io: 76966.000000 Resp_cpu: 10319280968
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1110.000000 Cost_cpu: 23503464
Resp_io: 1110.000000 Resp_cpu: 23503464
Best NL cost: 1110.592475
resc: 1110.592475 resc_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
resp: 1110.592475 resp_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 34 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8450.390309 Resp: 8450.390309 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8450.390309
resc: 8450.390309 resc_io: 8417.000000 resc_cpu: 1324593101
resp: 8450.390309 resp_io: 8417.000000 resp_cpu: 1324593101
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9431.486895 Resp: 9431.486895 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Resp: 1110.592475 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263584.274704 Resp: 263584.274704 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263093.000000 Cost_cpu: 19488860525
Resp_io: 263093.000000 Resp_cpu: 19488860525
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
Best NL cost: 1826.773792
resc: 1826.773792 resc_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
resp: 1826.773792 resp_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 5 Row size: 51 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 1482.729798 Resp: 1482.729798 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 1482.729798
resc: 1482.729798 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 187631025
resp: 1482.729798 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 187631025
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 5 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.739468 Resp: 1480.739468 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 5 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 1480.738682 swapped
resc: 1480.738682 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 108643474
resp: 1480.738682 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 108643474
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Resp: 1480.738682 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14731.380151 Resp: 14731.380151 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14652.000000 Cost_cpu: 3149009446
Resp_io: 14652.000000 Resp_cpu: 3149009446
Best NL cost: 14731.380151
resc: 14731.380151 resc_io: 14652.000000 resc_cpu: 3149009446
resp: 14731.380151 resp_io: 14652.000000 resc_cpu: 3149009446
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (36.109128) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.194444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.194444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.194444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 155223.110959 Resp: 155223.110959 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 154701.000000 Cost_cpu: 20712134299
Resp_io: 154701.000000 Resp_cpu: 20712134299
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 2993.039560 Resp: 2993.039560 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 2990.000000 Cost_cpu: 120579291
Resp_io: 2990.000000 Resp_cpu: 120579291
Best NL cost: 2993.039560
resc: 2993.039560 resc_io: 2990.000000 resc_cpu: 120579291
resp: 2993.039560 resp_io: 2990.000000 resc_cpu: 120579291
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (36.109128) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 11342.397865 Resp: 11342.397865 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 11342.397865
resc: 11342.397865 resc_io: 11306.000000 resc_cpu: 1443902794
resp: 11342.397865 resp_io: 11306.000000 resp_cpu: 1443902794
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828682 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5754.087661 Resp: 5754.087661 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5754.087661
resc: 5754.087661 resc_io: 5736.000000 resc_cpu: 717537263
resp: 5754.087661 resp_io: 5736.000000 resp_cpu: 717537263
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 2993.039560 Degree: 1 Resp: 2993.039560 Card: 1429.942159 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1429.942159 Cost: 2993.039560 Resp: 2993.039560 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897203
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897203 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897203
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 527206.033398 Resp: 527206.033398 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 526223.000000 Cost_cpu: 38996920908
Resp_io: 526223.000000 Resp_cpu: 38996920908
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4423.401687 Resp: 4423.401687 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4420.000000 Cost_cpu: 134944884
Resp_io: 4420.000000 Resp_cpu: 134944884
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4423.401687 Resp: 4423.401687 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4420.000000 Cost_cpu: 134944884
Resp_io: 4420.000000 Resp_cpu: 134944884
Best NL cost: 4423.401687
resc: 4423.401687 resc_io: 4420.000000 resc_cpu: 134944884
resp: 4423.401687 resp_io: 4420.000000 resc_cpu: 134944884
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (1429.942159) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2993.039560 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2993.039560
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 17 Row size: 97 Total Rows: 1430
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40345307
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3365.186195 Resp: 3365.186195 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3365.186195
resc: 3365.186195 resc_io: 3358.000000 resc_cpu: 285076235
resp: 3365.186195 resp_io: 3358.000000 resp_cpu: 285076235
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2993.039560 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2993.039560
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.020764 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 16 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3363.189253 Resp: 3363.189253 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2993.039560 card: 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2993.039560
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.019077 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 16 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3363.187567 Resp: 3363.187567 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 3363.187567 swapped
resc: 3363.187567 resc_io: 3358.000000 resc_cpu: 205790701
resp: 3363.187567 resp_io: 3358.000000 resp_cpu: 205790701
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 3364.188071 Degree: 1 Resp: 3364.188071 Card: 72.146555 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 378.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 1110.592475 card: 715.681646 bytes: 26492.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 1480.738682 card: 36.109128 bytes: 1836.000000
Table#: 4 cost: 2993.039560 card: 1429.942159 bytes: 112970.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 3364.188071 card: 72.146555 bytes: 7560.000000
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 264617.906129 Resp: 264617.906129 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263093.000000 Cost_cpu: 60493004460
Resp_io: 263093.000000 Resp_cpu: 60493004460
Best NL cost: 264617.906129
resc: 264617.906129 resc_io: 263093.000000 resc_cpu: 60493004460
resp: 264617.906129 resp_io: 263093.000000 resc_cpu: 60493004460
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 65844.240073 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 65844 Computed: 65844.240073
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.148045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.148045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.148045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 3058842.329976 Resp: 3058842.329976 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 3048512.000000 Cost_cpu: 409804043217
Resp_io: 3048512.000000 Resp_cpu: 409804043217
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 2.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 2548.576599 Resp: 2548.576599 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 2542.000000 Cost_cpu: 260893607
Resp_io: 2542.000000 Resp_cpu: 260893607
Best NL cost: 2548.576599
resc: 2548.576599 resc_io: 2542.000000 resc_cpu: 260893607
resp: 2548.576599 resp_io: 2542.000000 resc_cpu: 260893607
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 28341.402891 = outer (715.681646) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 28341 Computed: 28341.402891
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 5 Row size: 51 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 10972.259159 Resp: 10972.259159 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 10972.259159
resc: 10972.259159 resc_io: 10938.000000 resc_cpu: 1359060337
resp: 10972.259159 resp_io: 10938.000000 resp_cpu: 1359060337
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.831253 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 5 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5383.944025 Resp: 5383.944025 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5383.944025
resc: 5383.944025 resc_io: 5368.000000 resc_cpu: 632499253
resp: 5383.944025 resp_io: 5368.000000 resp_cpu: 632499253
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 2548.576599 Degree: 1 Resp: 2548.576599 Card: 28341.402891 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 28341.402891 Cost: 2548.576599 Resp: 2548.576599 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895911
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895911 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895911
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 10391826.957974 Resp: 10391826.957974 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 10372398.000000 Cost_cpu: 770746486442
Resp_io: 10372398.000000 Resp_cpu: 770746486442
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 30896.753562 Resp: 30896.753562 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 30883.000000 Cost_cpu: 545603593
Resp_io: 30883.000000 Resp_cpu: 545603593
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 30896.753562 Resp: 30896.753562 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 30883.000000 Cost_cpu: 545603593
Resp_io: 30883.000000 Resp_cpu: 545603593
Best NL cost: 30896.753562
resc: 30896.753562 resc_io: 30883.000000 resc_cpu: 545603593
resp: 30896.753562 resp_io: 30883.000000 resc_cpu: 545603593
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (28341.402891) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 285 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 28341
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 156
Total IO sort cost: 441.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 65574391
Total Temp space used: 4563000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3362.359208 Resp: 3362.359208 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3362.359208
resc: 3362.359208 resc_io: 3351.000000 resc_cpu: 450619634
resp: 3362.359208 resp_io: 3351.000000 resp_cpu: 450619634
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 104.150467 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 267 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3022.859369 Resp: 3022.859369 [multiMatchCost=0.003373]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card: 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.086915 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 267 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 2918.792444 Resp: 2918.792444 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 2918.792444 swapped
resc: 2918.792444 resc_io: 2910.000000 resc_cpu: 348796118
resp: 2918.792444 resp_io: 2910.000000 resp_cpu: 348796118
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 2918.792444 Degree: 1 Resp: 2918.792444 Card: 1429.942159 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1429.942159 Cost: 2918.792444 Resp: 2918.792444 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897203
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897203 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897203
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 527131.786282 Resp: 527131.786282 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 526143.000000 Cost_cpu: 39225137734
Resp_io: 526143.000000 Resp_cpu: 39225137734
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4349.154571 Resp: 4349.154571 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4340.000000 Cost_cpu: 363161711
Resp_io: 4340.000000 Resp_cpu: 363161711
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4349.154571 Resp: 4349.154571 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4340.000000 Cost_cpu: 363161711
Resp_io: 4340.000000 Resp_cpu: 363161711
Best NL cost: 4349.154571
resc: 4349.154571 resc_io: 4340.000000 resc_cpu: 363161711
resp: 4349.154571 resp_io: 4340.000000 resc_cpu: 363161711
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (1429.942159) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 17 Row size: 97 Total Rows: 1430
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40345307
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3290.939079 Resp: 3290.939079 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3290.939079
resc: 3290.939079 resc_io: 3278.000000 resc_cpu: 513293061
resp: 3290.939079 resp_io: 3278.000000 resp_cpu: 513293061
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.020764 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 16 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3288.942137 Resp: 3288.942137 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card: 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.019077 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 16 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3288.940451 Resp: 3288.940451 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 3288.940451 swapped
resc: 3288.940451 resc_io: 3278.000000 resc_cpu: 434007528
resp: 3288.940451 resp_io: 3278.000000 resp_cpu: 434007528
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 72.14655483811 curr card= 72.14655483811
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 3289.940955 Degree: 1 Resp: 3289.940955 Card: 72.146555 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 378.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 1110.592475 card: 715.681646 bytes: 26492.000000
Table#: 4 cost: 2548.576599 card: 28341.402891 bytes: 1842165.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 2918.792444 card: 1429.942159 bytes: 112970.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 3289.940955 card: 72.146555 bytes: 7560.000000
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 28341.402891 Cost: 2548.576599 Resp: 2548.576599 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895911
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895911 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895911
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 10391826.957974 Resp: 10391826.957974 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 10372398.000000 Cost_cpu: 770746486442
Resp_io: 10372398.000000 Resp_cpu: 770746486442
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 30896.753562 Resp: 30896.753562 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 30883.000000 Cost_cpu: 545603593
Resp_io: 30883.000000 Resp_cpu: 545603593
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 30896.753562 Resp: 30896.753562 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 30883.000000 Cost_cpu: 545603593
Resp_io: 30883.000000 Resp_cpu: 545603593
Best NL cost: 30896.753562
resc: 30896.753562 resc_io: 30883.000000 resc_cpu: 545603593
resp: 30896.753562 resp_io: 30883.000000 resc_cpu: 545603593
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (28341.402891) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 285 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 28341
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 156
Total IO sort cost: 441.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 65574391
Total Temp space used: 4563000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3362.359208 Resp: 3362.359208 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3362.359208
resc: 3362.359208 resc_io: 3351.000000 resc_cpu: 450619634
resp: 3362.359208 resp_io: 3351.000000 resp_cpu: 450619634
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 104.150467 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 267 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3022.859369 Resp: 3022.859369 [multiMatchCost=0.003373]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card: 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.086915 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 267 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 2918.792444 Resp: 2918.792444 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 2918.792444 swapped
resc: 2918.792444 resc_io: 2910.000000 resc_cpu: 348796118
resp: 2918.792444 resp_io: 2910.000000 resp_cpu: 348796118
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 2918.792444 Degree: 1 Resp: 2918.792444 Card: 1429.942159 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1429.942159 Cost: 2918.792444 Resp: 2918.792444 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897203
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897203 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897203
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 527131.786282 Resp: 527131.786282 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 526143.000000 Cost_cpu: 39225137734
Resp_io: 526143.000000 Resp_cpu: 39225137734
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4349.154571 Resp: 4349.154571 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4340.000000 Cost_cpu: 363161711
Resp_io: 4340.000000 Resp_cpu: 363161711
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4349.154571 Resp: 4349.154571 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4340.000000 Cost_cpu: 363161711
Resp_io: 4340.000000 Resp_cpu: 363161711
Best NL cost: 4349.154571
resc: 4349.154571 resc_io: 4340.000000 resc_cpu: 363161711
resp: 4349.154571 resp_io: 4340.000000 resc_cpu: 363161711
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (1429.942159) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 20 Row size: 111 Total Rows: 1430
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40345307
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3290.939079 Resp: 3290.939079 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3290.939079
resc: 3290.939079 resc_io: 3278.000000 resc_cpu: 513293061
resp: 3290.939079 resp_io: 3278.000000 resp_cpu: 513293061
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.020764 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 18 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3288.942137 Resp: 3288.942137 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card: 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.019077 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 18 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3288.940451 Resp: 3288.940451 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 3288.940451 swapped
resc: 3288.940451 resc_io: 3278.000000 resc_cpu: 434007528
resp: 3288.940451 resp_io: 3278.000000 resp_cpu: 434007528
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 77226.128174 Resp: 77226.128174 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76966.000000 Cost_cpu: 10319280968
Resp_io: 76966.000000 Resp_cpu: 10319280968
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1110.000000 Cost_cpu: 23503464
Resp_io: 1110.000000 Resp_cpu: 23503464
Best NL cost: 1110.592475
resc: 1110.592475 resc_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
resp: 1110.592475 resp_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 34 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 10216.101093 Resp: 10216.101093 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 10216.101093
resc: 10216.101093 resc_io: 10182.000000 resc_cpu: 1352789871
resp: 10216.101093 resp_io: 10182.000000 resp_cpu: 1352789871
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 11197.197678 Resp: 11197.197678 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Resp: 1110.592475 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 264617.906129 Resp: 264617.906129 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263093.000000 Cost_cpu: 60493004460
Resp_io: 263093.000000 Resp_cpu: 60493004460
Best NL cost: 264617.906129
resc: 264617.906129 resc_io: 263093.000000 resc_cpu: 60493004460
resp: 264617.906129 resp_io: 263093.000000 resc_cpu: 60493004460
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 65844.240073 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 65844 Computed: 65844.240073
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263584.274704 Resp: 263584.274704 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263093.000000 Cost_cpu: 19488860525
Resp_io: 263093.000000 Resp_cpu: 19488860525
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
Best NL cost: 1826.773792
resc: 1826.773792 resc_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
resp: 1826.773792 resp_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 6 Row size: 64 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 1482.729798 Resp: 1482.729798 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 1482.729798
resc: 1482.729798 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 187631025
resp: 1482.729798 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 187631025
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 6 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.739468 Resp: 1480.739468 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 6 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 1480.738682 swapped
resc: 1480.738682 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 108643474
resp: 1480.738682 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 108643474
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Resp: 1480.738682 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14731.380151 Resp: 14731.380151 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14652.000000 Cost_cpu: 3149009446
Resp_io: 14652.000000 Resp_cpu: 3149009446
Best NL cost: 14731.380151
resc: 14731.380151 resc_io: 14652.000000 resc_cpu: 3149009446
resp: 14731.380151 resp_io: 14652.000000 resc_cpu: 3149009446
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (36.109128) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.194444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.194444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.194444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 155223.110959 Resp: 155223.110959 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 154701.000000 Cost_cpu: 20712134299
Resp_io: 154701.000000 Resp_cpu: 20712134299
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 2993.039560 Resp: 2993.039560 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 2990.000000 Cost_cpu: 120579291
Resp_io: 2990.000000 Resp_cpu: 120579291
Best NL cost: 2993.039560
resc: 2993.039560 resc_io: 2990.000000 resc_cpu: 120579291
resp: 2993.039560 resp_io: 2990.000000 resc_cpu: 120579291
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (36.109128) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 93 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9576.687082 Resp: 9576.687082 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9576.687082
resc: 9576.687082 resc_io: 9541.000000 resc_cpu: 1415706024
resp: 9576.687082 resp_io: 9541.000000 resp_cpu: 1415706024
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828682 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5754.087661 Resp: 5754.087661 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5754.087661
resc: 5754.087661 resc_io: 5736.000000 resc_cpu: 717537263
resp: 5754.087661 resp_io: 5736.000000 resp_cpu: 717537263
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 2993.039560 Degree: 1 Resp: 2993.039560 Card: 1429.942159 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1429.942159 Cost: 2993.039560 Resp: 2993.039560 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897203
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897203 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897203
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 527206.033398 Resp: 527206.033398 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 526223.000000 Cost_cpu: 38996920908
Resp_io: 526223.000000 Resp_cpu: 38996920908
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4423.401687 Resp: 4423.401687 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4420.000000 Cost_cpu: 134944884
Resp_io: 4420.000000 Resp_cpu: 134944884
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4423.401687 Resp: 4423.401687 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4420.000000 Cost_cpu: 134944884
Resp_io: 4420.000000 Resp_cpu: 134944884
Best NL cost: 4423.401687
resc: 4423.401687 resc_io: 4420.000000 resc_cpu: 134944884
resp: 4423.401687 resp_io: 4420.000000 resc_cpu: 134944884
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (1429.942159) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2993.039560 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2993.039560
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 20 Row size: 111 Total Rows: 1430
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40345307
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3365.186195 Resp: 3365.186195 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3365.186195
resc: 3365.186195 resc_io: 3358.000000 resc_cpu: 285076235
resp: 3365.186195 resp_io: 3358.000000 resp_cpu: 285076235
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2993.039560 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2993.039560
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.020764 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 18 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3363.189253 Resp: 3363.189253 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2993.039560 card: 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2993.039560
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.019077 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 18 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3363.187567 Resp: 3363.187567 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 3363.187567 swapped
resc: 3363.187567 resc_io: 3358.000000 resc_cpu: 205790701
resp: 3363.187567 resp_io: 3358.000000 resp_cpu: 205790701
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 72.14655483811 curr card= 72.14655483811
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.148045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.148045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.148045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 3058842.329976 Resp: 3058842.329976 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 3048512.000000 Cost_cpu: 409804043217
Resp_io: 3048512.000000 Resp_cpu: 409804043217
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 2.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 2548.576599 Resp: 2548.576599 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 2542.000000 Cost_cpu: 260893607
Resp_io: 2542.000000 Resp_cpu: 260893607
Best NL cost: 2548.576599
resc: 2548.576599 resc_io: 2542.000000 resc_cpu: 260893607
resp: 2548.576599 resp_io: 2542.000000 resc_cpu: 260893607
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 28341.402891 = outer (715.681646) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 28341 Computed: 28341.402891
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 6 Row size: 64 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9206.548375 Resp: 9206.548375 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9206.548375
resc: 9206.548375 resc_io: 9173.000000 resc_cpu: 1330863567
resp: 9206.548375 resp_io: 9173.000000 resp_cpu: 1330863567
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.831253 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 6 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5383.944025 Resp: 5383.944025 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5383.944025
resc: 5383.944025 resc_io: 5368.000000 resc_cpu: 632499253
resp: 5383.944025 resp_io: 5368.000000 resp_cpu: 632499253
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 2548.576599 Degree: 1 Resp: 2548.576599 Card: 28341.402891 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 28341.402891 Cost: 2548.576599 Resp: 2548.576599 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895911
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895911 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895911
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 10391826.957974 Resp: 10391826.957974 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 10372398.000000 Cost_cpu: 770746486442
Resp_io: 10372398.000000 Resp_cpu: 770746486442
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 30896.753562 Resp: 30896.753562 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 30883.000000 Cost_cpu: 545603593
Resp_io: 30883.000000 Resp_cpu: 545603593
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 30896.753562 Resp: 30896.753562 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 30883.000000 Cost_cpu: 545603593
Resp_io: 30883.000000 Resp_cpu: 545603593
Best NL cost: 30896.753562
resc: 30896.753562 resc_io: 30883.000000 resc_cpu: 545603593
resp: 30896.753562 resp_io: 30883.000000 resc_cpu: 545603593
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (28341.402891) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 285 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 28341
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 156
Total IO sort cost: 441.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 65574391
Total Temp space used: 4350000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3362.359208 Resp: 3362.359208 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3362.359208
resc: 3362.359208 resc_io: 3351.000000 resc_cpu: 450619634
resp: 3362.359208 resp_io: 3351.000000 resp_cpu: 450619634
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 104.150467 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 267 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3022.859369 Resp: 3022.859369 [multiMatchCost=0.003373]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card: 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.086915 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 267 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 2918.792444 Resp: 2918.792444 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 2918.792444 swapped
resc: 2918.792444 resc_io: 2910.000000 resc_cpu: 348796118
resp: 2918.792444 resp_io: 2910.000000 resp_cpu: 348796118
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 2918.792444 Degree: 1 Resp: 2918.792444 Card: 1429.942159 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1429.942159 Cost: 2918.792444 Resp: 2918.792444 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897203
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897203 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897203
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 527131.786282 Resp: 527131.786282 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 526143.000000 Cost_cpu: 39225137734
Resp_io: 526143.000000 Resp_cpu: 39225137734
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4349.154571 Resp: 4349.154571 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4340.000000 Cost_cpu: 363161711
Resp_io: 4340.000000 Resp_cpu: 363161711
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4349.154571 Resp: 4349.154571 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4340.000000 Cost_cpu: 363161711
Resp_io: 4340.000000 Resp_cpu: 363161711
Best NL cost: 4349.154571
resc: 4349.154571 resc_io: 4340.000000 resc_cpu: 363161711
resp: 4349.154571 resp_io: 4340.000000 resc_cpu: 363161711
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (1429.942159) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 17 Row size: 97 Total Rows: 1430
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40345307
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3290.939079 Resp: 3290.939079 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3290.939079
resc: 3290.939079 resc_io: 3278.000000 resc_cpu: 513293061
resp: 3290.939079 resp_io: 3278.000000 resp_cpu: 513293061
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.020764 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 16 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3288.942137 Resp: 3288.942137 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card: 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.019077 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 16 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3288.940451 Resp: 3288.940451 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 3288.940451 swapped
resc: 3288.940451 resc_io: 3278.000000 resc_cpu: 434007528
resp: 3288.940451 resp_io: 3278.000000 resp_cpu: 434007528
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 28341.402891 Cost: 2548.576599 Resp: 2548.576599 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895911
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895911 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895911
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 10391826.957974 Resp: 10391826.957974 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 10372398.000000 Cost_cpu: 770746486442
Resp_io: 10372398.000000 Resp_cpu: 770746486442
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 30896.753562 Resp: 30896.753562 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 30883.000000 Cost_cpu: 545603593
Resp_io: 30883.000000 Resp_cpu: 545603593
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 30896.753562 Resp: 30896.753562 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 30883.000000 Cost_cpu: 545603593
Resp_io: 30883.000000 Resp_cpu: 545603593
Best NL cost: 30896.753562
resc: 30896.753562 resc_io: 30883.000000 resc_cpu: 545603593
resp: 30896.753562 resp_io: 30883.000000 resc_cpu: 545603593
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1429.942159 = outer (28341.402891) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 1430 Computed: 1429.942159
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 285 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 28341
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 156
Total IO sort cost: 441.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 65574391
Total Temp space used: 4350000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3362.359208 Resp: 3362.359208 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3362.359208
resc: 3362.359208 resc_io: 3351.000000 resc_cpu: 450619634
resp: 3362.359208 resp_io: 3351.000000 resp_cpu: 450619634
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 104.150467 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 267 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3022.859369 Resp: 3022.859369 [multiMatchCost=0.003373]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2548.576599 card: 28341.402891 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2548.576599
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.086915 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 267 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 2918.792444 Resp: 2918.792444 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 2918.792444 swapped
resc: 2918.792444 resc_io: 2910.000000 resc_cpu: 348796118
resp: 2918.792444 resp_io: 2910.000000 resp_cpu: 348796118
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 2918.792444 Degree: 1 Resp: 2918.792444 Card: 1429.942159 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1429.942159 Cost: 2918.792444 Resp: 2918.792444 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897203
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897203 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897203
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 527131.786282 Resp: 527131.786282 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 526143.000000 Cost_cpu: 39225137734
Resp_io: 526143.000000 Resp_cpu: 39225137734
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4349.154571 Resp: 4349.154571 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4340.000000 Cost_cpu: 363161711
Resp_io: 4340.000000 Resp_cpu: 363161711
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 4349.154571 Resp: 4349.154571 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4340.000000 Cost_cpu: 363161711
Resp_io: 4340.000000 Resp_cpu: 363161711
Best NL cost: 4349.154571
resc: 4349.154571 resc_io: 4340.000000 resc_cpu: 363161711
resp: 4349.154571 resp_io: 4340.000000 resc_cpu: 363161711
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (1429.942159) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 20 Row size: 111 Total Rows: 1430
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40345307
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 3290.939079 Resp: 3290.939079 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 3290.939079
resc: 3290.939079 resc_io: 3278.000000 resc_cpu: 513293061
resp: 3290.939079 resp_io: 3278.000000 resp_cpu: 513293061
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.020764 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 18 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3288.942137 Resp: 3288.942137 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 2918.792444 card: 1429.942159 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2918.792444
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.019077 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 18 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 3288.940451 Resp: 3288.940451 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 3288.940451 swapped
resc: 3288.940451 resc_io: 3278.000000 resc_cpu: 434007528
resp: 3288.940451 resp_io: 3278.000000 resp_cpu: 434007528
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.641304
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.641304 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.641304
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 32853.796226 Resp: 32853.796226 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 32811.000000 Cost_cpu: 1697725659
Resp_io: 32811.000000 Resp_cpu: 1697725659
Best NL cost: 32853.796226
resc: 32853.796226 resc_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
resp: 32853.796226 resp_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (92.002136) * inner (18.072508) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.913043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.913043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.913043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 34229.990461 Resp: 34229.990461 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 34032.000000 Cost_cpu: 7854278761
Resp_io: 34032.000000 Resp_cpu: 7854278761
Best NL cost: 34229.990461
resc: 34229.990461 resc_io: 34032.000000 resc_cpu: 7854278761
resp: 34229.990461 resp_io: 34032.000000 resc_cpu: 7854278761
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 8464.393025 = outer (92.002136) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 8464 Computed: 8464.393025
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393264.413637 Resp: 393264.413637 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 52737820054
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 52737820054
Best NL cost: 393264.413637
resc: 393264.413637 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
resp: 393264.413637 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1499.000000 resc_cpu: 42850026
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1500.080162 Resp: 1500.080162 Degree: 1
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1500.080162 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1500.080162
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9595.028351 Resp: 9595.028351 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393180.996254 Resp: 393180.996254 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 49428653654
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 49428653654
Best NL cost: 393180.996254
resc: 393180.996254 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 49428653654
resp: 393180.996254 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 49428653654
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 66184864.588433 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 66184865 Computed: 66184864.588433
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.641304
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.641304 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.641304
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 32853.796226 Resp: 32853.796226 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 32811.000000 Cost_cpu: 1697725659
Resp_io: 32811.000000 Resp_cpu: 1697725659
Best NL cost: 32853.796226
resc: 32853.796226 resc_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
resp: 32853.796226 resp_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (92.002136) * inner (18.072508) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.913043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.913043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.913043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 34229.990461 Resp: 34229.990461 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 34032.000000 Cost_cpu: 7854278761
Resp_io: 34032.000000 Resp_cpu: 7854278761
Best NL cost: 34229.990461
resc: 34229.990461 resc_io: 34032.000000 resc_cpu: 7854278761
resp: 34229.990461 resp_io: 34032.000000 resc_cpu: 7854278761
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 8464.393025 = outer (92.002136) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 8464 Computed: 8464.393025
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393180.996254 Resp: 393180.996254 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 49428653654
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 49428653654
Best NL cost: 393180.996254
resc: 393180.996254 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 49428653654
resp: 393180.996254 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 49428653654
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 66184864.588433 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 66184865 Computed: 66184864.588433
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393264.413637 Resp: 393264.413637 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 52737820054
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 52737820054
Best NL cost: 393264.413637
resc: 393264.413637 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
resp: 393264.413637 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 10231.788583 Resp: 10231.788583 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 10231.788583
resc: 10231.788583 resc_io: 10196.000000 resc_cpu: 1419732585
resp: 10231.788583 resp_io: 10196.000000 resp_cpu: 1419732585
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1499.000000 resc_cpu: 100118383
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1501.523782 Resp: 1501.523782 Degree: 1
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1501.523782 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1501.523782
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 11362.182754 Resp: 11362.182754 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:37, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 37
Consider using bloom filter between ITEM[ITEM] and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Consider using bloom filter between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Consider using bloom filter between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] with ?? and join inputs swapped
kkoBloomFilter: join (lcdn:28341 rcdn:92 jcdn:1430 limit:1303735)
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:ITEM[ITEM] and rfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] swap:yes
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and rfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] swap:yes
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv: predCnt:#1 col1:(bndv:73049 ndv:73049) and col2:(bndv:1823 ndv:1823) creatorNDV:73049.0 userNDV:1823.0
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and rfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] swap:yes
kkopqComputeBloomNdv: predCnt:1 creatorNdv:73049.0 userNdv:1823.0 singleTblPred:yes
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:92 reduction:0.003246 (limit:0.500000) accepted
Consider using bloom filter between DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] with ?? and join inputs swapped
kkoBloomFilter: join (lcdn:1430 rcdn:92 jcdn:72 limit:65779)
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:ITEM[ITEM] and rfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] swap:yes
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and rfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] swap:yes
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and rfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] swap:yes
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv: predCnt:#1 col1:(bndv:73049 ndv:73049) and col2:(bndv:1823 ndv:1823) creatorNDV:73049.0 userNDV:1823.0
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] and rfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] swap:yes
kkopqComputeBloomNdv: predCnt:1 creatorNdv:73049.0 userNdv:1823.0 singleTblPred:yes
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:92 reduction:0.064340 (limit:0.500000) accepted
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between ITEM[ITEM](serial) and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexRange
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
--- Distribution method for
join between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial) and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexRange
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
--- Distribution method for
join between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial) and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial); jm = 1; right side access path = TableScan
---- serial Hash-Join -> NONE
--- Distribution method for
join between DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial) and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial); jm = 1; right side access path = TableScan
---- serial Hash-Join -> NONE
(newjo-save) [1 4 2 3 0 ]
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
Final cost for query block SEL$B186933D (#4) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 15
Cost: 3289.940955 Degree: 1 Card: 72.000000 Bytes: 7560.000000
Resc: 3289.940955 Resc_io: 3278.000000 Resc_cpu: 473697528
Resp: 3289.940955 Resp_io: 3278.000000 Resc_cpu: 473697528
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63de87e48, in-use=115160, alloc=131432)
call(in-use=188592, alloc=344744), compile(in-use=404744, alloc=405880), execution(in-use=8072, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$B186933D (#4)
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$66469506 (#2)
call(in-use=188592, alloc=344744), compile(in-use=404840, alloc=405880), execution(in-use=8072, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63de87e48)
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$66469506 nbfros=1 flg=0
fro(0): flg=1 objn=0 hint_alias="VM_NWVW_3"@"SEL$66469506"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$66469506 (#2)
Applicable DS directives:
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: NODIR
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for VM_NWVW_3
PJE: Bypassed; QB has a single table SEL$66469506 (#2)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Join order[1]: VM_NWVW_3[VM_NWVW_3]#0
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 25 Total Rows: 4
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670346
Total Temp space used: 0
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 3290.940964 card: 4.000000 bytes: 52.000000
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:1, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 1
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 25 Total Rows: 4
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670346
Total Temp space used: 0
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$66469506 (#2)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$66469506 (#2)
Final cost for query block SEL$66469506 (#2) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 1
Cost: 3290.940964 Degree: 1 Card: 4.000000 Bytes: 52.000000
Resc: 3290.940964 Resc_io: 3278.000000 Resc_cpu: 513367875
Resp: 3290.940964 Resp_io: 3278.000000 Resc_cpu: 513367875
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63de87e48, in-use=24192, alloc=32840)
call(in-use=193008, alloc=344744), compile(in-use=405384, alloc=405880), execution(in-use=8072, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$66469506 (#2)
SU: Interleaved cost better than best so far.
SU: Finished interleaved complex view merging
SU: Considering interleaved distinct placement
SU: Finished interleaved distinct placement
SU: Considering interleaved join pred push down
SU: Unnesting subquery query block SEL$2 (#3)Subquery removal for query block SEL$2 (#3)
RSW: Not valid for subquery removal SEL$2 (#3)
Subquery unchanged.
JPPD: Checking validity of push-down in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
JPPD: Checking validity of push-down from query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) to query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Check Basic Validity for Non-Union View for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
JPPD: Passed validity checks
JPPD: JPPD: Pushdown from query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) passed validity checks.
Join-Predicate push-down on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
JPPD: Using search type: linear
JPPD: Considering join predicate push-down
JPPD: Starting iteration 1, state space = (3) : (0)
Registered qb: SEL$683B0107 0x3ded9558 (COPY SEL$683B0107)
signature(): NULL
JPPD: Performing join predicate push-down (no transformation phase) from query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) to query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_4"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND "VW_SQ_4"."ITEM_1"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
finally: "ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_4"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND "VW_SQ_4"."ITEM_1"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: transitive predicates are generated in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_4"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND "VW_SQ_4"."ITEM_1"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: Following are pushed to where clause of query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
"DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
finally: "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
JPPD: Costing transformed query.
CBQT: Looking for cost annotations for query block SEL$683B0107, key = SEL$683B0107_00062002_4
CBQT: Could not find stored cost annotations.
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
call(in-use=195776, alloc=229544), compile(in-use=486168, alloc=489592), execution(in-use=8360, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63de7aec8)
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$683B0107 nbfros=2 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = GROUP_BY
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 18166
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393264.413637 Resp: 393264.413637 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 52737820054
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 52737820054
Best NL cost: 393264.413637
resc: 393264.413637 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
resp: 393264.413637 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 18166
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1499.000000 resc_cpu: 100118383
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1501.523782 Resp: 1501.523782 Degree: 1
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1501.523782 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1501.523782
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9596.471970 Resp: 9596.471970 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 1.000000
GROUP BY cardinality: 18166.000000, TABLE cardinality: 36296.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 200.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 67986882
Total Temp space used: 1467000
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4845.191932 Degree: 1 Resp: 4845.191932 Card: 36295.927693 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: 1288.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 4845.191932 card: 36295.927693 bytes: 1088880.000000
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 719384.000000 Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895836
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895836 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895836
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263716882.840027 Resp: 263716882.840027 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263223868.000000 Cost_cpu: 19557891690861
Resp_io: 263223868.000000 Resp_cpu: 19557891690861
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
Best NL cost: 723837.694240
resc: 723837.694240 resc_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
resp: 723837.694240 resp_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (719384.000000) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 18166
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 955.990120 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2459 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5597.730610 Resp: 5597.730610 [multiMatchCost=0.091263]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121 swapped
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 1.000000
GROUP BY cardinality: 18166.000000, TABLE cardinality: 36296.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 200.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 67986882
Total Temp space used: 1467000
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
****** Recost for ORDER BY (using index) ************
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 720297.000000 resc_cpu: 5697865228
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 720440.631643 Resp: 720440.631643 Degree: 1
Best:: AccessPath: IndexRange
Index: SYS_C0014629
Cost: 720440.631643 Degree: 1 Resp: 720440.631643 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:2, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Consider using bloom filter between DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join (lcdn:92 rcdn:719384 jcdn:36296 limit:33092432)
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] and rfro:WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] swap:no
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv: predCnt:#1 col1:(bndv:73049 ndv:73049) and col2:(bndv:1823 ndv:1823) creatorNDV:73049.0 userNDV:1823.0
kkopqComputeBloomNdv: predCnt:1 creatorNdv:73049.0 userNdv:1823.0 singleTblPred:yes
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:92 reduction:0.000128 (limit:0.500000) accepted
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial) and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial); jm = 1; right side access path = TableScan
---- serial Hash-Join -> NONE
(newjo-save) [0 1 ]
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 1.000000
GROUP BY cardinality: 18166.000000, TABLE cardinality: 36296.000000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 200.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 67986882
Total Temp space used: 1467000
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Final cost for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 1
Cost: 4845.191932 Degree: 1 Card: 36296.000000 Bytes: 1088880.000000
Resc: 4845.191932 Resc_io: 4826.000000 Resc_cpu: 761343682
Resp: 4845.191932 Resp_io: 4826.000000 Resc_cpu: 761343682
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63de7aec8, in-use=60032, alloc=65704)
call(in-use=234472, alloc=311800), compile(in-use=511344, alloc=511664), execution(in-use=8360, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
call(in-use=234472, alloc=311800), compile(in-use=511440, alloc=511664), execution(in-use=8360, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63de7aec8)
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$C772B8D1 nbfros=4 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=1 objn=0 hint_alias="VW_SQ_4"@"SEL$7511BFD2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
#Rows: 17964 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1302 AvgRowLen: 501.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): I_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 17964 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000056 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014568 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 33 #DK: 17964 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1302.00 NRW: 17964.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 >> Single Tab Card adjusted from 719384.000000 to 719384.000000 due to opt_estimate hint
Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for ITEM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for ITEM[ITEM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
AvgLen: 4 NDV: 993 Nulls: 18 Density: 0.001007 Min: 1.000000 Max: 1000.000000
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Card: Original: 17964.000000 Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508 Non Adjusted: 18.072508
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 354.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 354.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 354.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 354.000000 Cost_cpu: 17535555
Resp_io: 354.000000 Resp_cpu: 17535555
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Resp: 354.442036 Card: 18.072508 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6942.000000 Cost_cpu: 1537718541
Resp_io: 6942.000000 Resp_cpu: 1537718541
Best NL cost: 6980.762770
resc: 6980.762770 resc_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
resp: 6980.762770 resp_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Resp: 6980.762770 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 8064534.946228 Resp: 8064534.946228 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 8032580.000000 Cost_cpu: 1267652262325
Resp_io: 8032580.000000 Resp_cpu: 1267652262325
Best NL cost: 8064534.946228
resc: 8064534.946228 resc_io: 8032580.000000 resc_cpu: 1267652262325
resp: 8064534.946228 resp_io: 8032580.000000 resc_cpu: 1267652262325
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Column (#2): ITEM_1(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 8 Row size: 36 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 11963.320836 Resp: 11963.320836 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 11963.320836
resc: 11963.320836 resc_io: 11903.000000 resc_cpu: 2392926700
resp: 11963.320836 resp_io: 11903.000000 resp_cpu: 2392926700
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.067206 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 8 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11826.021908 Resp: 11826.021908 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11826.021908
resc: 11826.021908 resc_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301728273
resp: 11826.021908 resp_io: 11768.000000 resp_cpu: 2301728273
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11826.021908 Degree: 1 Resp: 11826.021908 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 11826.021908 Resp: 11826.021908 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971181.114477 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002754 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321170.714477
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7113790.218737 Resp: 7113790.218737 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7089740.000000 Cost_cpu: 954071835171
Resp_io: 7089740.000000 Resp_cpu: 954071835171
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333532
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 81686.003840 Resp: 81686.003840 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81614.000000 Cost_cpu: 2856391315
Resp_io: 81614.000000 Resp_cpu: 2856391315
Best NL cost: 81686.003840
resc: 81686.003840 resc_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856391315
resp: 81686.003840 resp_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856391315
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (1.5094e-09)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 1662.709297, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 1.5094e-09
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 11826.021908 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.021908
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 14 Row size: 64 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 19921.990305 Resp: 19921.990305 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 19921.990305
resc: 19921.990305 resc_io: 19831.000000 resc_cpu: 3609584111
resp: 19921.990305 resp_io: 19831.000000 resp_cpu: 3609584111
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 11826.021908 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.021908
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 13 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16099.377039 Resp: 16099.377039 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16099.377039
resc: 16099.377039 resc_io: 16026.000000 resc_cpu: 2910866113
resp: 16099.377039 resp_io: 16026.000000 resp_cpu: 2910866113
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 16100.377042 Degree: 1 Resp: 16100.377042 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 38249.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 11826.021908 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 81487.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 16100.377042 card: 1.805456 bytes: 130.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7108944.959553 Resp: 7108944.959553 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7084914.000000 Cost_cpu: 953307823633
Resp_io: 7084914.000000 Resp_cpu: 953307823633
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 76840.744657 Resp: 76840.744657 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76788.000000 Cost_cpu: 2092379777
Resp_io: 76788.000000 Resp_cpu: 2092379777
Best NL cost: 76840.744657
resc: 76840.744657 resc_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
resp: 76840.744657 resp_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 8 Row size: 36 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 15076.731167 Resp: 15076.731167 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 15076.731167
resc: 15076.731167 resc_io: 15005.000000 resc_cpu: 2845574379
resp: 15076.731167 resp_io: 15005.000000 resp_cpu: 2845574379
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 8 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11254.117901
resc: 11254.117901 resc_io: 11200.000000 resc_cpu: 2146856380
resp: 11254.117901 resp_io: 11200.000000 resp_cpu: 2146856380
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Resp: 11254.117901 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 185681.027465 Resp: 185681.027465 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 184936.000000 Cost_cpu: 29555228946
Resp_io: 184936.000000 Resp_cpu: 29555228946
Best NL cost: 185681.027465
resc: 185681.027465 resc_io: 184936.000000 resc_cpu: 29555228946
resp: 185681.027465 resp_io: 184936.000000 resc_cpu: 29555228946
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 16236.655970 Resp: 16236.655970 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 16236.655970
resc: 16236.655970 resc_io: 16161.000000 resc_cpu: 3001271252
resp: 16236.655970 resp_io: 16161.000000 resp_cpu: 3001271252
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16099.370887 Resp: 16099.370887 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16099.370887
resc: 16099.370887 resc_io: 16026.000000 resc_cpu: 2910622063
resp: 16099.370887 resp_io: 16026.000000 resp_cpu: 2910622063
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 16100.370890 Degree: 1 Resp: 16100.370890 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 38249.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 11254.117901 card: 36.109128 bytes: 1404.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 16100.370890 card: 1.805456 bytes: 130.000000
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 87567.896818 Resp: 87567.896818 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 87222.000000 Cost_cpu: 13721721838
Resp_io: 87222.000000 Resp_cpu: 13721721838
Best NL cost: 87567.896818
resc: 87567.896818 resc_io: 87222.000000 resc_cpu: 13721721838
resp: 87567.896818 resp_io: 87222.000000 resc_cpu: 13721721838
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 18.072508 = outer (18.072508) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 5336.979978 Resp: 5336.979978 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5336.979978
resc: 5336.979978 resc_io: 5315.000000 resc_cpu: 871945423
resp: 5336.979978 resp_io: 5315.000000 resp_cpu: 871945423
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 6318.076564 Resp: 6318.076564 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.060986 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5199.694954
resc: 5199.694954 resc_io: 5180.000000 resc_cpu: 781298537
resp: 5199.694954 resp_io: 5180.000000 resp_cpu: 781298537
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Resp: 5199.694954 Card: 18.072508 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 11826.015688 Resp: 11826.015688 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 11768.000000 Cost_cpu: 2301481523
Resp_io: 11768.000000 Resp_cpu: 2301481523
Best NL cost: 11826.015688
resc: 11826.015688 resc_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
resp: 11826.015688 resp_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 11826.015688 Degree: 1 Resp: 11826.015688 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 11826.015688 Resp: 11826.015688 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971181.114477 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002754 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321170.714477
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7113790.212517 Resp: 7113790.212517 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7089740.000000 Cost_cpu: 954071588421
Resp_io: 7089740.000000 Resp_cpu: 954071588421
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333532
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 81685.997620 Resp: 81685.997620 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81614.000000 Cost_cpu: 2856144565
Resp_io: 81614.000000 Resp_cpu: 2856144565
Best NL cost: 81685.997620
resc: 81685.997620 resc_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856144565
resp: 81685.997620 resp_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856144565
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (1.5094e-09)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 1662.709297, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 1.5094e-09
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11826.015688 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.015688
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 14 Row size: 64 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 19921.984085 Resp: 19921.984085 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 19921.984085
resc: 19921.984085 resc_io: 19831.000000 resc_cpu: 3609337361
resp: 19921.984085 resp_io: 19831.000000 resp_cpu: 3609337361
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11826.015688 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.015688
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 13 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16099.370819 Resp: 16099.370819 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16099.370819
resc: 16099.370819 resc_io: 16026.000000 resc_cpu: 2910619363
resp: 16099.370819 resp_io: 16026.000000 resp_cpu: 2910619363
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 16100.370822 Degree: 1 Resp: 16100.370822 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 5199.694954 card: 18.072508 bytes: 630.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 11826.015688 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 81487.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 16100.370822 card: 1.805456 bytes: 130.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 82071.381991 Resp: 82071.381991 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81792.000000 Cost_cpu: 11083079591
Resp_io: 81792.000000 Resp_cpu: 11083079591
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5936.000000 Cost_cpu: 787302086
Resp_io: 5936.000000 Resp_cpu: 787302086
Best NL cost: 5955.846291
resc: 5955.846291 resc_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
resp: 5955.846291 resp_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 18.072508, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 49 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 13295.643227 Resp: 13295.643227 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 13295.643227
resc: 13295.643227 resc_io: 13243.000000 resc_cpu: 2088356083
resp: 13295.643227 resp_io: 13243.000000 resp_cpu: 2088356083
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9473.043865 Resp: 9473.043865 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9473.043865
resc: 9473.043865 resc_io: 9438.000000 resc_cpu: 1390189627
resp: 9473.043865 resp_io: 9438.000000 resp_cpu: 1390189627
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Resp: 5955.846291 Card: 35.784082 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 35.784082 Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 19154.517465 Resp: 19154.517465 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 19110.000000 Cost_cpu: 1766007190
Resp_io: 19110.000000 Resp_cpu: 1766007190
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.855408 Resp: 5991.855408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787663738
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787663738
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.855408 Resp: 5991.855408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787663738
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787663738
Best NL cost: 5991.855408
resc: 5991.855408 resc_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787663738
resp: 5991.855408 resp_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787663738
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (35.784082) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 6327.976114 Resp: 6327.976114 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6327.976114
resc: 6327.976114 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 951132094
resp: 6327.976114 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 951132094
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015493 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.990714 Resp: 6325.990714 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.990714
resc: 6325.990714 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872371297
resp: 6325.990714 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872371297
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 1.80545642237 curr card= 1.80545642237
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 5992.855410 Degree: 1 Resp: 5992.855410 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 5199.694954 card: 18.072508 bytes: 630.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 5955.846291 card: 35.784082 bytes: 1836.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 5992.855410 card: 1.805456 bytes: 130.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 77226.128174 Resp: 77226.128174 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76966.000000 Cost_cpu: 10319280968
Resp_io: 76966.000000 Resp_cpu: 10319280968
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1110.000000 Cost_cpu: 23503464
Resp_io: 1110.000000 Resp_cpu: 23503464
Best NL cost: 1110.592475
resc: 1110.592475 resc_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
resp: 1110.592475 resp_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8450.390309 Resp: 8450.390309 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8450.390309
resc: 8450.390309 resc_io: 8417.000000 resc_cpu: 1324593101
resp: 8450.390309 resp_io: 8417.000000 resp_cpu: 1324593101
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9431.486895 Resp: 9431.486895 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Resp: 1110.592475 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263584.274704 Resp: 263584.274704 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263093.000000 Cost_cpu: 19488860525
Resp_io: 263093.000000 Resp_cpu: 19488860525
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
Best NL cost: 1826.773792
resc: 1826.773792 resc_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
resp: 1826.773792 resp_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 1482.729798 Resp: 1482.729798 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 1482.729798
resc: 1482.729798 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 187631025
resp: 1482.729798 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 187631025
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.739468 Resp: 1480.739468 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 4 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 1480.738682 swapped
resc: 1480.738682 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 108643474
resp: 1480.738682 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 108643474
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Resp: 1480.738682 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 175907.648246 Resp: 175907.648246 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 175214.000000 Cost_cpu: 27517016039
Resp_io: 175214.000000 Resp_cpu: 27517016039
Best NL cost: 175907.648246
resc: 175907.648246 resc_io: 175214.000000 resc_cpu: 27517016039
resp: 175907.648246 resp_io: 175214.000000 resc_cpu: 27517016039
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 6463.276750 Resp: 6463.276750 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6463.276750
resc: 6463.276750 resc_io: 6439.000000 resc_cpu: 963058345
resp: 6463.276750 resp_io: 6439.000000 resp_cpu: 963058345
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.991668 Resp: 6325.991668 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.991668
resc: 6325.991668 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872409156
resp: 6325.991668 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872409156
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 1.80545642237 curr card= 1.80545642237
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 3470268.016020 Resp: 3470268.016020 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 3456526.000000 Cost_cpu: 545145580041
Resp_io: 3456526.000000 Resp_cpu: 545145580041
Best NL cost: 3470268.016020
resc: 3470268.016020 resc_io: 3456526.000000 resc_cpu: 545145580041
resp: 3470268.016020 resp_io: 3456526.000000 resc_cpu: 545145580041
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (715.681646) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 715.681646, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 6093.138044 Resp: 6093.138044 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6093.138044
resc: 6093.138044 resc_io: 6071.000000 resc_cpu: 878215889
resp: 6093.138044 resp_io: 6071.000000 resp_cpu: 878215889
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.063625 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5955.848032 Resp: 5955.848032 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5955.848032
resc: 5955.848032 resc_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787371146
resp: 5955.848032 resp_io: 5936.000000 resp_cpu: 787371146
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 5955.848032 Degree: 1 Resp: 5955.848032 Card: 35.784082 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 35.784082 Cost: 5955.848032 Resp: 5955.848032 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 19154.519206 Resp: 19154.519206 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 19110.000000 Cost_cpu: 1766076250
Resp_io: 19110.000000 Resp_cpu: 1766076250
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.857148 Resp: 5991.857148 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787732797
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787732797
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.857148 Resp: 5991.857148 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787732797
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787732797
Best NL cost: 5991.857148
resc: 5991.857148 resc_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787732797
resp: 5991.857148 resp_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787732797
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (35.784082) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 5955.848032 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.848032
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 6327.977855 Resp: 6327.977855 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6327.977855
resc: 6327.977855 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 951201154
resp: 6327.977855 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 951201154
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 5955.848032 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.848032
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015493 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.992454 Resp: 6325.992454 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.992454
resc: 6325.992454 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872440356
resp: 6325.992454 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872440356
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.641304
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.641304 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.641304
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 32853.796226 Resp: 32853.796226 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 32811.000000 Cost_cpu: 1697725659
Resp_io: 32811.000000 Resp_cpu: 1697725659
Best NL cost: 32853.796226
resc: 32853.796226 resc_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
resp: 32853.796226 resp_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (92.002136) * inner (18.072508) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393264.413637 Resp: 393264.413637 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 52737820054
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 52737820054
Best NL cost: 393264.413637
resc: 393264.413637 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
resp: 393264.413637 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1499.000000 resc_cpu: 42850026
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1500.080162 Resp: 1500.080162 Degree: 1
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1500.080162 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1500.080162
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9595.028351 Resp: 9595.028351 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Resp: 4643.478121 Card: 36295.927693 Bytes:
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36295.927693 Cost: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625028
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625028 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625028
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 12819565.655655 Resp: 12819565.655655 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 12803504.000000 Cost_cpu: 637165651344
Resp_io: 12803504.000000 Resp_cpu: 637165651344
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
Best NL cost: 40544.476327
resc: 40544.476327 resc_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
resp: 40544.476327 resp_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (36295.927693) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 296.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 69168930
Total Temp space used: 2925000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 5296.663850 Resp: 5296.663850 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5296.663850
resc: 5296.663850 resc_io: 5276.000000 resc_cpu: 819734653
resp: 5296.663850 resp_io: 5276.000000 resp_cpu: 819734653
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 73.171900 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 187 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5071.092102 Resp: 5071.092102 [multiMatchCost=0.000045]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4643.478121 card: 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.106688 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 187 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4998.026844 swapped
resc: 4998.026844 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 715124655
resp: 4998.026844 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 715124655
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Resp: 4998.026844 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 179424.936408 Resp: 179424.936408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 178716.000000 Cost_cpu: 28123497220
Resp_io: 178716.000000 Resp_cpu: 28123497220
Best NL cost: 179424.936408
resc: 179424.936408 resc_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
resp: 179424.936408 resp_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9980.564913 Resp: 9980.564913 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9980.564913
resc: 9980.564913 resc_io: 9941.000000 resc_cpu: 1569539526
resp: 9980.564913 resp_io: 9941.000000 resp_cpu: 1569539526
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9843.279830 Resp: 9843.279830 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9843.279830
resc: 9843.279830 resc_io: 9806.000000 resc_cpu: 1478890337
resp: 9843.279830 resp_io: 9806.000000 resp_cpu: 1478890337
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18166.000000 Cost: 4845.191932 Resp: 4845.191932 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625124
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625124 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625124
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6418663.237367 Resp: 6418663.237367 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6410614.000000 Cost_cpu: 319313131832
Resp_io: 6410614.000000 Resp_cpu: 319313131832
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join (ordered): Cost: 22813.495145 Resp: 22813.495145 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 22790.000000 Cost_cpu: 932052071
Resp_io: 22790.000000 Resp_cpu: 932052071
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join (ordered): Cost: 22813.495145 Resp: 22813.495145 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 22790.000000 Cost_cpu: 932052071
Resp_io: 22790.000000 Resp_cpu: 932052071
Best NL cost: 22813.495145
resc: 22813.495145 resc_io: 22790.000000 resc_cpu: 932052071
resp: 22813.495145 resp_io: 22790.000000 resc_cpu: 932052071
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 18.072508 = outer (18166.000000) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 5200.634053 Resp: 5200.634053 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5200.634053
resc: 5200.634053 resc_io: 5180.000000 resc_cpu: 818552605
resp: 5200.634053 resp_io: 5180.000000 resp_cpu: 818552605
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.083859 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 85 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5199.717828 Resp: 5199.717828 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.060986 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5199.694954 swapped
resc: 5199.694954 resc_io: 5180.000000 resc_cpu: 781298537
resp: 5199.694954 resp_io: 5180.000000 resp_cpu: 781298537
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Resp: 5199.694954 Card: 18.072508 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 11826.015688 Resp: 11826.015688 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 11768.000000 Cost_cpu: 2301481523
Resp_io: 11768.000000 Resp_cpu: 2301481523
Best NL cost: 11826.015688
resc: 11826.015688 resc_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
resp: 11826.015688 resp_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 82071.381991 Resp: 82071.381991 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81792.000000 Cost_cpu: 11083079591
Resp_io: 81792.000000 Resp_cpu: 11083079591
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5936.000000 Cost_cpu: 787302086
Resp_io: 5936.000000 Resp_cpu: 787302086
Best NL cost: 5955.846291
resc: 5955.846291 resc_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
resp: 5955.846291 resp_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 18.072508, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 49 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 13295.643227 Resp: 13295.643227 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 13295.643227
resc: 13295.643227 resc_io: 13243.000000 resc_cpu: 2088356083
resp: 13295.643227 resp_io: 13243.000000 resp_cpu: 2088356083
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9473.043865 Resp: 9473.043865 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9473.043865
resc: 9473.043865 resc_io: 9438.000000 resc_cpu: 1390189627
resp: 9473.043865 resp_io: 9438.000000 resp_cpu: 1390189627
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Resp: 5955.846291 Card: 35.784082 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 35.784082 Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 19154.517465 Resp: 19154.517465 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 19110.000000 Cost_cpu: 1766007190
Resp_io: 19110.000000 Resp_cpu: 1766007190
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.855408 Resp: 5991.855408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787663738
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787663738
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.855408 Resp: 5991.855408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787663738
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787663738
Best NL cost: 5991.855408
resc: 5991.855408 resc_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787663738
resp: 5991.855408 resp_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787663738
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (35.784082) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 6327.976114 Resp: 6327.976114 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6327.976114
resc: 6327.976114 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 951132094
resp: 6327.976114 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 951132094
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015493 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.990714 Resp: 6325.990714 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.990714
resc: 6325.990714 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872371297
resp: 6325.990714 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872371297
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 719384.000000 Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625001
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625001 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625001
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 253995049.916678 Resp: 253995049.916678 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 253677042.000000 Cost_cpu: 12615369531018
Resp_io: 253677042.000000 Resp_cpu: 12615369531018
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 715826.614340 Resp: 715826.614340 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 715642.684355 Cost_cpu: 7296499891
Resp_io: 715642.684355 Resp_cpu: 7296499891
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
*** 2017-04-16 13:07:42.529
NL Join : Cost: 715826.614340 Resp: 715826.614340 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 715642.684355 Cost_cpu: 7296499891
Resp_io: 715642.684355 Resp_cpu: 7296499891
Best NL cost: 715826.614340
resc: 715826.614340 resc_io: 715642.684355 resc_cpu: 7296499891
resp: 715826.614340 resp_io: 715642.684355 resc_cpu: 7296499891
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (719384.000000) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 8450.390309 Resp: 8450.390309 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8450.390309
resc: 8450.390309 resc_io: 8417.000000 resc_cpu: 1324593101
resp: 8450.390309 resp_io: 8417.000000 resp_cpu: 1324593101
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 955.989747 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2459 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5581.953840 Resp: 5581.953840 [multiMatchCost=0.001760]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947 swapped
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4627.790947 Degree: 1 Resp: 4627.790947 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 267101.473176 Resp: 267101.473176 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 266595.000000 Cost_cpu: 20091783706
Resp_io: 266595.000000 Resp_cpu: 20091783706
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5343.972264 Resp: 5343.972264 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5328.000000 Cost_cpu: 633619487
Resp_io: 5328.000000 Resp_cpu: 633619487
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5343.972264 Resp: 5343.972264 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5328.000000 Cost_cpu: 633619487
Resp_io: 5328.000000 Resp_cpu: 633619487
Best NL cost: 5343.972264
resc: 5343.972264 resc_io: 5328.000000 resc_cpu: 633619487
resp: 5343.972264 resp_io: 5328.000000 resc_cpu: 633619487
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 4999.928270 Resp: 4999.928270 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 4999.928270
resc: 4999.928270 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 790554206
resp: 4999.928270 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 790554206
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4997.937941 Resp: 4997.937941 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 4 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4997.937154 Resp: 4997.937154 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4997.937154 swapped
resc: 4997.937154 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 711566655
resp: 4997.937154 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 711566655
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4997.937154 Degree: 1 Resp: 4997.937154 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 4997.937154 Resp: 4997.937154 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 179424.846718 Resp: 179424.846718 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 178716.000000 Cost_cpu: 28119939220
Resp_io: 178716.000000 Resp_cpu: 28119939220
Best NL cost: 179424.846718
resc: 179424.846718 resc_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28119939220
resp: 179424.846718 resp_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28119939220
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4997.937154 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4997.937154
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9980.475223 Resp: 9980.475223 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9980.475223
resc: 9980.475223 resc_io: 9941.000000 resc_cpu: 1565981526
resp: 9980.475223 resp_io: 9941.000000 resp_cpu: 1565981526
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4997.937154 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4997.937154
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9843.190140 Resp: 9843.190140 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9843.190140
resc: 9843.190140 resc_io: 9806.000000 resc_cpu: 1475332337
resp: 9843.190140 resp_io: 9806.000000 resp_cpu: 1475332337
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 1.80545642237 curr card= 1.80545642237
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 3473785.214492 Resp: 3473785.214492 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 3460028.000000 Cost_cpu: 545748503222
Resp_io: 3460028.000000 Resp_cpu: 545748503222
Best NL cost: 3473785.214492
resc: 3473785.214492 resc_io: 3460028.000000 resc_cpu: 545748503222
resp: 3473785.214492 resp_io: 3460028.000000 resc_cpu: 545748503222
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (715.681646) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 715.681646, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9610.336516 Resp: 9610.336516 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9610.336516
resc: 9610.336516 resc_io: 9573.000000 resc_cpu: 1481139070
resp: 9610.336516 resp_io: 9573.000000 resp_cpu: 1481139070
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.063625 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9473.046504 Resp: 9473.046504 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9473.046504
resc: 9473.046504 resc_io: 9438.000000 resc_cpu: 1390294327
resp: 9473.046504 resp_io: 9438.000000 resp_cpu: 1390294327
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 719384.000000 Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895836
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895836 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895836
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263716882.840027 Resp: 263716882.840027 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263223868.000000 Cost_cpu: 19557891690861
Resp_io: 263223868.000000 Resp_cpu: 19557891690861
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
Best NL cost: 723837.694240
resc: 723837.694240 resc_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
resp: 723837.694240 resp_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (719384.000000) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 955.990120 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2459 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5597.730610 Resp: 5597.730610 [multiMatchCost=0.091263]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121 swapped
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Resp: 4643.478121 Card: 36295.927693 Bytes:
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36295.927693 Cost: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625028
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625028 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625028
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 12819565.655655 Resp: 12819565.655655 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 12803504.000000 Cost_cpu: 637165651344
Resp_io: 12803504.000000 Resp_cpu: 637165651344
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
Best NL cost: 40544.476327
resc: 40544.476327 resc_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
resp: 40544.476327 resp_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (36295.927693) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 296.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 69168930
Total Temp space used: 2925000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 5296.663850 Resp: 5296.663850 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5296.663850
resc: 5296.663850 resc_io: 5276.000000 resc_cpu: 819734653
resp: 5296.663850 resp_io: 5276.000000 resp_cpu: 819734653
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 73.171900 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 187 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5071.092102 Resp: 5071.092102 [multiMatchCost=0.000045]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4643.478121 card: 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.106688 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 187 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4998.026844 swapped
resc: 4998.026844 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 715124655
resp: 4998.026844 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 715124655
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Resp: 4998.026844 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 179424.936408 Resp: 179424.936408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 178716.000000 Cost_cpu: 28123497220
Resp_io: 178716.000000 Resp_cpu: 28123497220
Best NL cost: 179424.936408
resc: 179424.936408 resc_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
resp: 179424.936408 resp_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9980.564913 Resp: 9980.564913 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9980.564913
resc: 9980.564913 resc_io: 9941.000000 resc_cpu: 1569539526
resp: 9980.564913 resp_io: 9941.000000 resp_cpu: 1569539526
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9843.279830 Resp: 9843.279830 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9843.279830
resc: 9843.279830 resc_io: 9806.000000 resc_cpu: 1478890337
resp: 9843.279830 resp_io: 9806.000000 resp_cpu: 1478890337
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:13, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 13
Consider using bloom filter between ITEM[ITEM] and VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join (lcdn:18 rcdn:18166 jcdn:18 limit:164153)
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:ITEM[ITEM] and rfro:VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4] swap:no
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv: predCnt:#1 col1:(bndv:18166 ndv:18166) and col2:(bndv:17964 ndv:19) creatorNDV:17964.0 userNDV:18166.0
kkopqComputeBloomNdv: predCnt:1 creatorNdv:17964.0 userNdv:18166.0 singleTblPred:yes
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:18 reduction:0.000995 (limit:0.500000) accepted
Consider using bloom filter between VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4] and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Consider using bloom filter between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between ITEM[ITEM](serial) and VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4](serial); jm = 1; right side access path = TableScan
---- serial Hash-Join -> NONE
--- Distribution method for
join between VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4](serial) and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexRange
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial - SMJ/HJ: both input serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
--- Distribution method for
join between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial) and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexUnique
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial - SMJ/HJ: both input serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
(newjo-save) [1 3 2 0 ]
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Final cost for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 4
Cost: 5992.855410 Degree: 1 Card: 2.000000 Bytes: 130.000000
Resc: 5992.855410 Resc_io: 5972.000000 Resc_cpu: 827333814
Resp: 5992.855410 Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resc_cpu: 827333814
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63de7aec8, in-use=89000, alloc=98568)
call(in-use=275288, alloc=393848), compile(in-use=540840, alloc=542184), execution(in-use=8360, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
CBQT: Saved costed qb# 3 (SEL$683B0107), key = SEL$683B0107_00062002_4
JPPD: Updated best state, Cost = 5992.855410
JPPD: Starting iteration 2, state space = (3) : (1)
JPPD: Performing join predicate push-down (candidate phase) from query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) to query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
JPPD: Pushing predicate "VW_SQ_4"."ITEM_1"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"
from query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) to query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
JPPD: Push dest of pred 0x7fc63df0afc0 is qb 0x7fc63def2a58:query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Registered qb: SEL$C6423BE4 0x3def2a58 (PUSHED PREDICATE SEL$683B0107; SEL$C772B8D1; "VW_SQ_4"@"SEL$7511BFD2" 7)
signature (): qb_name=SEL$C6423BE4 nbfros=2 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_4"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)"
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
finally: "ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_4"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: transitive predicates are generated in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_4"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: Following are pushed to having clause of query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
"DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"=:B1
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
finally: "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"=:B1 AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: transitive predicates are generated in query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
"DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"=:B1 AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
JPPD: Costing transformed query.
CBQT: Looking for cost annotations for query block SEL$C6423BE4, key = SEL$C6423BE4_000A2212_4
CBQT: Could not find stored cost annotations.
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
call(in-use=278000, alloc=295120), compile(in-use=605896, alloc=609160), execution(in-use=8912, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63defff60)
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$C6423BE4 nbfros=2 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = HAVING
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Card: Original: 719384.000000 Rounded: 40 Computed: 39.600572 Non Adjusted: 39.600572
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 262999269.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 262999269.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 298968469.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4265.536390 Resp: 4265.536390 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 298968470
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 298968470
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 43.000000 resc_cpu: 337822
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
Cost: 43.008516 Resp: 43.008516 Degree: 1
Best:: AccessPath: IndexRange
Index: SYS_C0014629
Cost: 43.008516 Degree: 1 Resp: 43.008516 Card: 39.600572 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 39.600572 Cost: 43.008516 Resp: 43.008516 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.925000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.925000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.925000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 4307699.684967 (cpu filter eval) (= 58.970002 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27808075.124967
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14708.047926 Resp: 14708.047926 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14680.000000 Cost_cpu: 1112660827
Resp_io: 14680.000000 Resp_cpu: 1112660827
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 83.018645 Resp: 83.018645 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 83.000000 Cost_cpu: 739657
Resp_io: 83.000000 Resp_cpu: 739657
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 83.018645 Resp: 83.018645 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 83.000000 Cost_cpu: 739657
Resp_io: 83.000000 Resp_cpu: 739657
Best NL cost: 83.018645
resc: 83.018645 resc_io: 83.000000 resc_cpu: 739657
resp: 83.018645 resp_io: 83.000000 resc_cpu: 739657
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 39.165377 = outer (39.600572) * inner (92.002136) * sel (0.010750)
Join Card - Rounded: 39 Computed: 39.165377
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 43.008516 card 39.600572 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 43.008516
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 40
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39679577
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 415.138369 Resp: 415.138369 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 415.138369
resc: 415.138369 resc_io: 411.000000 resc_cpu: 164169035
resp: 415.138369 resp_io: 411.000000 resp_cpu: 164169035
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 43.008516 card 39.600572 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 43.008516
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015508 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 413.152953 Resp: 413.152953 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 413.152953
resc: 413.152953 resc_io: 411.000000 resc_cpu: 85407632
resp: 413.152953 resp_io: 411.000000 resp_cpu: 85407632
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 83.018645 Degree: 1 Resp: 83.018645 Card: 39.165377 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 43.008516 card: 39.600572 bytes: 640.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 83.018645 card: 39.165377 bytes: 1170.000000
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:2, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Consider using bloom filter between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial) and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexUnique
kkopqIsSerialJoin: pushed pred + non-leaf DFO on right
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
(newjo-save) [1 0 ]
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
Final cost for query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 1
Cost: 83.018645 Degree: 1 Card: 39.000000 Bytes: 1170.000000
Resc: 83.018645 Resc_io: 83.000000 Resc_cpu: 739657
Resp: 83.018645 Resp_io: 83.000000 Resc_cpu: 739657
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63defff60, in-use=59528, alloc=65704)
call(in-use=312312, alloc=393744), compile(in-use=628704, alloc=631776), execution(in-use=8912, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$C6423BE4 (#3)
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
call(in-use=312312, alloc=393744), compile(in-use=628800, alloc=631776), execution(in-use=8912, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63defff60)
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$C772B8D1 nbfros=4 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=1 objn=0 hint_alias="VW_SQ_4"@"SEL$7511BFD2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
#Rows: 17964 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1302 AvgRowLen: 501.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014568 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 33 #DK: 17964 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1302.00 NRW: 17964.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 >> Single Tab Card adjusted from 719384.000000 to 719384.000000 due to opt_estimate hint
Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for ITEM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for ITEM[ITEM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
AvgLen: 4 NDV: 993 Nulls: 18 Density: 0.001007 Min: 1.000000 Max: 1000.000000
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Card: Original: 17964.000000 Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508 Non Adjusted: 18.072508
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 354.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 354.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 354.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 354.000000 Cost_cpu: 17535555
Resp_io: 354.000000 Resp_cpu: 17535555
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Resp: 354.442036 Card: 18.072508 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 1848.777650 Resp: 1848.777650 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1848.000000 Cost_cpu: 30849375
Resp_io: 1848.000000 Resp_cpu: 30849375
Best NL cost: 1848.777650
resc: 1848.777650 resc_io: 1848.000000 resc_cpu: 30849375
resp: 1848.777650 resp_io: 1848.000000 resc_cpu: 30849375
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
JPPD: Retrieved original view card: 18166.000000
Join Card: 18.072508 = outer (18.072508) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 328305.172205, outer: 18.072508, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 5.5048e-05
Join Card - Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 1848.777650 Degree: 1 Resp: 1848.777650 Card: 18.072508 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 1848.777650 Resp: 1848.777650 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 8475.098385 Resp: 8475.098385 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 8436.000000 Cost_cpu: 1551032361
Resp_io: 8436.000000 Resp_cpu: 1551032361
Best NL cost: 8475.098385
resc: 8475.098385 resc_io: 8436.000000 resc_cpu: 1551032361
resp: 8475.098385 resp_io: 8436.000000 resc_cpu: 1551032361
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 8475.098385 Degree: 1 Resp: 8475.098385 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 8475.098385 Resp: 8475.098385 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971181.114477 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002754 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321170.714477
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7110439.295213 Resp: 7110439.295213 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7086408.000000 Cost_cpu: 953321139260
Resp_io: 7086408.000000 Resp_cpu: 953321139260
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333532
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 78335.080317 Resp: 78335.080317 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 78282.000000 Cost_cpu: 2105695403
Resp_io: 78282.000000 Resp_cpu: 2105695403
Best NL cost: 78335.080317
resc: 78335.080317 resc_io: 78282.000000 resc_cpu: 2105695403
resp: 78335.080317 resp_io: 78282.000000 resc_cpu: 2105695403
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (1.5094e-09)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 1662.709297, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 1.5094e-09
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 8475.098385 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 8475.098385
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 11 Row size: 50 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 16571.066782 Resp: 16571.066782 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 16571.066782
resc: 16571.066782 resc_io: 16499.000000 resc_cpu: 2858888199
resp: 16571.066782 resp_io: 16499.000000 resp_cpu: 2858888199
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 8475.098385 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 8475.098385
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 10 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 12748.453516 Resp: 12748.453516 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 12748.453516
resc: 12748.453516 resc_io: 12694.000000 resc_cpu: 2160170201
resp: 12748.453516 resp_io: 12694.000000 resp_cpu: 2160170201
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 68 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 12749.453518 Degree: 1 Resp: 12749.453518 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 1 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 0 cost: 1848.777650 card: 18.072508 bytes: 396.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 8475.098385 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 59868.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 12749.453518 card: 1.805456 bytes: 104.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 1848.777650 Resp: 1848.777650 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 78720.464687 Resp: 78720.464687 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 78460.000000 Cost_cpu: 10332630429
Resp_io: 78460.000000 Resp_cpu: 10332630429
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 2604.928988 Resp: 2604.928988 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 2604.000000 Cost_cpu: 36852925
Resp_io: 2604.000000 Resp_cpu: 36852925
Best NL cost: 2604.928988
resc: 2604.928988 resc_io: 2604.000000 resc_cpu: 36852925
resp: 2604.928988 resp_io: 2604.000000 resc_cpu: 36852925
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 18.072508, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 1848.777650 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1848.777650
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 35 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9944.725924 Resp: 9944.725924 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9944.725924
resc: 9944.725924 resc_io: 9911.000000 resc_cpu: 1337906921
resp: 9944.725924 resp_io: 9911.000000 resp_cpu: 1337906921
Outer table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
resc: 1848.777650 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1848.777650
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6122.126561 Resp: 6122.126561 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6122.126561
resc: 6122.126561 resc_io: 6106.000000 resc_cpu: 639740465
resp: 6122.126561 resp_io: 6106.000000 resp_cpu: 639740465
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 2604.928988 Degree: 1 Resp: 2604.928988 Card: 35.784082 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 35.784082 Cost: 2604.928988 Resp: 2604.928988 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 15803.600161 Resp: 15803.600161 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 15778.000000 Cost_cpu: 1015558028
Resp_io: 15778.000000 Resp_cpu: 1015558028
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 2640.938104 Resp: 2640.938104 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 2640.000000 Cost_cpu: 37214576
Resp_io: 2640.000000 Resp_cpu: 37214576
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 2640.938104 Resp: 2640.938104 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 2640.000000 Cost_cpu: 37214576
Resp_io: 2640.000000 Resp_cpu: 37214576
Best NL cost: 2640.938104
resc: 2640.938104 resc_io: 2640.000000 resc_cpu: 37214576
resp: 2640.938104 resp_io: 2640.000000 resc_cpu: 37214576
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (35.784082) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2604.928988 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2604.928988
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 52 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 2977.058810 Resp: 2977.058810 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 2977.058810
resc: 2977.058810 resc_io: 2972.000000 resc_cpu: 200682932
resp: 2977.058810 resp_io: 2972.000000 resp_cpu: 200682932
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 2604.928988 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 2604.928988
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015493 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 2975.073410 Resp: 2975.073410 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 2975.073410
resc: 2975.073410 resc_io: 2972.000000 resc_cpu: 121922135
resp: 2975.073410 resp_io: 2972.000000 resp_cpu: 121922135
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 68 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 1.80545642237 curr card= 1.80545642237
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 2641.938106 Degree: 1 Resp: 2641.938106 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 1 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 0 cost: 1848.777650 card: 18.072508 bytes: 396.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 2604.928988 card: 35.784082 bytes: 1368.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 2641.938106 card: 1.805456 bytes: 104.000000
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6942.000000 Cost_cpu: 1537718541
Resp_io: 6942.000000 Resp_cpu: 1537718541
Best NL cost: 6980.762770
resc: 6980.762770 resc_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
resp: 6980.762770 resp_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 77226.128174 Resp: 77226.128174 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76966.000000 Cost_cpu: 10319280968
Resp_io: 76966.000000 Resp_cpu: 10319280968
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1110.000000 Cost_cpu: 23503464
Resp_io: 1110.000000 Resp_cpu: 23503464
Best NL cost: 1110.592475
resc: 1110.592475 resc_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
resp: 1110.592475 resp_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8450.390309 Resp: 8450.390309 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8450.390309
resc: 8450.390309 resc_io: 8417.000000 resc_cpu: 1324593101
resp: 8450.390309 resp_io: 8417.000000 resp_cpu: 1324593101
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9431.486895 Resp: 9431.486895 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Resp: 1110.592475 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 60551.942472 Resp: 60551.942472 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 60538.000000 Cost_cpu: 553097659
Resp_io: 60538.000000 Resp_cpu: 553097659
Best NL cost: 60551.942472
resc: 60551.942472 resc_io: 60538.000000 resc_cpu: 553097659
resp: 60551.942472 resp_io: 60538.000000 resc_cpu: 553097659
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
JPPD: Retrieved original view card: 18166.000000
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (715.681646) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 650053.638671, outer: 715.681646, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263584.274704 Resp: 263584.274704 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263093.000000 Cost_cpu: 19488860525
Resp_io: 263093.000000 Resp_cpu: 19488860525
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
Best NL cost: 1826.773792
resc: 1826.773792 resc_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
resp: 1826.773792 resp_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 1482.729798 Resp: 1482.729798 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 1482.729798
resc: 1482.729798 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 187631025
resp: 1482.729798 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 187631025
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.739468 Resp: 1480.739468 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 4 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 1480.738682 swapped
resc: 1480.738682 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 108643474
resp: 1480.738682 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 108643474
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Resp: 1480.738682 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_4
Inner table: VW_SQ_4 Alias: VW_SQ_4
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 4469.409911 Resp: 4469.409911 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 4466.000000 Cost_cpu: 135271115
Resp_io: 4466.000000 Resp_cpu: 135271115
Best NL cost: 4469.409911
resc: 4469.409911 resc_io: 4466.000000 resc_cpu: 135271115
resp: 4469.409911 resp_io: 4466.000000 resc_cpu: 135271115
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
JPPD: Retrieved original view card: 18166.000000
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 32797.921369, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 68 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 1.80545642237 curr card= 1.80545642237
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.641304
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.641304 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.641304
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 32853.796226 Resp: 32853.796226 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 32811.000000 Cost_cpu: 1697725659
Resp_io: 32811.000000 Resp_cpu: 1697725659
Best NL cost: 32853.796226
resc: 32853.796226 resc_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
resp: 32853.796226 resp_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (92.002136) * inner (18.072508) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393264.413637 Resp: 393264.413637 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 52737820054
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 52737820054
Best NL cost: 393264.413637
resc: 393264.413637 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
resp: 393264.413637 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1499.000000 resc_cpu: 42850026
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1500.080162 Resp: 1500.080162 Degree: 1
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1500.080162 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1500.080162
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9595.028351 Resp: 9595.028351 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:9, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 9
Consider using bloom filter between ITEM[ITEM] and VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Consider using bloom filter between VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4] and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Consider using bloom filter between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between ITEM[ITEM](serial) and VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = TableScan
---- serial Hash-Join -> NONE
--- Distribution method for
join between VW_SQ_4[VW_SQ_4](serial) and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexRange
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
--- Distribution method for
join between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial) and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexUnique
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
(newjo-save) [1 3 2 0 ]
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 68 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Final cost for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 2
Cost: 2641.938106 Degree: 1 Card: 2.000000 Bytes: 104.000000
Resc: 2641.938106 Resc_io: 2640.000000 Resc_cpu: 76884652
Resp: 2641.938106 Resp_io: 2640.000000 Resc_cpu: 76884652
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63defff60, in-use=87184, alloc=98568)
call(in-use=352168, alloc=475792), compile(in-use=656904, alloc=660152), execution(in-use=8912, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
JPPD: Updated best state, Cost = 2641.938106
JPPD: Will not use JPPD from query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
SU: Selected interleaved query.
SU: Finished interleaved join pred push down
SU: Updated best state, Cost = 2641.938106
SU: Starting iteration 2, state space = (3) : (0)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT"> (SELECT 1.3*AVG("WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT") FROM "WEB_SALES" "WEB_SALES","DATE_DIM" "DATE_DIM")
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$2 (#3)
"WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"=:B1 AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK"
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$2 (#3)
finally: "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"=:B1 AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: transitive predicates are generated in query block SEL$2 (#3)
"WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"=:B1 AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$1 (#2)
finally: "ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT"> (SELECT 1.3*AVG("WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT") FROM "WEB_SALES" "WEB_SALES","DATE_DIM" "DATE_DIM") AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: transitive predicates are generated in query block SEL$1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT"> (SELECT 1.3*AVG("WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT") FROM "WEB_SALES" "WEB_SALES","DATE_DIM" "DATE_DIM") AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
SU: Costing transformed query.
CBQT: Looking for cost annotations for query block SEL$2, key = SEL$2_00004000_0
CBQT: Could not find stored cost annotations.
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$2 (#3)
call(in-use=354880, alloc=377064), compile(in-use=692616, alloc=700600), execution(in-use=9464, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63df15648)
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$2 nbfros=2 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$2 (#3)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Card: Original: 719384.000000 Rounded: 40 Computed: 39.600572 Non Adjusted: 39.600572
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 262999269.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 262999269.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 298968469.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4265.536390 Resp: 4265.536390 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 298968470
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 298968470
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 43.000000 resc_cpu: 337822
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
Cost: 43.008516 Resp: 43.008516 Degree: 1
Best:: AccessPath: IndexRange
Index: SYS_C0014629
Cost: 43.008516 Degree: 1 Resp: 43.008516 Card: 39.600572 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$2 (#3)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 39.600572 Cost: 43.008516 Resp: 43.008516 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.925000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.925000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.925000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 4307699.684967 (cpu filter eval) (= 58.970002 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27808075.124967
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14708.047926 Resp: 14708.047926 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14680.000000 Cost_cpu: 1112660827
Resp_io: 14680.000000 Resp_cpu: 1112660827
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 83.018645 Resp: 83.018645 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 83.000000 Cost_cpu: 739657
Resp_io: 83.000000 Resp_cpu: 739657
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 83.018645 Resp: 83.018645 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 83.000000 Cost_cpu: 739657
Resp_io: 83.000000 Resp_cpu: 739657
Best NL cost: 83.018645
resc: 83.018645 resc_io: 83.000000 resc_cpu: 739657
resp: 83.018645 resp_io: 83.000000 resc_cpu: 739657
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 39.165377 = outer (39.600572) * inner (92.002136) * sel (0.010750)
Join Card - Rounded: 39 Computed: 39.165377
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 43.008516 card 39.600572 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 43.008516
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 40
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39679577
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 415.138369 Resp: 415.138369 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 415.138369
resc: 415.138369 resc_io: 411.000000 resc_cpu: 164169035
resp: 415.138369 resp_io: 411.000000 resp_cpu: 164169035
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 43.008516 card 39.600572 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 43.008516
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015508 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 413.152953 Resp: 413.152953 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 413.152953
resc: 413.152953 resc_io: 411.000000 resc_cpu: 85407632
resp: 413.152953 resp_io: 411.000000 resp_cpu: 85407632
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 83.018645 Degree: 1 Resp: 83.018645 Card: 39.165377 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 43.008516 card: 39.600572 bytes: 640.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 83.018645 card: 39.165377 bytes: 1170.000000
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:2, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 2
Consider using bloom filter between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial) and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexUnique
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
(newjo-save) [1 0 ]
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$2 (#3)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$2 (#3)
Final cost for query block SEL$2 (#3) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 1
Cost: 83.018645 Degree: 1 Card: 39.000000 Bytes: 1170.000000
Resc: 83.018645 Resc_io: 83.000000 Resc_cpu: 739657
Resp: 83.018645 Resp_io: 83.000000 Resc_cpu: 739657
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63df15648, in-use=59528, alloc=65704)
call(in-use=389232, alloc=475688), compile(in-use=715432, alloc=716872), execution(in-use=9464, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$2 (#3)
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$1 (#2)
call(in-use=389232, alloc=475688), compile(in-use=715528, alloc=716872), execution(in-use=9464, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63df15648)
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=3 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
#Rows: 17964 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1302 AvgRowLen: 501.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014568 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 33 #DK: 17964 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1302.00 NRW: 17964.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$1 (#2)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 >> Single Tab Card adjusted from 719384.000000 to 719384.000000 due to opt_estimate hint
Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for ITEM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for ITEM[ITEM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
AvgLen: 4 NDV: 993 Nulls: 18 Density: 0.001007 Min: 1.000000 Max: 1000.000000
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Card: Original: 17964.000000 Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508 Non Adjusted: 18.072508
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 354.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 354.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 354.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 354.000000 Cost_cpu: 17535555
Resp_io: 354.000000 Resp_cpu: 17535555
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Resp: 354.442036 Card: 18.072508 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$1 (#2)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6942.000000 Cost_cpu: 1537718541
Resp_io: 6942.000000 Resp_cpu: 1537718541
Best NL cost: 6980.762770
resc: 6980.762770 resc_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
resp: 6980.762770 resp_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Resp: 6980.762770 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971181.114477 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002754 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321170.714477
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7108944.959599 Resp: 7108944.959599 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7084914.000000 Cost_cpu: 953307825439
Resp_io: 7084914.000000 Resp_cpu: 953307825439
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333532
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 76840.744702 Resp: 76840.744702 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76788.000000 Cost_cpu: 2092381582
Resp_io: 76788.000000 Resp_cpu: 2092381582
Best NL cost: 76840.744702
resc: 76840.744702 resc_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092381582
resp: 76840.744702 resp_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092381582
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 8 Row size: 36 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 15076.731167 Resp: 15076.731167 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 15076.731167
resc: 15076.731167 resc_io: 15005.000000 resc_cpu: 2845574379
resp: 15076.731167 resp_io: 15005.000000 resp_cpu: 2845574379
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 8 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11254.117901
resc: 11254.117901 resc_io: 11200.000000 resc_cpu: 2146856380
resp: 11254.117901 resp_io: 11200.000000 resp_cpu: 2146856380
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11255.118113 Degree: 1 Resp: 11255.118113 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 38249.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 11255.118113 card: 36.109128 bytes: 1404.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 77226.129073 Resp: 77226.129073 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76966.000000 Cost_cpu: 10319316608
Resp_io: 76966.000000 Resp_cpu: 10319316608
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1110.593373 Resp: 1110.593373 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1110.000000 Cost_cpu: 23539104
Resp_io: 1110.000000 Resp_cpu: 23539104
Best NL cost: 1110.593373
resc: 1110.593373 resc_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23539104
resp: 1110.593373 resp_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23539104
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8450.390309 Resp: 8450.390309 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8450.390309
resc: 8450.390309 resc_io: 8417.000000 resc_cpu: 1324593101
resp: 8450.390309 resp_io: 8417.000000 resp_cpu: 1324593101
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9431.486895 Resp: 9431.486895 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 1110.593373 Degree: 1 Resp: 1110.593373 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.593373 Resp: 1110.593373 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263584.275603 Resp: 263584.275603 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263093.000000 Cost_cpu: 19488896165
Resp_io: 263093.000000 Resp_cpu: 19488896165
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.774690 Resp: 1826.774690 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30731947
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30731947
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.774690 Resp: 1826.774690 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30731947
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30731947
Best NL cost: 1826.774690
resc: 1826.774690 resc_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30731947
resp: 1826.774690 resp_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30731947
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.593373 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.593373
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 1482.730697 Resp: 1482.730697 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 1482.730697
resc: 1482.730697 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 187666665
resp: 1482.730697 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 187666665
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.593373 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.593373
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.740367 Resp: 1480.740367 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.593373 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.593373
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 4 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.739580 Resp: 1480.739580 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 1480.739580 swapped
resc: 1480.739580 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 108679114
resp: 1480.739580 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 108679114
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 1481.739792 Degree: 1 Resp: 1481.739792 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 1110.593373 card: 715.681646 bytes: 17900.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 1481.739792 card: 36.109128 bytes: 1404.000000
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.641304
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.641304 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.641304
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 32853.796226 Resp: 32853.796226 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 32811.000000 Cost_cpu: 1697725659
Resp_io: 32811.000000 Resp_cpu: 1697725659
Best NL cost: 32853.796226
resc: 32853.796226 resc_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
resp: 32853.796226 resp_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (92.002136) * inner (18.072508) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393264.413637 Resp: 393264.413637 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 52737820054
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 52737820054
Best NL cost: 393264.413637
resc: 393264.413637 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
resp: 393264.413637 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1499.000000 resc_cpu: 42850026
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1500.080162 Resp: 1500.080162 Degree: 1
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1500.080162 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1500.080162
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9595.028351 Resp: 9595.028351 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:6, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 6
Consider using bloom filter between ITEM[ITEM] and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Consider using bloom filter between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] with ?? and join inputs swapped
kkoBloomFilter: join (lcdn:716 rcdn:92 jcdn:36 limit:32922)
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:ITEM[ITEM] and rfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] swap:yes
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and rfro:DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] swap:yes
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv: predCnt:#1 col1:(bndv:73049 ndv:73049) and col2:(bndv:1823 ndv:1823) creatorNDV:73049.0 userNDV:1823.0
kkopqComputeBloomNdv: predCnt:1 creatorNdv:73049.0 userNdv:1823.0 singleTblPred:yes
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:92 reduction:0.128552 (limit:0.500000) accepted
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between ITEM[ITEM](serial) and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexRange
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
--- Distribution method for
join between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial) and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial); jm = 1; right side access path = TableScan
---- serial Hash-Join -> NONE
kkoaccsqf: Current query block SEL$1 (#2) is serial
kkoaccsqf: correlated subquery query block SEL$2 (#3) in filter : serial
Final adjusted join cardinality: 8.000000, sq. fil. factor: 4.513641
(newjo-save) [1 2 0 ]
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 8
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39671067
Total Temp space used: 0
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$1 (#2)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$1 (#2)
Final cost for query block SEL$1 (#2) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 2
Cost: 2980.605254 Degree: 1 Card: 8.000000 Bytes: 1404.000000
Resc: 2980.605254 Resc_io: 2976.528831 Resc_cpu: 161711665
Resp: 2980.605254 Resp_io: 2976.528831 Resc_cpu: 161711665
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63df15648, in-use=77168, alloc=82136)
call(in-use=426808, alloc=524896), compile(in-use=743640, alloc=747392), execution(in-use=9464, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$1 (#2)
CBQT: Saved costed qb# 3 (SEL$2), key = SEL$2_00004000_0
SU: Not update best state, Cost = 2980.605254
SU: Will unnest subquery SEL$2 (#3)
SU: Reconstructing original query from best state.
SU: Considering subquery unnest on query block SEL$1 (#2).
SU: Checking validity of unnesting subquery SEL$2 (#3)
SU: Passed validity checks.
SU: Unnesting subquery query block SEL$2 (#3)Subquery removal for query block SEL$2 (#3)
RSW: Not valid for subquery removal SEL$2 (#3)
Subquery unchanged.
Cost-Based Complex View Merging
CVM: Finding query blocks in query block SEL$3 (#1) that are valid to merge.
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$3 (#1)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$3 (#1)
CVM: Checking validity of merging in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
CVM: Checking validity of merging in query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
CVM: CBQT Marking query block SEL$683B0107 (#3) as valid for CVM.
CVM: Not Merging SEL$683B0107 (#3) into SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) due to CBQT directive.
Cost-based complex view merging on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
CVM: Using search type: linear
CVM: Considering view merging on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
CVM: Starting iteration 1, state space = (3) : (0)
CVM: Considering view merge (candidate phase) in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
CVM: Considering view merge (candidate phase) in query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
CVM: CBQT Marking query block SEL$683B0107 (#3) as valid for CVM.
CVM: Not Merging SEL$683B0107 (#3) into SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) due to CBQT directive.
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_5"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND "VW_SQ_5"."ITEM_1"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
finally: "ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_5"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND "VW_SQ_5"."ITEM_1"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: transitive predicates are generated in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT">"VW_SQ_5"."1.3*AVG(WS_EXT_DISCOUNT_AMT)" AND "VW_SQ_5"."ITEM_1"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: Following are pushed to where clause of query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
"DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
finally: "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
CVM: Costing transformed query.
CBQT: Looking for cost annotations for query block SEL$683B0107, key = SEL$683B0107_00022002_4
CBQT: Replaced cost annotations in query block SEL$683B0107.
CBQT: Looking for cost annotations for query block SEL$C772B8D1, key = SEL$C772B8D1_00000000_0
CBQT: Could not find stored cost annotations.
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
call(in-use=435328, alloc=459008), compile(in-use=804744, alloc=806136), execution(in-use=9608, alloc=12144)
call(in-use=435328, alloc=459008), compile(in-use=804744, alloc=806136), execution(in-use=9608, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
call(in-use=435328, alloc=459008), compile(in-use=804840, alloc=806136), execution(in-use=9608, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63dd4bec8)
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$C772B8D1 nbfros=4 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=1 objn=0 hint_alias="VW_SQ_5"@"SEL$7511BFD2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
#Rows: 17964 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1302 AvgRowLen: 501.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): I_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 17964 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000056 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014568 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 33 #DK: 17964 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1302.00 NRW: 17964.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 >> Single Tab Card adjusted from 719384.000000 to 719384.000000 due to opt_estimate hint
Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for ITEM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for ITEM[ITEM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
AvgLen: 4 NDV: 993 Nulls: 18 Density: 0.001007 Min: 1.000000 Max: 1000.000000
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Card: Original: 17964.000000 Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508 Non Adjusted: 18.072508
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 354.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 354.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 354.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 354.000000 Cost_cpu: 17535555
Resp_io: 354.000000 Resp_cpu: 17535555
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Resp: 354.442036 Card: 18.072508 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6942.000000 Cost_cpu: 1537718541
Resp_io: 6942.000000 Resp_cpu: 1537718541
Best NL cost: 6980.762770
resc: 6980.762770 resc_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
resp: 6980.762770 resp_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Resp: 6980.762770 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 8064534.946228 Resp: 8064534.946228 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 8032580.000000 Cost_cpu: 1267652262325
Resp_io: 8032580.000000 Resp_cpu: 1267652262325
Best NL cost: 8064534.946228
resc: 8064534.946228 resc_io: 8032580.000000 resc_cpu: 1267652262325
resp: 8064534.946228 resp_io: 8032580.000000 resc_cpu: 1267652262325
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Column (#2): ITEM_1(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 8 Row size: 36 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 11963.320836 Resp: 11963.320836 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 11963.320836
resc: 11963.320836 resc_io: 11903.000000 resc_cpu: 2392926700
resp: 11963.320836 resp_io: 11903.000000 resp_cpu: 2392926700
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.067206 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 8 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11826.021908 Resp: 11826.021908 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11826.021908
resc: 11826.021908 resc_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301728273
resp: 11826.021908 resp_io: 11768.000000 resp_cpu: 2301728273
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11826.021908 Degree: 1 Resp: 11826.021908 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 11826.021908 Resp: 11826.021908 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971181.114477 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002754 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321170.714477
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7113790.218737 Resp: 7113790.218737 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7089740.000000 Cost_cpu: 954071835171
Resp_io: 7089740.000000 Resp_cpu: 954071835171
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333532
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 81686.003840 Resp: 81686.003840 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81614.000000 Cost_cpu: 2856391315
Resp_io: 81614.000000 Resp_cpu: 2856391315
Best NL cost: 81686.003840
resc: 81686.003840 resc_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856391315
resp: 81686.003840 resp_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856391315
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (1.5094e-09)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 1662.709297, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 1.5094e-09
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 11826.021908 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.021908
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 14 Row size: 64 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 19921.990305 Resp: 19921.990305 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 19921.990305
resc: 19921.990305 resc_io: 19831.000000 resc_cpu: 3609584111
resp: 19921.990305 resp_io: 19831.000000 resp_cpu: 3609584111
Outer table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 11826.021908 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.021908
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 13 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16099.377039 Resp: 16099.377039 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16099.377039
resc: 16099.377039 resc_io: 16026.000000 resc_cpu: 2910866113
resp: 16099.377039 resp_io: 16026.000000 resp_cpu: 2910866113
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 16100.377042 Degree: 1 Resp: 16100.377042 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 38249.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 11826.021908 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 81487.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 16100.377042 card: 1.805456 bytes: 130.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7108944.959553 Resp: 7108944.959553 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7084914.000000 Cost_cpu: 953307823633
Resp_io: 7084914.000000 Resp_cpu: 953307823633
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 76840.744657 Resp: 76840.744657 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76788.000000 Cost_cpu: 2092379777
Resp_io: 76788.000000 Resp_cpu: 2092379777
Best NL cost: 76840.744657
resc: 76840.744657 resc_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
resp: 76840.744657 resp_io: 76788.000000 resc_cpu: 2092379777
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 8 Row size: 36 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 15076.731167 Resp: 15076.731167 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 15076.731167
resc: 15076.731167 resc_io: 15005.000000 resc_cpu: 2845574379
resp: 15076.731167 resp_io: 15005.000000 resp_cpu: 2845574379
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 6980.762770 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 6980.762770
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 8 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 11254.117901
resc: 11254.117901 resc_io: 11200.000000 resc_cpu: 2146856380
resp: 11254.117901 resp_io: 11200.000000 resp_cpu: 2146856380
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Resp: 11254.117901 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 11254.117901 Resp: 11254.117901 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 185681.027465 Resp: 185681.027465 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 184936.000000 Cost_cpu: 29555228946
Resp_io: 184936.000000 Resp_cpu: 29555228946
Best NL cost: 185681.027465
resc: 185681.027465 resc_io: 184936.000000 resc_cpu: 29555228946
resp: 185681.027465 resp_io: 184936.000000 resc_cpu: 29555228946
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 16236.655970 Resp: 16236.655970 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 16236.655970
resc: 16236.655970 resc_io: 16161.000000 resc_cpu: 3001271252
resp: 16236.655970 resp_io: 16161.000000 resp_cpu: 3001271252
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 11254.117901 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11254.117901
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16099.370887 Resp: 16099.370887 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16099.370887
resc: 16099.370887 resc_io: 16026.000000 resc_cpu: 2910622063
resp: 16099.370887 resp_io: 16026.000000 resp_cpu: 2910622063
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 16100.370890 Degree: 1 Resp: 16100.370890 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 38249.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 11254.117901 card: 36.109128 bytes: 1404.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 16100.370890 card: 1.805456 bytes: 130.000000
Now joining: VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 87567.896818 Resp: 87567.896818 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 87222.000000 Cost_cpu: 13721721838
Resp_io: 87222.000000 Resp_cpu: 13721721838
Best NL cost: 87567.896818
resc: 87567.896818 resc_io: 87222.000000 resc_cpu: 13721721838
resp: 87567.896818 resp_io: 87222.000000 resc_cpu: 13721721838
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 18.072508 = outer (18.072508) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 5336.979978 Resp: 5336.979978 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5336.979978
resc: 5336.979978 resc_io: 5315.000000 resc_cpu: 871945423
resp: 5336.979978 resp_io: 5315.000000 resp_cpu: 871945423
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 6318.076564 Resp: 6318.076564 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.060986 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5199.694954
resc: 5199.694954 resc_io: 5180.000000 resc_cpu: 781298537
resp: 5199.694954 resp_io: 5180.000000 resp_cpu: 781298537
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Resp: 5199.694954 Card: 18.072508 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 11826.015688 Resp: 11826.015688 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 11768.000000 Cost_cpu: 2301481523
Resp_io: 11768.000000 Resp_cpu: 2301481523
Best NL cost: 11826.015688
resc: 11826.015688 resc_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
resp: 11826.015688 resp_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 11826.015688 Degree: 1 Resp: 11826.015688 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 11826.015688 Resp: 11826.015688 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971181.114477 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002754 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321170.714477
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 7113790.212517 Resp: 7113790.212517 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7089740.000000 Cost_cpu: 954071588421
Resp_io: 7089740.000000 Resp_cpu: 954071588421
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333532
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 81685.997620 Resp: 81685.997620 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81614.000000 Cost_cpu: 2856144565
Resp_io: 81614.000000 Resp_cpu: 2856144565
Best NL cost: 81685.997620
resc: 81685.997620 resc_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856144565
resp: 81685.997620 resp_io: 81614.000000 resc_cpu: 2856144565
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (1.5094e-09)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 1662.709297, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 1.5094e-09
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11826.015688 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.015688
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 14 Row size: 64 Total Rows: 1663
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 40471659
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 19921.984085 Resp: 19921.984085 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 19921.984085
resc: 19921.984085 resc_io: 19831.000000 resc_cpu: 3609337361
resp: 19921.984085 resp_io: 19831.000000 resp_cpu: 3609337361
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 11826.015688 card 1662.709297 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 11826.015688
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.834834 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 13 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 16099.370819 Resp: 16099.370819 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 16099.370819
resc: 16099.370819 resc_io: 16026.000000 resc_cpu: 2910619363
resp: 16099.370819 resp_io: 16026.000000 resp_cpu: 2910619363
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 16100.370822 Degree: 1 Resp: 16100.370822 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 5199.694954 card: 18.072508 bytes: 630.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 11826.015688 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 81487.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 16100.370822 card: 1.805456 bytes: 130.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 82071.381991 Resp: 82071.381991 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81792.000000 Cost_cpu: 11083079591
Resp_io: 81792.000000 Resp_cpu: 11083079591
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5936.000000 Cost_cpu: 787302086
Resp_io: 5936.000000 Resp_cpu: 787302086
Best NL cost: 5955.846291
resc: 5955.846291 resc_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
resp: 5955.846291 resp_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 18.072508, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Outer table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 49 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 13295.643227 Resp: 13295.643227 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 13295.643227
resc: 13295.643227 resc_io: 13243.000000 resc_cpu: 2088356083
resp: 13295.643227 resp_io: 13243.000000 resp_cpu: 2088356083
Outer table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9473.043865 Resp: 9473.043865 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9473.043865
resc: 9473.043865 resc_io: 9438.000000 resc_cpu: 1390189627
resp: 9473.043865 resp_io: 9438.000000 resp_cpu: 1390189627
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Resp: 5955.846291 Card: 35.784082 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 35.784082 Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 19154.517465 Resp: 19154.517465 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 19110.000000 Cost_cpu: 1766007190
Resp_io: 19110.000000 Resp_cpu: 1766007190
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.855408 Resp: 5991.855408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787663738
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787663738
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.855408 Resp: 5991.855408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787663738
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787663738
Best NL cost: 5991.855408
resc: 5991.855408 resc_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787663738
resp: 5991.855408 resp_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787663738
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (35.784082) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 6327.976114 Resp: 6327.976114 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6327.976114
resc: 6327.976114 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 951132094
resp: 6327.976114 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 951132094
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015493 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.990714 Resp: 6325.990714 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.990714
resc: 6325.990714 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872371297
resp: 6325.990714 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872371297
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 1.80545642237 curr card= 1.80545642237
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 5992.855410 Degree: 1 Resp: 5992.855410 Card: 1.805456 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 162.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 5199.694954 card: 18.072508 bytes: 630.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 5955.846291 card: 35.784082 bytes: 1836.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 5992.855410 card: 1.805456 bytes: 130.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 77226.128174 Resp: 77226.128174 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 76966.000000 Cost_cpu: 10319280968
Resp_io: 76966.000000 Resp_cpu: 10319280968
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 331550
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1110.000000 Cost_cpu: 23503464
Resp_io: 1110.000000 Resp_cpu: 23503464
Best NL cost: 1110.592475
resc: 1110.592475 resc_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
resp: 1110.592475 resp_io: 1110.000000 resc_cpu: 23503464
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8450.390309 Resp: 8450.390309 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8450.390309
resc: 8450.390309 resc_io: 8417.000000 resc_cpu: 1324593101
resp: 8450.390309 resp_io: 8417.000000 resp_cpu: 1324593101
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1336.000000 resc_cpu: 21370484
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1336.538707 Resp: 1336.538707 Degree: 1
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 1336.538707 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1336.538707
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9431.486895 Resp: 9431.486895 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Resp: 1110.592475 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263584.274704 Resp: 263584.274704 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263093.000000 Cost_cpu: 19488860525
Resp_io: 263093.000000 Resp_cpu: 19488860525
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 1826.773792 Resp: 1826.773792 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 1826.000000 Cost_cpu: 30696306
Resp_io: 1826.000000 Resp_cpu: 30696306
Best NL cost: 1826.773792
resc: 1826.773792 resc_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
resp: 1826.773792 resp_io: 1826.000000 resc_cpu: 30696306
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 1482.729798 Resp: 1482.729798 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 1482.729798
resc: 1482.729798 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 187631025
resp: 1482.729798 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 187631025
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.739468 Resp: 1480.739468 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 4 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 1480.738682 swapped
resc: 1480.738682 resc_io: 1478.000000 resc_cpu: 108643474
resp: 1480.738682 resp_io: 1478.000000 resp_cpu: 108643474
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Resp: 1480.738682 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 1480.738682 Resp: 1480.738682 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 175907.648246 Resp: 175907.648246 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 175214.000000 Cost_cpu: 27517016039
Resp_io: 175214.000000 Resp_cpu: 27517016039
Best NL cost: 175907.648246
resc: 175907.648246 resc_io: 175214.000000 resc_cpu: 27517016039
resp: 175907.648246 resp_io: 175214.000000 resc_cpu: 27517016039
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 6463.276750 Resp: 6463.276750 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6463.276750
resc: 6463.276750 resc_io: 6439.000000 resc_cpu: 963058345
resp: 6463.276750 resp_io: 6439.000000 resp_cpu: 963058345
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1480.738682 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1480.738682
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.991668 Resp: 6325.991668 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.991668
resc: 6325.991668 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872409156
resp: 6325.991668 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872409156
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 1.80545642237 curr card= 1.80545642237
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 1110.592475 Resp: 1110.592475 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 3470268.016020 Resp: 3470268.016020 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 3456526.000000 Cost_cpu: 545145580041
Resp_io: 3456526.000000 Resp_cpu: 545145580041
Best NL cost: 3470268.016020
resc: 3470268.016020 resc_io: 3456526.000000 resc_cpu: 545145580041
resp: 3470268.016020 resp_io: 3456526.000000 resc_cpu: 545145580041
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (715.681646) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 715.681646, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 6093.138044 Resp: 6093.138044 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6093.138044
resc: 6093.138044 resc_io: 6071.000000 resc_cpu: 878215889
resp: 6093.138044 resp_io: 6071.000000 resp_cpu: 878215889
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 1110.592475 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1110.592475
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.063625 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5955.848032 Resp: 5955.848032 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5955.848032
resc: 5955.848032 resc_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787371146
resp: 5955.848032 resp_io: 5936.000000 resp_cpu: 787371146
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 5955.848032 Degree: 1 Resp: 5955.848032 Card: 35.784082 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 35.784082 Cost: 5955.848032 Resp: 5955.848032 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 19154.519206 Resp: 19154.519206 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 19110.000000 Cost_cpu: 1766076250
Resp_io: 19110.000000 Resp_cpu: 1766076250
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.857148 Resp: 5991.857148 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787732797
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787732797
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.857148 Resp: 5991.857148 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787732797
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787732797
Best NL cost: 5991.857148
resc: 5991.857148 resc_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787732797
resp: 5991.857148 resp_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787732797
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (35.784082) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 5955.848032 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.848032
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 6327.977855 Resp: 6327.977855 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6327.977855
resc: 6327.977855 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 951201154
resp: 6327.977855 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 951201154
Outer table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 5955.848032 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.848032
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015493 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.992454 Resp: 6325.992454 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.992454
resc: 6325.992454 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872440356
resp: 6325.992454 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872440356
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.641304
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.641304 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.641304
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 32853.796226 Resp: 32853.796226 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 32811.000000 Cost_cpu: 1697725659
Resp_io: 32811.000000 Resp_cpu: 1697725659
Best NL cost: 32853.796226
resc: 32853.796226 resc_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
resp: 32853.796226 resp_io: 32811.000000 resc_cpu: 1697725659
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (92.002136) * inner (18.072508) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 92.002136 Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.163043
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.163043 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.163043
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35969200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572319189.600000
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 393264.413637 Resp: 393264.413637 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 391935.000000 Cost_cpu: 52737820054
Resp_io: 391935.000000 Resp_cpu: 52737820054
Best NL cost: 393264.413637
resc: 393264.413637 resc_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
resp: 393264.413637 resp_io: 391935.000000 resc_cpu: 52737820054
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (92.002136) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
SM Join (with index on outer)
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (FullScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1499.000000 resc_cpu: 42850026
ix_sel: 1.000000 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.000000
Cost: 1500.080162 Resp: 1500.080162 Degree: 1
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 1500.080162 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 1500.080162
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 9595.028351 Resp: 9595.028351 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Resp: 4643.478121 Card: 36295.927693 Bytes:
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36295.927693 Cost: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625028
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625028 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625028
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 12819565.655655 Resp: 12819565.655655 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 12803504.000000 Cost_cpu: 637165651344
Resp_io: 12803504.000000 Resp_cpu: 637165651344
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
Best NL cost: 40544.476327
resc: 40544.476327 resc_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
resp: 40544.476327 resp_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (36295.927693) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 296.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 69168930
Total Temp space used: 2925000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 5296.663850 Resp: 5296.663850 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5296.663850
resc: 5296.663850 resc_io: 5276.000000 resc_cpu: 819734653
resp: 5296.663850 resp_io: 5276.000000 resp_cpu: 819734653
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 73.171900 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 187 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5071.092102 Resp: 5071.092102 [multiMatchCost=0.000045]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4643.478121 card: 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.106688 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 187 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4998.026844 swapped
resc: 4998.026844 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 715124655
resp: 4998.026844 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 715124655
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Resp: 4998.026844 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 179424.936408 Resp: 179424.936408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 178716.000000 Cost_cpu: 28123497220
Resp_io: 178716.000000 Resp_cpu: 28123497220
Best NL cost: 179424.936408
resc: 179424.936408 resc_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
resp: 179424.936408 resp_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9980.564913 Resp: 9980.564913 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9980.564913
resc: 9980.564913 resc_io: 9941.000000 resc_cpu: 1569539526
resp: 9980.564913 resp_io: 9941.000000 resp_cpu: 1569539526
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9843.279830 Resp: 9843.279830 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9843.279830
resc: 9843.279830 resc_io: 9806.000000 resc_cpu: 1478890337
resp: 9843.279830 resp_io: 9806.000000 resp_cpu: 1478890337
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18166.000000 Cost: 4845.191932 Resp: 4845.191932 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625124
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625124 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625124
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6418663.237367 Resp: 6418663.237367 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6410614.000000 Cost_cpu: 319313131832
Resp_io: 6410614.000000 Resp_cpu: 319313131832
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 22813.495145 Resp: 22813.495145 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 22790.000000 Cost_cpu: 932052071
Resp_io: 22790.000000 Resp_cpu: 932052071
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 22813.495145 Resp: 22813.495145 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 22790.000000 Cost_cpu: 932052071
Resp_io: 22790.000000 Resp_cpu: 932052071
Best NL cost: 22813.495145
resc: 22813.495145 resc_io: 22790.000000 resc_cpu: 932052071
resp: 22813.495145 resp_io: 22790.000000 resc_cpu: 932052071
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 18.072508 = outer (18166.000000) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508
Outer table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 5336.979978 Resp: 5336.979978 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5336.979978
resc: 5336.979978 resc_io: 5315.000000 resc_cpu: 871945423
resp: 5336.979978 resp_io: 5315.000000 resp_cpu: 871945423
Outer table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.083859 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 85 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5199.717828 Resp: 5199.717828 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.060986 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 5199.694954 swapped
resc: 5199.694954 resc_io: 5180.000000 resc_cpu: 781298537
resp: 5199.694954 resp_io: 5180.000000 resp_cpu: 781298537
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Resp: 5199.694954 Card: 18.072508 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 11826.015688 Resp: 11826.015688 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 11768.000000 Cost_cpu: 2301481523
Resp_io: 11768.000000 Resp_cpu: 2301481523
Best NL cost: 11826.015688
resc: 11826.015688 resc_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
resp: 11826.015688 resp_io: 11768.000000 resc_cpu: 2301481523
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 5199.694954 Resp: 5199.694954 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.222222
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.222222 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.222222
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 82071.381991 Resp: 82071.381991 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 81792.000000 Cost_cpu: 11083079591
Resp_io: 81792.000000 Resp_cpu: 11083079591
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5936.000000 Cost_cpu: 787302086
Resp_io: 5936.000000 Resp_cpu: 787302086
Best NL cost: 5955.846291
resc: 5955.846291 resc_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
resp: 5955.846291 resp_io: 5936.000000 resc_cpu: 787302086
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (18.072508) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 18.072508, inner: 719384.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 49 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 13295.643227 Resp: 13295.643227 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 13295.643227
resc: 13295.643227 resc_io: 13243.000000 resc_cpu: 2088356083
resp: 13295.643227 resp_io: 13243.000000 resp_cpu: 2088356083
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 5199.694954 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5199.694954
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9473.043865 Resp: 9473.043865 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9473.043865
resc: 9473.043865 resc_io: 9438.000000 resc_cpu: 1390189627
resp: 9473.043865 resp_io: 9438.000000 resp_cpu: 1390189627
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Resp: 5955.846291 Card: 35.784082 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 35.784082 Cost: 5955.846291 Resp: 5955.846291 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.944444
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.944444 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.944444
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 19154.517465 Resp: 19154.517465 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 19110.000000 Cost_cpu: 1766007190
Resp_io: 19110.000000 Resp_cpu: 1766007190
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.855408 Resp: 5991.855408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787663738
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787663738
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5991.855408 Resp: 5991.855408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5972.000000 Cost_cpu: 787663738
Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resp_cpu: 787663738
Best NL cost: 5991.855408
resc: 5991.855408 resc_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787663738
resp: 5991.855408 resp_io: 5972.000000 resc_cpu: 787663738
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (35.784082) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 67 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 6327.976114 Resp: 6327.976114 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 6327.976114
resc: 6327.976114 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 951132094
resp: 6327.976114 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 951132094
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 5955.846291 card 35.784082 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 5955.846291
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.015493 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 6325.990714 Resp: 6325.990714 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 6325.990714
resc: 6325.990714 resc_io: 6304.000000 resc_cpu: 872371297
resp: 6325.990714 resp_io: 6304.000000 resp_cpu: 872371297
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 719384.000000 Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625001
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625001 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625001
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 253995049.916678 Resp: 253995049.916678 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 253677042.000000 Cost_cpu: 12615369531018
Resp_io: 253677042.000000 Resp_cpu: 12615369531018
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 715826.614340 Resp: 715826.614340 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 715642.684355 Cost_cpu: 7296499891
Resp_io: 715642.684355 Resp_cpu: 7296499891
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 715826.614340 Resp: 715826.614340 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 715642.684355 Cost_cpu: 7296499891
Resp_io: 715642.684355 Resp_cpu: 7296499891
Best NL cost: 715826.614340
resc: 715826.614340 resc_io: 715642.684355 resc_cpu: 7296499891
resp: 715826.614340 resp_io: 715642.684355 resc_cpu: 7296499891
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 715.681646 = outer (719384.000000) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 716 Computed: 715.681646
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 8450.390309 Resp: 8450.390309 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8450.390309
resc: 8450.390309 resc_io: 8417.000000 resc_cpu: 1324593101
resp: 8450.390309 resp_io: 8417.000000 resp_cpu: 1324593101
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 955.989747 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2459 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5581.953840 Resp: 5581.953840 [multiMatchCost=0.001760]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828614 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4627.790947 swapped
resc: 4627.790947 resc_io: 4612.000000 resc_cpu: 626426644
resp: 4627.790947 resp_io: 4612.000000 resp_cpu: 626426644
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4627.790947 Degree: 1 Resp: 4627.790947 Card: 715.681646 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.898045
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.898045 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.898045
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 267101.473176 Resp: 267101.473176 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 266595.000000 Cost_cpu: 20091783706
Resp_io: 266595.000000 Resp_cpu: 20091783706
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5343.972264 Resp: 5343.972264 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5328.000000 Cost_cpu: 633619487
Resp_io: 5328.000000 Resp_cpu: 633619487
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 5343.972264 Resp: 5343.972264 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 5328.000000 Cost_cpu: 633619487
Resp_io: 5328.000000 Resp_cpu: 633619487
Best NL cost: 5343.972264
resc: 5343.972264 resc_io: 5328.000000 resc_cpu: 633619487
resp: 5343.972264 resp_io: 5328.000000 resc_cpu: 633619487
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (715.681646) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 4999.928270 Resp: 4999.928270 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 4999.928270
resc: 4999.928270 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 790554206
resp: 4999.928270 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 790554206
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.018064 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4997.937941 Resp: 4997.937941 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card: 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.017278 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 4 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4997.937154 Resp: 4997.937154 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4997.937154 swapped
resc: 4997.937154 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 711566655
resp: 4997.937154 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 711566655
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4997.937154 Degree: 1 Resp: 4997.937154 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 4997.937154 Resp: 4997.937154 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 179424.846718 Resp: 179424.846718 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 178716.000000 Cost_cpu: 28119939220
Resp_io: 178716.000000 Resp_cpu: 28119939220
Best NL cost: 179424.846718
resc: 179424.846718 resc_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28119939220
resp: 179424.846718 resp_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28119939220
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4997.937154 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4997.937154
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9980.475223 Resp: 9980.475223 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9980.475223
resc: 9980.475223 resc_io: 9941.000000 resc_cpu: 1565981526
resp: 9980.475223 resp_io: 9941.000000 resp_cpu: 1565981526
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4997.937154 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4997.937154
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9843.190140 Resp: 9843.190140 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9843.190140
resc: 9843.190140 resc_io: 9806.000000 resc_cpu: 1475332337
resp: 9843.190140 resp_io: 9806.000000 resp_cpu: 1475332337
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Plan cardinality mismatch: best card= 1.80545642237 curr card= 1.80545642237
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 715.681646 Cost: 4627.790947 Resp: 4627.790947 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 3473785.214492 Resp: 3473785.214492 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 3460028.000000 Cost_cpu: 545748503222
Resp_io: 3460028.000000 Resp_cpu: 545748503222
Best NL cost: 3473785.214492
resc: 3473785.214492 resc_io: 3460028.000000 resc_cpu: 545748503222
resp: 3473785.214492 resp_io: 3460028.000000 resc_cpu: 545748503222
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 35.784082 = outer (715.681646) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 715.681646, outer: 715.681646, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 35.784082
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 4 Row size: 38 Total Rows: 716
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39975925
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9610.336516 Resp: 9610.336516 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9610.336516
resc: 9610.336516 resc_io: 9573.000000 resc_cpu: 1481139070
resp: 9610.336516 resp_io: 9573.000000 resp_cpu: 1481139070
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4627.790947 card 715.681646 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4627.790947
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.063625 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 4 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9473.046504 Resp: 9473.046504 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9473.046504
resc: 9473.046504 resc_io: 9438.000000 resc_cpu: 1390294327
resp: 9473.046504 resp_io: 9438.000000 resp_cpu: 1390294327
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 719384.000000 Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.895836
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.895836 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.895836
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 3685877.438674 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.457603 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 27186252.878674
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 263716882.840027 Resp: 263716882.840027 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 263223868.000000 Cost_cpu: 19557891690861
Resp_io: 263223868.000000 Resp_cpu: 19557891690861
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014580
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014580
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 10046
ix_sel: 1.3689e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 1.3689e-05
NL Join : Cost: 723837.694240 Resp: 723837.694240 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 723642.000000 Cost_cpu: 7763187718
Resp_io: 723642.000000 Resp_cpu: 7763187718
Best NL cost: 723837.694240
resc: 723837.694240 resc_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
resp: 723837.694240 resp_io: 723642.000000 resc_cpu: 7763187718
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36295.927693 = outer (719384.000000) * inner (92.002136) * sel (5.4840e-04)
Join Card - Rounded: 36296 Computed: 36295.927693
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 26 Total Rows: 92
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39697026
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 8466.077800 Resp: 8466.077800 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 8466.077800
resc: 8466.077800 resc_io: 8431.000000 resc_cpu: 1391535815
resp: 8466.077800 resp_io: 8431.000000 resp_cpu: 1391535815
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card: 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 955.990120 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 2459 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5597.730610 Resp: 5597.730610 [multiMatchCost=0.091263]
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 370.128930 card 92.002136 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 370.128930
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.828894 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4643.478121 swapped
resc: 4643.478121 resc_io: 4626.000000 resc_cpu: 693356800
resp: 4643.478121 resp_io: 4626.000000 resp_cpu: 693356800
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Resp: 4643.478121 Card: 36295.927693 Bytes:
Now joining: ITEM[ITEM]#0
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36295.927693 Cost: 4643.478121 Resp: 4643.478121 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for ITEM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 352.625028
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 352.625028 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 352.625028
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898249.444016 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535604.324016
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 12819565.655655 Resp: 12819565.655655 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 12803504.000000 Cost_cpu: 637165651344
Resp_io: 12803504.000000 Resp_cpu: 637165651344
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (UniqueScan)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014568
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
Index: SYS_C0014568
resc_io: 1.000000 resc_cpu: 9481
ix_sel: 5.5667e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5667e-05
NL Join : Cost: 40544.476327 Resp: 40544.476327 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 40518.400308 Cost_cpu: 1034435279
Resp_io: 40518.400308 Resp_cpu: 1034435279
Best NL cost: 40544.476327
resc: 40544.476327 resc_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
resp: 40544.476327 resp_io: 40518.400308 resc_cpu: 1034435279
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 36.109128 = outer (36295.927693) * inner (18.072508) * sel (5.5048e-05)
Join Card - Rounded: 36 Computed: 36.109128
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 192 Row size: 43 Total Rows: 36296
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 104
Total IO sort cost: 296.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 69168930
Total Temp space used: 2925000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 20 Total Rows: 18
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39673368
Total Temp space used: 0
SM join: Resc: 5296.663850 Resp: 5296.663850 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 5296.663850
resc: 5296.663850 resc_io: 5276.000000 resc_cpu: 819734653
resp: 5296.663850 resp_io: 5276.000000 resp_cpu: 819734653
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4643.478121 card 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
Inner table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 73.171900 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 187 probefrag: 1 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 5071.092102 Resp: 5071.092102 [multiMatchCost=0.000045]
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 354.442036 card 18.072508 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 354.442036
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 4643.478121 card: 36295.927693 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4643.478121
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.106688 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 187 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 4998.026844 swapped
resc: 4998.026844 resc_io: 4980.000000 resc_cpu: 715124655
resp: 4998.026844 resp_io: 4980.000000 resp_cpu: 715124655
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Resp: 4998.026844 Card: 36.109128 Bytes:
Now joining: VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 36.109128 Cost: 4998.026844 Resp: 4998.026844 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for VW_SQ_5
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 179424.936408 Resp: 179424.936408 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 178716.000000 Cost_cpu: 28123497220
Resp_io: 178716.000000 Resp_cpu: 28123497220
Best NL cost: 179424.936408
resc: 179424.936408 resc_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
resp: 179424.936408 resp_io: 178716.000000 resc_cpu: 28123497220
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1.805456 = outer (36.109128) * inner (18166.000000) * sel (2.7524e-06)
Join cardinality for HJ/SMJ (no post filters): 36.109128, outer: 36.109128, inner: 18166.000000, sel: 2.7524e-06
Join Card - Rounded: 2 Computed: 1.805456
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 53 Total Rows: 36
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39678371
Total Temp space used: 0
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 87 Row size: 39 Total Rows: 18166
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 48
Total IO sort cost: 135.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 53392818
Total Temp space used: 1336000
SM join: Resc: 9980.564913 Resp: 9980.564913 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 9980.564913
resc: 9980.564913 resc_io: 9941.000000 resc_cpu: 1569539526
resp: 9980.564913 resp_io: 9941.000000 resp_cpu: 1569539526
Outer table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
resc: 4998.026844 card 36.109128 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4998.026844
Inner table: VW_SQ_5 Alias: VW_SQ_5
resc: 4845.191932 card: 18166.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4845.191932
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 0.061054 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1 probefrag: 85 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 9843.279830 Resp: 9843.279830 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 9843.279830
resc: 9843.279830 resc_io: 9806.000000 resc_cpu: 1478890337
resp: 9843.279830 resp_io: 9806.000000 resp_cpu: 1478890337
WiF sort
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
(newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:13, maxperm:2000
Number of join permutations tried: 13
Consider using bloom filter between ITEM[ITEM] and VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join (lcdn:18 rcdn:18166 jcdn:18 limit:164153)
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv:Compute bloom ndv for lfro:ITEM[ITEM] and rfro:VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5] swap:no
kkopqSingleJoinBloomNdv: predCnt:#1 col1:(bndv:18166 ndv:18166) and col2:(bndv:17964 ndv:19) creatorNDV:17964.0 userNDV:18166.0
kkopqComputeBloomNdv: predCnt:1 creatorNdv:17964.0 userNdv:18166.0 singleTblPred:yes
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:18 reduction:0.000995 (limit:0.500000) accepted
Consider using bloom filter between VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5] and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Consider using bloom filter between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES] and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM] with ??
kkoBloomFilter: join ndv:0 reduction:1.000000 (limit:0.500000) rejected because not a hash join
Enumerating distribution method (advanced)
--- Distribution method for
join between ITEM[ITEM](serial) and VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5](serial); jm = 1; right side access path = TableScan
---- serial Hash-Join -> NONE
--- Distribution method for
join between VW_SQ_5[VW_SQ_5](serial) and WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexRange
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial - SMJ/HJ: both input serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
--- Distribution method for
join between WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES](serial) and DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM](serial); jm = 14; right side access path = IndexUnique
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial - SMJ/HJ: both input serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
kkopqIsSerialJoin: serial NLJ: both inputs serial
---- serial NL-Join -> SERIAL
(newjo-save) [1 3 2 0 ]
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1 Row size: 82 Total Rows: 2
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39670076
Total Temp space used: 0
Trying or-Expansion on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Final cost for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 4
Cost: 5992.855410 Degree: 1 Card: 2.000000 Bytes: 130.000000
Resc: 5992.855410 Resc_io: 5972.000000 Resc_cpu: 827333814
Resp: 5992.855410 Resp_io: 5972.000000 Resc_cpu: 827333814
kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x7fc63dd4bec8, in-use=89000, alloc=98568)
call(in-use=476208, alloc=590576), compile(in-use=834272, alloc=834936), execution(in-use=9608, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc: finish optimizing query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
CBQT: Saved costed qb# 3 (SEL$683B0107), key = SEL$683B0107_00022002_4
CVM: Updated best state, Cost = 5992.855410
CVM: Starting iteration 2, state space = (3) : (1)
CVM: Considering view merge (candidate phase) in query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$C772B8D1 (#2)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
CVM: Considering view merge (candidate phase) in query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
CNT: Considering count(col) to count(*) on query block SEL$683B0107 (#3)
Count(col) to Count(*) (CNT)
CNT: COUNT() to COUNT(*) not done.
CVM: CBQT Marking query block SEL$683B0107 (#3) as valid for CVM.
CVM: Merging complex view SEL$683B0107 (#3) into SEL$C772B8D1 (#2).
qbcp:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
vqbcp:******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
CVM: result SEL$88A77D12 (#5)
******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$B186933D (#5)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$B186933D (#5)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$66469506 (#2)
FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$B186933D (#5)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK"
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$B186933D (#5)
finally: "ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
FPD: transitive predicates are generated in query block SEL$B186933D (#5)
"ITEM"."I_MANUFACT_ID"=269 AND "ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND "WEB_SALES"."WS_ITEM_SK"="ITEM"."I_ITEM_SK" AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE">=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE"<=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0) AND "DATE_DIM"."D_DATE_SK"="WEB_SALES"."WS_SOLD_DATE_SK" AND CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)+INTERVAL'+90 00:00:00' DAY(2) TO SECOND(0)>=CAST(TO_DATE(' 1998-03-18 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AS date)
OJE: Begin: find best directive for query block SEL$B186933D (#5)
OJE: End: finding best directive for query block SEL$B186933D (#5)
CVM: Costing transformed query.
CBQT: Looking for cost annotations for query block SEL$B186933D, key = SEL$B186933D_00002000_1
CBQT: Could not find stored cost annotations.
kkoqbc: optimizing query block SEL$B186933D (#5)
call(in-use=485304, alloc=508216), compile(in-use=892400, alloc=896640), execution(in-use=9848, alloc=12144)
kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x7fc63dd685c8)
sum(ws_ext_discount_amt) as excess_discount_amount
i_manufact_id = 269
and i_item_sk = ws_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
and ws_ext_discount_amt
> (
1.3 * avg(ws_ext_discount_amt)
ws_item_sk = i_item_sk
and d_date between cast('1998-03-18' as date) and
(cast('1998-03-18' as date) + interval '90' day)
and d_date_sk = ws_sold_date_sk
signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$B186933D nbfros=5 flg=0
fro(0): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$1"
fro(1): flg=0 objn=99553 hint_alias="ITEM"@"SEL$1"
fro(2): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$1"
fro(3): flg=0 objn=99582 hint_alias="DATE_DIM"@"SEL$2"
fro(4): flg=0 objn=99616 hint_alias="WEB_SALES"@"SEL$2"
Using dictionary system stats.
CPUSPEEDNW: 3306 millions instructions/sec (default is 100)
IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
MBRC: NO VALUE blocks (default is 8)
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
#Rows: 17964 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1302 AvgRowLen: 501.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): I_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 17964 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000056 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014568 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 33 #DK: 17964 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1302.00 NRW: 17964.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 73049 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 1351 AvgRowLen: 128.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#1): D_DATE_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 73049 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014580 Col#: 1
LVLS: 1 #LB: 147 #DK: 73049 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 1351.00 NRW: 73049.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Table Stats::
#Rows: 719384 SSZ: 0 LGR: 0 #Blks: 15715 AvgRowLen: 152.00 NEB: 0 ChainCnt: 0.00 SPC: 0 RFL: 0 RNF: 0 CBK: 0 CHR: 0 KQDFLG: 1
#IMCUs: 0 IMCRowCnt: 0 IMCJournalRowCnt: 0 #IMCBlocks: 0 IMCQuotient: 0.000000
Column (#4): WS_ITEM_SK(NUMBER)
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 18166 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000055 Min: 1.000000 Max: 18000.000000
AvgLen: 6 NDV: 1823 Nulls: 189 Density: 0.000549 Min: 2450816.000000 Max: 2452642.000000
Index Stats::
Index: SYS_C0014629 Col#: 4 18
LVLS: 2 #LB: 1735 #DK: 719384 LB/K: 1.00 DB/K: 1.00 CLUF: 718560.00 NRW: 719384.00 SSZ: 0.00 LGR: 0.00 CBK: 0.00 GQL: 0.00 CHR: 0.00 KQDFLG: 1 BSZ: 1
Column (#23):
NewDensity:0.000003, OldDensity:0.000003 BktCnt:5551.000000, PopBktCnt:54.000000, PopValCnt:1, NDV:284768
AvgLen: 5 NDV: 284768 Nulls: 179 Density: 0.000003 Min: 0.000000 Max: 29317.000000
Histogram: Hybrid #Bkts: 254 UncompBkts: 5551 EndPtVals: 254 ActualVal: yes
SPD: BEGIN context at query block level
Query Block SEL$B186933D (#5)
Applicable DS directives:
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
dirid = 16968709054564957066, state = 1, flags = 1, loc = 1 {C(99616)[4, 23]}
Checking valid directives for the query block
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = GROUP_BY
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = HAVING
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = QUERY_BLOCK
Return code in qosdSetupDirCtx4QB: EXISTS
SPD: END context at query block level
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Card: Original: 719384.000000 >> Single Tab Card adjusted from 719384.000000 to 719384.000000 due to opt_estimate hint
Rounded: 719384 Computed: 719384.000000 Non Adjusted: 719384.000000
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4258.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4258.000000 (scan (Disk))
= 4258.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
= 536349989.600000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Resp: 4271.520297 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 4258.000000 Cost_cpu: 536349990
Resp_io: 4258.000000 Resp_cpu: 536349990
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 4271.520297 Degree: 1 Resp: 4271.520297 Card: 719384.000000 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for ITEM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for ITEM[ITEM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
AvgLen: 4 NDV: 993 Nulls: 18 Density: 0.001007 Min: 1.000000 Max: 1000.000000
Table: ITEM Alias: ITEM
Card: Original: 17964.000000 Rounded: 18 Computed: 18.072508 Non Adjusted: 18.072508
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 354.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 16637354.880000
Total Scan IO Cost = 354.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 354.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 16637354.880000 (scan (Disk))
+ 898200.000000 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.000000 (per row) * 17964.000000 (#rows))
= 17535554.880000
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 354.000000 Cost_cpu: 17535555
Resp_io: 354.000000 Resp_cpu: 17535555
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Resp: 354.442036 Card: 18.072508 Bytes: 0.000000
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Single Table Cardinality Estimation for DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = TABLE
Column (#3): D_DATE(DATE)
AvgLen: 8 NDV: 73016 Nulls: 0 Density: 0.000014 Min: 2415022.000000 Max: 2488070.000000
Card: Original: 73049.000000 Rounded: 92 Computed: 92.002136 Non Adjusted: 92.002136
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 368.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 368.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 368.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Resp: 370.128930 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 368.000000 Cost_cpu: 84454610
Resp_io: 368.000000 Resp_cpu: 84454610
Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
Cost: 370.128930 Degree: 1 Resp: 370.128930 Card: 92.002136 Bytes: 0.000000
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 18166
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
PJE: Bypassed; QB is not duplicate insignificant SEL$B186933D (#5)
Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
Permutations for Starting Table :0
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#1
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 18.072508 Cost: 354.442036 Resp: 354.442036 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 366.000000
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 366.000000 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 366.000000
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 6942.000000 Cost_cpu: 1537718541
Resp_io: 6942.000000 Resp_cpu: 1537718541
Best NL cost: 6980.762770
resc: 6980.762770 resc_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
resp: 6980.762770 resp_io: 6942.000000 resc_cpu: 1537718541
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 1662.709297 = outer (18.072508) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 1663 Computed: 1662.709297
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Resp: 6980.762770 Card: 1662.709297 Bytes:
Now joining: DATE_DIM[DATE_DIM]#2
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for DATE_DIM
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 365.897174
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 23500375.440000
Total Scan IO Cost = 365.897174 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 365.897174
Total Scan CPU Cost = 23500375.440000 (scan (Disk))
+ 60954234.889596 (cpu filter eval) (= 834.429423 (per row) * 73049.000000 (#rows))
= 84454610.329596
Inner table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 619008.172837 Resp: 619008.172837 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 615429.000000 Cost_cpu: 141985735519
Resp_io: 615429.000000 Resp_cpu: 141985735519
Best NL cost: 619008.172837
resc: 619008.172837 resc_io: 615429.000000 resc_cpu: 141985735519
resp: 619008.172837 resp_io: 615429.000000 resc_cpu: 141985735519
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 152972.806866 = outer (1662.709297) * inner (92.002136) * sel (1.000000)
Join Card - Rounded: 152973 Computed: 152972.806866
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Best:: JoinMethod: NestedLoop
Cost: 619008.172837 Degree: 1 Resp: 619008.172837 Card: 152972.806866 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 152972.806866 Cost: 619008.172837 Resp: 619008.172837 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.145843
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.145843 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.145843
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 653901356.454534 Resp: 653901356.454534 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 651690827.000000 Cost_cpu: 87691672017119
Resp_io: 651690827.000000 Resp_cpu: 87691672017119
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 7045160.313013 Resp: 7045160.313013 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7040295.000000 Cost_cpu: 193006898015
Resp_io: 7040295.000000 Resp_cpu: 193006898015
Best NL cost: 7045160.313013
resc: 7045160.313013 resc_io: 7040295.000000 resc_cpu: 193006898015
resp: 7045160.313013 resp_io: 7040295.000000 resc_cpu: 193006898015
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (152972.806866) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 619008.172837 card 152972.806866 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 619008.172837
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1461 Row size: 78 Total Rows: 152973
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 792
Total IO sort cost: 2253.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 194351197
Total Temp space used: 22193000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 629361.020225 Resp: 629361.020225 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 629361.020225
resc: 629361.020225 resc_io: 625745.000000 resc_cpu: 143447470894
resp: 629361.020225 resp_io: 625745.000000 resp_cpu: 143447470894
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 619008.172837 card 152972.806866 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 619008.172837
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1485.615742 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1364 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 624765.308876 Resp: 624765.308876 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 624765.308876
resc: 624765.308876 resc_io: 621168.000000 resc_cpu: 142705191931
resp: 624765.308876 resp_io: 621168.000000 resp_cpu: 142705191931
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 624765.308876 Degree: 1 Resp: 624765.308876 Card: 3322.116945 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 3322.116945 Cost: 624765.308876 Resp: 624765.308876 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146297
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146297 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146297
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14811609.994211 Resp: 14811609.994211 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14760086.000000 Cost_cpu: 2043956117437
Resp_io: 14760086.000000 Resp_cpu: 2043956117437
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 764317.239018 Resp: 764317.239018 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 760692.000000 Cost_cpu: 143813180281
Resp_io: 760692.000000 Resp_cpu: 143813180281
Best NL cost: 764317.239018
resc: 764317.239018 resc_io: 760692.000000 resc_cpu: 143813180281
resp: 764317.239018 resp_io: 760692.000000 resc_cpu: 143813180281
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (3322.116945) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 624765.308876 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 624765.308876
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 39 Row size: 95 Total Rows: 3322
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 22
Total IO sort cost: 61.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 42381230
Total Temp space used: 615000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 634688.036193 Resp: 634688.036193 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 634688.036193
resc: 634688.036193 resc_io: 631057.000000 resc_cpu: 144043154109
resp: 634688.036193 resp_io: 631057.000000 resp_cpu: 144043154109
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 624765.308876 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 624765.308876
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.841107 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 37 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 629038.670280 Resp: 629038.670280 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 629038.670280
resc: 629038.670280 resc_io: 625426.000000 resc_cpu: 143314578621
resp: 629038.670280 resp_io: 625426.000000 resp_cpu: 143314578621
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 629039.670785 Degree: 1 Resp: 629039.670785 Card: 72.146555 Bytes:
Best so far: Table#: 0 cost: 354.442036 card: 18.072508 bytes: 378.000000
Table#: 1 cost: 6980.762770 card: 1662.709297 bytes: 58205.000000
Table#: 2 cost: 619008.172837 card: 152972.806866 bytes: 9331353.000000
Table#: 3 cost: 624765.308876 card: 3322.116945 bytes: 255794.000000
Table#: 4 cost: 629039.670785 card: 72.146555 bytes: 7560.000000
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#4
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 152972.806866 Cost: 619008.172837 Resp: 619008.172837 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.145843
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.145843 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.145843
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 653901356.454534 Resp: 653901356.454534 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 651690827.000000 Cost_cpu: 87691672017119
Resp_io: 651690827.000000 Resp_cpu: 87691672017119
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 7045160.313013 Resp: 7045160.313013 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 7040295.000000 Cost_cpu: 193006898015
Resp_io: 7040295.000000 Resp_cpu: 193006898015
Best NL cost: 7045160.313013
resc: 7045160.313013 resc_io: 7040295.000000 resc_cpu: 193006898015
resp: 7045160.313013 resp_io: 7040295.000000 resc_cpu: 193006898015
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 3322.116945 = outer (152972.806866) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 3322 Computed: 3322.116945
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 619008.172837 card 152972.806866 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 619008.172837
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 1461 Row size: 78 Total Rows: 152973
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 792
Total IO sort cost: 2253.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 194351197
Total Temp space used: 22193000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 3612 Row size: 41 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1958
Total IO sort cost: 5570.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 759230959
Total Temp space used: 57795000
SM join: Resc: 631126.731009 Resp: 631126.731009 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 631126.731009
resc: 631126.731009 resc_io: 627510.000000 resc_cpu: 143475667664
resp: 631126.731009 resp_io: 627510.000000 resp_cpu: 143475667664
Outer table: DATE_DIM Alias: DATE_DIM
resc: 619008.172837 card 152972.806866 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 619008.172837
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1893.724741 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 1364 probefrag: 3513 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 625173.417875 Resp: 625173.417875 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 625173.417875
resc: 625173.417875 resc_io: 621576.000000 resc_cpu: 142709515915
resp: 625173.417875 resp_io: 621576.000000 resp_cpu: 142709515915
Best:: JoinMethod: Hash
Cost: 625173.417875 Degree: 1 Resp: 625173.417875 Card: 3322.116945 Bytes:
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 3322.116945 Cost: 625173.417875 Resp: 625173.417875 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146297
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146297 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146297
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
Access Path: TableScan
NL Join: Cost: 14812018.103210 Resp: 14812018.103210 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 14760494.000000 Cost_cpu: 2043960441421
Resp_io: 14760494.000000 Resp_cpu: 2043960441421
****** Costing Index SYS_C0014629
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_SCAN
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = INDEX_FILTER
Access Path: index (RangeScan)
Index: SYS_C0014629
resc_io: 42.000000 resc_cpu: 333531
ix_sel: 5.5048e-05 ix_sel_with_filters: 5.5048e-05
NL Join : Cost: 764725.348017 Resp: 764725.348017 Degree: 1
Cost_io: 761100.000000 Cost_cpu: 143817504265
Resp_io: 761100.000000 Resp_cpu: 143817504265
Best NL cost: 764725.348017
resc: 764725.348017 resc_io: 761100.000000 resc_cpu: 143817504265
resp: 764725.348017 resp_io: 761100.000000 resc_cpu: 143817504265
SPD: Return code in qosdDSDirSetup: NODIR, estType = JOIN
Join Card: 72.146555 = outer (3322.116945) * inner (719384.000000) * sel (3.0188e-08)
Join Card - Rounded: 72 Computed: 72.146555
Grouping column cardinality [WS_ITEM_SK] 17964
Grouping column cardinality [WS_EXT_DIS] 284768
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 625173.417875 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 625173.417875
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 44 Row size: 108 Total Rows: 3322
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 26
Total IO sort cost: 70.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 42504360
Total Temp space used: 713000
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2467 Row size: 28 Total Rows: 719384
Initial runs: 2 Merge passes: 1 IO Cost / pass: 1338
Total IO sort cost: 3805.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 731034189
Total Temp space used: 40526000
SM join: Resc: 633339.437512 Resp: 633339.437512 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
SM Join
SM cost: 633339.437512
resc: 633339.437512 resc_io: 629709.000000 resc_cpu: 144019404453
resp: 633339.437512 resp_io: 629709.000000 resp_cpu: 144019404453
Outer table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 625173.417875 card 3322.116945 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 625173.417875
Inner table: WEB_SALES Alias: WEB_SALES
resc: 4271.520297 card: 719384.000000 bytes: deg: 1 resp: 4271.520297
using dmeth: 2 #groups: 1
Cost per ptn: 1.841107 #ptns: 1
hash_area: 124 (max=14336) buildfrag: 41 probefrag: 2459 ppasses: 1
Hash join: Resc: 629446.779279 Resp: 629446.779279 [multiMatchCost=0.000000]
HA Join
HA cost: 629446.779279
resc: 629446.779279 resc_io: 625834.000000 resc_cpu: 143318902605
resp: 629446.779279 resp_io: 625834.000000 resp_cpu: 143318902605
GROUP BY/Correlated Subquery Filter adjustment factor: 0.707107
GROUP BY cardinality: 72.000000, TABLE cardinality: 72.000000
HAVING selectivity:0.049988 -> GROUPS: 4.000000
Vector group by not costed because no SYS_OP_XLATE_USE in group by.
SORT ressource Sort statistics
Sort width: 334 Area size: 292864 Max Area size: 58720256
Degree: 1
Blocks to Sort: 2 Row size: 126 Total Rows: 72
Initial runs: 1 Merge passes: 0 IO Cost / pass: 0
Total IO sort cost: 0.000000 Total CPU sort cost: 39690001
Total Temp space used: 0
Join order aborted: cost > best plan cost
Now joining: WEB_SALES[WEB_SALES]#3
NL Join
Outer table: Card: 1662.709297 Cost: 6980.762770 Resp: 6980.762770 Degree: 1 Bytes:
Access path analysis for WEB_SALES
Scan IO Cost (Disk) = 4256.146723
Scan CPU Cost (Disk) = 536349989.600000
Total Scan IO Cost = 4256.146723 (scan (Disk))
+ 0.000000 (io filter eval) (= 0.000000 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 4256.146723
Total Scan CPU Cost = 536349989.600000 (scan (Disk))
+ 35971180.028625 (cpu filter eval) (= 50.002752 (per row) * 719384.000000 (#rows))
= 572321169.628625
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