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Created April 6, 2018 13:41
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Guillaume Rischard 2016
import psycopg2
import json
from clint import arguments
from clint.textui import colored, progress
PATH = "./streetlist/"
'similar': """select array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(data)))::text
from (
select distance, name_cadastre, name_osm from
(select *, rank() over (partition by cl.commune,cl.name_cadastre order by cl.distance) as rank from
(select distinct c.commune, c.rue as name_cadastre, o.rue as name_osm, levenshtein(o.rue, c.rue) as distance from
(select commune,rue from road_names_cad except select commune,rue from road_names_osm) c,
(select commune,rue from road_names_osm except select commune,rue from road_names_cad) o
WHERE o.commune = c.commune
AND levenshtein(o.rue, c.rue) <4
AND c.commune = %s
) cl) s
where s.rank=1 order by s.name_cadastre
) data;""",
'missing': """select array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(data)))::text
from (select r.village, r.rue from road_names_cad r,
(select commune,rue from road_names_cad except select commune,rue from road_names_osm)
SELECT c.commune, c.rue FROM
(select commune,rue from road_names_cad except select commune,rue from road_names_osm) c,
(select commune,rue from road_names_osm except select commune,rue from road_names_cad) o
WHERE o.commune = c.commune
AND levenshtein(o.rue, c.rue) < 4
) cad
WHERE r.commune = cad.commune
AND cad.commune = %s
AND cad.rue = r.rue
group by r.village,r.rue
order by r.village,r.rue) data;
'extra': """select array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(data)))::text
from (select r.rue from road_names_osm r,
(select commune,rue from road_names_osm except select commune,rue from road_names_cad)
SELECT c.commune, c.rue FROM
(select commune,rue from road_names_cad except select commune,rue from road_names_osm) o,
(select commune,rue from road_names_osm except select commune,rue from road_names_cad) c
WHERE o.commune = c.commune
AND levenshtein(o.rue, c.rue) < 4
) osm
WHERE r.commune = osm.commune
AND osm.commune = %s
AND osm.rue = r.rue
group by r.rue
order by r.rue) data;
def main():
debug = False
args = arguments.Args()
if args.get(0) == "-d":
debug = True
print(colored.yellow("DEBUG turned on"))
# Try to connect
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='gis'")
except Exception as exc:
print("DEBUG: I am unable to connect to the database: ", exc.args[0]))
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("""select distinct commune from road_names_cad order by commune;""")
except Exception as exc:
print("DEBUG: I can't SELECT the communes: ", exc.args[0]))
communes = cur.fetchall()
if len(communes) != 106:
if debug:
print("DEBUG: Got the wrong number of communes! Expected 106 rows, got {}".format(len(communes))))
if debug:
print("DEBUG: Got {} communes! Progress:".format(len(communes))))
# Get the json for all communes
for commune in[communelist[0] for communelist in communes], label="Communes handled ", expected_size=105, width=105):
if debug:
print("DEBUG: "+commune))
for queryname, query in QUERIES.items():
if debug:
print("DEBUG: {} {}".format(queryname, commune)))
cur.execute(query, [commune])
except Exception as exc:
print("DEBUG: I can't retrieve {} for {}! ".format(queryname, commune), exc.args[0])
myjson = str(cur.fetchall()[0][0])
if myjson != 'None':
if debug:
# print myjson
# pretty print
myjson = json.dumps(json.loads(myjson), indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(',', ': '))
if debug:
print(colored.yellow("DEBUG: 0 results for {} query in {}".format(queryname, commune)))
myjson = "{}"
with open(PATH+queryname+"/"+commune.replace("/", "-sur-", 1)+".json", "w") as out_file:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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