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Last active September 18, 2022 06:44
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HTTPS MITM Proxy Proof of Concept
import https from 'https'
import http from 'http'
import url from 'url'
import adapt from 'ugly-adapter' // callback => promise adapter; need to npm install this
import tls from 'tls'
import net from 'net'
import fs from 'fs'
import os from 'os'
import path from 'path'
import childProcess from 'child_process'
// This is a proof of concept for a MITM https proxy. It requires creating your
// own root certificate authority as described here:
// You must then set your http client to trust it, or none of this will work.
// This was built as part of researching possibilities for my http debugging proxy
// project:
// To run this: `babel https-mitm-proxy-poc.js | node`
// ------------------------------------------
// Start the proxy, passing in paths to your root key and CA files.
port: 8080,
rootKey: `${__dirname}/my-private-root-ca.key.pem`,
rootCert: `${__dirname}/my-private-root-ca.crt.pem`,
}).catch(err => {
// ------------------------------------------
// This is the main function that starts the proxy running.
async function startProxy({ port, rootKey, rootCert }) {
// ------------------------------------------
// A few things we'll use later.
let read = adapt.part(fs.readFile)
, key = await read(rootKey)
, cert = await read(rootCert)
, SNICallback = createSNICallback(rootKey, rootCert)
, tlsSocketPath = await ensureSocket('foobar.sock')
, connectOpts = { path: tlsSocketPath }
, cxnEstablished = 'HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\nProxy-agent: foobar\r\n\r\n'
// ------------------------------------------
// Create the main proxy. Make your client use this for http AND https
// proxying. SSL termination happens before this is reached, which is why
// this isn't an https server. Importantly, this server will "un-terminate"
// SSL if the incoming request was https, so the remote server won't know
// the connection is being MITM'd.
let proxy = http.createServer((fromClient, toClient) => {
let purl = url.parse(fromClient.url)
, h = purl.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http // un-terminate
let toServer = h.request({
hostname: purl.hostname,
port: purl.port,
method: fromClient.method,
path: purl.path,
headers: fromClient.headers,
}, fromServer => {
toClient.writeHead(fromServer.statusCode, fromServer.headers)
console.log(`proxy listening on ${port}`)
// ------------------------------------------
// On this event, clients are asking to be tunneled out to a remote host.
// Instead, we'll connect them our own https server which impersonates the
// remote host. The client will establish a tls connection on this socket,
// but we'll let the impersonation server handle that and just forward it
// using net.connect().
proxy.on('connect', (request, clientSocket, head) => {
let serverSocket = net.connect(connectOpts, () => {
clientSocket.write(cxnEstablished) // tell client "we'll do it"
// ------------------------------------------
// Create the SSL impersonation server. The above 'connect' event is sending
// traffic here. This terminates SSL and forwards cleartext to the main proxy
// server, created above. 'key' and 'cert' aren't very important here; the
// key bits happen in 'SNICallback' described below.
https.createServer({ key, cert, SNICallback }, (fromClient, toClient) => {
let shp = 'https://' +
, fullUrl = shp + fromClient.url
let toServer = http.request({
host: 'localhost',
port: port,
method: fromClient.method,
path: fullUrl,
headers: fromClient.headers,
}, fromServer => {
toClient.writeHead(fromServer.statusCode, fromServer.headers)
console.log(`https server listening on ${tlsSocketPath}`)
// ------------------------------------------
// Not really relevant, jut a convenience preventing having to manually
// delete socket files.
async function ensureSocket(socket) {
let socketPath = path.normalize(`${os.tmpDir()}/${socket}`)
try { await adapt(fs.unlink, socketPath) }
catch(ex) { }
return socketPath
// ------------------------------------------
// Creates a callback that plugs into the https impersonation server. The
// callback uses the provided root CA and key to create on-the-fly certs for
// each host. It uses caching to prevent having to re-generate lots of certs
// and slow things down.
function createSNICallback(rootKey, rootCert) {
let cache = new Map()
, exec = adapt.part(childProcess.exec)
, read = adapt.part(fs.readFile)
async function getCtx(serverName) {
let ctx = cache.get(serverName)
if (!ctx) {
console.log(`creating cert for ${serverName}`)
ctx = await genCtx(serverName)
cache.set(serverName, ctx)
return ctx
async function genCtx(serverName) {
let tmpDir = os.tmpDir()
, now =
, rand = (Math.random()+'').replace(/\D/g, '')
, slug = `${now}-${rand}`
, serverKey = `${tmpDir}/${slug}.key.pem`
, serverCsr = `${tmpDir}/${slug}.csr.pem`
, serverCrt = `${tmpDir}/${slug}.crt.pem`
, genKeyCmd = `openssl genrsa -out ${serverKey} 2048`
, genCsrCmd = `openssl req -new -key ${serverKey} -out ${serverCsr} -subj "/C=US/ST=Utah/L=Provo/O=ACME Tech Inc/CN=${serverName}"`
, genCrtCmd = `openssl x509 -req -in ${serverCsr} -CA ${rootCert} -CAkey ${rootKey} -CAcreateserial -out ${serverCrt} -days 500`
await exec(genKeyCmd)
await exec(genCsrCmd)
await exec(genCrtCmd)
let key = await read(serverKey)
, cert = await read(serverCrt)
, ctx = tls.createSecureContext({ key, cert })
return ctx
// return a SNICallback
return (serverName, cb) => {
getCtx(serverName).then(ctx => cb(null, ctx), err => {
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