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Created February 6, 2012 12:13
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Yesod Static File generator.
import Prelude
import Yesod.Routes.Parse (staticPageRoutes)
import Yesod hiding (Request)
import Text.Hamlet
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Test
import Data.Conduit (runResourceT)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Yesod.Markdown
data StaticPages = StaticPages
mkYesodStaticPages "StaticPages" [staticPageRoutes|
/pages/ PagesR GET
/pages/#String PageR GET
instance Yesod StaticPages where
approot _ = ""
defaultLayout widget = do
pc <- widgetToPageContent $ do
addWidget widget
hamletToRepHtml $(hamletFile "templates/static/layout.hamlet")
renderMarkdownFile :: String -> IO String
renderMarkdownFile file = -- readFile $ "templates/static/" ++ file ++ ".markdown"
fmap markdownToHtmlTrusted (markdownFromFile "templates/static/" ++ file ++ ".markdown")
getPageR :: String -> Handler RepHtml
getPageR page = do
defaultLayout $ do
content <- liftIO $ renderMarkdownFile page
toWidget [shamlet|#{content}|]
getPagesR :: Handler RepHtml
getPagesR = do
defaultLayout $ do
content <- liftIO $ readFile "templates/static/index.html"
main :: IO ()
main = renderStaticPages "public/"
renderStaticPages :: FilePath -> IO ()
renderStaticPages directory = do
app <- toWaiAppPlain StaticPages
flip mapM_ staticPageRoutePaths $ \path -> do
let req = setRawPathInfo defaultRequest $ BS8.pack $ path
rsp <- runResourceT $ app req
case rsp of
ResponseBuilder _ _ b ->
LBS.writeFile (directory ++ (BS8.unpack $ rawPathInfo req) ++ ".html") $ toLazyByteString b
_ -> error "expected ResponseBuilder"
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