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Last active February 28, 2024 13:50
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Parsing arithmetic expressions written in Russian
#include <boost/parser/parser.hpp>
#include <boost/parser/transcode_view.hpp>
#include <boost/variant2/variant.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace bp = boost::parser;
enum class gender { masculine, feminine, any };
enum class plurality { one, few, many };
enum class operation { addition, subtraction, multiplication, division };
namespace actions {
bool check_plurality(std::int64_t n, plurality expected)
if (n < 0) { n = -n; }
plurality pl = plurality::many;
if (n == 0) {
// do nothing
} else if ((n % 10 == 1) && (n % 100 != 11)) {
pl = plurality::one;
} else if (n < 5 || ((n % 10 < 5) && (n % 100 > 20))) {
pl = plurality::few;
return pl == expected;
constexpr auto make_gendered = [](auto const& attrs) {
using std::get;
auto result = std::pair(0u, gender::any);
if (0 == attrs.index()) {
result = get<0>(attrs);
} else {
result.first = get<1>(attrs);
return result;
constexpr auto tys = [](auto const& attrs) {
using namespace bp::literals;
auto result = std::pair(0u, gender::any);
if (auto&& if_v2 = attrs[1_c]) {
result = *if_v2;
result.first += attrs[0_c];
} else {
result.first = attrs[0_c];
return result;
constexpr auto multiplier = [](auto const& attrs) {
using namespace bp::literals;
using std::get;
auto result = std::pair(0u, gender::any);
if (1 == attrs.index()) {
result = get<1>(attrs);
} else {
auto const& val = get<0>(attrs);
if (auto&& if_v2 = val[1_c]) { result = *if_v2; }
result.first += val[0_c];
return result;
constexpr auto push_thousand = [](auto const& ctx) -> void {
using namespace bp::literals;
using std::get;
auto& attrs = _attr(ctx);
auto& locals = _locals(ctx);
auto multiplier = std::pair(1u, gender::any);
if (auto&& if_v1 = attrs[0_c]) { multiplier = *if_v1; }
auto&& v2 = attrs[1_c];
auto const base = get<0>(v2);
gender const g = multiplier.second;
if (
(locals.second && locals.second <= base)
|| !check_plurality(multiplier.first, get<2>(v2))
|| ((g != get<1>(v2)) && (g != gender::any))) {
_pass(ctx) = false;
locals.first += multiplier.first * base;
locals.second = base;
constexpr auto return_thousands
= [](auto const& ctx) -> void { _val(ctx) = _locals(ctx).first; };
constexpr auto hundreds = [](auto const& ctx) -> void {
auto const& attr = _attr(ctx);
_pass(ctx) = attr.second != gender::feminine;
_val(ctx) = attr.first;
constexpr auto numeral = [](auto const& attrs) {
using namespace bp::literals;
using std::get;
if (1 == attrs.index()) { return get<1>(attrs); }
auto const& v0 = get<0>(attrs);
auto const v1 = v0[0_c];
if (auto const& if_v2 = v0[1_c]) { return v1 + *if_v2; }
return v1;
constexpr auto init = [](auto& ctx) -> void { _locals(ctx) = _attr(ctx); };
constexpr auto operation = [](auto& ctx) -> void {
using namespace bp::literals;
auto const& attrs = _attr(ctx);
auto const v = attrs[1_c];
switch (attrs[0_c]) {
case operation::addition: _locals(ctx) += v; break;
case operation::subtraction: _locals(ctx) -= v; break;
case operation::multiplication: _locals(ctx) *= v; break;
case operation::division: _locals(ctx) /= v; break;
default: assert(false);
constexpr auto return_locals
= [](auto const& ctx) -> void { _val(ctx) = _locals(ctx); };
constexpr auto negation = [](auto const& attr) { return -attr; };
} // namespace actions
namespace rules {
bp::symbols<std::pair<unsigned, gender>> const one_two = {
{"один", {1, gender::masculine}},
{"одна", {1, gender::feminine}},
{"два", {2, gender::masculine}},
{"две", {2, gender::feminine}},
bp::symbols<unsigned> const ones_symb = {
{"три", 3},
{"четыре", 4},
{"пять", 5},
{"шесть", 6},
{"семь", 7},
{"восемь", 8},
{"девять", 9}};
bp::symbols<unsigned> const teens = {
{"десять", 10},
{"одиннадцать", 11},
{"двенадцать", 12},
{"тринадцать", 13},
{"четырнадцать", 14},
{"пятнадцать", 15},
{"шестнадцать", 16},
{"семнадцать", 17},
{"восемнадцать", 18},
{"девятнадцать", 19},
bp::symbols<unsigned> const tys_symb = {
{"двадцать", 20},
{"тридцать", 30},
{"сорок", 40},
{"пятьдесят", 50},
{"шестьдесят", 60},
{"семьдесят", 70},
{"восемьдесят", 80},
{"девяносто", 90},
bp::symbols<unsigned> const hundreds_symb = {
{"сто", 100},
{"двести", 200},
{"триста", 300},
{"четыреста", 400},
{"пятьсот", 500},
{"шестьсот", 600},
{"семьсот", 700},
{"восемьсот", 800},
{"девятьсот", 900},
bp::symbols<std::tuple<unsigned, gender, plurality>> const thousands_symb = {
{"тысяча", {1000, gender::feminine, plurality::one}},
{"тысячи", {1000, gender::feminine, plurality::few}},
{"тысяч", {1000, gender::feminine, plurality::many}},
bp::symbols<std::tuple<unsigned, gender, plurality>> const millions_symb = {
{"миллион", {1000'000, gender::masculine, plurality::one}},
{"миллиона", {1000'000, gender::masculine, plurality::few}},
{"миллионов", {1000'000, gender::masculine, plurality::many}},
bp::symbols<std::tuple<unsigned, gender, plurality>> const billions_symb = {
{"миллиард", {1000'000'000, gender::masculine, plurality::one}},
{"миллиарда", {1000'000'000, gender::masculine, plurality::few}},
{"миллиардов", {1000'000'000, gender::masculine, plurality::many}},
bp::symbols<operation> const addition_op
= {{"плюс", operation::addition}, {"минус", operation::subtraction}};
bp::symbols<operation> const multiplication_op = {
{"умножить", operation::multiplication}, {"разделить", operation::division}};
constexpr bp::rule<struct numeral, std::int64_t> numeral = "numeral";
constexpr bp::rule<struct ones, std::pair<std::int64_t, gender>> ones = "ones";
constexpr bp::rule<struct tens, std::pair<std::int64_t, gender>> tens = "tens";
constexpr bp::rule<struct tys, std::pair<std::int64_t, gender>> tys = "tys";
constexpr bp::rule<struct multiplier, std::pair<std::int64_t, gender>>
multiplier = "multiplier";
constexpr bp::rule<struct hundreds, std::int64_t> hundreds = "hundreds";
constexpr bp::
rule<struct thousands, std::int64_t, std::pair<std::int64_t, unsigned>>
thousands = "thousands";
constexpr bp::rule<struct expression, std::int64_t, std::int64_t> expression
= "expession";
constexpr bp::rule<struct term, std::int64_t, std::int64_t> term = "term";
constexpr bp::rule<struct factor, std::int64_t> factor = "factor";
constexpr bp::rule<struct negation, std::int64_t> negation = "negation";
constexpr bp::rule<struct group, std::int64_t> group = "group";
// clang-format off
auto const numeral_def
= ((thousands >> -hundreds) | hundreds)[actions::numeral];
auto const thousands_def
= (+(-multiplier >> (thousands_symb | millions_symb | billions_symb))[actions::push_thousand])
auto const hundreds_def = multiplier[actions::hundreds];
auto const multiplier_def
= ((hundreds_symb >> -tens) | tens)[actions::multiplier];
auto const tens_def = (tys | teens | ones)[actions::make_gendered];
auto const tys_def = (tys_symb >> -ones)[actions::tys];
auto const ones_def = (one_two | ones_symb)[actions::make_gendered];
auto const expression_def
= (term[actions::init] >> *((addition_op >> term)[actions::operation]))
auto const term_def
= (factor[actions::init]
>> *((multiplication_op >> "на" >> factor)[actions::operation]))
auto const factor_def = numeral | negation | group;
auto const group_def = '(' > expression > ')';
auto const negation_def = ("минус" >> (numeral | group))[actions::negation];
// clang-format on
} // namespace rules
int main()
std::string input;
std::getline(std::cin, input);
auto const result
= bp::parse(input | bp::as_utf8, bp::no_case[rules::expression], bp::ws);
// auto const result = bp::parse(
// input | bp::as_utf8,
// bp::no_case[rules::expression],
// bp::ws,
// bp::trace::on);
if (result) {
std::cout << *result << "\n";
} else {
std::cerr << "Ошибка\n";
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