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Created May 8, 2012 00:08
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-module( bad_redirect_on_create ).
-export([ init/1,
to_json/2 ]).
-include_lib( "webmachine/include/webmachine.hrl" ).
init([]) -> {ok, undefined}.
allowed_methods( R, S ) ->
{['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'], R, S }.
content_types_accepted( ReqData, State ) ->
{[ {"application/json", from_json} ], ReqData, State}.
content_types_provided( ReqData, State ) ->
{[ {"application/json", to_json} ], ReqData, State}.
post_is_create( R, S ) ->
{true, R, S}.
create_path( R, _S ) ->
NewId = <<"TestDevice">>,
{binary_to_list( NewId ), R, NewId }.
from_json( ReqData, NewId) ->
ReturnIo = mochijson2:encode( {struct, [{id, NewId}]} ),
ReturnJson = iolist_to_binary( ReturnIo ),
R2 = wrq:append_to_resp_body( ReturnJson, ReqData ),
{true, R2, NewId}.
to_json( ReqData, UserJson ) ->
ReturnIo = mochijson2:encode( {struct, []} ),
ReturnJson = iolist_to_binary( ReturnIo ),
{ReturnJson, ReqData, UserJson}.
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