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Last active April 22, 2021 20:04
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Check YoutubeVids (tasvideos)
# use python 3
import json
# youtube_dl - written against version 2021.4.17
import youtube_dl
# output file for json final listing of ones grey thought needed update
# set to None to disable (no quotes eg; OUTPUT_FILE_UPDATE = None)
OUTPUT_FILE_UPDATE = "out_vidstoupdate.json"
# output file for json final listing of all videos, even if grey didn't think
# they needed update
# set to None to disable (no quotes eg; OUTPUT_FILE_ALL = None)
OUTPUT_FILE_ALL = "out_vidsall.json"
# if you know the video format string itags, they goe here
# 4320p at 60fps
# included in case someone is insane enough to get there early
# (ie; as far as I understand, not a current target)
# 2160p at 60fps
#2160p at 30 fps
# feel free to change channel address, default is tasvideos official yt
# I'm tired and lazy, let's just make it as a class
class TVYTChecker():
def do(self):
# point for ytdl class
ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL()
# quite loud, but I wanted to leave some sort of progress indicator
# this can be controllered; ytdl needs given a logger to do so
# python3 logging.logger, param "logger" on YoutubeDL()
out = ytdl.extract_info(CHANNEL_ADDRESS, download=False)
# moving right along
final_list_update = []
final_list_all = []
for entry in out["entries"]:
# we'll check this
needsUpdate = True
swp = {
"name" : entry["title"],
"url" : entry["webpage_url"],
"needs_update" : False,
"best" : {
"width" : -1,
"height" : -1,
"fps" : -1
# checking
for format_ in entry["formats"]:
# for update reasons, you know
if (format_["format_id"] in WANT_FORMATS):
needsUpdate = False
print(f'{entry["title"]} has format {format_["format_id"]}, considered up to date')
if (format_["width"] is not None):
if (format_["width"] > swp["best"]["width"]):
swp["best"]["width"] = format_["width"]
if (format_["height"] is not None):
if (format_["height"] > swp["best"]["height"]):
swp["best"]["height"] = format_["height"]
if (format_["fps"] is not None):
if (format_["fps"] > swp["best"]["fps"]):
swp["best"]["fps"] = format_["fps"]
# check is done
if (needsUpdate):
print(f'Needs update: {entry["title"]}')
swp["needs_update"] = True
# output?
if (OUTPUT_FILE_UPDATE is not None):
with open(OUTPUT_FILE_UPDATE, "w") as f:
json.dump(final_list_update, f, indent=4)
if (OUTPUT_FILE_ALL is not None):
with open(OUTPUT_FILE_ALL, "w") as f:
json.dump(final_list_all, f, indent=4)
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
t = TVYTChecker()
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