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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save grenade/4d248e9ea8f6b5e7636a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save grenade/4d248e9ea8f6b5e7636a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A build initialization script for LibGit2Sharp nuget publish job
[string] $file, # path to symbols .nupkg
[string[]] $exclude # files to be removed
$global:exclude = $exclude
$shell = New-Object -com shell.application
function Traverse {
[object] $shell,
[object] $items,
[int] $indent = 0
foreach ($item in $items) {
$tab = ""
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $indent; $i ++){
$tab += " "
Write-Host ("{0}{1}" -f $tab, $item.Name)
if ($item.GetFolder -ne $null) {
Traverse $shell $item.GetFolder.items() ($indent + 1)
elseif ($global:exclude -Contains $item.Name) {
Write-Host ("{0}Removing file: {1} from {2}." -f $tab, $item.Name, $zip) -f Red
Remove-Item (Join-Path $env:TEMP $item.Name)
$zip = $file.Replace(".nupkg", ".zip")
Write-Host ("Creating temporary file: {0} from {1}." -f $zip, $file)
if (Test-Path $zip) {
Remove-Item $zip
Move-Item $file $zip
Traverse $shell $shell.NameSpace($zip).Items()
Write-Host ("Recreating package: {0} from {1}." -f $file, $zip)
Move-Item $zip $file
[string] $shaHash, # "%build.vcs.number%"
[string] $baseDir, # ""
[string] $nugetExe, # "%teamcity.tool.NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT.nupkg%\tools\NuGet.exe"
[string] $nuspecSource = ("{0}\nuget.package\LibGit2Sharp.nuspec" -f $baseDir),
[string] $nuspecTarget = ("{0}\LibGit2Sharp\LibGit2Sharp.nuspec" -f $baseDir),
[string] $assemblyInfoFile = ("{0}\LibGit2Sharp\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" -f $baseDir),
[string] $versionSuffix = "-vNext",
[string] $nugetSource = ""
Write-Host ("`$assemblyInfoFile: {0}" -f $assemblyInfoFile)
Write-Host ("`$nugetSource: {0}" -f $nugetSource)
$assemblyInfo = Get-Content $assemblyInfoFile
$assemblyVersion = ($assemblyInfo | Select-String -Pattern '^\[assembly: AssemblyVersion\("([0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3})"\)\]' | % { $_.Matches } ).Groups[1].Value
Write-Host ("`$assemblyVersion: {0}" -f $assemblyVersion)
Write-Host ("`$versionSuffix: {0}" -f $versionSuffix)
$major, $minor, $patch = $assemblyVersion.Split(".")
$oldPatch = $patch
(& $nugetExe list Libgit2Sharp -AllVersions -Source '') | Where { $_.StartsWith(("LibGit2Sharp {0}.{1}" -f $major, $minor)) } | % { if (([int]($_.Split(" ")[1].Split(".")[2])) -ge ([int]$patch)) { $patch = ([int]($_.Split(" ")[1].Split(".")[2])) + 1 } }
if (([int]$oldPatch) -ne ([int]$patch)) {
$newAssemblyVersion = ("{0}.{1}.{2}" -f $major, $minor, $patch)
Write-Host ("Incrementing assembly version patch number from '{0}' to '{1}'." -f $assemblyVersion, $newAssemblyVersion)
$assemblyInfo | ForEach-Object { % {$_ -Replace $assemblyVersion, $newAssemblyVersion } } | Set-Content $assemblyInfoFile
$assemblyVersion = $newAssemblyVersion
if ((& $nugetExe list LibGit2Sharp -AllVersions -Source $nugetSource) | Where { $_ -eq ("LibGit2Sharp {0}{1}" -f $assemblyVersion, $versionSuffix) }) {
Write-Error ("NuGet repository at already hosts a LibGit2Sharp package with current MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH version ({0}). Update assembly info in source repository and retry." -f $assemblyVersion)
Write-Host ("##teamcity[buildStatus status='FAILURE']")
exit 1
$assemblyTitle = ($assemblyInfo | Select-String -Pattern '^\[assembly: AssemblyTitle\("(.*)"\)\]' | % { $_.Matches } ).Groups[1].Value
Write-Host ("`$assemblyTitle: {0}" -f $assemblyTitle)
$assemblyDescription = ($assemblyInfo | Select-String -Pattern '^\[assembly: AssemblyDescription\("(.*)"\)\]' | % { $_.Matches } ).Groups[1].Value
Write-Host ("`$assemblyDescription: {0}" -f $assemblyDescription)
$assemblyCompany = ($assemblyInfo | Select-String -Pattern '^\[assembly: AssemblyCompany\("(.*)"\)\]' | % { $_.Matches } ).Groups[1].Value
Write-Host ("`$assemblyCompany: {0}" -f $assemblyCompany)
Write-Host ("##teamcity[buildNumber '{0}']" -f $assemblyVersion)
Set-Content .\LibGit2Sharp\libgit2sharp_hash.txt $shaHash
if(Test-Path $nuspecTarget) {
Remove-Item $nuspecTarget
Write-Host ("Copying {0} to {1}" -f $nuspecSource, $nuspecTarget)
Copy-Item $nuspecSource $nuspecTarget
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