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Forked from adamnew123456/uKanren.scala
Created May 4, 2016 21:33
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microKanren In Scala
* An implementation of microKanren (and probably most of miniKanren), with
* a few extras. Currently, it supports:
* - The essential core of microKanren: Unify, Fresh, Disjunction, Conjunction
* - Standard terms: Variables, Atoms, TermCons, EmptyTerm.
* - An implicit conversion from type T to Atom[T]. This makes writing programs
* much easier.
* - A decent reifier, which converts terms to strings.
* - Goal.and and Goal.or operators (Conjunction and Disjunction, respectively)
* for easily composing Goals.
* - Goal negation, although this comes with a caveat. Read the documentation for
* the Negate case class for an explanation.
* - Relations, which are like standard facts in Prolog. They make the process
* of defining certain types of goals simpler.
* There are lots of parts, so I've tried my best to separate the parts of the
* implementation and comment them when necessary.
* This source code file is covered under the Unlicense.
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
/**************** STREAMS ***************/
* We need to write our own Stream on top of Scala's stream, because Scala's
* streams do not support lazy heads. The guys behind microLogic[1] explain
* well the reasoning and structure - go read what they have to say about the
* subject.
* [1]
sealed trait LazyStream[+T] {
* Converts a possibly ImmatureStream into a stream that is either empty, or
* has a head.
def force: RealizedStream[T]
* Evaluates a function for each element of a stream.
def flatMap[U](fn: T => LazyStream[U]): LazyStream[U]
* Joins together the elements of a stream. Note that this respects the fact
* that the other stream may be infinite, by not allowing this stream to block
* the others.
def interleave[U >: T](other: LazyStream[U]): LazyStream[U]
* An ImmatureStream is a non-RelaizedStream - it may or may not have a head,
* depending upon how its thunk evaluates.
* Extra care must be taken when working with this, since this is often used
* to represent computations that can take place indefinitely. You don't want
* to see the StackOverflow exeptions that can result if this is handled poorly.
class ImmatureStream[T](protected val fn: () => LazyStream[T]) extends LazyStream[T]{
def force = {
// We need to keep running the functions that we get back from forcing each
// stream, since they may return a LazyStream rather than a RealizedStream.
var value = fn()
var done = false
var result: RealizedStream[T] = null
while (!done) {
value match {
case other: ImmatureStream[_] =>
value = other.fn()
case realized: RealizedStream[_] =>
done = true
result = realized
def flatMap[U](mapFn: T => LazyStream[U]) =
new ImmatureStream(() => this.force.flatMap(mapFn))
def interleave[U >: T](other: LazyStream[U]) =
* Note the order reversal - this is necessary because we want
* an ImmatureStream to let the other stream do a unit of work before
* this stream does anything after the initial force.
new ImmatureStream({ () =>
var thisForced = force
override def toString = s"%$fn"
* A RealizedStream has evaluated its head element - it is either the
* case that the RealizedStream is empty (that is, it lacks a head) or
* mature (that is, it has a head).
sealed trait RealizedStream[+T] extends LazyStream[T] {
def force = this
* Checks to see if this is empty.
def isEmpty: Boolean
* Converts this into a Stream, thus allowing the use of Stream's
* collection methods.
def toStream: Stream[T]
* The EmptyLazyStream is a realized stream which has no content.
case object EmptyLazyStream extends RealizedStream[Nothing] {
def isEmpty = true
def flatMap[U](fn: Nothing => LazyStream[U]) = this
def interleave[U >: Nothing](other: LazyStream[U]) = other
def toStream = Stream.empty
override def toString = "%()"
* A MatureStream is a stream which has a realized head, and a lazily evaluated tail.
class MatureStream[T](head: T, tail: () => LazyStream[T]) extends RealizedStream[T]{
def isEmpty = false
def flatMap[U](fn: T => LazyStream[U]) =
new ImmatureStream(() => tail().flatMap(fn)))
def interleave[U >: T](other: LazyStream[U]) =
new MatureStream(head, () => new ImmatureStream(tail).interleave(other))
def toStream = head #:: (tail().force.toStream)
override def toString = s"%($head . $tail)"
* This interleaves a group of LazyStreams; it is useful, because interleaving
* is a binary operation on LazyStream, while this makes it an n-ary operation.
def interleave[T](streams: Seq[LazyStream[T]]): LazyStream[T] =
streams.foldLeft(EmptyLazyStream: LazyStream[Nothing]) {
case (interleaved: LazyStream[T], nextStream: LazyStream[T]) =>
/**************** TERMS ****************/
* Bindings map variables to terms, which themselves may be variables.
type Bindings = Map[Var, Term]
* A Term is any value that can appear when trying to evaluate a Goal.
sealed trait Term {
* Pulls out the binding corresponding to this term. Note that this only
* does anything useful for Vars.
def read(bindings: Bindings): Term = this
* Produces a readable String representation - it takes a fresh variable
* counter, and returns the String representation and the next fresh
* variable counter.
def reify(varCounter: Int): (String, Int)
* A Variable is a way to uniquely define a name that can be bound to.
* Note: This is a class because putting 'new' in front of it makes the fact
* that this is generating a new logic variable more obvious.
class Var extends Term {
override final def read(bindings: Bindings): Term =
bindings.get(this) match {
case Some(v: Var) =>
case Some(term) => term
case None => this
def reify(varCounter: Int) =
(s"Var#${varCounter}", varCounter + 1)
* An Atom is a value which doesn't contain any further Terms. Use this to
* wrap Scala datatypes as Terms.
* Note that an implicit conversion is defined from Any => Atom[T], so you
* shouldn't have to use this constructor manually.
case class Atom[T](value: T) extends Term {
def reify(varCounter: Int) =
(s"!${value}", varCounter)
* A TermCons is the equivalent of a List, but for terms.
case class TermCons(head: Term, tail: Term) extends Term {
def reify(varCounter: Int) = {
val (headText, newCounter) = head.reify(varCounter)
var (tailText, finalCounter) = tail.reify(newCounter)
(s"($headText . $tailText)", finalCounter)
* A Term without any value. Useful for defining lists along with TermCons.
case object EmptyTerm extends Term {
def reify(varCounter: Int) =
("?", varCounter)
* This makes code which unifies with non-Scala types easier to write, since
* it would otherwise require writing Atom(x) everywhere.
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def toAtom[T](value: T): Atom[T] = Atom(value)
* This converts a Scala List into a string of TermCons values.
def listToCons(list: List[Term]): Term =
list match {
case head :: tail => TermCons(head, listToCons(tail))
case Nil => EmptyTerm
* Converts a group of bindings to a string representation, by recursively
* reifying its keys and values. Example output:
* {{{
* - ;; Var#0 -> !foo ;; Var#1 -> !bar
* - ;; Var#0 -> !baz
* }}}
def reifyBinds(seq: Seq[Bindings]): String =
seq.foldLeft("") {
case (buff: String, binds: Bindings) =>
val text = binds.foldLeft(("", 0)) {
case ((buff: String, counter: Int), (key: Var, value: Term)) =>
val (keyText, keyCounter) = key.reify(counter)
val (valueText, valueCounter) = value.reify(keyCounter)
(buff + ";; " + s"$keyText -> $valueText", valueCounter)
buff + "\n - " + text
/**************** GOALS ****************/
* This recursively unifies two expressions.
def unify(a:Term, b: Term, bindings: Bindings): Option[Bindings] = {
val finalA =
val finalB =
(finalA, finalB) match {
// If either is a variable, then extend the bindings
case (x: Var, y) =>
Some(bindings + (x -> y))
case (x, y: Var) =>
Some(bindings + (y -> x))
// If both side are conses, then recursively unify them
case (TermCons(xHead, xTail), TermCons(yHead, yTail)) =>
for {
headBindings <- unify(xHead, yHead, bindings)
tailBindings <- unify(xTail, yTail, headBindings)
} yield tailBindings
// Anything else requires equality to unify
case _ =>
if (finalA == finalB) Some(bindings)
else None
* A Goal is an operation than can either succeed or fail, and it generates a
* group of new Bindings if it succeeds.
sealed trait Goal {
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings]
def suspend = SuspendedGoal(this)
def and(other: Goal) = Conjunction(this, other)
def or(other: Goal) = Disjunction(this, other)
def negate = Negate(this)
* AlwaysG always succeeds.
case object SuccessG extends Goal {
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings] =
new MatureStream(bindings, () => EmptyLazyStream)
* FailG always fails.
case object FailG extends Goal {
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings] =
* A SuspendedGoal is a Goal which is wraps the Goal in an ImmatureStream, to
* prevent it from being evaluated immediately. This is necessary for goals
* which are recursive.
* See also: Goal.suspend
case class SuspendedGoal(goal: Goal) extends Goal {
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings] =
new ImmatureStream(() => goal.attempt(bindings))
* Unify succeeds if the two terms unify, and fails if they do not.
case class Unify(a: Term, b: Term) extends Goal {
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings] =
unify(a, b, bindings) match {
case Some(newBindings) => new MatureStream(newBindings, () => EmptyLazyStream)
case None => EmptyLazyStream
* Fresh generates a new logic variable, and applies it to a function which
* returns a Goal. It then executes this Goal.
case class Fresh(fn: Var => Goal) extends Goal {
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings] = {
val fresh = new Var
* Disjunction tries each Goal, and succeeds as long as one of them does.
* See also: Goal.or
case class Disjunction(goals: Goal*) extends Goal {
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings] = {
val bindingStreams =
* Conjunction only succeeds if all of its Goals succeed.
* See also: Goal.and
case class Conjunction(goals: Goal*) extends Goal {
* It is easier to deal with Conjunction if we can reduce the Conjunction
* down into simpler cases, since it allows a more natural use of recursion.
* In fact, microKanren defines them in exactly this way. I implemented
* Goal.and later, which is why I decided to make both Disjunction and
* Conjunction n-ary rather than binary goals.
trait Junction
case class Bijunction(a: Goal, b: Junction) extends Junction
case object EmptyJunction extends Junction
* Converts a group of Goals into a binary tree of Goals and Junctions.
private def toJunction(goals: List[Goal]): Junction =
goals match {
case head :: rest => Bijunction(head, toJunction(rest))
case Nil => EmptyJunction
private val goalJunctions = toJunction(goals.toList)
private def attemptJunction(
bindStream: LazyStream[Bindings], junction: Junction): LazyStream[Bindings] =
junction match {
case Bijunction(head, tail) =>
val headStream = bindStream.flatMap(head.attempt(_))
attemptJunction(headStream, tail)
case EmptyJunction => bindStream
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings] =
attemptJunction(new MatureStream(bindings, () => EmptyLazyStream),
* Negation is used to ensure that a Goal fails, rather than succeeds.
* Note, however, that this is more "imperative" than the rest of this language.
* You cannot, for example, discern all immortal beings this way:
* {{{
* val isMortal = (thing: Term) => ...
* val isImmortal = (thing: Term) => isMortal(thing).negate
* }}}
* The reason for this is simple - in order to do this, you'd have to have some
* representation of "all possible things" so that you could subtract the chunk
* that are satisfied by isMortal. The problem, then, is that there is no such
* "group of all possible things" - there are an infinite number of them!
* Negation can only be used to test a given thing - you can't use it for
* unification, since it doesn't produce useful results outside of a "this thing
* is false" or "this thing is true."
* See also: Goal.negate
case class Negate(goal: Goal) extends Goal {
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings] = {
val forcedResult = goal.attempt(bindings).force
if (forcedResult.isEmpty) new MatureStream(bindings, () => EmptyLazyStream)
else EmptyLazyStream
* This starts executing a Goal, returning a Stream of answers.
def run(goal: Goal, bindings: Bindings = Map()) = {
val result = goal.attempt(bindings)
* Like run(), but it constrains the output and reifies it.
def reifyRun(goal: Goal, bindings: Bindings = Map(), max: Int = 0) = {
val result = run(goal, bindings)
if (max == 0) reifyBinds(result)
else reifyBinds(result.take(max))
/**************** RELATIONS ****************/
* Relations are a group of fixed facts, which may need to be consulted in
* order to compute a relation.
* Note that the simpler microKanren method would be to do this:
* {{{
* val isMan = Fresh { thing => Term
* Unify(thing, "Socrates") or
* Unify(thing, "Martin Odersky")
* }
* }}}
* However, this isn't extensible - I want to be able to declare facts, and
* add to them rather than encode them in this way. Using relations, I can do
* this:
* {{{
* val man = new UnaryRelation
* man += "Socrates"
* man += "Martin Odersky"
* val isMan = (thing: Term) => man(thing)
* }}}
* This is capable of servicing all n-ary relations, by unifying each member of
* the relation against its input.
* See also: UnaryRelation, BinaryRelation, TrinaryRelation
case class RelationUnifier(terms: List[Term], facts: List[List[Term]]) extends Goal {
val termsCons = listToCons(terms)
def attempt(bindings: Bindings): LazyStream[Bindings] =
unifyRecursively(bindings, facts)
private def unifyRecursively(bindings: Bindings, facts: List[List[Term]]): LazyStream[Bindings] =
facts match {
case head :: tail =>
val factCons = listToCons(head)
val unifyTail = () => unifyRecursively(bindings, tail)
unify(termsCons, factCons, bindings) match {
case Some(newBindings) => new MatureStream(newBindings, unifyTail)
case None => new ImmatureStream(unifyTail)
case Nil =>
* A relation over a single value.
class UnaryRelation extends (Term => Goal) {
private val values = HashSet[Term]()
override def toString = s"Relation[1]:\n - ${values.mkString("\n - ")}"
* Adds a fact to this relation - a fact is simply an assertion that the
* given element participates in this relation. Note that we operate under
* the closed-world assumption - if the relation doesn't include X, then
* the relation doesn't apply to X.
def +=(a: Term) = values += a
* This unifies the given term against each member of the relations, by
* using RelationUnifier to do the heavy lifting.
def apply(a: Term): Goal =
* A relation over two values.
class BinaryRelation extends ((Term, Term) => Goal) {
private val values = HashSet[(Term, Term)]()
override def toString = s"Relation[2]:\n - ${values.mkString("\n - ")}"
def +=(a: Term, b: Term) = values += ((a, b))
def apply(a: Term, b: Term): Goal =
RelationUnifier(List(a, b), { case (x, y) => List(x, y) })
* A relation over three values.
class TernaryRelation extends ((Term, Term, Term) => Goal) {
private val values = HashSet[(Term, Term, Term)]()
override def toString = s"Relation[3]:\n - ${values.mkString("\n - ")}"
def +=(a: Term, b: Term, c: Term) = values += ((a, b, c))
def apply(a: Term, b: Term, c: Term): Goal =
RelationUnifier(List(a, b, c), { case (x, y, z) => List(x, y, z) })
/**************** TEST ****************/
* A small twist on the standard "Socrates is mortal" syllogism.
* The one thing this doesn't test is recursive relations like:
* {{{
* val fives = (thing: Term) =>
* Unify(thing, 5) or Fresh(fives).suspend
* run(Fresh(fives))
* }}}
* This should produce an infinite stream of fives. I've tested such
* constructions (they were an integral part in getting some parts
* correct), and they should work.
val dragon = new UnaryRelation
dragon += "Numinex"
dragon += "Alduin"
dragon += "Dovahkiin" // Meh. It ensures that conjugation works.
val man = new UnaryRelation
man += "Socrates"
man += "Martin Odersky"
man += "Dovahkiin"
val explicitlyMortal = new UnaryRelation
explicitlyMortal += "Spongebob Squarepants" // Probably true.
// A thing is mortal iif:
// - It is a man, and not a dragon.
// - It is given as explicitly mortal.
val isMortal = (thing: Term) =>
(man(thing) and dragon(thing).negate) or explicitlyMortal(thing)
println(s"All Mortals: ${reifyRun(Fresh(isMortal))}")
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