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Created May 18, 2016 03:25
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#Prompting the user to enter a text file path where a list of computers are located
$computerFile = Read-Host "Enter the path to a text file where the list of comptuers is located. i.e. c:\temp\computer.txt"
#Grabbing a list of computer names from a text file
$computerName = Get-Content $computerFile
#Setting up a max thread count
$threadCount = 2
#ForEach loop that will loop through a list of computers
ForEach ($computer in $computerName) {
#This script block stores a list of commands that you want to perform. This is not just limited to a simple ping that I am demonstrating.
$scriptBlock = {
#parameter that you are receiving from outside the scriptblock will be stored here
param ($computerToPing)
#Error handling Try/Catch Statement
Try {
#Testing the connection to a computer or website quitely so it only stores a True or False statement
$testComputerPing = Test-Connection -ComputerName $computerToPing -Count 1 -Quiet
#condition if statment that will perform a action if the condition is true
if ($testComputerPing -eq 'True') {
Write-Host "$computerToPing ping status is true" -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor Black
#if the condition isnt true it will let you know that it failed
else {Write-Host "$computerToPing ping timed out" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black}
#by some happenstance that there is a unknown error in this simple script, it will be caught here and gracefully fail
Catch { Write-Host "$computerToPing failed with error $_.ExceptionMessage" }
#Starting a background job to run the commands in the scriptblock that you identified earlier and we are out-null this command to free up space in the console
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $computer | Out-Null
#while loop that will throttle the background jobs to not exceed the amount that you specified in $threadCount
while($(Get-Job -State 'Running').Count -ge $threadCount)
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Out-Null
#Auto removes jobs that are marked complete
Get-Job -State Completed | % {
Receive-Job $_ -AutoRemoveJob -Wait
#While loop that will wait until the remaining jobs are finished
While ($(Get-Job -State Running).Count -gt 0) {
Get-Job | Wait-Job -Any | Out-Null
#once all the jobs are complete then all remaining jobs will be removed.
Get-Job -State Completed | % {
Receive-Job $_ -AutoRemoveJob -Wait
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