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Created April 28, 2012 00:04
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Online ranking algorithm in scala
* A representation of a player's ability. A normal distribution, really
// private constructor
class Ability private (val mean: Double, val stddev: Double, val variance: Double) {
// Callers of this method cannot use parentheses
def skill:Double = mean - 3 * stddev
// operator overloading
def +(other: Ability):Ability =
Ability.withVariance(mean + other.mean, variance + other.variance)
override def toString = "mu:%.2f,stddev:%.2f".format(mean, stddev)
// methods in this object are like Java's static methods
object Ability {
def withVariance(mean: Double, variance: Double):Ability =
new Ability(mean, Math.sqrt(variance), variance)
def withStddev(mean: Double, stddev: Double):Ability =
new Ability(mean, stddev, stddev * stddev)
def zero:Ability = withStddev(0, 0)
import MoreLists._ // pulls in the implicit converter to MoreLists
/** This is the best performing bayesian online ranking algorithm described in this paper
// The main constructor's parameters are declared up here at the class level
class BradleyTerryFullUpdater(rankAllowance: Double) {
private val betaSquared = { // assigned to the last expression in the block
val mu = 25.0
val sigma = mu / 3.0
val beta = sigma * 0.5
beta * beta
/* Methods that return values are defined with an equal sign. Without an equal sign, it returns
* Unit (akin to void in Java)
* This method defines a block of expressions as it's body. The last expression is the return value
* (similar to lisps, ruby, and sometimes perl)
def updatePlayerRankings(_teams: List[Team]): List[Player] = {
if (_teams.isEmpty) return Nil
// parens and period can be omitted on one-arg methods
val teams = _teams sorted ByScoreAndSkill.forCalculation
val ranks = calculateRanks(teams)
// parens are optional on no-arg methods. Sometimes even prohibited.
// Style guide says to use parens when the function performs side effects
val gamma = 1.0 / teams.size
// fullUpdate returns a function that expects function as it's input. nice syntax, eh?
// it is also the last expression in the method and so is the return value
fullUpdate(teams) { (team, opponentTeam) =>
val ability = team.ability
val opponent = opponentTeam.ability
val c = Math.sqrt(ability.variance + opponent.variance + 2 * betaSquared)
val p = 1 / (1 + Math.exp((opponent.mean - ability.mean) / c))
val varianceToC = ability.variance / c
// getting a value from a map is like calling a function (a map _is_ conceptually a function)
val s = ranks(team) compare ranks(opponentTeam) match { // pattern matching, yea!
case x if x < 0 => 1.0
case 0 => 0.5
case _ => 0.0
val omega = varianceToC * (s - p)
val delta = gamma * varianceToC / c * p * (1 - p)
// returning a tuple!
(omega, delta)
/* Notice there are two parameter lists. This means fullUpdate returns a function.
* This is effectually currying.
* The returned function expects function as it's input. This is a common idiom that allows for
* nice syntax. (Look at how it's called.)
private def fullUpdate(teams: List[Team])(calc: (Team, Team) => (Double, Double)) = {
// collections are typically immutable. Here's a builder to help out
val updatedAbilities = List.newBuilder[Player]
val zero = (0.0, 0.0) // tuples!
for (team <- teams) {
// List comprehension with a guard clause
val scores = for (opponent <- teams if opponent != team) yield calc(team, opponent)
// fold left aka reduce. Also notice the tuple unpacking, aka multiple return values
val (omega, delta) = (zero /: scores) { (a, b) => (a._1 + b._1, a._2 + b._2) }
updatedAbilities ++= resultingAbilities(team, omega, delta)
// Return type can often be omitted (should still specify it on public methods)
private def calculateRanks(teams: List[Team]) = {
val ranks = Map.newBuilder[Team, Int]
var currentRank = 0;
/* This next line has two interesting things:
* 1. It implicitly wraps a List as a MoreLists. see the def of MoreLists for how.
* 2. That's a function of two parameters passed to spanSimilar
for (sameRank <- teams.spanSimilar(_.score - rankAllowance <= _.score)) {
for (team <- sameRank)
// "a -> b" is a shortcut for a tuple. Maps are built by adding key -> value tuples
ranks += team -> currentRank
currentRank += sameRank.size
private def resultingAbilities(players: Team, omega: Double, delta: Double) = {
val team = players.ability
// Notice the yield; this means the loop results in an Iterable
for (player <- players) yield {
val ability = player.ability
val mean = ability.mean + ability.variance / team.variance * omega
val stddev = ability.stddev *
Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - ability.variance / team.variance * delta, 0.0001))
new Player(, Ability.withStddev(mean, stddev))
import scala.util.Random
object Go extends App {
val team1 = new Team(1, 500,
Player(1, Ability.withStddev(25, 8)),
Player(2, Ability.withStddev(27, 5)),
Player(3, Ability.withStddev(22, 3)))
val team2 = new Team(2, 400,
Player(4, Ability.withStddev(25, 8)),
Player(5, Ability.withStddev(27, 5)),
Player(6, Ability.withStddev(22, 3)))
val team3 = new Team(3, 395,
Player(7, Ability.withStddev(25, 8)),
Player(8, Ability.withStddev(27, 5)),
Player(9, Ability.withStddev(22, 3)))
val teams = Random shuffle List(team1, team2, team3)
Console.println("Game outcome:")
Console.println(teams sorted ByScoreAndSkill.forDisplay mkString "\n")
val updatedPlayers = new BradleyTerryFullUpdater(10) updatePlayerRankings teams
Console.println("Updated abilities:")
Console.println(updatedPlayers sortWith { (a, b) => < } mkString "\n")
* Pimp-my-library for a list. adds spanSimilar method to lists
class MoreLists[A](list:List[A]) {
* Groups elements in a list according to how they relate with each other.
* This is similar to calling:
* val (head1, tail1) = (list.head, list.tail)
* val (head2, tail2) = tail1 span { x => f(head1, x) }
* val (head3, tail3) = tail2 span { x => f(head2, x) }
* ...
* List(head1, head2, head3)
/* The syntax B >: A would look this this in java "public <B super A> spanSimilar(...)"
* The syntax B <: A would look this this in java "public <B extends A> spanSimilar(...)"
* At the class level, there is also +A and -A.
def spanSimilar[B>:A](f: (B, B) => Boolean):List[List[A]] = {
val acc = List.newBuilder[List[A]]
var cur = list
while (!cur.isEmpty) {
val head = cur.head
val (likeHead, tail) = cur.tail span { x => f(head, x) }
acc += (head :: likeHead)
cur = tail
// here's a recursive formulation of spanSimilar
private def spanSimilarRecursive[B>:A](list:List[A], f: (B, B) => Boolean):List[List[A]] = list match {
case Nil => Nil
case head :: Nil => List(head) :: Nil
case head :: tail =>
val (likeHead, notLikeHead) = tail span { x => f(head, x) }
(head :: likeHead) :: spanSimilarRecursive(notLikeHead, f)
object MoreLists {
/** This implicitly converts a List to a MoreLists, effectively allowing the caller
* to use MoreLists methods on a List
implicit def list2MoreLists[A](list:List[A]):MoreLists[A] = new MoreLists(list)
* Orderings which sort a team by score and ability.
* <p>
* These orderings will produce the same sorted results no matter the initial
* order of the teams. This is important when using a partial-pair updater
* instead of a full-pair updater.
* </p>
object ByScoreAndSkill {
* An ordering which gives preference to teams with
* <ol>
* <li>Higher score;</li>
* <li>More players;</li>
* <li>Higher skill;</li>
* <li>Lower id</li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* <b>Rationale for tie-breakers</b> A partial-pair updater only updates
* players' abilities based on how it compared to the surrounding teams by
* rank. When two teams tie, one team will be compared with a better team
* while the other is compared with a worse team, in terms of score. In
* other words, of these two teams the team this comparator puts first will
* get attributed a loss while the other team is attributed a win. (Both
* teams will also be attributed a draw.)
* </p>
* <p>
* The team with less players and equal score likely had better individual
* ability, and are accordingly attributed the "win."
* </p>
* <p>
* Accounting for number of players, it is assumed a team with higher skill
* should have beaten a team with lower skill. Thus, this comparator
* positions the underdog to gain the win.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> The tie-breaking doesn't matter when using a full-pair
* updater because a team is always compared to every other team.
* </p>
def forCalculation:Ordering[Team] =
Ordering[(Double, Double, Double, Long)].on[Team] {t => (-t.score, -t.size, -t.skill, }
* An ordering which gives preference to teams with
* <ol>
* <li>Higher score;</li>
* <li>Less players;</li>
* <li>Lower skill;</li>
* <li>Higher id</li>
* </ol>
* See the documentation of {@link #forCalculation()} for rationale of the
* tie-breakers which are flipped in this method to provide better user
* experience.
def forDisplay:Ordering[Team] =
Ordering[(Double, Double, Double, Long)].on[Team] {t => (-t.score, t.size, t.skill, }
case class Player(val id:Long, val ability:Ability)
class Team(val id:Long, val score:Double, val players:Player*) extends Iterable[Player] {
val ability = ( /: players)(_+_.ability)
def skill = ability.skill
def iterator = players.iterator
// no need to implement size, the trait defines a default implementation
// def size = players.size
// must annotate with override
override def toString = "Team(id=%d;score=%f;players=%s)".format(id, score, players mkString ",")
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