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Created October 12, 2015 20:06
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Convert standard ISO country codes to NetSuite's constants
* Convert standard ISO country codes to NetSuite's world
* @param $isoCode
* @return string|bool
public function convertCountryCode($isoCode)
$isoCode = strtoupper($isoCode);
$map = array(
'AF' => '_afghanistan',
'AX' => '_alandIslands',
'AL' => '_albania',
'DZ' => '_algeria',
'AS' => '_americanSamoa',
'AD' => '_andorra',
'AO' => '_angola',
'AI' => '_anguilla',
'AQ' => '_antarctica',
'AG' => '_antiguaAndBarbuda',
'AR' => '_argentina',
'AM' => '_armenia',
'AW' => '_aruba',
'AU' => '_australia',
'AT' => '_austria',
'AZ' => '_azerbaijan',
'BS' => '_bahamas',
'BH' => '_bahrain',
'BD' => '_bangladesh',
'BB' => '_barbados',
'BY' => '_belarus',
'BE' => '_belgium',
'BZ' => '_belize',
'BJ' => '_benin',
'BM' => '_bermuda',
'BT' => '_bhutan',
'BO' => '_bolivia',
'BA' => '_bonaireSaintEustatiusAndSaba',
'BW' => '_bosniaAndHerzegovina',
'BV' => '_botswana',
'BR' => '_bouvetIsland',
'VG' => '_brazil',
'IO' => '_britishIndianOceanTerritory',
'BN' => '_bruneiDarussalam',
'BG' => '_bulgaria',
'BF' => '_burkinaFaso',
'BI' => '_burundi',
'KH' => '_cambodia',
'CM' => '_cameroon',
'CA' => '_canada',
'CV' => '_capeVerde',
'KY' => '_caymanIslands',
'CF' => '_centralAfricanRepublic',
'TD' => '_ceutaAndMelilla',
'CL' => '_chad',
'CN' => '_chile',
'HK' => '_china',
'CX' => '_christmasIsland',
'CC' => '_cocosKeelingIslands',
'CO' => '_colombia',
'KM' => '_comoros',
'CG' => '_congoDemocraticPeoplesRepublic',
'CD' => '_congoRepublicOf',
'CK' => '_cookIslands',
'CR' => '_costaRica',
'CI' => '_coteDIvoire',
'HR' => '_croatiaHrvatska',
'CU' => '_cuba',
'CY' => '_cyprus',
'CZ' => '_czechRepublic',
'DK' => '_denmark',
'DJ' => '_djibouti',
'DM' => '_dominica',
'DO' => '_dominicanRepublic',
'EC' => '_ecuador',
'EG' => '_egypt',
'SV' => '_elSalvador',
'GQ' => '_equatorialGuinea',
'ER' => '_eritrea',
'EE' => '_estonia',
'ET' => '_ethiopia',
'FK' => '_falklandIslands',
'FO' => '_faroeIslands',
'FJ' => '_fiji',
'FI' => '_finland',
'FR' => '_france',
'GF' => '_frenchGuiana',
'PF' => '_frenchPolynesia',
'TF' => '_frenchSouthernTerritories',
'GA' => '_gabon',
'GM' => '_gambia',
'GE' => '_georgia',
'DE' => '_germany',
'GH' => '_ghana',
'GI' => '_gibraltar',
'GR' => '_greece',
'GL' => '_greenland',
'GD' => '_grenada',
'GP' => '_guadeloupe',
'GU' => '_guam',
'GT' => '_guatemala',
'GG' => '_guernsey',
'GN' => '_guinea',
'GW' => '_guineaBissau',
'GY' => '_guyana',
'HT' => '_haiti',
'HM' => '_heardAndMcDonaldIslands',
'VA' => '_holySeeCityVaticanState',
'HN' => '_honduras',
'HU' => '_hungary',
'IS' => '_iceland',
'IN' => '_india',
'ID' => '_indonesia',
'IR' => '_iranIslamicRepublicOf',
'IQ' => '_iraq',
'IE' => '_ireland',
'IM' => '_isleOfMan',
'IL' => '_israel',
'IT' => '_italy',
'JM' => '_jamaica',
'JP' => '_japan',
'JE' => '_jersey',
'JO' => '_jordan',
'KZ' => '_kazakhstan',
'KE' => '_kenya',
'KI' => '_kiribati',
'KP' => '_koreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublic',
'KR' => '_koreaRepublicOf',
'KW' => '_kuwait',
'KG' => '_kyrgyzstan',
'LA' => '_laoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic',
'LV' => '_latvia',
'LB' => '_lebanon',
'LS' => '_lesotho',
'LR' => '_liberia',
'LY' => '_libya',
'LI' => '_liechtenstein',
'LT' => '_lithuania',
'LU' => '_luxembourg',
'MK' => '_macedonia',
'MG' => '_madagascar',
'MW' => '_malawi',
'MY' => '_malaysia',
'MV' => '_maldives',
'ML' => '_mali',
'MT' => '_malta',
'MH' => '_marshallIslands',
'MQ' => '_martinique',
'MR' => '_mauritania',
'MU' => '_mauritius',
'YT' => '_mayotte',
'MX' => '_mexico',
'FM' => '_micronesiaFederalStateOf',
'MD' => '_moldovaRepublicOf',
'MC' => '_monaco',
'MN' => '_mongolia',
'ME' => '_montenegro',
'MS' => '_montserrat',
'MA' => '_morocco',
'MZ' => '_mozambique',
'MM' => '_myanmar',
'NA' => '_namibia',
'NR' => '_nauru',
'NP' => '_nepal',
'NL' => '_netherlands',
'NC' => '_newCaledonia',
'NZ' => '_newZealand',
'NI' => '_nicaragua',
'NE' => '_niger',
'NG' => '_nigeria',
'NU' => '_niue',
'NF' => '_norfolkIsland',
'MP' => '_northernMarianaIslands',
'NO' => '_norway',
'OM' => '_oman',
'PK' => '_pakistan',
'PW' => '_palau',
'PS' => '_palestinianTerritories',
'PA' => '_panama',
'PG' => '_papuaNewGuinea',
'PY' => '_paraguay',
'PE' => '_peru',
'PH' => '_philippines',
'PN' => '_pitcairnIsland',
'PL' => '_poland',
'PT' => '_portugal',
'PR' => '_puertoRico',
'QA' => '_qatar',
'RE' => '_reunionIsland',
'RO' => '_romania',
'RU' => '_russianFederation',
'RW' => '_rwanda',
'BL' => '_saintBarthelemy',
'SH' => '_saintHelena',
'KN' => '_saintKittsAndNevis',
'LC' => '_saintLucia',
'MF' => '_saintMartin',
'VC' => '_saintVincentAndTheGrenadines',
'WS' => '_samoa',
'SM' => '_sanMarino',
'ST' => '_saoTomeAndPrincipe',
'SA' => '_saudiArabia',
'SN' => '_senegal',
'RS' => '_serbia',
'SC' => '_seychelles',
'SL' => '_sierraLeone',
'SG' => '_singapore',
'SK' => '_slovakRepublic',
'SI' => '_slovenia',
'SB' => '_solomonIslands',
'SO' => '_somalia',
'ZA' => '_southAfrica',
'GS' => '_southGeorgia',
'SS' => '_southSudan',
'ES' => '_spain',
'LK' => '_sriLanka',
'SD' => '_sudan',
'SR' => '_suriname',
'SJ' => '_svalbardAndJanMayenIslands',
'SZ' => '_swaziland',
'SE' => '_sweden',
'CH' => '_switzerland',
'SY' => '_syrianArabRepublic',
'TW' => '_taiwan',
'TJ' => '_tajikistan',
'TZ' => '_tanzania',
'TH' => '_thailand',
'TG' => '_togo',
'TK' => '_tokelau',
'TO' => '_tonga',
'TT' => '_trinidadAndTobago',
'TN' => '_tunisia',
'TR' => '_turkey',
'TM' => '_turkmenistan',
'TC' => '_turksAndCaicosIslands',
'TV' => '_tuvalu',
'UG' => '_uganda',
'UA' => '_ukraine',
'AE' => '_unitedArabEmirates',
'GB' => '_unitedKingdomGB',
'US' => '_unitedStates',
'UY' => '_uruguay',
'UZ' => '_uzbekistan',
'VU' => '_vanuatu',
'VE' => '_venezuela',
'VN' => '_vietnam',
'VI' => '_virginIslandsBritish',
'WF' => '_virginIslandsUSA',
'EH' => '_westernSahara',
'YE' => '_yemen',
'ZM' => '_zambia',
'ZW' => '_zimbabwe'
if (array_key_exists($isoCode, $map)) {
return $map[$isoCode];
return false;
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sago007 commented Jun 15, 2017

CL should be _chile
CN should be _china
HK should be _hongKong

The enums are for an older version of the api so there are more that needs to be changed but these tricked me.

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sago007 commented Jul 24, 2017

There also seems to be problems with: BA, BQ, BR, BV, BW, VG, VI, WF

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