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Created July 27, 2013 16:24
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SlashAdmin.register model do
# Creates a controller for specified model.
# Returns new controller.
# Preferred form in autoloading environments is
# AdminFooController = SlashAdmin.register Foo
# Verbose form is also available:
# class AdminFooController < SlashAdmin::Controller
# admin Foo
index &block
# Specity alternative index table body.
# block (without arguments) - arbre template.
# /admin/index/default_index partial will be used if block was not specified.
# Example:
# index do
# header! do
# column I18n.t('admin.index.batch_select_column')
# column 'Foo'
# column I18n.t('admin.index.actions_column')
# end
# selectable_column
# column :foo
# default_actions
# end
show &block
# Specify alternative show page content.
# block (without arguments) - arbre template.
# /admin/show/default_show partial will be used if block was not specified.
# Example:
# show do
# attributes_table(foo) do
# row :id
# row :bar
# end
# end
form &block
# Specify alternative form fields.
# block (with form builder) - arbre template.
# /admin/default_form partial will be used if block was not specified.
# Example:
# form do |f|
# f.input :foo
# f.submit
# end
# Evaluated on each request
routing do
default_actions opts = {}
# Passes specified options to 'resources' method in routes.
member_action name, opts = {}, &block
collection_action name, opts = {}, &block
# Defines an action.
# name - action name (symbol)
# opts - passed to 'member' or 'collection' method in routes.
# block - action body.
# For member_action only, requested object is available as @object or controller.object.
# /admin/(pluralized resource name)/(action name) template will be used if block was not specified.
# Example:
# member_action :test, :method => :get
# Application-defined actions will override any DSL actions.
# For example,
# member_action :test do
# render :text => 'dsl'
# end
# def test
# render :text => 'plain'
# end
# will output 'plain' when called.
batch_actions(enabled = true)
# Enables or disables batch actions.
# Batch actions are enabled by default.
# Evaluated on each request
layout do
menu opts = {}
# Configures a menu item of this controller.
# Keys:
# hidden: if true, no menu item will be generated
# if: (Proc) menu item will be output only if lambda returns true.
# Called in the view context.
# label: used instead of default menu label.
# parent: nest item under item with this label.
# priority: sorting order. 10 by default
scope label, name, opts = {}
# Scopes are not currently implemented.
filter attribute, opts = {}
# Adds filter.
# No filters are used by default
# opts are not currently used.
action_item opts = {}, &block
# Adds action item.
# opts:
# except: if specified, hides item for specified actions (symbol or array)
# only: if specified, renders item for specified actions (symbol or array)
# block: arbre template
permit_params *params
# Calls permit! for specified parameters on params. Permits all parameters if
# called without any arguments. Does nothing if strong parameters are unavailable.
SlashAdmin.configure do |config|
config.admin_controller_paths = [ "app/controller/admin" ]
config.admin_modules = # implementation defined
config.authentication_method = :athenticate_admin_user!
config.current_user_method = :current_admin_user
config.brand = "SlashAdmin"
conifg.brand_url = { :controller => "dashboard", :action => "index" }
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