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Last active April 29, 2021 22:56
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- Double precision physics engine to improve physics and FFB on large tracks;
- New Origin Shift feature in Graphics Adjustments, fixing visual shaking on large tracks;
- New generic configs affecting all cars and tracks;
- Major rewrite of advanced culling to improve its performance;
- DXGI tweaks got a few more options (unrelated to flip model):
- Use GPU based on selected screen in AC video settings;
- True borderless mode;
- Triple buffering and custom maximum frame latency;
- Option for SIMD-accelerated visibility culling for tracks;
- Option to disable audio if AC is minimized or in background;
- Smart mirror: option to override mirrors rendering distance;
- Radar app: settings for colors, updated look;
- Loading smoothness and informativeness greatly improved, thanks to new built-in loading profiler;
- Loading should be faster now, with option to speed it up further with caching (enabled by default);
- VAO darkness fixed with dynamically adjustable gamma;
- Reworked crash messages, now with additional checks and tips;
- Crash reports include CSP settings preset;
- Sound speed takes temperature and other stuff into account;
- GUI: optional warning for throttle and brake pedals overlap;
- Custom colors online now saved across sessions;
- Option for adaptive near clip plane to improve the look with camera far away from cars and track;
- Custom VR mirroring: new modes showing right eye only and showing both eyes without distortion;
- Teleporting destinations list is more compact, supports grouping and can filter points;
- Post-processing refraction improved;
- Broken glass shader reworked once more;
- AI-related crashes on tracks without properly recorded AI splines should be fixed (they would just stand there);
- Online: admins now can assign penalties manually (needs a server requiring 1476 CSP build or newer);
- Car height map is used now to determine if free camera is inside a car;
- Other cars lighting up your car from behind now produce extra light from rear view mirror;
- New shader for heads of drivers (only non-skinned version at the moment) for more dynamic look;
- Doors animation and pit crew person with sign pauses with AC;
- Fake ambient shadows for tracks set via config, to add some darkening under those stationary cars;
- Small tweaks: option to adjust distance between eyes for VR just in case;
- Few small optimizations.
- Crashes on certain tracks fixed;
- Option for smoother loading shouldn’t make it longer now, occasional crashes on loading fixed;
- “Show on screen” now works properly, including negative coordinates or fullscreen;
- Non-mirrory mirrors on other cars fixed;
- Reflection cubemap messing up rendering order and causing some meshes to not be visible fixed;
- Pinned app are no longer resizable;
- Changed general settings during the race now won’t trigger full CSP reload;
- WeatherFX: cloud shadows and cloud rendering fixed;
- Navigators occasionally showing random mess on map fixed, also now work without GUI module enabled;
- Major performance issue appearing on some GPUs as a strange FPS limiter fixed;
- Crashes with car instruments module disabled fixed;
- Heating effect not working properly without bounced light enabled fixed;
- Meshes on distant cars disappearing too early fixed;
- TyresFX now works in mirrors properly;
- PBR shader with clear coat: dynamic lights fixed;
- Exterior glancing head trajectory fixed to avoid clipping through the roof in some cars;
- Accessible color now uses 32 bpp instead of 64 to help with performance;
- Forced throttle and neutral gear button for keyboard input mode fixed;
- Fireworks audio and visual fixed, now reflecting in cubemaps;
- Arcade brake light traces: improved look, blending and behavior, optional position and size;
- Crash with mouse steering on certain tracks with very short AI spline fixed;
- Mirrors breaking and cockit switching to LR version with F6 cameras when other cars are close fixed;
- TyresFX no longer breaks after session restart;
- Inverted reflections (for example, causing black blobs on some tyres at night) fixed;
- Disabled “Load car names from JSON” now affects new loading screen as well;
- Brightness for local car cubemaps adjusted, template config fixed;
- Local track cubemaps optimized;
- Optional FFB fading in during loading is improved;
- Issue with motion blur messing up blurred rims on switching fixed;
- Objects inspector: click position fixed;
- Better support for user profiles with non-latin symbols;
- Shadow casting based on LODs now works with cars with fewer than four LODs, as long as last doesn’t have too many triangles;
- Certain shaders not casting shadows with alpha blending mode fixed;
- Deactivation of sun shadows occasionally malfunctioning is fixed;
- Accumulation screenshots:
- Cockpit details fixed, other smaller fixes;
- Pressing Escape while previewing a shot in replays would no longer close AC;
- Wipers in replays fixed;
- AC would no longer crash if wheel or suspension nodes in car model are missing;
- Sparks and other particles colliding with car fixed, no longer getting removed below side mirrors;
- Blurred rims shouldn’t look as bad with TAA enabled anymore;
- VAO messing up exterior brightness with some cars fixed;
- New driver tags don’t get stretched in VR;
- Reflections intensity falloff for regular materials fixed once more, this time should work for all combinations of fresnelC/fresnelMaxLevel (mirrors were affected too);
- Bounced light flickering around some cars fixed;
- Custom VR mirroring: blurred background fixed;
- Animated turn signals fixed;
- Timezones fixed once more;
- Optional automatic fix for controls order is more reliable, shouldn’t crash in those certain cases;
- Dynamic textures no longer update if game is paused;
- Static reflections no longer include dynamic lights meant for other things;
- Dynamic shadows flickering on and off fixed;
- Few smaller fixes.
For new content and configs:
- TyresFX: specify tyres pattern for certain tyre types in config;
- Extended physics for cars:
- Option to use real mass online to improve collisions for heavy cars;
- Options to redefine collision parameters;
- Extended physics for tracks:
- Option to use real mass for cars online;
- Options to redefine collision parameters for different surfaces;
- Option to use rigid collision between surface and car mesh colliders, to try and prevent cars falling through in some extreme cases;
- Extended raytracing for advanced tyre collision detection uses fewer samples to speed things up;
- INIpp: includes now can be optional, with expressions for file names, new functions to access and modify stuff that’s already been parsed;
- New inputs for `read()` for car and track configs;
- New parameter `SHOW_IN_REFLECTIONS` for track lights (please use it carefully, by default only lights with range above 10 meters is included to speed things up);
- New filter keywords: `insideWheel`, `insideSuspension` for nodes, `driverPiece`, `isTextureDefault:<texture name>` for materials;
- Car lights: tint for high and low beams;
- Car lights and custom emissives: separate lag up/down, custom heating color and other parameters;
- Setting `set observeDigital 1` shouldn’t crash AC now;
- Car debug app now shows aero fan forces;
- Optional higher tessellation rate for flags, with tessellation applied to shadows as well;
- New semi-transparent shadows mode: NORMALS, taking into account surface to attenuate sun light for grazing angles, great for bent glass;
- CSP renders car window meshes late to ensure correct visuals: filter for such meshes now can be changed to include custom banners and such;
- Objects Inspector app:
- Select skinned meshes;
- Surface normal in click point is shown now as well;
- Extra tool to simplify creation of fake ambient shadows for tracks (click button “…” when nothing is selected);
- Photoelastic PBR glass now supports multi-emissives as well.
For new apps and scripts:
- Python function `ac.ext_loadIniFileAsJson()` fixed, `ac.ext_parseIniFileToJson()` renamed to `ac.ext_parseIniAsJson()` (old name also works for compatibility);
- New Python and Lua functions to get track’s coordinates, timezone and to check if WeatherFX is active or not;
- New Lua functions: `ac.getSoundSpeedMs()` to get accurate sound speed, `ac.getAudioVolume('key')` to get audio volume level;
- New WeatherFX Lua function: `ac.setVAOExponent(gamma)` to set gamma for vertex AO;
- Lua audio events got a new pitch parameter;
- Lua Debug App updated: copyable stored and debug values, clickable files in error messages (opening file at correct line for supported editors);
- Standart Lua libraries now shipped in bytecode form to optimize loading.
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Hi Ilya,
Impressive !
Just a question for running on large screen TV (Samsung) with upscaling for 3 D.
Do You have any suggestions for settings to improve 3D (is with glasses).

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