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Last active April 10, 2024 12:00
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  • Save griffi-gh/904161e63f5b408f716b1483d53d8e77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// ==UserScript==
// @name naurok bypass
// @description get answers to naurok quizes
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match*.html
// @exclude-match*/*
// @inject-into page
// @grant none
// @version 1.2
// @author griffi-gh
// @license MIT
// @description 17.02.2023, 02:41:50
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==
const NUM_REQUESTS = 5;
const stripTags = x => x.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, "");
(async () => {
//Parse things
const referrer = location.href.slice(0, -4) + '/match';
const id = location.pathname.split('/').at(-1).split('-').at(-1).split('.')[0] | 0;
const answers = new Map();
const answers_raw = new Map();
for(let i = 0; i < NUM_REQUESTS; i++) {
//Do request
const res = await fetch(`${id}/match`, {
"credentials": "include",
"headers": {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0",
"Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
"Accept-Language": "uk,ru-RU;q=0.8,ru;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3,en-GB;q=0.2",
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": "empty",
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors",
"Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin"
"referrer": referrer,
"body": "{\"uuid\":\"\"}",
"method": "POST",
"mode": "cors"
}).then(res => res.json());
//Check response
if (!res?.result) {
console.error("Result error", res);
if (confirm("Не вдалося завантажити відповіді!\nМожливо ви не увійшли в На Урок, хочете зробити це зараз?")) {
location.href = "";
const items = res.items;
//Get answers
items.forEach(item => {
answers_raw.set(, items.find(x => ( === && ( !=;
answers.set(stripTags(, stripTags(answers_raw.get(;
console.log("Answer map:\n", answers, "\nRaw:\n", answers_raw);
//Put answers onto the page
Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("question-view-item")).forEach(element => {
const questionText = element.querySelector(".question-view-item-content > p")?.textContent;
const answerText = questionText ? answers.get(questionText) : null;
if (answerText) {
//Add answer text
const answerElement = document.createElement("p");
answerElement.textContent = `(Відповідь: ${answerText})`; = "color: gray; font-size: .7em;";
//Highlight option
let found = false;
Array.from(element.querySelectorAll(".text-only-option")).forEach(option => {
const tc = option.querySelector(".option-text p").textContent;
if (
(tc == answerText) ||
(tc == stripTags(answerText)) ||
(stripTags(tc) == answerText) ||
(stripTags(tc) == stripTags(answerText))
) {
option.querySelector(".option-marker").style = "border: 5px solid darkgreen";
found = true;
//if not found make the answer bigger
if (!found) { = "color: darkgreen; font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold;";
} else {
const noAnswerElement = document.createElement("p");
noAnswerElement.textContent = `(!) Немає відповіді`; = "color: darkred; font-size: .9em; font-weight: bold;";
try { element.querySelector(".question-view-item-content").append(noAnswerElement); } catch(_) {}
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x3ell commented Oct 13, 2023


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griffi-gh commented Nov 11, 2023

please use the new one at instead.
this one's broken and there's no way to unpublish it without deleting.
(new one may broken too but idk, i havent touched it for a while; can be used as both userscript and bookmarklet if minimized and wrapped in a function call)

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