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Forked from cmer/waketv.lua
Last active February 15, 2023 02:25
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Wake TV when MacOS wakes from sleep (Hammerspoon)
local tv_input = "HDMI_2" -- Input to which your Mac is connected
local mac_address = "80:5B:65:6D:AF:D4"
local switch_input_on_wake = true -- Switch input to Mac when waking the TV
local prevent_sleep_when_using_other_input = true -- Prevent sleep when using other input (ie: watching TV)
local debug = false -- If you run into issues, set to true to enable debug messages
-- You likely will not need to change anything below this line
local tv_name = "MyTV" -- Name of your TV, set when you run `lgtv auth`
local connected_tv_identifiers = {"LG TV", "LG TV SSCR2"} -- Used to identify the TV when it's connected to this computer
local screen_off_command = "off" -- use "screenOff" to keep the TV on, but turn off the screen.
local lgtv_path = "/opt/lgtv-venv/bin/lgtv" -- Full path to lgtv executable
local lgtv_cmd = lgtv_path.." "..tv_name
local app_id = ""..tv_input:lower():gsub("_", "")
local lgtv_ssl = true -- Required for firmware 03.30.16 and up. Also requires LGWebOSRemote version 2023-01-27 or newer.
function lgtv_current_app_id()
local foreground_app_info = exec_command("getForegroundAppInfo")
foreground_app_info = string.match(foreground_app_info, '^%b{}')
foreground_app_info = hs.json.decode(foreground_app_info)
return foreground_app_info["payload"]["appId"]
function tv_is_connected()
for i, v in ipairs(connected_tv_identifiers) do
if hs.screen.find(v) ~= nil then
return true
return false
function dump_table(o)
if type(o) == 'table' then
local s = '{ '
for k,v in pairs(o) do
if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump_table(v) .. ','
return s .. '} '
return tostring(o)
function exec_command(command)
if lgtv_ssl then
command = command.." ssl"
command = lgtv_cmd.." "..command
if debug then
print("Executing command: "..command)
return hs.execute(command)
if debug then
print ("TV name: "..tv_name)
print ("TV input: "..tv_input)
print ("LGTV path: "..lgtv_path)
print ("LGTV command: "..lgtv_cmd)
print ("SSL: "..tostring(lgtv_ssl))
print ("App ID: "..app_id)
print (exec_command("swInfo"))
print (exec_command("getForegroundAppInfo"))
print("Connected screens: "..dump_table(hs.screen.allScreens()))
print("TV is connected? "..tostring(tv_is_connected()))
watcher =
if debug then print("Received event: "..eventType) end
if not tv_is_connected() then
if debug then print("TV is not connected. Skipping.") end
if (eventType == hs.caffeinate.watcher.screensDidWake or
eventType == hs.caffeinate.watcher.systemDidWake or
eventType == hs.caffeinate.watcher.sessionDidBecomeActive or
eventType == hs.caffeinate.watcher.screensDidUnlock) then
exec_command("on") -- wake on lan
exec_command("screenOn") -- turn on screen
hs.execute("/opt/homebrew/bin/wakeonlan "..mac_address)
if debug then print("TV was turned on") end
if lgtv_current_app_id() ~= app_id and switch_input_on_wake then
exec_command("startApp "..app_id)
if debug then print("TV input switched to "..app_id) end
if (eventType == hs.caffeinate.watcher.screensDidSleep or
eventType == hs.caffeinate.watcher.systemWillPowerOff) then
if lgtv_current_app_id() ~= app_id and prevent_sleep_when_using_other_input then
if debug then print("TV is currently on another input ("..current_app_id.."). Skipping powering off.") end
-- This puts the TV in standby mode.
-- For true "power off" use `off` instead of `screenOff`.
if debug then print("TV screen was turned off with command `"..screen_off_command.."`.") end
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greyshi commented Jan 19, 2023

Nice catch on that. I had an older version of this saved in the gist from when I was testing things out trying to find the culprit of the screen turning on right after powering off. Just updated it to properly put the wakeonlan as the first command.

I actually don't have Always Ready on, and I'm able to use both wakeonlan as well as lgtv MyTV on to turn the TV on from powered on state. Seems like lots of commands will turn the TV on, including the lgtv MyTV off command surprisingly.

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Interesting so the TV is always on in some way, makes sense with the need for the IR receiver to work, there must be other parts also on including the part that lets you connect via CLI!

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