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Created September 1, 2014 09:17
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  • Save grepwood/feb200d1623efedb62d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save grepwood/feb200d1623efedb62d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script will convert the latest stable Debian PowerPC netinstall image to one that will work with PS3s running OtherOS++
# This script depends on another script that compiles a patched Linux kernel
# If in doubt, just
# mkdir -p /home/ftp/ps3
# curl > /home/ftp/ps3/tycho-latest.tar.xz
curl > index.html.$JOB_PID
ISO_URL=`grep powerpc index.html.$JOB_PID | grep -v torrent | sed 's/\">powerpc.*//' | sed 's/.*href=\"//'`
rm -f index.html.$JOB_PID
ISO_FILE=`echo $ISO_URL | sed 's/.*\/iso-cd\///'`
ISO_URL=`echo $ISO_URL | sed 's/\/iso-cd.*/\/iso-cd/'`
if [ ! -f "$ISO_FILE" ]; then
MD5_1=`grep netinst MD5SUMS | awk '{print $1}'`
rm -f MD5SUMS
MD5_2=`md5sum $ISO_FILE | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ "$MD5_1" != "$MD5_2" ]; then
echo "Error occured!"
losetup /dev/loop1 ./$ISO_FILE
mount -o ro /dev/loop1 /mnt/iso0
mkdir iso
cp -r /mnt/iso0/* iso
umount /dev/loop1
losetup -D /dev/loop1
mkdir kernel
cd kernel
tar -xf /home/ftp/ps3/tycho-latest.tar.xz
cd ..
mv kernel/boot/vmlinux* iso/install/powerpc64
cat iso/install/powerpc64/initrd.gz | gunzip > initrd.cpio
mkdir initrd
cd initrd
cpio -i -d -H newc --no-absolute-filenames < ../initrd.cpio
rm -rf lib/modules/*
KERNEL_VERSION=`ls ../kernel/lib/modules`
cp -r ../kernel/lib/modules/* lib/modules/
depmod -b `pwd` $KERNEL_VERSION
find . | cpio -H newc -o > ../initrd.cpio
cd ..
rm -rf kernel initrd
cat initrd.cpio | gzip > iso/install/powerpc64/initrd.gz
rm -f initrd.cpio
PS3_ISO=`echo $ISO_FILE | sed 's/powerpc/ps3/'`
mkisofs -V "Debian 7.6.0 ps3 1" -o /home/ftp/ps3/$PS3_ISO -posix-P -r iso
rm -rf iso
echo "Complete!"
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