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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Examining memory usage in ShortReadQ class
## create a single string with the number of characters defined by 'length'
## and the letter sampled from 'alphabet'
generateString <- function(length = 50, alphabet = c("A","C","G","T") ) {
paste0(sample(alphabet, size = length, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")
## create a ShortReadQ object containing 'nreads' reads, each of which has length 'length'
createFastq <- function(nreads, length) {
sread <- DNAStringSet( sapply(rep(length, nreads), generateString, alphabet = c("A","C","G","T") ))
qual <- FastqQuality( sapply(rep(length, nreads), generateString, alphabet = alphabet( FastqQuality() )))
id <- BStringSet(paste0("Read_", 1:nreads))
fq <- ShortReadQ(sread = sread, qual = qual, id = id)
## create 3 ShortReadQ objects - 500 reads, 50,000 reads and extract the
## first 500 reads from the larger object
fq1 <- createFastq(nreads = 500, length = 200)
fq2 <- createFastq(nreads = 50000, length = 200)
fq3 <- fq2[1:500,]
## print memory usage
print(object.size(fq1), units = "auto") ## 229.3 Kb
print(object.size(fq2), units = "auto") ## 21.3 Mb
print(object.size(fq3), units = "auto") ## 19.6 Mb
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