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Kevin Johnson greyboxsoftware

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<body ng-app="greyBoxLogin">
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<h1>Grey Box Software Solutions</h1>
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<h3 class="text-center">Welcome to Grey Box Software Solutions, this applications demonstrates a login and signup form that demonstrates how to establish user accounts and interactions with a backend database. In is particular application we will be using <b></b> for our backend database. In this demo non of your supplied information will ever be stored nor shared.This application is written with heavy emphasis on AngularJS. </h3>
#function that starts the remote registry on the computer
Function startRemoteRegistry ($computer) {
$RemoteReg = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='RemoteRegistry'"
$StartRemoteReg = $RemoteReg.startservice()
#function that is checking the registry path with the subkey and hive that you specify that
#outputs results on the console whether the key is found or not.
#Prompting the user to enter a text file path where a list of computers are located
$computerFile = Read-Host "Enter the path to a text file where the list of comptuers is located. i.e. c:\temp\computer.txt"
#Grabbing a list of computer names from a text file
$computerName = Get-Content $computerFile
#Setting up a max thread count
$threadCount = 2
#ForEach loop that will loop through a list of computers
Write-Host "
This is a .NET 4.5.2 install script that will remove all unapproved versions of .NET framework
and replace it only with the approved baseline version of 4.5.2. This script will do the following:
- Test the ping status of the machine and ignore all unpingables
- Executes a get-wmiobject command to get the installed .NET Version*
- If the installed version is baseline 4.5.2 then the script will ignore computer and move one
- If the installed version or lack there of is not 4.5.2 then it will continue to remove and reinstall
- The following process will happen after the version is determined to be out of compliance
- test to determine if c:\temp folder exist on remote machine
#Grabs the path you wish to search
$getPath = Read-Host "What is the path you would like to search (example: c:\temp)"
#recursively searches through a path and grabs the data streams
$getItem = Get-ChildItem -Path $getPath -Recurse | Get-Item -Stream *
foreach($item in $getItem) {
greyboxsoftware / gist:0871843fd82a4a2bd53bc714b279f7a0
Created January 9, 2018 03:49
Find Alternative Data Streams
#Grabs the path you wish to search
$getPath = Read-Host "What is the path you would like to search (example: c:\temp)"
#recursively searches through a path and grabs the data streams
$getItem = Get-ChildItem -Path $getPath -Recurse | Get-Item -Stream *
foreach($item in $getItem) {
#outputs the information to the console
greyboxsoftware / gist:7a12c6b4b60a05b2891c0c42ae9709d1
Created January 9, 2018 04:13
Multithread - Remote Registry Search
# Module manifest for module 'PSRemoteRegistry'
# Generated by: Shay Levy
# Generated on: 12/15/2009
#Prompting the user to enter a text file path where a list of computers are located
$computerFile = Read-Host "Enter the path to a text file where the list of comptuers is located. i.e. c:\temp\computer.txt"
#Grabbing a list of computer names from a text file
$computerName = Get-Content $computerFile
#Setting up a max thread count
$threadCount = 2
#ForEach loop that will loop through a list of computers
#Grabs the path you wish to search
$getPath = Read-Host "What is the path you would like to search (example: c:\temp)"
#recursively searches through a path and grabs the data streams
$getItem = Get-ChildItem -Path $getPath -Recurse | Get-Item -Stream *
foreach($item in $getItem) {
#outputs the information to the console