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grhkm21/a.lean Secret

Created October 26, 2023 18:56
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Repetitive proofs...
import Mathlib.Tactic
open Nat Finset
variable (A B X : Finset ℕ) {α : Type*} [LinearOrder α] {s : Finset α} {p : Finset α → Prop}
def multiples (a : ℕ) := X.filter (fun x ↦ a ∣ x)
def PredElement (a : ℕ) := ¬Even (multiples B a).card
instance : DecidablePred (PredElement X) := by intro ; exact Not.decidable
def Pred : Finset ℕ := X.filter $ PredElement B
/- Missing mathlib stuff -/
theorem min_not_mem (hm : ∀ a ∈ s, m < a) : m ∉ s := fun a ↦ (hm m a).false
theorem ind_min (s : Finset α) (hz : p ∅)
(hi : ∀ m t (hm : ∀ a, a ∈ t → m < a), p t → p (cons m t <| min_not_mem hm)) :
p s := by
theorem A11 (hX : 0 ∉ X) (hA : A ⊆ X) : ∃ B, B ⊆ X ∧ Pred B X = A := by
induction' X using ind_min with m X hm hind generalizing A
· use ∅ ; simp [Pred, hA]
· set A' := A.filter (fun x ↦ x ≠ m) with hA'
let ⟨B', ⟨hB'₁, hB'₂⟩⟩ := hind A' (by sorry) (by sorry)
/- We construct B as B' or B' ∪ {m} -/
rw [Pred] at hB'₂
by_cases hm₁ : m ∈ A <;> by_cases hm₂ : (PredElement B' m)
· use B'
/- (1) -/
· refine subset_trans hB'₁ $ subset_cons $ min_not_mem hm
/- (2) -/
· simp only [Pred, filter_cons, hm₂, ite_true, hB'₂, disjUnion_eq_union]
nth_rewrite 2 [←filter_union_filter_neg_eq (fun x => x = m) A]
simp only [filter_eq', hm₁, ite_true]
· use B' ∪ {m}
/- (3) = (1) + (3)' -/
· apply union_subset
· refine subset_trans hB'₁ $ subset_cons $ min_not_mem hm
· rw [singleton_subset_iff]
apply mem_cons_self
· sorry
· use B' ∪ {m}
/- (3) = (1) + (3)' -/
· apply union_subset
· refine subset_trans hB'₁ $ subset_cons $ min_not_mem hm
· rw [singleton_subset_iff]
apply mem_cons_self
· sorry
· use B'
/- (1) -/
· refine subset_trans hB'₁ $ subset_cons $ min_not_mem hm
/- (2) but with ite_true -> ite_false -/
· simp only [Pred, filter_cons, hm₂, ite_false, hB'₂, disjUnion_eq_union]
nth_rewrite 2 [←filter_union_filter_neg_eq (fun x => x = m) A]
simp only [filter_eq', hm₁, ite_false]
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