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Created January 2, 2023 10:53
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### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.19.15
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# ╔═╡ 2af94a73-953b-4e45-9b09-e6e95bb7eced
using Dates
# ╔═╡ cbc821e3-e405-4479-9284-119f6382e6b0
str = "2020-01-01"
# ╔═╡ b00ac4f6-802a-4522-a229-8cb0a1533929
ano = (x -> Date(x))
# ╔═╡ f17b22ac-a434-445f-9317-33f9837cc6c8
# ╔═╡ b0e88c80-66ec-4247-8efb-8c570d5688a6
# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
# ╔═╡ 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised
julia_version = "1.9.0-beta2"
manifest_format = "2.0"
project_hash = "d7cd76e304b32b583eb96a7ac19153dc0f2d1730"
deps = ["Printf"]
uuid = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
deps = ["Unicode"]
uuid = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7"
uuid = "4ec0a83e-493e-50e2-b9ac-8f72acf5a8f5"
# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╠═cbc821e3-e405-4479-9284-119f6382e6b0
# ╠═b00ac4f6-802a-4522-a229-8cb0a1533929
# ╠═f17b22ac-a434-445f-9317-33f9837cc6c8
# ╠═b0e88c80-66ec-4247-8efb-8c570d5688a6
# ╠═2af94a73-953b-4e45-9b09-e6e95bb7eced
# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001
# ╟─00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002
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