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Last active January 6, 2020 18:43
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terraform-docs issue supporting docs

Required Inputs

The following input variables are required:


Description: The number of days that you want to specify for the default retention period.

Type: number


Description: The number of years that you want to specify for the default retention period.

Type: number


Description: Is this part of production, staging, development?

Type: string


Description: What is the name of the bucket?

Type: string


Description: Product this bucket is associated with

Type: string


Description: Service that this bucket is associated with

Type: string


Description: Provide an email address for the team resposnible for this bucket

Type: string

Optional Inputs

The following input variables are optional (have default values):


Description: Allow public GET

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: Allow these CIDR ranges to read the bucket and its contents

Type: list(string)

Default: []


Description: What s3 actions whitelisted CIDRs can do

Type: list(string)




Description: What s3 actions whitelisted VPCEs can do

Type: list(string)




Description: Allow these VPC Endpoints to read the bucket and its contents

Type: list(string)

Default: []


Description: n/a

Type: list(string)




Description: n/a

Type: list(string)




Description: n/a

Type: list(string)




Description: n/a

Type: list(string)

Default: []


Description: n/a

Type: string

Default: "3000"


Description: Should we enable bucket logging?

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled.

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: Should we replicate this bucket to another region?

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Enable S3 inventory?

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: Enabling versioning?

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: What policy actions will we allow the 3rd party account?

Type: list(string)




Description: The ID for an external account to give access to

Type: list(string)

Default: []


Description: Specifies the output format of the inventory results. Can be CSV, ORC or Parquet.

Type: string

Default: "CSV"


Description: Specifies how frequently inventory results are produced. Can be Daily or Weekly.

Type: string

Default: "Weekly"


Description: Object filtering that accepts a prefix (documented below). Can be All or Current.

Type: string

Default: "Current"


Description: Contains the optional fields that are included in the inventory results. Accepts Size, LastModifiedDate, StorageClass, ETag, IsMultipartUploaded, ReplicationStatus, EncryptionStatus, ObjectLockRetainUntilDate, ObjectLockMode, ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus.

Type: list(string)




Description: Enable lifecycle rule for current object versions?

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: Prefix that current version lifecycle rule works on

Type: string

Default: ""


Description: The number of days until transitions.

Type: map(string)


  "expiration": 2555,
  "glacier": 120,
  "standard_ia": 30


Description: Enable lifecycle rule for noncurrent object versions?

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Prefix that noncurrent version lifecycle rule works on

Type: string

Default: ""


Description: The number of days until transitions.

Type: map(string)


  "expiration": 2555,
  "glacier": 120,
  "standard_ia": 30


Description: Metric filters to apply to your s3 bucket


        name   = string
        prefix = string

Default: []


Description: The default Object Lock retention mode you want to apply to new objects placed in this bucket. Valid values are GOVERNANCE and COMPLIANCE.

Type: string



Description: ARN of the origin access ID, used only when the bucket is the source for a cloudfront distribution and you want no other access.

Type: string

Default: "none"


Description: Set to 1 to enable logging for redshift

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: What region is the redshift instance in?

Type: string

Default: ""


Description: S3 Storage class to use for replica bucket.

Type: string

Default: "STANDARD_IA"


Description: DEPRECATED, use enable_versioning

Type: bool

Default: true


The following outputs are exported:


Description: Bucket's ARN


Description: n/a


Description: Bucket's name


Description: Bucket's region


Description: Bucket's ARN (deprecated)


Description: Bucket's name (deprecated)


Description: Bucket's region (deprecated)


Name Description Type Default Required
default_retention_days The number of days that you want to specify for the default retention period. number n/a yes
default_retention_years The number of years that you want to specify for the default retention period. number n/a yes
environment Is this part of production, staging, development? string n/a yes
name What is the name of the bucket? string n/a yes
product Product this bucket is associated with string n/a yes
service Service that this bucket is associated with string n/a yes
team_email Provide an email address for the team resposnible for this bucket string n/a yes
allow_public_get Allow public GET bool false no
allow_source_ips Allow these CIDR ranges to read the bucket and its contents list(string) [] no
allow_source_ips_actions What s3 actions whitelisted CIDRs can do list(string)
allow_vpce_actions What s3 actions whitelisted VPCEs can do list(string)
allow_vpces Allow these VPC Endpoints to read the bucket and its contents list(string) [] no
cors_allowed_headers n/a list(string)
cors_allowed_methods n/a list(string)
cors_allowed_origins n/a list(string)
cors_expose_headers n/a list(string) [] no
cors_max_age_seconds n/a string "3000" no
enable_logging Should we enable bucket logging? bool true no
enable_object_locking Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. bool false no
enable_replication Should we replicate this bucket to another region? bool true no
enable_s3_inventory Enable S3 inventory? bool false no
enable_versioning Enabling versioning? bool true no
external_account_actions What policy actions will we allow the 3rd party account? list(string)
external_account_id The ID for an external account to give access to list(string) [] no
inventory_format Specifies the output format of the inventory results. Can be CSV, ORC or Parquet. string "CSV" no
inventory_frequency Specifies how frequently inventory results are produced. Can be Daily or Weekly. string "Weekly" no
inventory_included_object_versions Object filtering that accepts a prefix (documented below). Can be All or Current. string "Current" no
inventory_optional_fields Contains the optional fields that are included in the inventory results. Accepts Size, LastModifiedDate, StorageClass, ETag, IsMultipartUploaded, ReplicationStatus, EncryptionStatus, ObjectLockRetainUntilDate, ObjectLockMode, ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus. list(string)
lifecycle_current_enabled Enable lifecycle rule for current object versions? bool false no
lifecycle_current_prefix Prefix that current version lifecycle rule works on string "" no
lifecycle_current_transitions The number of days until transitions. map(string)
"expiration": 2555,
"glacier": 120,
"standard_ia": 30
lifecycle_noncurrent_enabled Enable lifecycle rule for noncurrent object versions? bool true no
lifecycle_noncurrent_prefix Prefix that noncurrent version lifecycle rule works on string "" no
lifecycle_noncurrent_transitions The number of days until transitions. map(string)
"expiration": 2555,
"glacier": 120,
"standard_ia": 30
metric_filters Metric filters to apply to your s3 bucket
name = string
prefix = string
[] no
object_locking_mode The default Object Lock retention mode you want to apply to new objects placed in this bucket. Valid values are GOVERNANCE and COMPLIANCE. string "GOVERNANCE" no
origin_access_iam_arn ARN of the origin access ID, used only when the bucket is the source for a cloudfront distribution and you want no other access. string "none" no
redshift_logging Set to 1 to enable logging for redshift bool false no
redshift_region What region is the redshift instance in? string "" no
replica_storage_class S3 Storage class to use for replica bucket. string "STANDARD\_IA" no
versioning_enabled DEPRECATED, use enable_versioning bool true no


Name Description
bucket_arn Bucket's ARN
bucket_domain_name n/a
bucket_name Bucket's name
bucket_region Bucket's region
s3_bucket_arn Bucket's ARN (deprecated)
s3_bucket_name Bucket's name (deprecated)
s3_bucket_region Bucket's region (deprecated)


Name Description Type Default Required
default_retention_days The number of days that you want to specify for the default retention period. number n/a yes
default_retention_years The number of years that you want to specify for the default retention period. number n/a yes
environment Is this part of production, staging, development? string n/a yes
name What is the name of the bucket? string n/a yes
product Product this bucket is associated with string n/a yes
service Service that this bucket is associated with string n/a yes
team_email Provide an email address for the team resposnible for this bucket string n/a yes
allow_public_get Allow public GET bool false no
allow_source_ips Allow these CIDR ranges to read the bucket and its contents list(string) [] no
allow_source_ips_actions What s3 actions whitelisted CIDRs can do list(string) ["s3:ListBucket", "s3:ListBucketVersions", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectTagging", "s3:GetObjectVersion", "s3:GetObjectAcl"] no
allow_vpce_actions What s3 actions whitelisted VPCEs can do list(string) ["s3:ListBucket", "s3:ListBucketVersions", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectTagging", "s3:GetObjectVersion", "s3:GetObjectAcl"] no
allow_vpces Allow these VPC Endpoints to read the bucket and its contents list(string) [] no
cors_allowed_headers n/a list(string) ["Authorization"] no
cors_allowed_methods n/a list(string) ["GET"] no
cors_allowed_origins n/a list(string) ["*"] no
cors_expose_headers n/a list(string) [] no
cors_max_age_seconds n/a string "3000" no
enable_logging Should we enable bucket logging? bool true no
enable_object_locking Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled. bool false no
enable_replication Should we replicate this bucket to another region? bool true no
enable_s3_inventory Enable S3 inventory? bool false no
enable_versioning Enabling versioning? bool true no
external_account_actions What policy actions will we allow the 3rd party account? list(string) ["s3:ListBucket", "s3:ListBucketVersions", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:GetObject", "s3:GetObjectTagging", "s3:GetObjectVersion", "s3:GetObjectAcl"] no
external_account_id The ID for an external account to give access to list(string) [] no
inventory_format Specifies the output format of the inventory results. Can be CSV, ORC or Parquet. string "CSV" no
inventory_frequency Specifies how frequently inventory results are produced. Can be Daily or Weekly. string "Weekly" no
inventory_included_object_versions Object filtering that accepts a prefix (documented below). Can be All or Current. string "Current" no
inventory_optional_fields Contains the optional fields that are included in the inventory results. Accepts Size, LastModifiedDate, StorageClass, ETag, IsMultipartUploaded, ReplicationStatus, EncryptionStatus, ObjectLockRetainUntilDate, ObjectLockMode, ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus. list(string) ["ETag", "LastModifiedDate", "IsMultipartUploaded", "Size"] no
lifecycle_current_enabled Enable lifecycle rule for current object versions? bool false no
lifecycle_current_prefix Prefix that current version lifecycle rule works on string "" no
lifecycle_current_transitions The number of days until transitions. map(string) { "expiration": 2555, "glacier": 120, "standard_ia": 30} no
lifecycle_noncurrent_enabled Enable lifecycle rule for noncurrent object versions? bool true no
lifecycle_noncurrent_prefix Prefix that noncurrent version lifecycle rule works on string "" no
lifecycle_noncurrent_transitions The number of days until transitions. map(string) { "expiration": 2555, "glacier": 120, "standard_ia": 30} no
metric_filters Metric filters to apply to your s3 bucket list( object( { name = string prefix = string } ) ) [] no
object_locking_mode The default Object Lock retention mode you want to apply to new objects placed in this bucket. Valid values are GOVERNANCE and COMPLIANCE. string "GOVERNANCE" no
origin_access_iam_arn ARN of the origin access ID, used only when the bucket is the source for a cloudfront distribution and you want no other access. string "none" no
redshift_logging Set to 1 to enable logging for redshift bool false no
redshift_region What region is the redshift instance in? string "" no
replica_storage_class S3 Storage class to use for replica bucket. string "STANDARD_IA" no
versioning_enabled DEPRECATED, use enable_versioning bool true no


Name Description
bucket_arn Bucket's ARN
bucket_domain_name n/a
bucket_name Bucket's name
bucket_region Bucket's region
s3_bucket_arn Bucket's ARN (deprecated)
s3_bucket_name Bucket's name (deprecated)
s3_bucket_region Bucket's region (deprecated)
variable "name" {
description = "What is the name of the bucket?"
type = string
variable "lifecycle_current_prefix" {
description = "Prefix that current version lifecycle rule works on"
type = string
default = ""
variable "lifecycle_current_enabled" {
description = "Enable lifecycle rule for current object versions?"
type = bool
default = false
variable "lifecycle_current_transitions" {
description = "The number of days until transitions."
type = map(string)
default = {
standard_ia = 30
glacier = 120
expiration = 2555
variable "lifecycle_noncurrent_prefix" {
description = "Prefix that noncurrent version lifecycle rule works on"
type = string
default = ""
variable "lifecycle_noncurrent_enabled" {
description = "Enable lifecycle rule for noncurrent object versions?"
type = bool
default = true
variable "lifecycle_noncurrent_transitions" {
description = "The number of days until transitions."
type = map(string)
default = {
standard_ia = 30
glacier = 120
expiration = 2555
variable "environment" {
description = "Is this part of production, staging, development?"
type = string
variable "product" {
description = "Product this bucket is associated with"
type = string
variable "service" {
description = "Service that this bucket is associated with"
type = string
variable "cors_allowed_headers" {
type = list(string)
default = ["Authorization"]
variable "cors_allowed_methods" {
type = list(string)
default = ["GET"]
variable "cors_allowed_origins" {
type = list(string)
default = ["*"]
variable "cors_expose_headers" {
type = list(string)
default = []
variable "cors_max_age_seconds" {
default = "3000"
variable "versioning_enabled" {
description = "DEPRECATED, use enable_versioning"
type = bool
default = true
variable "enable_versioning" {
description = "Enabling versioning?"
type = bool
default = true
variable "enable_s3_inventory" {
description = "Enable S3 inventory?"
type = bool
default = false
variable "team_email" {
description = "Provide an email address for the team resposnible for this bucket"
type = string
variable "inventory_included_object_versions" {
description = "Object filtering that accepts a prefix (documented below). Can be All or Current."
type = string
default = "Current"
variable "inventory_format" {
description = "Specifies the output format of the inventory results. Can be CSV, ORC or Parquet."
type = string
default = "CSV"
variable "inventory_frequency" {
description = "Specifies how frequently inventory results are produced. Can be Daily or Weekly."
type = string
default = "Weekly"
variable "inventory_optional_fields" {
description = "Contains the optional fields that are included in the inventory results. Accepts Size, LastModifiedDate, StorageClass, ETag, IsMultipartUploaded, ReplicationStatus, EncryptionStatus, ObjectLockRetainUntilDate, ObjectLockMode, ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus."
type = list(string)
default = ["ETag", "LastModifiedDate", "IsMultipartUploaded", "Size"]
variable "replica_storage_class" {
description = "S3 Storage class to use for replica bucket."
type = string
default = "STANDARD_IA"
variable "enable_replication" {
description = "Should we replicate this bucket to another region?"
type = bool
default = true
variable "enable_logging" {
description = "Should we enable bucket logging?"
type = bool
default = true
variable "enable_object_locking" {
description = "Indicates whether this bucket has an Object Lock configuration enabled."
type = bool
default = false
variable "object_locking_mode" {
description = "The default Object Lock retention mode you want to apply to new objects placed in this bucket. Valid values are GOVERNANCE and COMPLIANCE."
type = string
default = "GOVERNANCE"
variable "default_retention_days" {
description = "The number of days that you want to specify for the default retention period."
type = number
default = null
variable "default_retention_years" {
description = "The number of years that you want to specify for the default retention period."
type = number
default = null
variable "metric_filters" {
description = "Metric filters to apply to your s3 bucket"
type = list(
name = string
prefix = string
default = []
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