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Last active October 5, 2016 08:08
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Get all schema from a Datomic database, in a form that can be re-transacted.
(defn get-schema [db]
(letfn [(attr->schema-tx [db attr]
(let [e (d/entity db attr)
em (->> e
(map identity)
(into {}))]
;; attribute
(:db/valueType e)
(merge em {:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/db)
:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db})
;; partition
(-> e :db.install/_partition)
(merge em
{:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/db)
:db.install/_partition :db.part/db})
;; enum or database fn
(let [p (->> e :db/id d/part (d/entity db) :db/ident)]
(cond-> em
true (assoc :db/id (d/tempid p))
(:db/fn em) (assoc-in [:db/fn :fnref] nil))))))]
(->> (d/q '[:find ?tx ?id
[?e :db/ident ?id ?tx]
[(str ?id) ?ident-str]
(not [(.startsWith ?ident-str ":db")])
(not [(.startsWith ?ident-str ":fressian")])]
(map (juxt
(comp (partial attr->schema-tx db) second)))
(sort-by first)
(partition-by first)
(map #(mapv second %)))))
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