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Created September 25, 2018 22:15
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syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "";
option go_package = "v2alpha1";
option (gogoproto.populate_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.equal_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.testgen_all) = true;
// GroupVersion and GroupVersionKind are here simply to keep
// much of the meta types generated.
// GroupVersion identifies an API by its Group and Version.
message GroupVersion {
// Group is the API Group
string group = 1;
// Version is the version of the API schema.
string version = 2;
// GroupVersionKind identifies a fully qualified type.
message GroupVersionKind {
// Group is the API Group
string group = 1;
// Version is the version of the API schema.
string version = 2;
// Kind is the REST type of the object.
string Kind = 3;
// TypeMeta describes an individual object in an API response or request
// with strings representing the type of the object and its API schema version.
// Structures that are versioned or persisted should inline TypeMeta.
message TypeMeta {
// Kind is the string value representing the REST type of this object.
string kind = 1;
// APIVersion defines the version schema of the representation of an
// object.
string apiVersion = 2;
// OwnerReference contains the information necessary to identify a parent object.
message OwnerReference {
// API Version of the referent.
string apiVersion = 1;
// Kind of the referent.
string kind = 2;
// Namespace of the referent.
string namespace = 3;
// UUID of the refeent.
string uuid = 4;
// ObjectMeta contains standard metadata for all objects.
message ObjectMeta {
// Name is the unique string identifier for this resource within the given namespace.
// It should be required when creating objects unless a given resource has a mechanism
// for generating names--this determination should happen at the client level.
string name = 1;
// Namespace is the space within which all names must be unique. This defaults to
// "default", but objects that exist outside of a namespace (e.g. some RBAC objects)
// should have an empty Namespace.
string namespace = 2 [(sensuproto.defaulter) = "default"];
// UUID is the globally unique identifier for this resource.
string uuid = 3;
// ResourceVersion is assigned by the server and is a monotonically increasing
// integer that clients can use to identify if a resource has changed.
string resourceVersion = 4 [(sensuproto.client) = "readonly"];
// CreationTimestamp is the time at which the object was originally created.
google.protobuf.Timestamp creationTimestamp = 5;
// DeletionTimestamp is the time at which the object was deleted. This can be
// useful for identifying recently deleted objects.
google.protobuf.Timestamp deletionTimestamp = 6;
// Labels is a map of string keys to string values. These can be programmatically
// accessed from within the API. For example, these fields are made available to
// filters in the event pipeline.
map<string, string> labels = 7;
// Annotations is a string-to-string mapping of values that are not programmatically
// accessible, but that will be kept serialized in the object for third-party plugins
// to access. For example, if a plugin requires a complex set of data that isn't able
// to be represented by a simple string, users could serialize data into the annotations
// of the object and deserialize it within their plugin.
map<string, string> annotations = 8;
// OwnerReferences is a list of references to this object that can be used during
// attempts at a cascading deletion of this object. If OwnerReferences is not empty,
// then this object cannot be deleted.
repeated OwnerReference ownerReferences = 9;
// ClusterName is the name of the cluster that is the origin for this object.
string clusterName = 10;
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