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Created August 13, 2022 12:32
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Sampel Renderer
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
import VideoToolbox
import remoteplay
public enum H265Error : Error, CustomStringConvertible {
case invalidNALUType
case cmBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(OSStatus)
case cmBlockBufferAppendBufferReference(OSStatus)
case cmSampleBufferCreateReady(OSStatus)
case cmVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH265ParameterSets(OSStatus)
public var description : String {
switch self {
case .invalidNALUType: return "H265Error.InvalidNALUType"
case let .cmBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(status): return "H265Error.CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(\(status))"
case let .cmBlockBufferAppendBufferReference(status): return "H265Error.CMBlockBufferAppendBufferReference(\(status))"
case let .cmSampleBufferCreateReady(status): return "H265Error.CMSampleBufferCreateReady(\(status))"
case let .cmVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH265ParameterSets(status): return "H265Error.CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH265ParameterSets(\(status))"
open class H265Decoder: Decoder {
fileprivate var vps : H265NALU?
fileprivate var sps : H265NALU?
fileprivate var pps : H265NALU?
fileprivate var formatDescription : CMVideoFormatDescription!
deinit {
open func initVideoSession(vpsData: Data, spsData: Data, ppsData: Data) throws {
let vpsNalu = H265NALU(vpsData, naluTypeOffset: 0)
let spsNalu = H265NALU(spsData, naluTypeOffset: 0)
let ppsNalu = H265NALU(ppsData, naluTypeOffset: 0)
if vpsNalu.type == .vps && spsNalu.type == .sps && ppsNalu.type == .pps {
if vps == nil || sps == nil || pps == nil || vps!.equals(vpsNalu) || sps!.equals(spsNalu) || pps!.equals(ppsNalu) {
vps = vpsNalu
sps = spsNalu
pps = ppsNalu
do {
try initVideoSession()
} catch {
vps = nil
sps = nil
pps = nil
throw error
} else {
throw H265Error.invalidNALUType
func decode(_ videoFrameInfo: VideoFrameInfo) throws -> CMSampleBuffer {
let nalu = H265NALU(videoFrameInfo, 4)
if nalu.type == .undefined {
throw H265Error.invalidNALUType
//if nalu.type != .idrNLp && nalu.type != .trailR {
// throw H265Error.invalidNALUType
return try nalu.sampleBuffer(formatDescription)
fileprivate func invalidateVideo() {
formatDescription = nil
vps = nil
sps = nil
pps = nil
fileprivate func initVideoSession() throws {
formatDescription = nil
var _formatDescription : CMFormatDescription?
let vpsVideoFrame = vps!.videoFrameInfo
let spsVideoFrame = sps!.videoFrameInfo
let ppsVideoFrame = pps!.videoFrameInfo
let vpsUnsafePointer = vpsVideoFrame.rawPointer.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: vpsVideoFrame.size)
let spsUnsafePointer = spsVideoFrame.rawPointer.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: spsVideoFrame.size)
let ppsUnsafePointer = ppsVideoFrame.rawPointer.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self, capacity: ppsVideoFrame.size)
let parameterSetPointers : [UnsafePointer<UInt8>] = [ UnsafePointer(vpsUnsafePointer), UnsafePointer(spsUnsafePointer), UnsafePointer(ppsUnsafePointer) ]
let parameterSetSizes : [Int] = [ vpsVideoFrame.size, spsVideoFrame.size, ppsVideoFrame.size ]
let status = CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromHEVCParameterSets(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, parameterSetCount: 3, parameterSetPointers: parameterSetPointers, parameterSetSizes: parameterSetSizes, nalUnitHeaderLength: 4, extensions: nil, formatDescriptionOut: &_formatDescription)
if status != noErr {
throw H265Error.cmVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH265ParameterSets(status)
formatDescription = _formatDescription!
import CoreMedia
import remoteplay
public enum H265NALUType : UInt8, CustomStringConvertible {
case trailN = 0
case trailR = 1
case tsaN = 2
case tsaR = 3
case stsaN = 4
case stsaR = 5
case radlN = 6
case radlR = 7
case raslN = 8
case raslR = 9
case blaWLp = 16
case blaWRadl = 17
case blaNLp = 18
case idrWRadl = 19
case idrNLp = 20
case craNut = 21
case vps = 32
case sps = 33
case pps = 34
case aud = 35
case eosNut = 36
case eobNut = 37
case fdNut = 38
case seiPrefix = 39
case seiSuffix = 40
case undefined = 99
public var description : String {
switch self {
case .aud: return "aud"
case .blaNLp: return "blaNLp"
case .blaWLp: return "blaWLp"
case .blaWRadl: return "blaWRadl"
case .craNut: return "craNut"
case .eobNut: return "eobNut"
case .eosNut: return "eosNut"
case .fdNut: return "fdNut"
case .idrNLp: return "idrNLp"
case .idrWRadl: return "idrWRadl"
case .pps: return "pps"
case .radlN: return "radlN"
case .radlR: return "radlR"
case .raslN: return "raslN"
case .raslR: return "raslR"
case .seiPrefix: return "seiPrefix"
case .seiSuffix: return "seiSuffix"
case .sps: return "sps"
case .stsaN: return "stsaN"
case .stsaR: return "stsaR"
case .trailN: return "trailN"
case .trailR: return "trailR"
case .tsaN: return "tsaN"
case .tsaR: return "tsaR"
case .vps: return "vps"
default: return "Undefined"
open class H265NALU {
var videoFrameInfo : VideoFrameInfo
var type : H265NALUType
private static let kfcSampleArracgmentKeyDisplayImmediately = unsafeBitCast(kCMSampleAttachmentKey_DisplayImmediately, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)
private static let kCMSampleAttachmentKeyIsDependedOnByOthers = unsafeBitCast(kCMSampleAttachmentKey_IsDependedOnByOthers, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)
private static let kCMSampleAttachmentKeyDependsOnOthers = unsafeBitCast(kCMSampleAttachmentKey_DependsOnOthers, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)
private static let kCMSampleAttachmentKeyNotSync = unsafeBitCast(kCMSampleAttachmentKey_NotSync, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)
private static let kCFBooleanTrueValue = unsafeBitCast(kCFBooleanTrue, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)
private static let kCFBooleanFalseValue = unsafeBitCast(kCFBooleanFalse, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)
public init(_ videoFrameInfo: VideoFrameInfo, _ naluTypeOffset: Int) {
var type : H265NALUType?
self.videoFrameInfo = videoFrameInfo
if videoFrameInfo.size > naluTypeOffset {
type = H265NALUType(rawValue: (videoFrameInfo.frameType & 0x7E) >> 1) // type
self.type = type ?? .undefined
public convenience init(_ bytes: Data, naluTypeOffset: Int) {
self.init(VideoFrameInfo(rawPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: (bytes as NSData).bytes), size: bytes.count, frameType: bytes[naluTypeOffset]), naluTypeOffset)
open var naluTypeName : String {
open func equals(_ nalu: H265NALU) -> Bool {
let size = videoFrameInfo.size
if nalu.videoFrameInfo.size != size {
return false
return memcmp(nalu.videoFrameInfo.rawPointer, videoFrameInfo.rawPointer, size) == 0
open func sampleBuffer(_ formatDescription : CMVideoFormatDescription) throws -> CMSampleBuffer {
var sampleBuffer : CMSampleBuffer?
let status = CMSampleBufferCreate(
allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault,
dataBuffer: try blockBuffer(),
dataReady: true,
makeDataReadyCallback: nil,
refcon: nil,
formatDescription: formatDescription,
sampleCount: 1,
sampleTimingEntryCount: 0,
sampleTimingArray: nil,
sampleSizeEntryCount: 0,
sampleSizeArray: nil,
sampleBufferOut: &sampleBuffer)
if status != noErr {
throw H265Error.cmSampleBufferCreateReady(status)
var attachments: CFArray? = nil
if let sampleBuffer = sampleBuffer {
attachments = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, createIfNecessary: true)
let dict = unsafeBitCast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(attachments, 0), to: CFMutableDictionary.self)
CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kfcSampleArracgmentKeyDisplayImmediately, H265NALU.kCFBooleanTrueValue)
if type == H265NALUType.idrNLp || type == H265NALUType.idrWRadl {
CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyNotSync, H265NALU.kCFBooleanFalseValue)
} else {
CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyNotSync, H265NALU.kCFBooleanTrueValue)
// Tried different things here but nothing seems to work
//CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyIsDependedOnByOthers, H265NALU.kCFBooleanFalseValue)
//CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyIsDependedOnByOthers, H265NALU.kCFBooleanFalseValue)
//CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyNotSync, H265NALU.kCFBooleanFalseValue)
//CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyDependsOnOthers, H265NALU.kCFBooleanTrueValue)
if type.rawValue != 1 && type.rawValue != 20 { // ToDo check
print("!!! type \(String(type.rawValue))")
if type == H265NALUType.idrNLp || type == H265NALUType.idrWRadl {
print("idr frame received")
//CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyNotSync, H265NALU.kCFBooleanTrueValue)
//CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyDependsOnOthers, H265NALU.kCFBooleanTrueValue)
/*if type == H265NALUType.idrNLp || type == H265NALUType.idrWRadl {
print("idr frame received")
// I-frame
//CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyNotSync, H265NALU.kCFBooleanFalseValue)
CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyDependsOnOthers, H265NALU.kCFBooleanFalseValue)
CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyIsDependedOnByOthers, H265NALU.kCFBooleanFalseValue)
} else {
// P-frame
//CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyNotSync, H265NALU.kCFBooleanTrueValue)
CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyDependsOnOthers, H265NALU.kCFBooleanTrueValue)
CFDictionarySetValue(dict, H265NALU.kCMSampleAttachmentKeyIsDependedOnByOthers, H265NALU.kCFBooleanTrueValue)
return sampleBuffer!
private func blockBuffer() throws -> CMBlockBuffer {
var bufferData : CMBlockBuffer?
let status = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(allocator: nil, memoryBlock: videoFrameInfo.rawPointer, blockLength: videoFrameInfo.size, blockAllocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, customBlockSource: nil, offsetToData: 0, dataLength: videoFrameInfo.size, flags: 0, blockBufferOut: &bufferData)
if status != noErr || bufferData == nil {
throw H265Error.cmBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(status)
return bufferData!
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
import SwiftUI
import remoteplay
import logger
class VideoDecoderRenderer<T: StreamingView> {
private let logger = Logger.logger
private let fps: UInt32
private let decoderType: DecoderType
private let aspectRatio: AspectRatio
private weak var idrRequestHandler: IdrFrameRequestHandler?
private weak var videoEventHandler: VideoDecoderEventListener?
private var resolutionPayload: ResolutionPayload?
private var displayLayer: AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer?
private var isDecoderDisposed: Bool = false
private var isDecoderConfigured: Bool = false
private var decoder: Decoder?
private var missedIdrFrameCounter = 0
private let maxFramesUntilIdrFrame: UInt32
private var notfiedDecoderErrorCount = 0
init(fps: UInt32,
decoderType: DecoderType,
aspectRatio: AspectRatio,
idrRequestHandler: IdrFrameRequestHandler,
videoEventHandler: VideoDecoderEventListener){
self.fps = fps
self.decoderType = decoderType
self.aspectRatio = aspectRatio
self.idrRequestHandler = idrRequestHandler
self.videoEventHandler = videoEventHandler
self.maxFramesUntilIdrFrame = self.fps * 3
deinit {
// no logging as this could lead to a crash in logger
func initializeDisplayLayer(streamView: T) {
let oldLayer = displayLayer
let bounds = streamView.getSize()
displayLayer = AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer()
displayLayer?.backgroundColor =
displayLayer?.bounds = bounds
displayLayer?.position = CGPoint(x: bounds.midX , y: bounds.midY)
displayLayer?.videoGravity = getVideoGravity()
if let oldLayer = oldLayer {
// Switch out the old display layer with the new one
if let displayLayer = displayLayer {
streamView.getDecoderView().replaceCoderView(coderView: displayLayer, oldCoderView: oldLayer)
} else {
if let displayLayer = displayLayer {
streamView.getDecoderView().addCoderView(coderView: displayLayer)
func reinitializeDisplayLayerBounds(streamView: T) {
if let displayLayer = displayLayer {
let bounds = streamView.getSize()
displayLayer.bounds = bounds
displayLayer.position = CGPoint(x: bounds.midX , y: bounds.midY)
displayLayer.videoGravity = getVideoGravity()
func setResolutionPayload(resolutionPayload: ResolutionPayload) {
self.resolutionPayload = resolutionPayload
func parseFrame(videoFrameInfo: VideoFrameInfo) {
interpretNalu(videoFrameInfo: videoFrameInfo)
func disposeDecoder() {
decoder = nil
isDecoderDisposed = true
isDecoderConfigured = false
displayLayer?.bounds = CGRect()
idrRequestHandler = nil
videoEventHandler = nil
/*+ private methods +*/
private func isKeyFrame(videoFrameInfo: VideoFrameInfo) -> Bool {
if isDecoderDisposed {
return false
if decoderType == DecoderType.h264 {
return videoFrameInfo.frameType == 101
} else {
return videoFrameInfo.frameType == 40
private func interpretNalu(videoFrameInfo: VideoFrameInfo) {
if isDecoderConfigured {
do {
let sampleBuffer = try decoder!.decode(videoFrameInfo)
submitFrameBuffer(sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer)
} catch let error {
print("Decoder error \(error)")
} else if isKeyFrame(videoFrameInfo: videoFrameInfo) {
let buffers = resolutionPayload!.videoHeader.split(separator: Data.init([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]))
if decoderType == .h264 {
if buffers.count < 2 {
return // no valid header sps buffer and pps buffer missing
let spsBuffer = Data(buffers[0])
let ppsBuffer = Data(buffers[1])
do {
let h264Decoder = H264Decoder()
decoder = h264Decoder
do {
try h264Decoder.initVideoSession(spsData: spsBuffer, ppsData: ppsBuffer)
isDecoderConfigured = true
} catch {
let sampleBuffer = try decoder!.decode(videoFrameInfo)
submitFrameBuffer(sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} catch let error{
if notfiedDecoderErrorCount < 5 {
notfiedDecoderErrorCount += 1
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.videoEventHandler?.onDecoderError(error: error)
} else {
if buffers.count < 3 {
return // no valid header vps, sps buffer and pps buffer missing
let vpsBuffer = Data(buffers[0])
let spsBuffer = Data(buffers[1])
let ppsBuffer = Data(buffers[2])
do {
let h265Decoder = H265Decoder()
decoder = h265Decoder
do {
try h265Decoder.initVideoSession(vpsData: vpsBuffer, spsData: spsBuffer, ppsData: ppsBuffer)
isDecoderConfigured = true
} catch {
let sampleBuffer = try decoder!.decode(videoFrameInfo)
submitFrameBuffer(sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} catch let error {
if notfiedDecoderErrorCount < 5 {
notfiedDecoderErrorCount += 1
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.videoEventHandler?.onDecoderError(error: error)
} else {
if !isDecoderDisposed {
missedIdrFrameCounter = missedIdrFrameCounter + 1
if missedIdrFrameCounter >= maxFramesUntilIdrFrame {
missedIdrFrameCounter = 0
private func getVideoGravity() -> AVLayerVideoGravity {
var result: AVLayerVideoGravity = .resizeAspect
switch aspectRatio {
case .keepAspectRatio:
result = .resizeAspect
case .stretched:
result = .resize
case .zoomed:
result = .resizeAspectFill
return result
/*+ decoder methods +*/
private func submitFrameBuffer(sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) {
guard let displayLayer = displayLayer else {
// Enqueue video samples
//DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { [self] in // not needed to do this on main thread it seems
// Enqueue the next frame
if displayLayer.status == .failed {
print("!!!status failed")
if !displayLayer.isReadyForMoreMediaData {
print("!!!not ready")
import Foundation
public struct VideoFrameInfo {
public let rawPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
public let size: Int
public let frameType: UInt8
public init(rawPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, size: Int, frameType: UInt8) {
self.rawPointer = rawPointer
self.size = size
self.frameType = frameType
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