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Created January 16, 2017 17:02
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Proxy to reproject luref geojson from
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
from flask import Response
import json
from pyproj import Proj
from pyproj import transform
import requests
app = Flask(__name__)
LUREF = Proj("+init=EPSG:2169")
WGS84 = Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84')
def __reproject(_p):
ll = transform(LUREF, WGS84, _p[0], _p[1])
return [round(ll[0], 7), round(ll[1], 7)] # 7 decimals
def reproject(target_url):
geojson_object = requests.get(target_url).json()
geojson_object.pop("crs", None) # drop crs object
for f in geojson_object['features']:
f.pop("bbox", None) # drop bbox object
if f["geometry"]["type"] == "Point":
if f["geometry"]["coordinates"][0] < 1000:
continue # Probably not LUREF
p = f["geometry"]["coordinates"]
p = __reproject(p)
elif f["geometry"]["type"] == "Polygon":
if f["geometry"]["coordinates"][0][0][0] < 1000:
continue # Probably not LUREF
for r in f["geometry"]["coordinates"]:
for p in r:
p = __reproject(p)
if f["geometry"]["coordinates"][0][0] < 1000:
continue # Probably not LUREF
for p in f["geometry"]["coordinates"]:
p = __reproject(p)
return geojson_object
def catch_all(path):
# Target URL is everything after the url root
target_url = request.url[len(request.url_root):]
resp = Response(response=json.dumps(reproject(target_url)),
status=200, mimetype="application/json")
resp.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
return resp
def favicon():
return Response(response="404 not found", status=404)
def hello():
vdl = ""
catalogjson = requests.get(vdl + "?describe=1").json()
catalog = [
'<li><a href="/{vdl}?cat={id}">{name}</a></li>'
.format(vdl, id=item["id"], name=item["i18n"]["fr"]["name"])
for item in sorted(
catalogjson["data"], key=lambda k: k['i18n']['fr']['name']
return """<!doctype html><html><head>
<title>LUREF to WGS84 GeoJSON converter</title>
<h2>LUREF to WGS84 GeoJSON converter microservice</h2>
<p>Translates GeoJSON URL from LUREF to WGS84.</p>
<h4>What do I do with this?</h4>
<pThe output is valid WGS84 geojson, which you can easily
<a href="">
display on a map</a></p>
<h4>Extra features</h4>
<ul><li>Deletes redundant VdL 'crs' and 'bbox' objects</li>
<li>Sanity check, if X < 1000 it's probably not LUREF because
that point is way outside of Luxembourg, and we won't convert it.
<h4>Examples to try</h4>
<p>The <a
City of Luxembourg</a> publishes data in LUREF:</p>
<p><emph>Mat <span style="color:red">♥</span> codéiert. Hat tip:
<a href="">@jaykayone</a>.
if __name__ == '__main__':
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