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Created May 11, 2023 17:19
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Terraform TLS
module "pki" {
source = "particuleio/pki/tls"
version = "2.0.0"
ca = {
algorithm = "RSA"
ecdsa_curve = "secp384r1"
subject = {
common_name = "${var.basename} CA"
organization = "Org"
organizational_unit = "OU"
street_address = [
locality = "Locality"
province = "Province"
country = "Country"
postal_code = "Postal Code"
serial_number = "Serial Number"
validity_period_hours = 87600
early_renewal_hours = 78840
allowed_uses = [
certificates = {
server = {
algorithm = "RSA"
ecdsa_curve = "secp384r1"
subject = {
common_name = "${var.basename} Server"
organization = "Org"
organizational_unit = "OU"
street_address = [
locality = "Locality"
province = "Province"
country = "Country"
postal_code = "Postal Code"
serial_number = "Serial Number"
validity_period_hours = 8740
early_renewal_hours = 8040
dns_names = [
uris = []
allowed_uses = [
client = {
algorithm = "RSA"
ecdsa_curve = "secp384r1"
subject = {
common_name = "${var.basename} Client"
organization = "Org"
organizational_unit = "OU"
street_address = [
locality = "Locality"
province = "Province"
country = "Country"
postal_code = "Postal Code"
serial_number = "Serial Number"
validity_period_hours = 8740
early_renewal_hours = 8040
dns_names = [
uris = []
allowed_uses = [
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