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Created September 28, 2011 13:36
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class assignment 2 - mostly about loops and stuff
* Write a program that estimates the inflation rate for the past year. The program prompts the user for
* the current and last year prices of a representative item (e.g., milk, bread, etc.). It then calculates and
* prints the inflation rate (as a percent value) by analyzing the price difference. In addition, the program
* prints out an estimate, based on the calculated inflation rate, of the price of the item one and two years
* hence. Your program should allow the user to repeat the estimation as often as the user wishes. Use
* functions to calculate the inflation rate and the price estimation.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
currPrice = 0,
prevPrice = 0,
currInflation = 0,
avrgInflation = 0;
for (float i = 1; true; i++) {
// get input
cout << "enter the price of an item last year, followed by its price this year. Enter 0 for either value to quit: ";
cin >> prevPrice;
if(!prevPrice){ return 0; }
cin >> currPrice;
if(!currPrice){ return 0; }
//calc current Inflation change
currInflation = currPrice / prevPrice; // to get the change in percent
// output the estimated price based on the inflation for that item
printf("Based on an inflation rate of %.2f%, the price next year will be $%.2f and the price in two years will be $%.2f\n",
(currInflation - 1) * 100, currPrice * currInflation, currPrice * currInflation * currInflation
// calculate running average of inflation values (just for fun)
avrgInflation = (avrgInflation * ( ( i - 1) / i ) ) + (currInflation / i);
// if this is not the first iteration, output the new values based on the average inflation rate
if(i > 1){
printf("Based on an average inflation rate of %.2f%%, the price next year will be $%.2f and the price in two years will be $%.2f\n",
(avrgInflation - 1) * 100,
currPrice * avrgInflation,
currPrice * avrgInflation * avrgInflation
// output a blank line to make it look nice
cout << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
bool isPerfect(int n){
int ub = (int) ceil(sqrt(n));
int sum = 1;
for (int i = 2; i < ub; ++i) {
if(n % i == 0){
sum += i;
sum += (n/i);
if(ub*ub == n){
sum += ub;
return n == sum;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
using namespace std;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
cout << i << endl;
return 0;
* Write a program that inputs a lower and an upper range and then finds and prints all prime numbers in
* that range. A prime number is a number such that one and itself are the only numbers that evenly
* divide it. For example for the range [3, 20] the program should output the following: 3, 5 , 7 , 11, 13,
* 17, 19.
* For this task I'll use the "Sieve of Eratosthenes" to calculate the primes
* it is fairly straight forward and is explained below.
* input is given via command line arguments, their order does not matter
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
// has to be declared as int not void or else compiler complains when used in the short circuit below
// ("void value not ignored as it ought to be")
int die(const char * message){
return 0; // will never get here, but needs a return val
// with some help from
void swap(int *a, int *b){
int c = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = c;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
// short circuits!
argc == 3 or die("expecting exactly 2 arguments (upper and lower bounds).");
int lowerBound, upperBound;
lowerBound = atoi(argv[1]);
upperBound = atoi(argv[2]);
// eliminate any human error in reversing the arguments
if (lowerBound > upperBound) swap(&upperBound, &lowerBound);
// to calculate all the primes we will use the Sieve of Eratosthenes
// ( )
// unfortunately this requires getting all primes from 2 to max
// this is really inefficient if the lower and upper bounds are both
// really high, for example [10000,10020], but in most normal
// cases I think it should be the best approach. I'm sure there's
// some good way to figure out the optimal method for a given range,
// but I'm not too concerned about that.
int range[upperBound - 1];
// fill the sieve with all ints from 2 to upperBound
for(int i = 0; i < (upperBound - 1); ++i){
range[i] = i + 2;
// this boolean keeps track of whether we've printed any prime to the
// screen yet, so that the formatting ends up being nice, and there is
// no trailing ", "
bool haventPrintedYet = true;
for(int i = 0; i < (upperBound - 1); ++i){
// if the current entry is not 0, it means it is prime
// so we set up some temp variables and then loop through, filtering out
// every number in the range that is a multiple of the number we have now
int p = range[i];
int j = i + p;
while(j < (upperBound - 1)){
range[j] = 0;
j += p;
// as explained above, make sure the formatting is good.
if(p >= lowerBound){
printf(haventPrintedYet ? "[ %d" : ", %d", p);
haventPrintedYet = false;
puts(" ]");
return 0;
* A newly installed vending machine sells DVDs for $15. Inside every DVD is a coupon. 6 coupons
* are needed to get one DVD for free. Write a program that inputs the number of dollars and outputs
* how many DVDs a customer can collect after spending all cash money and redeeming as many
* coupons as possible. The program should also output the number of leftover coupons.
* For example, if customer “John” has 500 dollars then he can initially buy 33 DVDs. This gives him
* 33 coupons. He can redeem 30 coupons for 5 additional DVDs. These 5 additional DVDs have 5
* more coupons, so we now have a total of 8 coupons when added to the 3 remaining coupons from the
* original purchase. This gives John enough to redeem one final DVD. As a result John has received
* 39 DVDs and still has 3 leftover coupons.
* First the basics:
* inputs:
* dollars
* outputs:
* number of DVDs
* Algorithm:
* - first step is to get the initial number of DVDs based on the dollar amount
* - after this is done we need to iteratively calculate how many DVDs can
* be purchased using tokens
* - each iteration we spend coupons and get back a smaller number of coupons and some DVDs
* - we repeat this until we can no longer buy any DVDs with the number of coupons we have.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
const float DOLLAR_COST_OF_DVD = 15.00;
const int COUPON_COST_OF_DVD = 6;
float inputAmount;
DVDs = 0,
coupons = 0;
// get input from the user
cout << "enter the amount of money to be spent: ";
cin >> inputAmount;
// calc the initial number of DVDs purchased / coupons obtained
DVDs = (int)floor(inputAmount / DOLLAR_COST_OF_DVD);
coupons = DVDs;
int newDVDs = 0;
while(coupons >= COUPON_COST_OF_DVD){
newDVDs = coupons / COUPON_COST_OF_DVD; // this works because int division is truncated towards zero, not rounded
coupons = coupons % COUPON_COST_OF_DVD; // the coupons that remain is the remainder of the int division
coupons += newDVDs;
DVDs += newDVDs;
printf("with $%.2f you can buy %d DVDs. You will have %d coupons left over\n", inputAmount, DVDs, coupons);
return 0;
* During winter, meteorologists often report the so-called wind chill factor, which takes into account the
* wind speed in addition to the temperature. The wind chill factor for a given temperature (in
* Celsius) and wind speed may be approximated by the following formula:
* w = (9/200)(5.27sqrt(v) + 10.45 - 0.28v)(t - 33) + 33
* where
* v = wind speed in m/sec
* t = temperature in degrees Celsius: t <= 10
* w = wind chill index (in degrees Celsius)
* Write a program that prompts the user for the current temperature and wind speed and then outputs the
* corresponding wind chill index. Note that the user should be given the choice between entering the
* temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Use functions for the wind chill calculation and the conversion
* between Celsius and Fahrenheit (and vice versa). Your code should ensure that restrictions on the
* temperature for calculating the wind chill are not violated.
* Gordon Bailey for Dr. Daniel Sinnig's COEN 243, fall 2011
#include <math.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
float windchill(float v, float t)
printf("windspeed: %.2f temp: %.2f\n\n", v, t);
return (9.0/200.0)*((5.27*sqrt(v)) + 10.45 - (0.28*v))*(t - 33.0) + 33.0;
float farenheitToCelsius(float f){
return 0.5555555555555555*(f-32);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
float windspeed, temperature; // (temperature in C)
string tempStr;
// get inputs from user
cout << "enter the wind speed (in metres / second): ";
cin >> windspeed;
cout << "enter the temperature (add a C or F suffix to specify units, Celcius is default): ";
cin >> tempStr;
// calculate temperature based on input value and unit
// accepted temperatures are in the format "x", "xc", "xC", "xf", "xF"
// where x is a numerical string, e.g "1", "2.34", "-5.67"
// first we find the first occurence of any of the characters that
// represents a unit. The default unit is 'c'.
size_t pos = tempStr.find_first_of("fFcC");
char unit = 'c';
// if we could find a unit character then we extract it and then take the
// substring up to, but not including, that character
if (pos != string::npos){
unit = tempStr[pos];
tempStr = tempStr.substr(0, pos);
// we then convert the resultant string to a float value
// there is no validation/error correction right now...
temperature = atof(tempStr.c_str());
// based on the unit we convert the temperature to Celsius if necessary
if(unit == 'f' || unit == 'F'){
temperature = farenheitToCelsius(temperature);
if(temperature > 10.0){
printf("The temperature you entered (%.2f degrees C) is too warm (it should be less than 10.00 degrees C)\n\n", temperature);
return 0;
printf("the windchill makes it feel like %.2f degrees.\n\n", windchill(windspeed, temperature));
return 0;
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