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Last active January 2, 2016 12:19
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  • Save grenade/8302320 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save grenade/8302320 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TeamCity maintenance tasks including (and only) triggering regular backups.
Trigger a TeamCity backup using the TeamCity REST API.
.Parameter username
Defines a TeamCity username which has authority to trigger backups.
.Parameter password
Defines the password for the user which will trigger the backup.
.Parameter baseUrl
Defines the URL to the TeamCity server (eg:
If not set, the script will attempt to determine it from the TeamCity properties file.
.Parameter dataPath
Defines the folder path to the TeamCity data directory on the TeamCity server (eg: c:\ProgramData\TeamCity).
If not set, the script will attempt to determine it from the TeamCity properties file.
.Parameter sleep
Defines the time in seconds between polling of the TeamCity API to check if the backup has completed.
Defaults to 10 seconds.
.Parameter timeout
Defines the time in seconds before the build job will give up waiting for the backup to complete.
Defaults to 600 seconds.
.Parameter debug
If set, will output some more verbose messaging about script progress.
Defaults to false.
- Create a TeamCity build configuration.
- Set this gist as the VCS root, use anonymous access ( or fork your own).
- Add a Powershell build step which calls teamcity-backup.ps1, pass a script parameter of "-debug" if you want the debug output in the logs.
- Create a build parameter (Name: tc_username) and populate with the username of a TC user with backup rights
- Create a build parameter (Name: tc_password, Spec: password display='hidden') and populate with the tc user password
- Add a shedule (or other) trigger to perform regular backups (eg: Cron command: 0 0 20 * * 2,3,4,5,6 *).
Command line usage:
PS> .\tc-backup.ps1 -username "foo" -password "bar" -baseUrl "http://teamcity:8111"
If server returns 401 errors, ensure Basic Auth authentication scheme is enabled in TeamCity admin settings.
[string] $username = $env:tc_username,
[string] $password = $env:tc_password,
[string] $baseUrl,
[string] $dataPath,
[int] $sleep = 10,
[int] $timeout = 600,
[switch] $debug = $false
if ($debug) { $debugPreference = 'Continue' }
if((!$baseUrl -or !$username -or !$password) -and (Test-Path -path $env:TEAMCITY_BUILD_PROPERTIES_FILE)) {
$tcConfigPropertiesFile = "{0}.xml" -f (((Select-String -path $env:TEAMCITY_BUILD_PROPERTIES_FILE -pattern "")[0] -split "=", 2)[1]).Replace("\\", "\").Replace("\:", ":")
Write-Debug ("Loading TeamCity config properties from: {0}" -f $tcConfigPropertiesFile)
$xml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$xml.XmlResolver = $null
$xml.Load((Resolve-Path $tcConfigPropertiesFile).Path)
if (!$baseUrl) {
$baseUrl = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//entry[@key = 'teamcity.serverUrl']").'#text'
if (!$username) {
$username = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//entry[@key = 'tc_username']").'#text'
if (!$password) {
$password = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//entry[@key = 'tc_password']").'#text'
if($baseUrl -and !$dataPath){
$dataPath = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LocalMachine", ([System.Uri] $baseUrl).Host).OpenSubKey("System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session manager\Environment").GetValue("TEAMCITY_DATA_PATH")
Write-Debug ("dataPath (.Net ORBK): {0}" -f $dataPath)
Write-Debug ("username: {0}" -f $username)
Write-Debug ("baseUrl: {0}" -f $baseUrl)
Write-Debug ("dataPath: {0}" -f $dataPath)
Write-Debug ("sleep: {0}" -f $sleep)
Write-Debug ("timeout: {0}" -f $timeout)
Write-Host "Failed to determine base URL."
Write-Host "Failed to determine data path."
function Execute-TeamCityBackup {
[string] $baseUrl,
[string] $username,
[string] $password,
[string] $filenamePrefix = "TeamCity_Backup_",
[string] $addTimestamp = $true,
[string] $includeConfigs = $true,
[string] $includeDatabase = $true,
[string] $includeBuildLogs = $true, # change to false if the (very large) build log history is not required.
[string] $includePersonalChanges = $true
$url = [System.String]::Format("{0}/httpAuth/app/rest/server/backup?addTimestamp={1}&includeConfigs={2}&includeDatabase={3}&includeBuildLogs={4}&includePersonalChanges={5}&fileName={6}",
return Get-WebResponse -url $url -username $username -password $password -method "POST"
function Get-TeamCityBackupStatus {
[string] $baseUrl,
[string] $username,
[string] $password
$url = "{0}/httpAuth/app/rest/server/backup" -f $baseUrl
return Get-WebResponse -url $url -username $username -password $password
function Get-WebResponse {
[string] $url,
[string] $username,
[string] $password,
[string] $method = "GET"
$webrequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url)
$webRequest.Method = $method
$webrequest.PreAuthenticate = $true
$webrequest.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username, $password)
return ([System.IO.StreamReader]($webrequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())).ReadToEnd()
function Convert-DateString {
[string] $date,
[string[]] $format = "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"
$result = New-Object DateTime
if (([DateTime]::TryParseExact($date, $format, [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None, [ref] $result))) {
return $result
return $null
function Purge-Backups {
param (
[string] $folder,
[string] $filenamePrefix = "TeamCity_Backup_"
Write-Host ("Purging backups from folder: {0}." -f $folder)
Get-ChildItem $folder -filter ("{0}*.zip" -f $filenamePrefix) | Where-Object { ((Is-PurgeCandidate $_.Name $filenamePrefix)) } | % {
Remove-Item $_.FullName
function Is-PurgeCandidate {
param (
[string] $backupFile,
[string] $filenamePrefix
$backupDate = (Convert-DateString ($backupFile.Replace($filenamePrefix, "").Replace(".zip", "")))
if($backupDate -gt (Get-Date).Date.AddDays(-14)) {
Write-Debug ("{0} will be retained. Rule: Taken within last 14 days." -f $backupFile)
return $false
if($backupDate.Day -eq 1) {
Write-Debug ("{0} will be retained. Rule: Taken on the first of the month." -f $backupFile)
return $false
Write-Debug ("{0} will be purged." -f $backupFile)
return $true
Write-Host ("Triggering backup.")
$backupFilename = Execute-TeamCityBackup -baseUrl $baseUrl -username $username -password $password
Write-Host ("Backup filename: {0}." -f $backupFilename)
#Write-Host ("##teamcity[setParameter name='backupFilename' value='{0}']" -f $backupFilename)
$status = ""
$timeoutTimespan = New-Timespan -Seconds $timeout
$stopwatch = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
while (($status -ne "Idle") -and ($stopwatch.elapsed -lt $timeoutTimespan)) {
$status = Get-TeamCityBackupStatus -baseUrl $baseUrl -username $username -password $password
Write-Host ("Backup status: {0}" -f $status)
if ($status -ne "Idle"){
Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleep
$backupFolder = ("\\{0}\{1}\backup" -f ([System.Uri] $baseUrl).Host, $dataPath.Replace(":", "$"))
if ($status -eq "Idle") {
Write-Host ("Backup complete.")
$backupFilePath = ("{0}\{1}" -f $backupFolder, $backupFilename)
if (Test-Path -path $backupFilePath) {
Write-Host ("Backup saved to: {0}" -f $backupFilePath)
Write-Host ("##teamcity[setParameter name='backupFilePath' value='{0}']" -f $backupFilePath)
} else {
Write-Host ("Failed to determine backup file location.")
Write-Host ("Backup should have saved to: {0}" -f $backupFilePath)
elseif (($status -ne "Idle") -and ($stopwatch.elapsed -gt $timeout)) {
Write-Host ("Backup execution exceeded script timeout value of: {0} seconds." -f $timeout)
Write-Host ("Backup may still be in progress.")
Purge-Backups $backupFolder
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