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Last active May 16, 2016 18:32
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personal and opinionated way of updating my development stuff
printf "updating. please wait!\n\n"
### gpg
gpg2 --refresh-keys --keyserver hkps://
### apple
printf "\nappstore:\n"
# mas install 443126292
mas upgrade
printf "\nxcode:\n"
xcode-select --install
printf "\nhomebrew:\n"
# # repair
# cd $(brew --repository)
# git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
# cd $(brew --repository)/Library
# git clean -fd
brew analytics off
# update
brew update; brew upgrade
# .Brewfile
cd "$HOME" || exit
printf "\n"; brew tap Homebrew/bundle; brew bundle --global
# cask
brew cask cleanup
# tidy
brew cleanup; brew prune; brew linkapps
# services
brew services clean; brew services list
### fisher
printf "\nfisherman:\n"
fish -c 'fisher up'
### ruby
printf "\nrubygems:\n"
gem update --system --quiet
gem update --quiet
printf "\nbundler:\n"
gem install bundler --no-document --quiet
bundle update --jobs 4
### node.js
printf "\nnpm:\n"
npm update || npm install -g npm@latest
### python
pys="2.7.11 3.5.1"
for p in $pys
printf "\npip for %s:\n" "$p"
pyenv local "$p"
pip install -q -U setuptools pip
pip list --outdated | sed 's/(.*//g' | xargs pip install -U
case "$p" in
pip install -U -r req_py2.txt
pip install -U -r req_py3.txt
printf "\nperu:\n"
peru -v sync -f
### done
terminal-notifier -message 'done dating up' -title '' -subtitle "$0" -sound Morse
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