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Created March 13, 2013 02:44
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subview addShape + mask not quite sure what to do with this but it looks cool.
// C4WorkSpace.m
// Examples
// Created by Greg Debicki.
@implementation C4WorkSpace {
C4Shape *s1, *s2, *m;
-(void)setup {
[self setupShapes];
m.mask = s1;
[s1 addShape:s2];
[self.canvas addShape:m];
-(void)setupShapes {
m = [C4Shape ellipse:CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 300)];
s1 = [C4Shape rect:CGRectMake(0, 0, m.height*2, m.height/5)];
s2 = [C4Shape rect:CGRectMake(0, 0, m.height/5, m.height*2)]; =; = CGPointMake(m.width/2 ,m.height/2); = CGPointMake(s1.width/2 ,s1.height/2);
m.lineWidth = 10;
m.fillColor = [UIColor clearColor];
s1.animationDuration = 1.71f;
s1.rotation -= PI;
s1.animationOptions = REPEAT;
s2.animationDuration = 2.23f;
s2.rotation += TWO_PI;
s2.animationOptions = REPEAT | AUTOREVERSE;
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