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Created January 30, 2024 19:34
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List Classic Virtual Guests with option datacenter filter
import SoftLayer
from prettytable import PrettyTable
import click
from datetime import datetime
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Column, Table
class VSIExample():
def __init__(self):
client = SoftLayer.Client()
self.account_service = client['Account']
def get_vsi_list(self, dc=None):
object_filter = None
vsi_list = None
# Use filters if datacenter is set
if dc:
object_filter = {
'virtualGuests': {
'datacenter': {
'name': {'operation': dc}
vsi_list = self.account_service.getVirtualGuests(filter=object_filter)
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the VSI list: %s, %s" % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
return vsi_list
@click.option('--dc', default=None, help='Datacenter to filter by')
def main(dc):
console = Console()
table = Table(show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta")
table.add_column("ID", style="dim", width=12)
table.add_column("Public IP", justify="right")
table.add_column("Private IP", justify="right")
table.add_column("Status", style="green")
table.add_column("Created On")
guests = VSIExample()
guests_list = guests.get_vsi_list(dc)
# add lbaas data to the table
for i in guests_list:
createDate = i['createDate']
date_object = datetime.strptime(createDate, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')
simplified_date = date_object.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
status = i['status']['name']
Public_IP = i.get('primaryIpAddress', 'N/A')
str(i['id']), i['hostname'], Public_IP, i['primaryBackendIpAddress'], status, simplified_date
if __name__ == "__main__":
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