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Last active November 20, 2018 17:40
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  • Save grimbough/09d150bff2b07ec032de4d47cf201215 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save grimbough/09d150bff2b07ec032de4d47cf201215 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modified example of code provided in to identify error thrown by EBImage
WD <- tempdir()
## download example zip file ad unpack
destfile = '', mode = "wb")
# Parameters
IF = "IF015_noSpeck"
# List of files########################################################
AllImages <-, recursive = T, pattern = '.tif$'), col.names = 'FileNames')
colnames(AllImages)[1] <- 'FileNames'
# Extract Metainformation##############################################################################
MetaInformation <- function(Files, Path){
Files$Directory <- Path
Files$Plate <- substring(Files$FileNames,12,14) ## Plate
Files$Plate <- as.numeric(Files$Plate)
Files$Stack <- sub(".*test/", "", Files$FileNames) ## Stack
Files$DataStack <- substring(Files$Stack,0,35) ## DataStack
Files$ID <- sub("--W.*", "", Files$Stack) ## ID
Files$Well <- sub(".*--W", "", Files$Stack) ## W #
Files$Well <- substring(Files$Well,0,5) ## W #
Files$Position <- sub(".*--P", "", Files$Stack) ## Position
Files$Position <- substring(Files$Position,0,5) ## Position
Files$Time <- sub(".*--T", "", Files$Stack) ## Time
Files$Time <- substring(Files$Time,0,5) ## Time
Files$Channel <- sub(".*--", "", Files$Stack) ## Channel
Files$Channel <- sub(".tif.*", "", Files$Channel) ## Channel
# Add metainformation (if necessary, more revelant for data analysis)############
IdToMap <- function(FileList){
rN = c(1:16)
cN = c(1:24)
cID = c(1:24)
rID = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P')
Row <- data.frame(rID, rN)
ID = data.frame(cID, cN)
ID$rID <- NA
for(i in rID){
IDtemp <- ID[1:24,]
IDtemp$rID <- as.character(i)
ID <- rbind(ID, IDtemp)
ID <- merge(ID[25:nrow(ID),], Row, by = "rID", all.x = T)
ID$ID <- paste(ID$rID, ID$cID, sep = "")
FileList <- merge(x = FileList, y = ID, by = c("ID"), all.x = T)
AllImages <- MetaInformation(Files = AllImages, Path = WD)
AllImages <- IdToMap(AllImages)
# Read images and extract features#####################
ImageProcessing <- function(Image, Plate, Well, Position){
#---------------Rescale pixel intensity----------
Bottom = 2^15/(2^16-1)
Top = (2^15+4095)/(2^16-1)
Rescale <- function(x){
(x - Bottom) / (Top - Bottom)
Boolean <- AllImages$Plate == Plate & AllImages$ID == Well & AllImages$Position == Position
#---------------Load Images------------------------
Img405 = readImage(paste0(AllImages[AllImages$Channel == "DAPI" & Boolean, "Directory"],
AllImages[AllImages$Channel == "DAPI" & Boolean, "FileNames"]))
Img405 = Rescale(Img405)
NImg405 = EBImage::normalize(Img405, inputRange = c(range(Img405)[1], range(Img405)[2]))
Img488 = readImage(paste0(AllImages[AllImages$Channel == "GFP" & Boolean, "Directory"],
AllImages[AllImages$Channel == "GFP" & Boolean, "FileNames"]))
Img488 = Rescale(Img488)
NImg488 = EBImage::normalize(Img488)
Img568 = readImage(paste0(AllImages[AllImages$Channel == "mCherry" & Boolean, "Directory"],
AllImages[AllImages$Channel == "mCherry" & Boolean, "FileNames"]))
Img568 = Rescale(Img568)
NImg568 = EBImage::normalize(Img568, inputRange = c(range(Img568)[1], range(Img568)[2]))
Img647 = readImage(paste0(AllImages[AllImages$Channel == "647" & Boolean, "Directory"],
AllImages[AllImages$Channel == "647" & Boolean, "FileNames"]))
Img647 = Rescale(Img647)
NImg647 = EBImage::normalize(Img647, inputRange = c(range(Img647)[1], range(Img647)[2]))
#---------------smooth and threshold nuleus------------------------------
FilterNuc = makeBrush(size = 51, shape = "gaussian", sigma=2)
Img405smooth = filter2(Img405, filter = FilterNuc)
nucThrManual = thresh(Img405smooth, w = 100, h = 100, offset = 0.0005)
nucOpening = opening(nucThrManual, kern = makeBrush(15, shape="disc"))
nucSeed = bwlabel(nucOpening)
nucFill = fillHull(thresh(Img405smooth, w = 20, h = 20, offset = 0.01))
nucRegions = propagate(Img405smooth, nucSeed, mask = nucFill)
nucMask = watershed(distmap(nucOpening), tolerance = 1, ext = 1)
#------------------Generate voronoi-------------------------------------
VoR = propagate(nucMask, nucMask, lambda = 100000)
#------------------Generate donut and bubble for proxy Cytoplasm -------
Bubble = dilate(nucRegions, kern = makeBrush(15, shape = 'disc'))
BubbleBound = propagate(Bubble, nucMask, Bubble, lambda = 1000)
Donut = BubbleBound - nucMask
#---------------Features extraction-------------------------------------------------------------------------
F405_Nuc = computeFeatures(nucMask, Img405, xname = "Nuc", refnames = "405", haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
F488_Nuc = computeFeatures(nucMask, Img488, xname = "Nuc", refnames = "488", haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
F488_Donut = computeFeatures(Donut, Img488, xname = "Donut", refnames = "488", haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
F488_Bubble = computeFeatures(BubbleBound, Img488, xname = "Bubble", refnames = "488", haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
F568_Nuc = computeFeatures(nucMask, Img568, xname = "Nuc", refnames = "568",haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
F568_Donut = computeFeatures(Donut, Img568, xname = "Donut", refnames = "568",haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
F568_Bubble = computeFeatures(BubbleBound, Img568, xname = "Donut", refnames = "568",haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
F647_Nuc = computeFeatures(nucMask, Img647, xname = "Nuc", refnames = "647",haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
F647_Donut = computeFeatures(Donut, Img647, xname = "Donut", refnames = "647",haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
F647_Bubble = computeFeatures(BubbleBound, Img647, xname = "Donut", refnames = "647",haralick.nbins = 32, haralick.scales = c(1,2,4,8))
Fc = cbind(F405_Nuc,
Fc = %>% rownames_to_column
#---------------Remove cells at the edge-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#subset for boundary pixels
dims = dim(nucMask)
border = c(nucMask[1:dims[1],1],
#extract object identifiers at the boundary
ids = unique(border[which(border != 0)])
Fc = filter(Fc, !rowname %in% ids)
if (nrow(Fc) == 0) {
Fc = data.frame(0, nrow = 0, ncol = 141*12+1)
write.csv(Fc, paste0(IF,"_p--",Plate,"_w--",Well,"_pos--",Position,".csv"))
#----------------Run ImageProcessing() to everyfield---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (Plate in unique(AllImages$Plate)) {
for(Well in unique(AllImages$ID)) {
for(Position in unique(AllImages$Position)) {
ImageProcessing(Image = AllImages, Plate = Plate, Well = Well, Position = Position)
print(paste0("Plate: ", Plate, "; Well: ", Well, "; Position: ", Position, "; Time:", Sys.time()))
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