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Forked from tpae/Trie.js
Last active May 3, 2021 23:12
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Trie.ts - super simple JavaScript implementation
// Trie.ts - super simple JS implementation
// -----------------------------------------
// we start with the TrieNode
class TrieNode<V> {
// we keep a reference to parent
public parent = null;
// we have hash of children
public children = {};
// check to see if the node is at the end
public end = false;
// the "key" value will be the character in sequence
constructor(public key: string, public value?: V) {}
// iterates through the parents to get the word.
// time complexity: O(k), k = word length
getWord() {
var output = [];
var node = this;
while (node !== null) {
node = node.parent;
return output.join('');
// -----------------------------------------
// we wrap our find result in class to include its value
class TrieFindResult<V> {
constructor(public word: string, public value?: V) {}
// -----------------------------------------
// we implement Trie with just a simple root with null value.
class Trie<V> {
public root = new TrieNode<V>(null);
// inserts a word into the trie.
// time complexity: O(k), k = word length
insert(word: string, val?: V) {
var node = this.root; // we start at the root 😬
// for every character in the word
for(var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
// check to see if character node exists in children.
if (!node.children[word[i]]) {
// if it doesn't exist, we then create it.
node.children[word[i]] = new TrieNode<V>(word[i]);
// we also assign the parent to the child node.
node.children[word[i]].parent = node;
// proceed to the next depth in the trie.
node = node.children[word[i]];
// finally, we check to see if it's the last word.
if (i == word.length-1) {
// if it is, we set the end flag to true.
node.end = true;
node.value = val;
// check if it contains a whole word.
// time complexity: O(k), k = word length
contains(word: string) {
var node = this.root;
// for every character in the word
for(var i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
// check to see if character node exists in children.
if (node.children[word[i]]) {
// if it exists, proceed to the next depth of the trie.
node = node.children[word[i]];
} else {
// doesn't exist, return false since it's not a valid word.
return false;
// we finished going through all the words, but is it a whole word?
return node.end;
// returns every word with given prefix
// time complexity: O(p + n), p = prefix length, n = number of child paths
find(prefix: string): TrieFindResult<V>[] {
var node = this.root;
var output: TrieFindResult<V>[] = [];
// for every character in the prefix
for(var i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) {
// make sure prefix actually has words
if (node.children[prefix[i]]) {
node = node.children[prefix[i]];
} else {
// there's none. just return it.
return output;
// recursively find all words in the node
this.findAllWords(node, output);
return output;
// recursive function to find all words in the given node.
private findAllWords(node: TrieNode<V>, arr: TrieFindResult<V>[]) {
// base case, if node is at a word, push to output
if (node.end) {
arr.unshift(new TrieFindResult(node.getWord(), node.value));
// iterate through each children, call recursive findAllWords
for (var child in node.children) {
this.findAllWords(node.children[child], arr);
// -----------------------------------------
// instantiate our trie
var trie = new Trie();
// insert few values
trie.insert("hello", 3);
trie.insert("helium", 5);
// check contains method
console.log(trie.contains("helium")); // true
console.log(trie.contains("kickass")); // false
// check find method
console.log(trie.find("hel")); // [ { word: 'helium', value: 5 }, { word: 'hello', value: 3 } ]
console.log(trie.find("hell")); // [ { word: 'hello', value: 3 } ]
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