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Created January 8, 2020 00:40
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Given YAML file from, stuff tags back into current copy of photos
#!usr/bin/env perl
# This uses the YAML generated by
# See:
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
use Encode qw(decode_utf8);
@ARGV = map { decode_utf8($_, 1) } @ARGV;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
use YAML::XS qw(LoadFile);
use List::MoreUtils qw(any uniq);
use Image::ExifTool qw(:Public);
use Data::Dumper;
level => $DEBUG,
file => ">>fix_tags.log",
utf8 => 1,
layout => '%d [%r] %p - %m{chomp}%n',
if (scalar @ARGV != 1) {
LOGDIE "Usage: $0 tagfile.yaml";
my $tags = LoadFile($ARGV[0]);
if (defined $tags) {
DEBUG "Loaded YAML from " . $ARGV[0];
} else {
LOGDIE "Failed to load YAML from " . $ARGV[0];
# Whre the current copy of my photos live on my home file server.
chdir('/srv/tank/Photos/Andy') or LOGDIE "chdir: $!";
my ($success, $errstr);
foreach my $fname (keys %{ $tags }) {
my $keywords = $tags->{$fname}->{keywords};
my $tagslist = $tags->{$fname}->{tagslist};
my $exiftool = new Image::ExifTool;
$exiftool->Options(CharsetEXIF => 'UTF8');
INFO "Need to set Keywords/TagsList on $fname";
INFO "Current Keywords for $fname: ["
. join('#', get_kw_and_subj($exiftool)) . ']';
INFO "Current TagsList for $fname: ["
. join('#', get_tagslist($exiftool)) . ']';
# Too much repetition here really but this was a one-off quick and dirty script…
foreach my $kw (@{ $keywords }) {
# Delete all instances of the Keyword first so that we don't get
# duplicates.
Keywords => $kw,
DelValue => 1,
($success, $errstr) = $exiftool->SetNewValue(
Keywords => $kw,
AddValue => 1,
if (! $success) {
LOGDIE "Failed to set Keyword [$kw] on $fname: $errstr";
# Delete all instances of the Subject first so that we don't get
# duplicates.
Subject => $kw,
DelValue => 1,
($success, $errstr) = $exiftool->SetNewValue(
Subject => $kw,
AddValue => 1,
if (! $success) {
LOGDIE "Failed to set Subject [$kw] on $fname: $errstr";
foreach my $t (@{ $tagslist }) {
# Delete all instances of the tag first so that we don't get
# duplicates.
TagsList => $t,
DelValue => 1,
($success, $errstr) = $exiftool->SetNewValue(
TagsList => $t,
AddValue => 1,
if (! $success) {
LOGDIE "Failed to set TagsList [$t] on $fname: $errstr";
INFO "Writing EXIF info back to $fname";
INFO "New Keywords for $fname: ["
. join('#', get_kw_and_subj($exiftool)) . ']';
INFO "New TagsList for $fname: ["
. join('#', get_tagslist($exiftool)) . ']';
exit 0;
sub get_kw_and_subj {
my ($et) = @_;
my @cur_kw = $et->GetValue('Keywords', 'ValueConv');
my @cur_subj = $et->GetValue('Subject', 'ValueConv');
my @cur = uniq @cur_kw, @cur_subj;
@cur = map { decode_utf8($_, 1) } @cur;
return @cur;
sub get_tagslist {
my ($et) = @_;
my @cur_tl = $et->GetValue('TagsList', 'ValueConv');
@cur_tl = map { decode_utf8($_, 1) } @cur_tl;
return @cur_tl;
Example logging output:
2020/01/01 13:38:47 [193] DEBUG - Loaded YAML from tags.yaml
2020/01/01 13:38:48 [1251] INFO - Need to set Keywords/TagsList on 2016/07/17/IMG_6447 (Modified).JPG
2020/01/01 13:38:48 [1252] INFO - Current Keywords for 2016/07/17/IMG_6447 (Modified).JPG: [Events#Long Ditton#Pets#Places#Surrey#WGW at Long Ditton Village Fair, July 2016]
2020/01/01 13:38:48 [1252] INFO - Current TagsList for 2016/07/17/IMG_6447 (Modified).JPG: [Events#Events/WGW at Long Ditton Village Fair, July 2016#Pets#Places#Places/Surrey#Places/Surrey/Long Ditton]
2020/01/01 13:38:48 [1595] INFO - Writing EXIF info back to 2016/07/17/IMG_6447 (Modified).JPG
2020/01/01 13:38:48 [1698] INFO - New Keywords for 2016/07/17/IMG_6447 (Modified).JPG: [Events#Long Ditton#Molly#Pets#Places#Surrey#WGW at Long Ditton Village Fair, July 2016]
2020/01/01 13:38:48 [1698] INFO - New TagsList for 2016/07/17/IMG_6447 (Modified).JPG: [Events#Events/WGW at Long Ditton Village Fair, July 2016#Pets#Pets/Molly#Places#Places/Surrey#Places/Surrey/Long Ditton]
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