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Created October 26, 2016 01:21
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import argparse
import json
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Summarize a Cleopatra profile')
parser.add_argument('--show', default='', metavar='CATEGORY',
help='Print stacks categorized as CATEGORY or subcategories')
parser.add_argument('--show-exact', default='', metavar='CATEGORY',
help='Print stacks categorized as CATEGORY')
parser.add_argument('--thread', default='0',
help='Summarize thread THREAD')
parser.add_argument('--nowait', action='store_true',
help='Do not include wait time in percentages')
help='Start the summary from the given marker name')
help='Stop the summary at the given marker name')
parser.add_argument('--list-markers', action='store_true',
help='Display the list of markers for the given thread')
parser.add_argument('--list-marker-summary', action='store_true',
help='Summarize the list of markers for the given thread (names are truncated unless --verbose)')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true',
help='Do not truncate any output')
help='Filename of profile to load')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.profile, 'r') as fp:
profile = json.load(fp)
threads = profile['profileJSON']['threads']
thread_ids = {info['name']: tid for tid, info in threads.items()}
thread = thread_ids.get(args.thread, args.thread)
print("Note: thread %s only!" % threads[thread]['name'])
print("Available threads: " + ", ".join(name + '=' + tid for name, tid in thread_ids.items()))
all_markers = profile['profileJSON']['threads'][thread]['markers']
if args.list_markers or args.list_marker_summary:
hist = defaultdict(list)
for marker in all_markers:
if args.list_markers:
print("%.6f %s" % (marker['time'], marker['name']))
print('Summary of markers on thread %s' % args.thread)
for marker, occurs in sorted(hist.items(), key=lambda item: item[1][0]):
if len(marker) > 50 and not args.verbose:
marker = marker[0:50] + '...'
s = '%.6f' % occurs[0]
if len(occurs) > 1:
s += '..%.6f %d x' % (occurs[-1], len(occurs))
s += ' %s' % marker
tofind = [m for m in [args.start, args.stop] if m]
marker = {}
for marker_name in tofind:
matches = [m['time'] for m in all_markers if m['name'] == marker_name]
if len(matches) == 0:
print("Marker %s not found" % marker_name)
elif len(matches) > 1:
print("Marker %s found %d times" % (marker_name, len(matches)))
marker[marker_name] = matches[0]
samples = profile['profileJSON']['threads'][thread]['samples']
# Process start, stop
sample_range = [0, len(samples)]
if args.start:
while samples[sample_range[0]]['extraInfo']['time'] < marker[args.start]:
sample_range[0] += 1
print("%s found at sample %d time %s" % (args.start, sample_range[0], samples[sample_range[0]]['extraInfo']['time']))
if args.stop:
while samples[sample_range[1]-1]['extraInfo']['time'] > marker[args.stop]:
sample_range[1] -= 1
print("%s found at sample %d-1 time %s" % (args.start, sample_range[1], samples[sample_range[1]-1]['extraInfo']['time']))
if args.start or args.stop:
print("Narrowing original %d samples down to %d, in the range %d..%d" %
(len(samples), sample_range[1] - sample_range[0], sample_range[0], sample_range[1]))
samples = samples[sample_range[0]:sample_range[1]]
symbols_text = profile['symbolicationTable']
symbols = ['' for _ in symbols_text.keys()]
symbol_to_ids = {}
for id, name in symbols_text.iteritems():
symbols[int(id)] = name
symbol_to_ids.setdefault(name, []).append(int(id))
print("%d samples" % len(samples))
print("%d symbols" % len(symbols))
# From bz:
# 'RestyleManagerHandle::Ptr::ProcessPendingRestyles': 'restyle',
# 'RestyleManager::ProcessPendingRestyles': 'restyle',
# 'PresShell::ProcessReflowCommands': 'layout',
# 'nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended': 'frameconstruction',
# 'nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted': 'frameconstruction',
# 'nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentRemoved': 'frameconstruction',
# 'PresShell::DoReflow': 'layout',
category_info = {
('exact', 'js::RunScript'): 'script',
('stem', 'js::Nursery::collect'): 'GC',
('stem', 'js::GCRuntime::collect'): 'GC',
('prefix', 'mozilla::RestyleManager::'): 'restyle',
('substring', 'RestyleManager'): 'restyle',
('stem', 'PresShell::ProcessReflowCommands'): 'layout',
('prefix', 'nsCSSFrameConstructor::'): 'frameconstruction',
('stem', 'PresShell::DoReflow'): 'layout',
('substring', '::compileScript('): 'script',
('prefix', 'nsCycleCollector'): 'CC',
('prefix', 'nsPurpleBuffer'): 'CC',
('substring', 'pthread_mutex_lock'): 'wait', # eg __GI___pthread_mutex_lock
('prefix', 'nsRefreshDriver::IsWaitingForPaint'): 'paint', # arguable, I suppose
('stem', 'PresShell::Paint'): 'paint',
('prefix', '__poll'): 'wait',
('prefix', '__pthread_cond_wait'): 'wait',
('stem', 'PresShell::DoUpdateApproximateFrameVisibility'): 'layout', # could just as well be paint
('substring', 'mozilla::net::'): 'network',
('stem', 'nsInputStreamReadyEvent::Run'): 'network',
#('stem', 'NS_ProcessNextEvent'): 'eventloop',
('exact', 'nsJSUtil::EvaluateString'): 'script',
('prefix', 'js::frontend::Parser'): 'script.parse',
('prefix', 'js::jit::IonCompile'): 'script.compile.ion',
('prefix', 'js::jit::BaselineCompiler::compile'): 'script.compile.baseline',
('prefix', 'CompositorBridgeParent::Composite'): 'paint',
('prefix', 'mozilla::layers::PLayerTransactionParent::Read('): 'messageread',
# Can't do this until we come up with a way of labeling ion/baseline.
# ('prefix', 'Interpret('): 'script.interpreter',
category = {}
unused_rules = set(category_info.keys())
for name, ids in symbol_to_ids.iteritems():
for key, classification in category_info.items():
keytype, pattern = key
assigned = None
if keytype == 'exact':
if name == pattern:
assigned = classification
elif keytype == 'prefix':
if name.startswith(pattern):
assigned = classification
elif keytype == 'substring':
if pattern in name:
assigned = classification
elif keytype == 'stem':
if name == pattern or name.startswith(pattern + "("):
assigned = classification
raise Exception("internal error: invalid keytype '%s'" % (keytype,))
if assigned is not None:
if category.get(ids[0], assigned) != assigned:
print("%s assigned to both %s and %s" % (name, category[ids[0]], assigned))
for id in ids:
category[id] = assigned
for keytype, pattern in unused_rules:
print("%s key is unused, pattern = %s" % (keytype, pattern))
if unused_rules:
with open("frame-names.txt", "w") as fp:
for name in symbols:
histo = defaultdict(int)
histo['uncategorized'] = 0
def gen_ancestors(cat):
while True:
yield cat
cat, ext = os.path.splitext(cat)
if ext == '':
def categorize_sample(sample):
scat = 'uncategorized'
for id in sample['frames']:
if int(id) in category:
cat = category[int(id)]
if cat != 'wait' or scat == 'uncategorized':
scat = cat
return scat
for sample in samples:
for cat in gen_ancestors(categorize_sample(sample)):
histo[cat] += 1
print("\nCategory breakdown:")
for cat, count in sorted(histo.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True):
percent = 100 * count / len(samples)
if args.nowait:
if cat.startswith('wait'):
cat = '(%s, percent of total)' % cat
percent = 100 * count/ (len(samples) - histo['wait'])
if percent >= 2:
print("%s: %d%%" % (cat, percent))
if or args.show_exact:
# Print out some uncategorized samples, or samples in the requested category.
print("\nSamples in category '%s':\n" %
for sample in samples:
scat = categorize_sample(sample)
if args.show_exact and scat != args.show_exact:
if and not in gen_ancestors(scat):
for id in sample['frames']:
cat = category.get(int(id))
print("%s%s" % ("{%s} " % cat if cat else "", symbols[id]))
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