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Last active October 13, 2017 09:09
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Boids Sim - Maya Python Mel (with comments)
# Boids Simulation
# Basic outline of the functionality of the boid simulation
# This example does not include the user interface and is
# stripped back to it's core functionality for documentation
# purposes.
import maya.cmds as cmds
import random
from maya.OpenMaya import MVector
# Set a seed amount to maintain uniform random numbers
# Set some preliminary values
amountOfParticles = 100
r = 10
vr = 10
# Min and max distance and angle for one Boid to perceive another
perceptionDist = 5
perceptionDistMin = 0
# This is ca;culated using the dot product so numbers between 0 and 1 are in front,
# and 0 to -1 are behind (0 is perpendicular).
perceptionAngle = 0.5
# Set some weight values to help control our Boids
alignWeight = 0.0
cohesionWeight = 0.7
separationWeight = 0.3
# Optional acceleration limit
accelLimit = 100
# Initialize lists to store position, velocity and acceleration
positionList = list()
velocityList = list()
accelList = list()
# Here we set up our functions that we will call later
def deleteAllCreateAgain ():
# For conveniece we list all the particles on screen and delete them
particleList = list()
tempList = list()
particleList = 'particleObject*' )
# If there are any particles, delete them all.
if len(particleList) >= 1:
print ('--- print --- deleted old particleObject')
print ('--- print --- no old particleObjects')
# Initialize new particles
for i in range( 0, amountOfParticles):
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0
newVector = (x,y,z)
newVector = (x,y,z)
newVector = (x,y,z)
# Add new particles to the scene
# Update master lists from particle expressions
def sendToMaster (pID, myPx, myPy, myPz, myVx, myVy, myVz, myAx, myAy, myAz):
positionList[pID] = MVector(myPx, myPy, myPz)
velocityList[pID] = MVector(myVx, myVy, myVz)
accelList[pID] = MVector(myAx, myAy, myAz)
# Reset particle locations, velocity and acceleration (called from particle creation expression)
def resetFromMaster (pID):
x = random.uniform(-10, 10)
y = random.uniform(-10, 10)
z = random.uniform(-10, 10)
positionList[pID] = MVector(x,y,z)
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0
velocityList[pID] = MVector(x,y,z)
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0
accelList[pID] = MVector(x,y,z)
# Store the pos, vel and accel of the particle with current ID (from master lists) as temporary vector
tempP = positionList[pID]
tempV = velocityList[pID]
tempA = accelList[pID]
# Assemble into a list (separated as floats) to pass back to particle with current ID
listForMel = [tempP.x, tempP.y, tempP.z, tempV.x, tempV.y, tempV.z, tempA.x, tempA.y, tempA.z]
return listForMel
# Read the current particle's pos, vel and accel from master list
def readFromMaster (pID):
tempP = positionList[pID]
tempV = velocityList[pID]
tempA = accelList[pID]
# Assemble list (separated as floats) to pass back to particle with current ID
listForMel = [tempP.x, tempP.y, tempP.z, tempV.x, tempV.y, tempV.z, tempA.x, tempA.y, tempA.z]
return listForMel
# Find list of neighbors for the particle with current ID
def calculateNeighbor(pID):
# Initialize vectors
pAlignment = MVector()
pCohesion = MVector()
pSeparation = MVector()
# Iterate through list of particles
for i in range(0, amountOfParticles):
if i == id: # If particle ID equals self then skip this one
dist = MVector(positionList[pID]-positionList[i]) # Calculate distance between self and current particle
if dist.length() >= perceptionDist: # If it's bigger than our perceptionDist then skip this one
dotProduct = (velocityList[pID].normal() * velocityList[i].normal()) # Calculate dot product (to find angle between vectors)
if dotProduct < perceptionAngle: # If it's smaller than our perceptionAngle (ie: behind us), skip this one
# All the ID's that get to this point are neighbors.
# Calculate the difference between us and neighbor's velocity
velDiff = MVector(velocityList[pID]-velocityList[i])
# Add velocity difference to alignment value
pAlignment += velDiff
# Add distance between us and neighbor to cohesion value
pCohesion += dist
# And if distance is smaller than perception distance, add distance to separation value
if dist.length() < perceptionDistMin:
pSeparation += dist
# After iterating through the whole list, the alignment, cohesion and separation values will be the sum of the entire
# neighbor list.
# Normalize the align, cohes and sep values if smaller than 0.
if pAlignment.length() > 0:
if pCohesion.length() > 0:
if pSeparation.length() > 0:
# Multiply values by their weight (to control how much they'll affect our simulation)
pAlignment *= alignWeight
pCohesion *= cohesionWeight
pSeparation *= separationWeight
# Our new acceleration value is calculated using our new alignment, cohesion and separation values
accelList[pID] = pAlignment
accelList[pID] += pCohesion
accelList[pID] -= pSeparation
# Make our list in order to pass acceleration values back to particle
tempA = accelList[pID]
listForMel = [tempA.x, tempA.y, tempA.z]
return listForMel
# Set up creation expression for particles
def cExpression ():
# We have to build our expression with strings. I've separated them so it's easier to read.
expString0 = 'string $strForPy1 = "resetFromMaster(" + particleObject2Shape.particleId + ")";'
expString1 = 'float $resultList[] = python($strForPy1);'
expString2 = 'particleObject2Shape.position = <<$resultList[0], $resultList[1], $resultList[2]>>; particleObject2Shape.velocity = <<$resultList[3], $resultList[4], $resultList[5]>>; particleObject2Shape.acceleration = <<$resultList[6], $resultList[7], $resultList[8]>>;'
bigString = expString0 + expString1 + expString2
cmds.dynExpression( 'particleObject*Shape', s=bigString, c=1)
# Set up our "Runtime Before Dynamics" expression for particles
# Runtime before dynamics, runs on every particle, on every frame. So we pass our particle ID and
# we don't need any for loops.
def rBDExpression ():
expString0 = 'vector $myP = particleObject2Shape.position; vector $myV = particleObject2Shape.velocity; vector $myA = particleObject2Shape.acceleration; '
expString1 = 'string $sendToMasterPy = "sendToMaster(" + particleObject2Shape.particleId + ", " + $myP.x + ", " + $myP.y + ", " + $myP.z + ", " + $myV.x + ", " + $myV.y + ", " + $myV.z + ", " + $myA.x + ", " + $myA.y + ", " + $myA.z + ")"; python ($sendToMasterPy); '
expString2 = 'string $strForPy = "calculateNeighbor(" + particleObject2Shape.particleId + ")"; float $resultList[] = python($strForPy); vector $accV = <<$resultList[0], $resultList[1], $resultList[2]>>; particleObject2Shape.acceleration = $accV;'
bigString = expString0 + expString1 + expString2
cmds.dynExpression( 'particleObject*Shape', s= bigString, rbd=1)
# Now that all our functions are set up we can call them in the appropriate order.
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