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Created March 9, 2023 11:44
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Python + Schematics + Etcd
import os
import sys
import json
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core import ApiException
from ibm_schematics.schematics_v1 import SchematicsV1
import base64
import etcd3

# Set up IBM IAM authentication service
authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(apikey=os.environ.get('IBMCLOUD_API_KEY'))

# Set up Schematics service client and declare workspace ID
workspaceId = os.environ.get('WORKSPACE_ID')
schematicsService = SchematicsV1(authenticator=authenticator)
schematicsURL = ""

# Pull database connection details via Code Engine environment variable
# do some base64 decoding and type manipulation to get everything humming along
etcdServiceVars = os.environ.get('DATABASES_FOR_ETCD_CONNECTION')
connectionJson = json.loads(etcdServiceVars)
connectionVars = list(connectionJson.values())[1]
certDetails = connectionVars['certificate']['certificate_base64']
decodedCert = ca_cert.decode('utf-8')
certname = '/etc/ssl/certs/db-ca.crt'

# Write etcd certificate to file
with open(certname, 'w+') as output_file:

# Set up etcd service client
etcdClient = etcd3.client(

# Function to pull specific output value from Schematics workspace based on `instance` parameter
def getWorkspaceOutputs(schematicsService, workspaceId, instance):
    wsOutputs = schematicsService.get_workspace_outputs(

    outputValue = str(wsOutputs[0]['output_values'][0][instance]['value'])
    return outputValue

# Pull instance IDs from Schematics workspace
def pullOutput(instance):
    instanceId = getWorkspaceOutputs(schematicsService, workspaceId, instance=instance)
    return instanceId

# Write instance IDs to etcd service
def etcdWrite(etcdClient):

    print("Connected to etcd service")

    ubuntuInstanceID = str(pullOutput(instance = 'ubuntu_instance_id'))
    rockyInstanceID = str(pullOutput(instance = 'rocky_instance_id'))
    windowsInstanceID = str(pullOutput(instance = 'windows_instance_id'))

    print("Attempting to write instance IDs to etcd")
    etcdClient.put('/current_servers/ubuntu/id', ubuntuInstanceID)
    etcdClient.put('/current_servers/rocky/id', rockyInstanceID)
    etcdClient.put('/current_servers/windows/id', windowsInstanceID)
    print("Keys written to etcd service")

except KeyError():
    print("KeyError: Unable to write to etcd service")
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