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Last active August 28, 2019 22:32
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Build a function that returns the height of a tree
def height_dfs(root):
stack = [(root, 0)]
total_height = 0
while stack:
current_node, height = stack.pop()
total_height = max(total_height, height)
if current_node.left:
stack.append((current_node.left, height + 1))
if current_node.right:
stack.append((current_node.right, height + 1))
return total_height
def height_bfs(root):
queue = [(root, 0)]
index = 0
total_height = 0
while index < len(queue):
current_node, height = queue[index]
total_height = max(total_height, height)
if current_node.left:
queue.append((current_node.left, height + 1))
if current_node.right:
queue.append((current_node.right, height + 1))
index += 1
return total_height
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