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Last active June 21, 2024 06:16
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IDE Scripting

Here are my attempts to script an IntelliJ-based IDE using javax.script.* API (ex-JSR-223).

The list of available scripting languages and engines:

  1. Groovy - built-in, via Groovy jars and <app>/lib/groovy-jsr223-xxx.jar
  2. JavaScript (Nashorn) - built-in, via Java Runtime <app>/jbr/... (deprecated and will be removed soon)
  3. JavaScript (GraalJS) -
  4. JPython -
  5. JRuby -
  6. Clojure -
  7. Kotlin - (bundled in IntelliJ IDEA)

Open IDE Scripting Console, type a statement, hit Ctrl-Enter to execute the current line or selection.

.profile.language-extension file in the same directory will be executed along with it if present.

CAUTION: Scripts exert full control over IDE VM so any damage is possible, e.g. System.exit(0).

(write #(. (document (firstFile "")) (setText "Rollback!")))
(pool #(do (Thread/sleep 5000) (. IDE print "123")))
(action "TryMe!" "alt shift P" (fn [e] (let
[e (event-data e 'PSI_ELEMENT)
res (and (-> e nil? not) (.canFindUsages finds e)) ]
(. IDE print (str "can find usages of '" e "'? " (if res "Yes!" "Nope"))))))
(timer "bump" 500 #(. IDE (print (str (System/currentTimeMillis) ": bump!"))))
write { "".firstFile().document().setText("Rollback!") }
pool { Thread.sleep(5000); IDE.print("123") }
action("TryMe!", "alt shift P") { e->
e = PSI_ELEMENT.from(e)
res = e != null && finds.canFindUsages(e)
IDE.print("can find usages of '" + e +"'? " + (res ? "Yes!" : "Nope"))
timer("bump", 500) {
IDE.print(System.currentTimeMillis() + ": bump!")
def ep = "com.intellij.iconLayerProvider".ep()
ep.registerExtension(new com.intellij.ide.IconLayerProvider() {
String getLayerDescription() { return "123" }
javax.swing.Icon getLayerIcon(com.intellij.openapi.util.Iconable element, boolean isLocked) {
"config".equals(element.getName()) ? com.intellij.icons.AllIcons.Nodes.FinalMark : null
(doseq [x (list (.project IDE) (.application IDE))]
(let [pico (.getPicoContainer x)
field (.getDeclaredField (.getClass pico) "componentKeyToAdapterCache")
services (do (.setAccessible field true) (.get field pico))]
(doseq [key (filter #(instance? String %) (.keySet services))]
(let [match (re-find (re-matcher #"[\.]([^\.]+?)(Service|Manager|Helper|Factory)?$" key))
groups (rest match)
singular (empty? (rest groups))
words (seq (com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.NameUtil/nameToWords (first groups)))
short0 (clojure.string/join (flatten (list (.toLowerCase (first words)) (rest words))))
shortName (if (false? singular) (com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil/pluralize short0) short0)]
(intern *ns* (symbol shortName) (.getComponentInstance pico key))
(catch Exception e ()))
(defn file [^String x] (.findFileByUrl virtualFiles (com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtil/pathToUrl x)))
(defn file2 [^String x] (first (filter #( = x (.getName %)) (.getOpenFiles fileEditors))))
(defn all-scope [] ( (.project IDE)))
(defn findPsi [^String x] ( (.project IDE), x, (all-scope)))
(defn findFile [^String x] ( (.project IDE) x, (all-scope)) )
(defn firstPsi [^String x] (first (findPsi x)))
(defn firstFile [^String x] (first (findFile x)))
(defn ep [^String x] (.getExtensionPoint (com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions/getArea nil) x))
(defn psi [x] (.findFile psis x))
(defn document [x] (.getDocument fileDocuments x))
(defn editor ([x] (.getEditor (.getSelectedEditor fileEditors x)))
([] (try (.. windows (getFocusedComponent (. IDE project)) (getEditor)) (catch Exception e ()) )) )
(defn #^Runnable runnable [x] (proxy [Runnable] [] (run [] (x))))
(defn write [x] (.. IDE application (runWriteAction (runnable x))))
(defn read [x] (.. IDE application (runReadAction (runnable x))))
(defn pool [x] (.. IDE application (executeOnPooledThread (runnable x))))
(defn swing [x] (com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil/invokeLaterIfNeeded (runnable x)))
(defn dumpe [e] (.print IDE (str e (clojure.string/replace (str (seq (.getStackTrace e))) #"#<StackTraceElement " "\n at "))))
(defn safe [x] (try (x) (catch Exception e (dumpe e))))
(defn data-key [e] (let [c ['com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.LangDataKeys]]
(some #(try (. (. (Class/forName (str %)) (getField (str e))) (get nil)) (catch Exception e nil) ) c)))
(defn event-data [e key] (.getData (data-key key) (.getDataContext e)))
(defn action [name & x]
(.unregisterAction actions name)
(.. keymaps getActiveKeymap (removeAllActionShortcuts name))
(if (nil? (second x)) nil
(let [[shortcut, perform] x]
(. actions (registerAction name (proxy [com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction] [name, name, nil]
(actionPerformed [e] (perform e)) )))
(if (= shortcut nil) nil
(.. keymaps (getActiveKeymap) (addShortcut name
(new com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.KeyboardShortcut (javax.swing.KeyStroke/getKeyStroke shortcut) nil)) )
(defn dispose [x] (let [t (if (instance? com.intellij.openapi.Disposable x) (x) (.put IDE x nil))]
(if (nil? t) nil (com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer/dispose t)) ) )
(defn timer [name & x] (do
(dispose name)
(if (nil? (second x)) nil
(let [[delay, perform] x
h (new com.intellij.util.Alarm (.project IDE))
r (runnable (fn time_fun [] (do (perform) (. h (addRequest (runnable time_fun) delay)) ) ))]
(. h (addRequest r delay))
(. IDE (put name h))
) ))
import static com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.LangDataKeys.*
metaClass.propertyMissing = {name ->
switch (name) {
case "application": return com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager.getApplication()
case "project": return com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects()[0]
case "INDEX": return
case "GSS": return
case "EXT": return com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions
def variants = []
for (t in [IDE.project, IDE.application]) {
for (obj in t.picoContainer.componentKeyToAdapterCache.keySet()) {
def key = obj instanceof String ? obj : obj instanceof Class ? obj.getName() : null
if (key == null) continue
def match = key =~ /[\.]([^\.]+?)(Service|Manager|Helper|Factory)?$/
def groups = match.size()? match[0][1..-1] : [key, null]
def singular = groups[1..-1][0] == null
def words = com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.NameUtil.nameToWords(groups[0])
def short0 = [words[0].toLowerCase(), words.length==1? "" : words[1..-1]].flatten().join()
def shortName = singular? short0 : com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil.pluralize(short0)
if (shortName.equals(name)) return t.picoContainer.getComponentInstance(obj);
if (com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(groups[0], name)) variants.add(shortName)
throw new MissingPropertyException("Service or Component '$name' not found. Variants: $variants")
String.class.metaClass.file = {-> virtualFiles.findFileByUrl(com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtil.pathToUrl(delegate))}
String.class.metaClass.file2 = {-> def name = delegate; fileEditors.getOpenFiles().find {file -> file.getName().equals(name) }}
String.class.metaClass.findPsi = {-> INDEX.getFilesByName(project, delegate, GSS.allScope(project)) }
String.class.metaClass.findFile = {-> INDEX.getVirtualFilesByName(project, delegate, GSS.allScope(project)) }
String.class.metaClass.firstPsi = {-> delegate.findPsi()[0] }
String.class.metaClass.firstFile = {-> delegate.findFile()[0] }
String.class.metaClass.ep = {-> EXT.getArea(null).getExtensionPoint(delegate) }
com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataKey.class.metaClass.from = {e -> delegate.getData(e.getDataContext()) }
def virtualFileMetaClass = com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile.class.metaClass
virtualFileMetaClass.psi = {-> psiManager.findFile(delegate)}
virtualFileMetaClass.document = {-> fileDocuments.getDocument(delegate)}
virtualFileMetaClass.editor = {-> fileEditors.getSelectedEditor(delegate)?.getEditor()}
def psiMetaClass = com.intellij.psi.PsiElement.class.metaClass
psiMetaClass.document = {-> psiDocuments.getDocument(delegate)}
psiMetaClass.file = {-> delegate.getContainingFile().getVirtualFile()}
psiMetaClass.editor = {-> fileEditors.getSelectedEditor(delegate.file())?.getEditor()}
write = { c -> application.runWriteAction(c)}
read = { c -> application.runReadAction(c)}
pool = { c -> application.executeOnPooledThread(c)}
swing = { c -> com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil.invokeLaterIfNeeded(c)}
action = { name, shortcut = null, perform = null ->
if (perform == null) return
actions.registerAction(name, new com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction(name, name, null) {
void actionPerformed(com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent e) {
} })
if (shortcut != null) {
keymaps.getActiveKeymap().addShortcut(name, new com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.KeyboardShortcut(
javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(shortcut), null))
timer = {name, delay = 1, perform = null ->
if (perform == null) return
def h = new com.intellij.util.Alarm(project)
def r = new Runnable() { public void run() {perform(); h.addRequest(this, delay); }}
h.addRequest(r, delay)
IDE.put(name, h)
dispose = { h ->
t = h instanceof com.intellij.openapi.Disposable ? h : IDE.put(h, null)
if (t != null) com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer.dispose(t)
editor = { -> try {windows.getFocusedComponent(project).getEditor()} catch(e){}}
import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages
val b = bindings as Map<String, Any>
val IDE = b["IDE"] as com.intellij.ide.script.IDE
val name = System.getProperty("")
Messages.showInfoMessage("Hi, $name",
import com.intellij.notification.*
// Change the `pattern` and the `replacement` as needed
def pattern = ~/(.*)XXX\.(.*)/
def replacement = "\$1_xxx_.\$2"
// `Rename Multiple Files` action:
// 1. select some files in `Project` view
// 2. invoke it via Search Everywhere/Goto Action or a shortcut
// 3. see `Event Log` for the report
// Note: `action`, `write`, etc. are defined in `.profile.groovy`
action("Rename Multiple Files", "control alt R") { event ->
def files = VIRTUAL_FILE_ARRAY.getData(event.getDataContext())
def report = new StringBuilder()
for (def file : files) {
def curName =
def matcher = curName =~ pattern
if (!matcher.matches()) {
report.append("$curName skipped\n")
else {
def newName = matcher.replaceFirst(replacement)
report.append("$curName -> $newName\n")
write {
file.rename(this, newName)
Notifications.Bus.notify(new Notification(
"${event.presentation.text}: ${files ? files.length : 0} file(s) processed",
report.toString(), NotificationType.INFORMATION))
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Is there a way to have Idea be able to access the com.intellij.openapi classes? Right now they appear red in the import statements so there ends up being no code completion. It seems to me it's probably easier to write an actual plugin than to use the scripting console.

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