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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Representing IRC logs in markdown

Markdown and IRC

What's a good way to put IRC logs into Markdown?

Naive attempt

Split onto separate lines with blockquote (>):

what's a good way to put IRC logs into markdown?


angle brackets are lost, and doesn't wrap very nicely

-Enoch- 60 Minute Quote[5690 / 7.5 / grifferz]: That's a development I wouldn't have expected: ♺ @PiratePartyUK: Pirate Party Sweden takes over hosting PirateBay <dg> there goes any shred of legitimacy they might have barely had <alexjs> agreed, I will never trust the pirate bay again

replace <> with **** to make nicks bold?

format it ias a table?

it as

Doesn't look awesome no, what's the target?#

to make it look awesome

Well that doesn't work at all. Markdown ate all the <>.

Bold instead of angle brackets

grifferz what's a good way to put IRC logs into markdown?

grifferz e.g.

grifferz angle brackets are lost, and doesn't wrap very nicely


Enoch 60 Minute Quote[5690 / 7.5 / grifferz]: <tdobson> That's a development I wouldn't have expected: ♺ @PiratePartyUK: Pirate Party Sweden takes over hosting PirateBay <dg> there goes any shred of legitimacy they might have barely had <alexjs> agreed, I will never trust the pirate bay again

Paul replace <> with **** to make nicks bold?


Dave2 format it ias a table?

Dave2 it as

Paul Doesn't look awesome no, what's the target?#

grifferz to make it look awesome

It doesn't look awesome, does it?


Pointless Header
grifferz what's a good way to put IRC logs into markdown?
grifferz e.g.
grifferz angle brackets are lost, and doesn't wrap very nicely
Enoch 60 Minute Quote[5690 / 7.5 / grifferz]: <tdobson> That's a development I wouldn't have expected: ♺ @PiratePartyUK: Pirate Party Sweden takes over hosting PirateBay <dg> there goes any shred of legitimacy they might have barely had <alexjs> agreed, I will never trust the pirate bay again
Paul replace <> with **** to make nicks bold?
Dave2 format it ias a table?
Dave2 it as
Paul Doesn't look awesome no, what's the target?#
grifferz to make it look awesome

This is better but doesn't appear to work without the header row, and wrapping is odd.

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