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Created July 21, 2015 11:43
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def SpecGen(self, filepath):
Code to generate spectrogram adapted from code posted on by Ken Schutte (
sr, x =
## Parameters
nstep = int(sr * self.specNStepMod)
nwin = int(sr * self.specNWinMod)
nfft = nwin
# Get all windows of x with length n as a single array, using strides to avoid data duplication
#shape = (nfft, len(range(nfft, len(x), nstep)))
shape = (nfft, ((x.shape[0] - nfft - 1)/nstep)+1)
strides = (x.itemsize, nstep*x.itemsize)
x_wins = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(x, shape=shape, strides=strides)
# Apply hamming window
x_wins_ham = np.hamming(x_wins.shape[0])[..., np.newaxis] * x_wins
# compute fft
fft_mat = np.fft.fft(x_wins_ham, n=nfft, axis=0)[:(nfft/2), :]
# log magnitude
fft_mat_lm = np.log(np.abs(fft_mat))
return fft_mat_lm.T
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